meanwhile at the border


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01 Drohung mit Todeslisten
From: presse at slp dot at

02 Antifaschistische Kundgebung
From: infoladen-wels at liwest dot at
03 Pressekonferenz Bundesschulsprecherin
From: florian.steininger at aks dot at


04 2 Jahre nach Aufhebung
From: office at paragraph209 dot at
05 Strasser beschädigt Österreichs Ruf
From: gfbv.austria at chello dot at
06 from WIB Italy
From: womeninblack at listas dot nodo50 dot org
07 Terror oder Widerstand
From: wadi_wien at hotmail dot com
08 Göteborg - G8 2007 Deutschland
From: gipfelsoli-l at lists dot nadir dot org
09 project info
From: oliver.ressler at chello dot at
10 AKS stellt Bundesschulsprecherin
From: florian.steininger at aks dot at
11 The Earth ist melting
From: MailHub at ecoterra dot net
12 Weg mit Hartz IV
From: ast-lfi at utanet dot at
13 Graz, Gemeindewohnungen
From: Franz.Parteder at stadt dot graz dot at
14 Human Rights Express
From: Kurd-chr at bluewin dot ch



Diese Ausgabe hat (claudia dot volgger at chello dot at) zusammengestellt.

mehrere veraltete termine, 1 nwr gerücht, eine beitragsflut aus einem
newsletter, den interessierte selbst beziehne können

Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.

01 Drohung mit Todeslisten
From: presse at slp dot at

Eine Presseinformation der Sozialistischen LinksPartei (SLP)

Kurz vor 17.00 fand am Freitag den 17. September neuerlich eine
Konfrontation zwischen AntifaschistInnen und Aktivisten des rechtsextremen
Bundes Freier Jugend (BFJ) auf der Linzer Landstrasse statt. In den letzten
Monaten kam es durch Aktivisten des rechtsextremen BFJ wiederholt zu
Provokationen, Drohungen und Angriffen gegen AntifaschistInnen. Heute
schreckten sie auch nicht vor tätlichen Angriffen auf Jugendliche zurück.
Einer der BFJ-Aktivisten, der auch mit "Todeslisten" gegen AntifaschistInnen
drohte, ist bekannt.

In den letzten Wochen trat der BFJ unter dem Motto "Volksinteressen statt
Homoexzessen" in Erscheinung. PassantInnen und AntifaschistInnen, die
dagegen protestierten, wurden von BFJ-Aktivisten fotografiert (was
angesichts der Drohung mit Todeslisten eine ernsthafte Gefahr darstellt).
Nach Provokationen durch den BFJ kam es zu tätlichen Auseinandersetzungen,
ein Antifaschist wurde fast vor eine fahrende Straßenbahn gestoßen. Nur dem
entschlossenen Auftretens seitens vieler jugendlicher AntifaschistInnen ist
es zu verdanken, dass die Situation glimpflich ausgegangen ist und die
BFJ-Aktivisten noch vor dem Eintreffen der Polizei das Feld räumen mussten.

Die Sozialistische LinksPartei mobilisiert seit längerem, gemeinsam mit
anderen Gruppen, für eine antifaschistische Demonstration am 9. Oktober in
Linz. Dieser Angriff zeigt, dass die Rechtsextremen eine ernste Gefahr

Die Provokationen, Drohungen und Angriffe werden wir auch künftig nicht
hinnehmen, Linz hat eine starke, antifaschistische Tradition, die in den
kommenden Wochen noch stärker in Erscheinung treten wird.

Rückfragen unter 0699-12044002 oder 0650-424 63 10

mehr zum BFJ unter:

Sonja Grusch,
Sozialistische LinksPartei - SLP
Österr. Sektion des CWI


02 Antifaschistische Kundgebung
From: infoladen-wels at liwest dot at


Am SAMSTAG, den 9. OKTOBER findet in LINZ eine DEMONSTRATION GEGEN den "Bund
freier Jugend" und rechtsextreme Gewalt statt!!!

Auftaktkundgebung: 14.00 Uhr Abmarsch: 15.00 Uhr Schillerpark, Linz nach der
Demo Diskussion im "ann&pat"; ab 19.00 Uhr: "rock gegen rechts" - Eintritt
Bus um 3,- ab Wien, St. Pölten, Ybbs, Amstetten, Salzburg
Infos unter: 01-524 63 10 oder

Gemeinsam gegen rechte Gewalt

Der Bund Freier Jugend (BFJ) wurde Anfang 2003 gegründet und hat inzwischen
100 SymphatisantInnen in Linz und zudem Gruppen in Braunau, Wels,
Marchtrenk, Ansfelden und Ried. Der BFJ ist im Gegensatz zu vielen
Neonaziorganisationen der Vergangenheit im Stande, gut besuchte politische
Kundgebungen und Veranstaltungen, Sonnwendfeiern, Seminare etc.
durchzuführen ...

Wie bereits am 8. März 2003 hat der BFJ heuer am 20. März im Großraum Steyr
einen "Tag der volkstreuen Jugend" organisiert, bei dem auch diesmal wieder
führende Rechtsextremisten teilnahmen.


"Die rechtsextremen Nachwuchskader aus Oberösterreich sehen sich als
"Anlaufstelle für die Jugend - welche sich noch wehren möchte" und berichten
von einer "ordentliche[n] Zahl an aktiven Mitstreitern [...], welche
ihrerseits in unabhängigen Arbeitsgruppen Tätigkeiten verrichten". Neben der
Herausgabe der "Mitgliederzeitung" Jugend Echo erstrecken sich die
Aktivitäten des BFJ auf "Sonnwendfeiern" (bei der jüngsten im Raum Eferding
sollen 60 Personen teilgenommen haben), groß angelegte Flugblattaktionen,
Lesungen, Vorträge (z. B. referierte Stephan Mairinger in Wels über
"Antifaschismus"), gemeinsames Kampftrinken und Reisen zu deutschen Neonazis
oder von diesen veranstalteten Demonstrationen. Als "Grundpfeiler" ihrer
"Aktivitäten" nennt der BFJ "Zusammenhalt & Kameradschaft",
"Einsatzbereitschaft & Tapferkeit" sowie "Ehrlichkeit & Treue"." (Zitat
nachzulesen auf:, 21.3.04)

"Der aus der AFP-Jugend hervorgegangene Bund Freier Jugend (BFJ) bewegt sich
immer ungenierter im Milieu des deutsch-österreichischen Neonazismus. So
berichtet die Deutsche Stimme (9/2003, S. 6) von einer geplanten Beteiligung
des BFJ an der aufgrund ihres neonazistischen Charakters verbotenen
Demonstration zum "Gedenken" an den NS-"Helden" Walter Nowotny. Ende Juni
schickte der BFJ einen Bericht über seine Aktivitäten am 8. Mai "mit
volkstreuen Grüßen" auch an das neonazistische Aktionsbüro Norddeutschland,
welches ihn umgehend auf seiner Homepage veröffentlichte. Und auf der
neonazistischen Homepage Stoertebeker finden sich "ein paar Impressionen"
von der Neonazi-Demo in Schwäbisch Hall am 12. Juli, welche den Betreibern
von den "Kameraden" des BFJ zugesandt worden sind. Vor dieser Demonstration
rief der BFJ-Führungskader Stephan M. im Forum der Kameradschaft Germania
zur Teilnahme auf. " (Zitat nachzulesen auf:, 21.3.04)

03 Pressekonferenz Bundesschulsprecherin
From: florian.steininger at aks dot at


Sonntag, 19.9.2004

Aviso: Pressekonferenz der neuen Bundesschulsprecherin

Die frischgebackene Bundesschulsprecherin Selma Schmid wird ihre Ziele und
ihr Programm morgen, Montag, bei einer Pressekonferenz genau vorstellen.
Auch die Bundesvorsitzende der AKS wird dort Stellung zu den BSV-Wahlen

Ort: Cafe Landtmann, Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring 4, 1010 Wien
Beginn: 10:00 Uhr

Wir dürfen die VertreterInnen der Medien recht herzlich zu diesem Termin

Rückfragehinweis: Kim Kadlec, 0699/11408142
Selma Schmid, 0699/19208794


04 2 Jahre nach Aufhebung
From: office at paragraph209 dot at

Zwei Jahre nach Aufhebung
§ 209-Verhandlung
am Wiener Straflandesgericht

Einer der in Straßburg erfolgreichen Beschwerdeführer steht nun neuerlich
vor Gericht. Das Urteil aus 1997 ist vom Obersten Gerichtshof im
Erneuerungsverfahren aufgehoben worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat den
Strafantrag wegen § 209 jedoch nicht zurückgezogen. Also wird das Gericht
darüber neuerlich entscheiden müssen.
Die Verteidigung wird Freispruch wegen § 209 und umfassende Entschädigung

Das Gericht wird aber jedenfalls eine Strafe verhängen müssen, weil die
seinerzeitige Verurteilung auch wegen Unterschlagung erfolgte. Der Mann
hatte damals eine leere (!) gebrauchte Geldtasche gefunden und seinem
Partner geschenkt. In diesem Punkt hat der OGH den seinerzeitigen
Schuldspruch nicht aufgehoben. Dafür wird das Gericht nun eine neue Strafe
zu bemessen haben. 8 Jahre nach der Tat.

Richter ist Dr. Schrammel, der sich als einziger Richter geweigert hatte,
einen § 209-Angeklagten zu verurteilen. Das Oberlandesgericht Wien hatte ihn
daraufhin dazu gezwungen.

Die Hauptverhandlung findet statt am

Dienstag, 21. September 2004 (09.00)
Landesgericht für Strafsachen Wien
Wien 8, Wickenburggasse 22
Saal 311 (3. Stock)

Die Verhandlung ist öffentlich. Jede/r, der/die mindestens 14 Jahre alt und
unbewaffnet ist, hat Zutritt. Es wird jedoch darauf hingewiesen, daß die
Veröffentlichung des Bildes bzw. des Namens (auch abgekürzt oder Initialen)
des Beschuldigten gesetzlich verboten ist und ausdrücklich untersagt wird.
Dies gilt auch für jede sonstige Veröffentlichung, die Rückschlüsse auf die
Identität des Beschuldigten zuläßt.

Plattform gegen § 209, Tel.: 01/8763061,,

05 Strasser beschädigt Österreichs Ruf
From: gfbv.austria at chello dot at

Wien/Luxemburg/Göttingen, den 17. September 2004

Strasser beschädigt den guten Ruf Österreichs: Keine Auffanglager für
Flüchtlinge aus Tschetschenien in der Ukraine!

Der österreichische Innenminister Ernst Strasser beschädigt mit
seinem Vorschlag, für tschetschenische Flüchtlinge in der Ukraine
Auffanglager zu errichten, nach Auffassung der Gesellschaft für
bedrohte Völker International den guten Ruf Österreichs.
"Schutzsuchende Tschetschenen in einem Land festhalten zu wollen, das
diese Genozidflüchtlinge regelmäßig wieder an den Täterstaat Russland
ausliefert, ist eine Provokation für die Völkerverständigung und die
internationale Humanität", erklärten der Präsident der GfbV
International, Tilman Zülch (Göttingen), und der Vizepräsident André
Rollinger (Luxemburg) am Freitag.

"Die österreichische Regierung müsste wissen, dass 20 Prozent des
tschetschenischen Volkes - etwa 160.000 Menschen - den Angriffen
russischer Truppen seit 1994 zum Opfer gefallen sind", mahnten die
Menschenrechtler. "Die österreichische Regierung müsste wissen, dass
Grosny nach den Vorbildern Dresden oder Rotterdam dem Erdboden
gleichgemacht wurde. Die österreichische Regierung müsste auch
wissen, dass rund 50.000 tschetschenische Kinder so zu Waisen wurden
und etwa 10.000 tschetschenische Kinder Invaliden sind, die
Gliedmaßen oder das Augenlicht verloren haben.

Vor allem erinnern wir die österreichische Regierung jedoch daran,
dass der Ruf Österreichs bis heute darunter leidet, was den Wiener
Juden angetan wurde. Jene, die zunächst überlebten, wurde oft die
Aufnahme in einem Fluchtland verweigert, so dass sie doch noch ums
Leben kamen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass der Vorschlag des
Innenministers schnell zurückgezogen wird, da die österreichische
Regierung sicherlich nicht an diese böse Tradition anknüpfen möchte."

Im übrigen habe sich Strasser auch darin geirrt, dass die
Tschetschenen demselben "Kulturkreis" angehörten wie die Ukrainer
oder Russen. Die Tschetschenen sprechen eine autochthone
nichtslawische Sprache und gehörten dem kaukasischen Kulturkeis an.

06 from WIB Italy
From: womeninblack at listas dot nodo50 dot org

>Dear Friends,
>Last week Simona Pari, Simona Torretta, Mahnaz Bassam and Ra'ad Ali
>Abdul-Aziz were kidnapped in Baghdad. As many of you know, they were
>working for "A Bridge to .." and other Italian NGOs working in Iraq.
>These organizations had been active there prior to the war, during the
>long period of the embargo, and notwithstanding the decision of the
>Italian government to support the war, had remained to work with the
>Iraqi people. During the past week, appeals have been made all over the
>world, deploring the kidnapping and calling for the release of the four
>who were taken . In Italy, thousands of people have taken to the
>streets with the Moslem community in the forefront of the protests. We
>see this outcry as a testimony in favour of the work which they were
>doing in Iraq.
>In Rome, a small group of Women in Black met with Simona Pari at the
>International Women's House in May. Simona was waiting to return to
>Baghdad to continue her work in the Iraqi schools, work aimed at
>rebuilding the web of relationships which had been destroyed by the war
>and at building a peaceful society. We asked her many questions about
>what she was doing and about the situation there. She answered them
>patiently and intelligently, and slowly a plan emerged which called for
>the visit of a group of Italian Women in Black to Iraq. We told her of
>our eagerness to meet with Iraqi women to build the bridges which
>constitute the basis of our movement. Simona placed her experience at
>our disposal, and we were grateful.
>We asked her whether she wasn't afraid to be in Baghdad, with the
>Italian army helping the US to "export democracy". We asked whether she
>didn't feel that she was seen as part of the forces of occupation. She
>told us that she was not afraid, that their situation in Baghdad was
>guaranteed by the network of links which had been built with the civil
>society, links which had been consolidated during years of hard work.
>No one knows who kidnapped Simona and the others. Ra'ad Ali Abdul-Aziz
>is an Iraqi engineer who we heard speak in Rome, in March, at the
>University where a conference was held on the value of water. But
>thinking back to our conversation with Simona we believe that this
>kidnapping demonstrates that the civil society of which she spoke, and
>in which she felt safe and protected, is in fact deeply threatened. The
>kidnapping of these peopled aims to break the links which still exist
>between the Iraqi people and the outside world, and to destroy the hope
>for peace. This is a tactic which we have seen used in other areas of
>We thought we could go to Iraq in October. Who knows if this will be
>possible. If there were enough of us, thousands of us, going there now
>would make sense.
>Those who want peace have gifts in their hands, not guns, and have
>smiles on their faces like those of Simona Pari and Simona Torretta.
>Millions of people all over the world have spoken out for peace, so far
>in vain. But we must continue saying calling for an end to the war, for
>an end to violence, in every way that we can. We must stand behind the
>optimism shown by Simona in her work with "A Bridge to .." in the search
>for understanding, knowledge and dialogue between people.
>Our government says that Italy is in Iraq on a humanitarian mission, but
>our soldiers carry guns. We ask the Italian Government to withdraw from
>Iraq, now. We ask you to ask your governments to do the same.
>We wait for Simona to take up together our path to peace.
>Women in Black, Italy

07 Terror oder Widerstand
From: wadi_wien at hotmail dot com

Terror oder Widerstand

Zwei italienische Pazifistinnen wurden im Irak entführt. Die
Friedensbewegung debattiert nun die Frage der Solidarität mit dem
»irakischen Widerstand«.

von federica matteoni

In Bagdad arbeiteten sie am Wiederaufbau von Bildungsprojekten für die
italienische NGO »Eine Brücke für .«. In der irakischen Hauptstadt fühlten
sich Simona Torretta und Simona Pari sicher, denn sie arbeiteten »auf der
Seite der irakischen Bevölkerung«, wie sie an ihre Familien schrieben. Am
Dienstag vergangener Woche fielen die beiden Friedensaktivistinnen
irakischen Kidnappern zum Opfer.

Die 29jährigen wurden von einem rund 20köpfigen Kommando aus ihrem Büro
mitten in Bagdad verschleppt. Augenzeugen berichten, die bewaffneten
Kidnapper hätten die Namen von Pari und Torretta »aus einer
vorgelesen und dann die beiden Frauen, zusammen mit zwei irakischen
Mitarbeitern der NGO, Ra'as Alí Abdul-Aziz und Mahnaz Bassam, mitgenommen.
Diesmal wurde kein Bekennervideo von arabischen Sendern ausgestrahlt.
Stattdessen erschien am Tag nach der Entführung auf der Internetseite
ein Bekennerschreiben einer bislang unbekannten Gruppe
namens »Ansar al-Zawahiri«, benannt nach dem als Vize-Chef des
Terrornetzwerks al-Qaida geltenden ägyptischen Arzt. Der italienischen
Regierung wurde eine Frist von 24 Stunden gesetzt, um »alle im Irak
inhaftierten moslemischen Frauen« freizulassen. Andernfalls werde Italien
niemals erfahren, was mit den beiden Geiseln geschehen sei.

Das Bekennerschreiben wird jedoch für unglaubwürdig gehalten: Es existiere
keine islamistische Gruppe mit diesem Namen, erklärten Geheimdienstexperten.
Auch die Authentizität eines weiteren, am Sonntag auf der Internetseite
»« erschienenen Ultimatums des Islamischen Jihad blieb zunächst
unklar. Der Regierung wurde eine Frist von 24 Stunden gesetzt, um ihre
Truppen aus dem Land abzuziehen. Andernfalls werde den beiden Frauen »die
Kehle durchgeschnitten werden, wie Gott es will«.

Während die italienische Regierung sich diesmal auf »dem französischen
um Verhandlungen bemüht setzt, lässt auch die Friedensbewegung nach einer
langen Phase des Schweigens ihre Stimme wieder vernehmen, und zwar mit einer
Massenmobilisierung. Am Freitag gingen zehntausende von Menschen in Rom auf
die Straße. Ihre nicht an die Kidnapper, sondern an die italienische
Regierung gerichtete Forderung lautete: »Lasst sie frei.«

»Mit >sie< meinen wir unsere Genossinnen und gleichzeitig das ganze
irakische Volk, das von diesem Krieg in Geiselhaft genommen wurde«,
erklärten die Initiatoren im Interview mit Radio Onda Rossa. Das ist die
herrschende Position innerhalb der italienischen Friedensbewegung, welche
die Entführung der Pazifistinnen nicht als terroristischen Akt irakischer
Guerillas bezeichnen will. Vielmehr wird sie als Beweis für die vom Krieg im
Irak in Gang gesetzte »Gewaltspirale« gedeutet. Daher sei die einzige
Lösung, um die Freilassung der Geiseln zu erreichen, ein Truppenabzug aus
dem Irak, da der Terror nichts anderes sei als eine Antwort auf die
Besatzung. Eine sehr simple
Gleichung. Diese Haltung, die im Verhältnis
zwischen Krieg und Terror einen Automatismus sieht, wurde vom Vorsitzenden
der kommunistischen Rifondazione, Fausto Bertinotti, scharf kritisiert. Für
die Linke sei es notwendig, sich ernsthaft mit der Frage des Terrors
auseinanderzusetzen, der nicht eine automatische Konsequenz von Krieg, Armut
und Verzweiflung sei, sondern sich als politisches Projekt konstituiere.
Gegen dieses Projekt müsse sich die Linke eindeutig positionieren.

Bertinottis Kritik löste in den meisten linken Zeitungen und Internetforen
eine heftige Diskussion über die grundsätzlichen Positionen der
Friedensbewegung aus, insbesondere über die weit verbreitete Solidarität mit
dem »irakischen Widerstand«. Der Freilassung der beiden Frauen wird diese
Diskussion kaum nützen. Aber sie könnte für die Bewegung einige Perspektiven

Jungle World, Nummer 39 vom 15. September 2004

Wadi - Verband für Krisenhilfe und solidarische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Tel.: 0664/9972139

Spendenkonto in Österreich:
Kontonummer 07.405.301
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft eG BLZ 31800

Spendenkonto in Deutschland
Kontonummer 612305-602
bei der Postbank Frankfurt/M. BLZ: 500 100 60

Website mit weiteren Informationen zu Projekten von Wadi e. V. und
politischen Hintergrundinfos:

08 Göteborg - G8 2007 Deutschland
From: gipfelsoli-l at lists dot nadir dot org

Gipfelinfo - Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung

- M-V will G8 Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm haben


On Thursday, 23rd September, a demonstration will be held to demand freedom
a fair trial for Dutch Maarten Blok. The demonstration will gather in
Park, Helsinki centre, at 15hrs.

Maarten Blok's trial starts in Gothenburg on Thursday, and during the day
will be support demonstrations in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Oslo and Amsterdam.

- The evidences against Blok are without any ground, and he should have got
fair trial in The Nederlands instead of Sweden. Gothenburg court is not
politically neutral and those convicted for Gbg-demonstrations have got
sentences on political, not juridical basis, says Meindert de Vries, a
living in Helsinki.

- Therefore we demand freedom for Maarten and a critical review of the
'political' trials in Gothenburg.

Maarten Blok is one of the 454 persons arrested by Gothenburg Police in June
2001 during the EU Summit, when the police - a day before demonstrations -
surrounded a school provided by the city council for the demonstrators'
accommodation. Blok escaped from Hvitfeldska school by climbing over the
containers used to keep people inside the surrounded area, and now he's
for hitting a police on one of the containers.

Blok's defence has got video material and witnesses to prove Blok did not
violently. Charges against him are based on testimonies of four police eye-

In summer 2001, five Swedish police were ready to testify as eye-witnesses
well, when Finnish Mika Koverola was suspected of leading a violent riot.
Koverola was released after three weeks custody, when it was found out that
had been having a picnic during the riot. Gothenburg police has also
evidence in Gothenburg court cases.

- Legal basis of the surrounding of Hvitfeldska school is still
questionable. In
summer 2003 the Swedish ombudsman demanded charges against police chief
Jaldung, who was responsible of the action. Jaldung's trial continues in the
beginning of October, says Heini Salmela, who has been following Gothenburg

Maarten Blok is the first Gothenburg demonstrator whom Sweden has demanded
to be
extradited for a trial. Blok was extradited to Sweden on 1st September.

- The chance of Maarten getting a fair trial in Sweden is deemed to be
The Gothenburg court has not been objective in comparable cases, relies on
'flawless' police witnesses who contradict one another as well as
evidence and hands-out extremely high sentences. In short, it is more
in setting examples than in justice, says Maarten Blok's Dutch support group
their website.

More information:
Meindert de Vries: +358-45-650 6693 (Helsinki, in English)
Heini Salmela, +358-44-098 0998 (Other ongoing court cases connected to
Gothenburg demonstrations, Gbg2001 backgrounds) (Maarten Blok's support campaign)


M-V will G8 Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm haben

Die rot-rote Regierung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns wirbt aktiv darum den
deutschen G8-Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm (bei Rostock) auszutragen. Noch ist
nichts entschieden, aber das der elitäre Seebadeort auserkoren wird, ist

G8-Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm
Der nächste G8 Gipfel kommt erst in nicht mehr ganz drei Jahren nach
Deutschland, aber schon jetzt beginnen sich die potenziellen Ausrichter zu
Nach einem Artikel der Allgemeinen Hotel- und Gaststätten-Zeitung (35.
2004 vom 28. August 2004
) wirbt der Wirtschaftminister Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Otto Ebnet aktiv
den Gipfel in Heiligendamm austragen zu lassen.
Das die Wahl auf diese Stadt fallen wird ist nicht unwahrscheinlich.

Einerseits wurde Heiligendamm, die weiße Stadt am Meer in den letzten Jahren
immer mehr zu einem mondänen Badeort der Schönen und Reichen ausgebaut.
weniger wohlhabende Gäste eben auch weniger Willkommen sind, so gab es eine
Diskussion den Strand vor dem Kempinski Grand Hotel zu privatisieren. Diese
Stadt würde somit ein passendes Ambiente für einen elitären Zirkel von
Weltregierern bieten.
Andererseits ist mit Rostock die größte Stadt Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns nur
20 Kilometer entfernt und die Region kann als Touristenregion mit einer
ausreichend großen Anzahl von Betten aufwarten, um den ganzen Tross des
unterzubringen. Zudem verfügt Rostock spätestens seit der Ausrichtung der
2003 über eine geeignete Infrastruktur für die Ausrichtung des Gipfels in
nächster Nähe.
Ausserdem ist Mecklenburg-Vorpommern als Austragungsort geradezu ideal.
Einerseits wegen seiner niedrigen Besiedelungsdichte, die eine große rote
möglich macht und eine starke regionale Mobilisierung erschwert. Die
der Gegend: flaches und offenes Gelände macht eine Überwachung aus der Luft
ziemlich einfach. Und ausserdem weist MV (Berlin und Hamburg ausgenommen)
sehr große Distanz zu Mobilisierungshochburgen in Deutschland und Westeuropa
Ein wenig anachronistisch erscheint es schon, dass sich gerade das rot-rot
regiert Bundesland um die Austragung eines neoliberalen Gipfels des
selbsterwählten Herrscher der Welt bemüht, aber zum Gelde strebt doch alles.
Denn der Gipfel kann sehr wohl als staatlich finanziertes Paket zur Stärkung
regionalen Wirtschaft verstanden werden: Hohe Bettenausbuchung, großer
von Menschen ob für oder gegen den Gipfel, eine Auslastung der Polizei und
gutbezahlte Überstunden, globale Werbung für einen elitären Badeort...
Die Vorbereitungen der Veranstalter scheinen also schon langsam in Fahrt zu
kommen, jetzt heißt es also abwarten, ob der Gipfel, das nächste große
für die globalisierungskritische Linke in Deutschland, sich tatsächlich in
Heiligendamm verstecken wird. Falls dem so sein wird, so werden wir die
Staatschefs nicht alleine lassen. Zuerst kommen aber noch die G8-Gipfel in
Schottland 2005 ( und Russland 2006.

[, von Anti-G8 Greifswald - 17.09.2004 13:34]

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09 project info
From: oliver.ressler at chello dot at

Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies

A public intervention in De Pijp, Amsterdam
by Oliver Ressler

These days it is becoming extremely difficult to imagine alternative
social and economic structures for a society radically different from
the capitalist society in which we are forced to live. This project,
which is being carried out in public inner-city spaces in De Pijp,
Amsterdam, is based on ideas that might be of interest when considering
the principles on which an alternative to the existing system could be
based. The project consists of a series of postcards and many hundreds
of posters, put up at different locations in De Pijp, a district in
which gentrification, as part of a larger economic transformation
process, has been causing social conflicts in recent years. The poster
and postcard texts, with their large and highly visible fonts, are in
the form of appeals, questioning existing dominant power relationships
and indicating alternatives that share the rejection of the capitalist
system of rule. Some of the ideas presented in this project have been
elaborated upon in concepts such as "Participatory Economy” or
"Inclusive Democracy”.

The project in De Pijp uses the format of posters and postcards as
arenas for the imagination during the next weeks. "Imagination is a very
powerful liberating tool. If you cannot imagine something different you
cannot work towards it”, explains Marge Piercy in a video interview
conducted for the ongoing exhibition project "Alternative Economics,
Alternative Societies”, to which this project is related (check out

The poster texts read:






The intervention "Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” is
curated by Amiel Grumberg and takes place in the framework of the
project "Quicksand in De Pijp” by SKOR and Combiwel. Quicksand is a
program of artistic interventions taking place in De Pijp neighborhood
starting in September 2004. This public art project brings together six
international contemporary artists from a wide range of age groups and
backgrounds: Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil (France, 1968), Mircea Cantor
(Romania, 1977), Jota Castro (Peru, 1965), Jean-Luc Moulène (France,
1955), Oliver Ressler (Austria, 1970), Sebastian Romo (Mexico, 1973).
I dedicate my intervention in De Pijp to Amiel Grumberg, who died last
week in Amsterdam.

The exhibition project "Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies” is
currently or very soon on display at:

Wyspa Progress Foundation, Gdansk (PL), till 03.10.04 ("Health and Safety”)
Itaucultural Institute, Sao Paulo (BR), till 26.09.04 ("Emoção
Art.ficial II”)
Conde Duque Cultural Centre, MediaLabMadrid, Madrid (E), 30.09.04 –
31.10.04 (solo-show)
Forum Stadtark, Graz (A), Steirischer Herbst, 08.10. – 28.11.04 ("There
must be an alternative”)

10 AKS stellt Bundesschulsprecherin
From: florian.steininger at aks dot at

Pressemeldung der Aktion kritischer SchülerInnen


Sonntag, 19.9.2004

AKS stellt Bundesschulsprecherin
Utl.: Selma Schmid mit Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit gewählt

Bei den heutigen Wahlen der BundesschülerInnenvertretung in
Strobl/Wolfgangsee konnte sich die Kandidatin der AKS (Aktion kritischer
SchülerInnen), Selma Schmid, mit 16 zu acht Stimmen deutlich gegen ihren
Gegenkandidaten durchsetzen. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte hält die AKS
damit zwei Jahre hintereinander die deutliche Mehrheit in der

"Ich freue mich schon sehr auf die Arbeit im nächsten Jahr", so
kommentierte Schmid ihre Wahl zur höchsten Vertreterin von 1,2 Millionen
SchülerInnen, für deren Interessen sie sich "mit ganzer Kraft" einsetzen
will. Überraschend kam das eindeutige Ergebnis insofern, als dass im
Voraus von einem Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen der beiden KandidatInnen ausgegangen
wurde: "Meine Projekte haben offensichtlich überzeugt, da sie die
SchülerInnen im Kampf für dringend notwendige Verbesserungen im
Bildungssystem unterstützen", so Schmid.

Gratulationen kamen von der Bundesvorsitzenden der AKS, Kim Kadlec:
"Dieses Ergebnis ist ein enormer Erfolg für uns alle. Es bestätigt
wiederum, dass unsere Vorstellung von einer besseren Schule und
Gesellschaft keine Eintagsfliege, sondern bei den SchülerInnen
kontinuierlich mehrheitsfähig ist."

Gewählt wird der/die BundesschulsprecherIn am Anfang jedes Schuljahres von
den insgesamt 27 LandesschulsprecherInnen (eine/r pro Schulartbereich und
Land) und zwei VertreterInnen der Zentrallehranstalten. Dieses Jahr waren
vier Personen nicht anwesend und eine Stimme ungültig.

Honorarfreie Bilder von Selma Schmid auf Anfrage.

Rückfragehinweis: Kim Kadlec, 0699/11408142
Selma Schmid, 0699/19208794

11 The Earth ist melting
From: MailHub at ecoterra dot net

The Earth is Melting, Arctic Native Leader Warns

By J.R. Pegg

WASHINGTON, DC, September 16, 2004 (ENS) - An Arctic native leader offered a
passionate plea to the U.S. government and its citizens Wednesday to
aggressively combat climate change. Addressing a Senate Commerce Committee
hearing on global warming, Inuit Circumpolar Conference Chair Sheila
Watt-Cloutier said the Inuit are already suffering dramatic changes to their
Arctic environment.

Watt-Cloutier, who represents the 155,000 Inuit in Greenland, Canada, Alaska
and the Russian Federation, described the Inuit struggle as "a snapshot of
what is happening to the planet."

"We find ourselves at the very cusp of a defining event in the history of
this planet," Watt-Cloutier told the senators. "The Earth is literally

Inuit hunters and elders have been observing changes to their environment
for decades, Watt-Cloutier said, including unpredictable weather, melting of
permafrost and glaciers, decreasing sea ice, as well as the presence of new
species such as barn owls, robins and mosquitoes never seen before by the
Inuit people.

"If we can reverse the emissions of greenhouse gases in time to save the
Arctic, then we can spare untold suffering," said Watt-Cloutier.

"Protect the Arctic and you will save the planet," she said. "Use us as your
early warning system. Use the Inuit story as a vehicle to reconnect us all
so that we can understand the people and the planet are one."

Inuit elders fear climate change may mean their children and grandchildren
will not be able to continue their culture. (Photo courtesy Government of
the Northwest Territories )
Committee chair John McCain, an Arizona Republican, said a recent trip to
the Arctic showed him that "these impacts are real and consistent with
earlier scientific projects that the Arctic region would experience the
impacts of climate change at a faster rate than the rest of the world."
Wednesday's hearing was part of an ongoing effort by McCain to rally more
support for the climate stewardship bill he and Connecticut Democrat Joe
Lieberman have coauthored.

"We are the first generation to influence the climate and the last
generation to escape the consequences," McCain said.

The Arizona Senator's legislation would require some sectors of the U.S.
economy to enact mandatory reductions of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions -
the leading greenhouse gas.

The bill was defeated in the Senate last October by a vote of 53 to 44, but
supporters of the legislation said the vote was a watershed moment in the
U.S. debate over the issue of global warming.

It was the first action on the issue by the Senate in six years.

McCain said he is determined not to abandon the proposal, but he
acknowledges the bill has little support in the House or within the Bush

Although a new report from the White House on climate change cited studies
that linking rising temperatures to human activities, "officials have said
there is no change in the administration's policy position," McCain said.

President Bush is loathe to enforce mandatory greenhouse gas emissions
reductions on American industries and has repeatedly questioned the science
that points to the effects of these emissions on the climate.

Few doubt global warming is an international concern, but critics of the
administration note that the United States, which is responsible for more
than 25 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, must play a leading role
in efforts to limit consumption of fossil fuels.

New Jersey Democrat Frank Lautenberg said it is politics - not science -
that is prohibiting U.S. action on global warming.

Senator John McCain says he is convinced by scientific evidence that climate
change is a pressing issue of global importance, but he faces an uphill
battle to push the U.S. Congress to act. (Photo courtesy Office of the
"I am disturbed by the administration's shifting position on climate
change," Lautenberg said. "We need leadership at the top and we are not
getting it."
The hearing included testimony from authors of two recent studies that
indicate failure to curb global warming could have devastating effects.

One study, published in August in the journal "Science" shows that heat
waves in North America and Europe will become more intense, more frequent
and longer lasting during this century.

The second study, published in August in the "Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences" details how global warming will bring California a
dramatic increase in extreme heat and heat-related mortality and significant
reductions in Sierra snowpack, with cascading impacts on water supply.

The California study focused on two scenarios and showed that significant
changes in temperature are likely regardless of what is done in the
immediate future to reduce emissions.

"The greenhouse gases that we are emitting today will reside in the
atmosphere for decades, perhaps for a century - that makes this a pressing
problem," said study coauthor Daniel Cayan, a research meteorologist, with
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San

Under the study's lower emissions scenario, summer temperatures in
California will still rise 4 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the
century, with the length of the heat wave season extending from an average
of 115 days in a year to 149 to 162 days

But if nothing is done to curb the use of fossil fuels, summer temperatures
rise a dramatic 7.5 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the study, with
the length of the heat wave season increasing to 178 to 204 days.

"It is pretty clear that when we think of our kids and their kids they will
be wanting to deal with the lower emissions scenario," Cayan said.

Sheila Watt-Cloutier is the chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, which
represents 155,000 Inuit living in the Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada,
Greenland and Russia. (Photo courtesy Inuit Circumpolar Conference)
Watt-Cloutier told the commitee that the observations of the Inuit are
backed by the findings of Western scientists, in particular the work of the
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA).
The ACIA is an international team of 300 scientists, experts, and indigenous
residents of the Arctic region who are preparing a comprehensive analysis of
the impacts and consequences of climate variability and changes across the
region. Their final report is slated for release this November and paints a
worrying future for the Inuit.

The ACIA has found that in Alaska and western Canada, the average winter
temperatures have increased by as much as 3 to 4 degrees Celsius over the
past 60 years.

During the past 30 years, Arctic sea ice extent has decreased, on average,
by about 10 percent, and this change has been 20 percent faster during the
past two decades.

Continued melting of sea ice will lead to significant changes in the surface
reflectivity, cloudiness, humidity, exchanges of heat and moisture, and
ocean circulation, in particular along coastlines and near ice margins.

Watt-Cloutier said two major conclusions of ACIA report are that marine
species dependent on sea ice face an uncertain future and that global
warming will disrupt - and potentially destroy - the Inuit culture.

Warmer climates could bring insects with diseases the Inuit have never known
and the species they depend upon - such as the polar bear - are unlikely to
survive if global warming continues unabated.

"The ancient connection to our hunting culture may disappear within my
grandson's lifetime," Watt-Cloutier said. "My Arctic homeland is now the
health barometer for the planet."

Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 2004. All Rights Reserved.


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12 Weg mit Hartz IV
From: ast-lfi at utanet dot at

Weg mit Hartz IV! Gemeinsam gegen Agenda 2010!
(aus: Red Newsletter 122, Informationsdienst des ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt,
18. September 2004;

Folgendes Flugblatt wurde von unserer deutschen Schwestersektion
Arbeitermacht herausgegeben und in mehreren Städten bei den
Montagsdemonstrationen verteilt.

Woche für Woche demonstrieren wir gegen Hartz IV. Woche für Woche schließen
sich mehr Menschen in mehr Städten an. Wir sind Hunderttausende und werden
täglich mehr - vor allem in ostdeutschen Kommunen; immer mehr Montagsdemos
finden im ganzen Land statt.


Die Regierung und die Unternehmer können die Wut und Unzufriedenheit nicht
mehr leugnen.

Durch die Beschränkung des Arbeitslosengeldes auf ein Jahr und die
Abschaffung der Arbeitslosenhilfe wird die soziale Verelendung noch mehr
ausgeweitet. Allein in Berlin werden so von derzeit 170.000
ArbeitslosenhilfebezieherInnen ca. 50.000 aus dem künftigen Arbeitslosengeld
II (ALG II) rausfallen. Zwei Drittel von ihnen werden Frauen sein. Das alles
passiert vor dem Hintergrund steigender Preise, immer knapper werdender
Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze und immer höherer Eigenanteile für Renten-
oder Krankenversicherung.

Die schönen Worte der PolitikerInnen von SPD, Grünen, Union oder FDP
erweisen sich als plumpe Lügen. So sollen durch Hartz IV angeblich
Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden. Tatsächlich werden durch die verschärften
Regelungen des ALG II aber Billig- und Sklavenjobs geschaffen, die für ein
einigermaßen auskömmliches Leben nicht ausreichen und gleichzeitig bezahlte
Arbeitsplätze verdrängen. Wir sollen gezwungen werden, in Leiharbeitsfirmen
für 5 € oder weniger pro Stunde zu arbeiten! Das Wirtschaftsministerium will
750.000 Arbeitsplätze im kommunalen Bereich schaffen, die mit 1 bis 2 € die
Stunde vergütet werden. Die Entrechtlichung und der Druck der Hartz-Gesetze
treffen nicht nur Erwerbslose, sondern auch Beschäftigte.

So heißt es denn im einträchtigen Chor von Regierung und
Unternehmerverbänden "Löhne runter - Arbeitszeit rauf". Ob bei Siemens, bei
Daimler oder im Öffentlichen Dienst - die Arbeitszeit wird verlängert,
teilweise über 40 Stunden hinaus und die Löhne werden bis zu 30% gekürzt.
Das schafft zwar keine Arbeitsplätze, aber fette Gewinne.

Hartz IV und die Agenda sind kein Zufall. Sie sind Teil eines
Generalangriffs von Unternehmern und Regierungen in ganz Europa, ja der
ganzen Welt. Sie sind Resultat zunehmender internationaler Konkurrenz
zwischen den großen Wirtschaftsblöcken USA und Europa. Was uns geraubt wird,
soll ihre Profite vermehren; es dient der Aufrüstung und der Besetzung von
Ländern wie Afghanistan, Bosnien, Kosovo oder Mazedonien.

Wie werden wir mehr?

Gegen den Sozialraub gab es am 3. April Massendemonstrationen. In Berlin,
Köln und Stuttgart demonstrierten über 500.000 Beschäftigte, Erwerbslose,
RenterInnen, ImmigrantInnen, Azubis und SchülerInnen.

Bei Daimler schlossen sich 80.000 ArbeiterInnen und Angestellte dem
Aktionstag der IG Metall gegen die Arbeitszeitverlängerung und Lohneinbußen
bis zu 30 Prozent an. Bei VW wollen die Bosse - allen voran Herr Hartz -
jetzt ebenfalls massive Kürzungen durchsetzen.

Um erfolgreich zu sein, müssen wir die Montagsdemonstrationen ausweiten, vor
allem aber mit den betrieblichen Abwehrkämpfen in der Industrie und im
öffentlichen Dienst verbinden. Nur gemeinsam haben wir eine Chance.

In jeder Stadt sollte ein Bündnis zur Organisierung der Montagsdemos
gebildet werden, an dem alle Organisationen der Arbeiterbewegung - seien es
Gewerkschaften, Parteien, Erwerbsloseninitiativen oder
Jugendorganisationen -, der Linken, der ImmigrantInnen, der SchülerInnen,
der Studierenden, der Frauenbewegung zur Teilnahme aufgefordert sind.

Wo Rechte und Nazis auf den Montagsdemos auftauchen oder eigene Demos
abhalten, müssen diese organisiert von der Linken, den ImmigrantInnen und
der Arbeiterbewegung gestoppt und vertrieben werden!

Die lokalen Bündnisse müssen versuchen, sich in den Stadtteilen und
Betrieben zu verankern, dort Mobilisierungskomitees aufbauen oder bestehende
Strukturen wie Arbeitsloseninitiativen, gewerkschaftliche Betriebsgruppen
und Vertrauensleute auffordern, in diesem Sinne aktiv zu werden.

Die Bündnisse der Montagsdemonstrationen und die verschiedenen
Organisationen, die sie unterstützen, müssen zu einem bundesweiten Bündnis
vereinigt werden.

Die Grundlage dafür muss heute einfach und klar sein: Weg mit Hartz IV -
ohne Wenn und Aber! Auf dieser Grundlage soll eine bundesweite
Demonstration - ein Sternmarsch in Berlin am 3. oder, wenn nicht anders
möglich, am 2. Oktober organisiert werden.

Der 3. Oktober wäre sicher der bessere, weil direkter gegen den deutschen
Imperialismus gerichtete Termin: Nehmen wir den deutschen Kapitalisten und
ihrer Regierung ihren Feiertag! Nein zum Abfeiern der kapitalistischen
Wiedervereinigung, der "blühenden Landschaften", die nur in den Bilanzen von
Siemens, Daimler oder BMW existieren! Nein zu Hartz und Agenda 2010!

Verbindung in die Betriebe aufbauen!

Von zentraler strategischer Bedeutung für unsere Bewegung ist jedoch
folgende Frage: gelingt es uns, die Montagsdemos in einer Bewegung gegen die
laufenden Angriffe in den Betrieben, mit Massenstreiks gegen
Arbeitszeitverlängerung, Lohnkürzungen, Hartz und Agenda 2010 zu verbinden?

Es ist kein Schritt vorwärts, sich Figuren wie Lafontaine anzubiedern oder
runde Tische mit Fischer, Merkel und Co. zu organisieren.

Nur durch Massenaktionen auf der Straße wie Demos, Blockaden, Besetzungen
und Streiks in den Betrieben kann die Agenda gestoppt werden!

Wir begrüßen daher, dass sich mehr und mehr GewerkschafterInnen und
ArbeiterInnen den Demos anschließen. Wir begrüßen, dass viele lokale
Gewerkschaftsgliederungen zu den Montagsdemos aufrufen und in Bündnissen
vertreten sind.

Umso beschämender und schädlicher ist daher die Haltung von Sommer und der
DGB-Spitze, die rumeiern statt klar gegen die Angriffe der Regierung zu
mobilisieren! Sie machen damit Schröder und Co. die Mauer. Sie unterstützen
lieber die Regierung statt die Erwerbslosen. Sie tun das, weil damit
angeblich Schlimmeres - ein CDU-geführtes Kabinett - verhindert würde.
Selbst das ist dumm und naiv. Wer Schröder und Fischer nicht bekämpft,
bereitet umso sicherer Merkel, Koch, Stoiber und Westerwelle vor.

Daher müssen die Basis und die Linke in den Gewerkschaften organisiert für
einen Bruch mit der Politik des DGB-Vorstandes und zahlreicher Spitzen der
Einzelgewerkschaften kämpfen. Der DGB und die Einzelgewerkschaften müssen
die Montagsdemos ohne Wenn und Aber unterstützen, dafür in den Betrieben und
auf der Straße mobilisieren und ihre Gelder für die Aktionen zur Verfügung

Vor allem aber: sie müssen aktiv werden, um politische Streiks gegen die
Angriffe der Regierung zu führen. Der Abwehrkampf bei VW gegen die
Arbeitszeitverlängerung und gegen Lohnraub ist die nächste Gelegenheit dazu.
Die VW-ArbeiterInnen sollten zu Tausenden zur Demo nach Berlin mobilisiert
werden, um so die Gemeinsamkeit des Kampfes der Erwerbslosen und der
Beschäftigten eindrucksvoll zu zeigen.

Wir wissen aber auch aus der Erfahrung der letzten Jahre, dass die
Gewerkschaftsspitzen, dass die Bürokraten nur so weit gehen werden, wie wir
sie zwingen. Wir müssen daher in den Betrieben und in den Gewerkschaften
eine organisierte Opposition, eine klassenkämpferische Basisbewegung
aufbauen, die die Apparate zum Handeln zwingt, selbständig mobilisiert und
in dieser Auseinandersetzung auch eine alternative Führung zu den Sommers,
Peters, Bsirskes von unten aufbaut. Nur so können die Gewerkschaften wieder
zu Kampfinstrumenten der Mitglieder werden.

* Weg mit Hartz und Agenda 2010!
* Rücknahme von ALG II! Arbeitslosengeld von mindestens 1000 € für alle
* Kein Lohndumping! Weg mit Leiharbeit und PSA! Weg mit den kommunalen 1
* Keine Arbeitszeitverlängerung - für die flächendeckende 35-Stundenwoche
ohne Lohnverlust!
* Montagsdemos und Massenstreiks!

13 Graz, Gemeindewohnungen
From: Franz.Parteder at stadt dot graz dot at


Freitag, 17. September 2004

Grazer Gemeindewohnungen:

16.931 Unterschriften für Volksbefragung übergeben

In Graz wird es eine Volksbefragung über den Verkauf der Gemeindewohnungen
geben. Die KPÖ übergab am Freitag dem Bürgermeister 16.931 Unterschriften,
die nach dem steiermärkischen Volksrechtegesetz für diese Forderung
gesammelt worden waren.

Der Grazer Wohnungsstadtrat Kaltenegger: "Diese Aktion wurde notwendig,
nachdem sich ÖVP, SPÖ und FPÖ im Gemeinderat geweigert hatten, sich klar
gegen einen Ausverkauf der städtischen Wohnungen auszusprechen.

Alle bisherigen Beteuerungen der Rathausmehrheit, man denke gar nicht daran,
die Gemeindewohnungen zu verkaufen, sind längst widerlegt. So zum Beispiel
hat es nachweislich bereits Gespräche zwischen der stadteigenen Grazer Bau-
und Grünlandssicherungsgesellschaft (GBG) und Wohnbaugenossenschaften über
einen eventuellen Weiterverkauf der Wohnungen gegeben.

Die von Finanzstadtrat Riedler (SPÖ) in Auftrag gegebene "Studie" zur
strategischen Analyse der Wohnhausverwaltung der Stadt Graz soll das
gewünschte Ergebnis bringen: Ein Verkauf oder eine Ausgliederung sei
unbedingt notwendig. Schon der Zwischenbericht zeigt, mit welch
manipulativen Methoden man dies erreichen möchte."

In den nächsten Wochen wird die KPÖ gemeinsam mit betroffenen Mieterinnen
und Mietern und über alle Parteigrenzen hinweg in der Öffentlichkeit aktiv
dafür eintreten, dass möglichst viele Grazerinnen und Grazer von ihrem
demokratischen Recht Gebrauch machen und an der Volksbefragung teilnehmen.

Nur so könnte noch eine sozialpolitisch äußerst kurzsichtige Entscheidung
zum Verkauf städtischen Vermögens verhindert werden.

Rückfragehinweis: 0316 2062

14 Human Rights Express
From: Kurd-chr at bluewin dot ch

Kurdish Centre for Human Rights
Centre Kurde des Droits de l'Homme

Kurdisches Menschenrechtszentrum

Tel: +41 22 328 1984, Fax: +41 22 328 1983, Email: ,
Address: 15 rue des Savoises, 1205 Genève-SUISSE


English - No.: 8 / 2004

Human Rights Express Geneva,
: 17.09.2004

SDP sent 1000 petitions to TBMM (3/9/2004)

BURSA (DIHA) - Peace Platform of 1st September sent petitions to the Grand
National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) with aim of putting an end to operations
and of solving Kurdish Question in democratic ways.

Gathering petitions under the slogan of 'Give a signature for Peace',
members of Peace Platform of 1st September came together in front of the
Bursa Central Post Office to sent petition to TBMM. Head of Bursa Branch of
Socialist Democracy Party (SDP) Bulent Calik delivered a speech in the name
of the group who charted as "Long live fraternity of folks", "All of us
Kurds, Iraqi, Palestinian".

He said:
"Kurdish Question could not be solved, because of this, new operations and
the first symptoms of war started to appear on the scene. Peace and
Democracy should be supported especially in this period."

After they sent nearly 1000 petitions to TBMM, they dispersed uneventfully.


Forest fire in Hozat (3/9/2004)

TUNCELI (DIHA) - Fire burned forests in Hozat district of Tunceli. While it
was asserted that forest fire was started by soldiers who came to the area
for an operation, 12-firemen group of Hozat Forest Chief Office could not
enter the forest fire spot due to possible mains that may be laid on the

It was claimed that the forest was burned consciously by soldiers three
times in last months.

According to information obtained from local sources, military units began
an operation a few days ago in Hozat district. It was reported that Posa
forest fire which was started within the terms of the operation spread.
Moreover, it was asserted that yesterday, soldiers who set out for
operations burned Yuceldi (Sitken) village and 3 forests, namely, Karaoglan,
Posa and Gizori forests and villagers witnessed the event. On the other
hand, local sources reported that military units are positioned on

According to the information, Hozat Forest Chief Office has information
about the forest fire and although they came the area yesterday night with
12- fireman team, they could not enter the forest fire spot due to mines
that may be laid on the area.


Diyarbakir Platform of Democratic Youth: Turkish government does not want
peace (4/9/2004)

DIYARBAKIR (DIHA) - Evaluating the arrestment of 35 members of Human Shield
Initiative as 'fault of democracy', Diyarbakir Platform of Democratic Youth
stated, "Turkish government declared that they do not want peace by this
arrestments and applications but we as youth and people who live in this
region want peace."

Diyarbakir Platform of Democratic Youth reacted against arrestment of the
members of Human Shield Initiative in Cizre. Diyarbakir Platform of
Democratic Youth made an explanation in building of Diyarbakir Branch of
DEHAP about the arrestment in Cizre. Faruk Sehir talked in the name of the
Platform and he evaluated recent events as applications to oppress people.

Sehir said Human Shield Initiative is a practice of civil disobedience.
Stating that the group's car was damaged by the unknown person(s), Sehir
said, "Cizre district Governor said the group's march was forbidden by
Ministry of Internal Affairs and then the members of group were taken into
custody. Today members of Human Shield Initiative were arrested by the order
of court and they were sent to prison."

'Turkish government does not want peace'

Underlining that youth want peace, Sehir continued as follows:
"Turkish government declared that they do not want peace by this arrestments
and applications but we as youth and people who live in this region want
peace. We state that in order to construct a healthy peace operations should
be immediately stopped. We blame the government because of these
obstructions, attacks and arrestments. The attitude of government against
our peace demand is 'fault of democracy'."

'We support your freedom demands'

Stating that they support the Human Shield Initiative, a member of Istanbul
Socialist Youth Association, Basak Sahin said they will support them with
different demonstration and actions. He also condemned the arrestment of
Human Shield group. Sahin stated, "We support the freedom and peace demand
of Kurdish people."


Human shields were arrested (4/9/2004)

SIRNAK (DIHA) - 35 members of Human shield who set out from Diyarbakir to
reach Cizre with aim of impeding the operation that is held on Gabar
Mountain were arrested under the pretense of "Creating Antagonism within

The members of Human Shield Initiative, who were faced many obstacles and
were exposed to oppression during 2 days of their march, were arrested.
Yesterday afternoon, the members of Human Shield Initiative returned to the
city center because of barricade that was established by police, soldiers
and village guards. Cizre Governorship forbade Human Shield Initiative
march. The members of Human Shield Initiative made a statement and then set
out to go Gabar Mountain. The group was stopped by police and all of them
were taken into custody on Cizre Bridge. Transactions in Police Station
continued until 02:00 o'clock, and then 35 human shields were sent to Cizre
Public Prosecutorship.

35 human shields made depositions under the pretense that they violated 2911
numbered Meeting and Demonstration Law. Then the group was sent to Cizre
Court of General Criminal Jurisdiction and prosecutorship demanded that 35
human shield's surveillances. Court council took depositions of the 35
people and then decided to arrest them according to 104 numbered article of
CMUK, 'Creating Antagonism within Society'.

The names of the members of the Human Shield Initiative are as follows:
Mustafa Ayhan, Hulya Ozalp, Derya Tamris, Kenan Dogu, Sehmus Inci, M.Emin
Ciftci, Semih Sencer, Naime Kacak, Emrullah Eker, M.Abbas Kandemir, Sakir
Ozaydin, Hasan Orak, Hasan Eker, Tacettin Degirmenci, Omer Elbir, Suat
Bayram, Suat Isiktas, Seyfullah Yayla, Cihan Karasu, Sahin Aksahin, Idris
Elhakan, Turan Tezer, Mulayim Bilici, Ayse Carus, Bulent Aslan, Ramazan
Tekkaynar, Veysi Akar, Gultekin Arpa, Sedat Aktepe, Ferda Demir, Murat
Farisogullari, Mehmet Aykal, Ozlem Teke, Tulay Oner and Abdulvahap Atmýs.


Herdsmen was badly beaten up by village guards (6/9/2004)

SIIRT (DIHA) -Abdulkerim Ugur who is a herdsman in Ekinduzu (Ertivina)
village of Pervari, was badly beaten up by 20 village guards.

According to claims, two days ago son of Abdulkerim Ugur beat the sons of
village guards. After the event, approximately 20 village guards raided the
house of Abdulkerim Ugur and beat up him badly in his house. Ugur who was
injured from his head and different parts of his body were taken into Barman
State Hospital for treatment.


Representative of EP Uca: I am ready to be an intermediary (6/9/2004)

ISTANBUL (DIHA) - Attracting attention to the recent armed conflicts, a
member of European Parliament (EP) Fleknas Uca called out to People's
Defense Forces (HPG) and to Turkish state to put an end to war and she added
that she was ready to be an intermediary.

In the press statement she made, Fleknas Uca said, the issue of giving date
to Turkey for the start of the membership negotiations is one of the most
important issue of EP. In order to obtain EU membership, Turkey should
transact the criteria of Copenhagen all around the country and should
guarantee the rights of people putting an end to human rights violations and
preparing an immediate solution package. Uca said all applications that are
based on violence should be abolished. She called out to HPG and the Turkish
state to put an end to armed conflicts and she added that:

"I am ready to be an intermediary for peace."


Prohibited books and newspapers in Dortyol Semi-Open Prison (7/9/2004)

ADANA (DIHA) - A prisoner from Dortyol Semi-Open Prison, Salih Kisa made an
explanation through his family and said they were exposed to arbitrary
applications and they could not get journals, newspaper or books.

Being imprisoned on the charge of "Aid and support", Salih Kisa made an
explanation though his wife Nafi Ksa and emphasized that 3 political
prisoners in the prison could not read books, newspapers and journals.
Moreover, political prisoners cannot benefit from the right to open visit,
which is provided for the judicial prisoners. According to Kisa, there are
always guards in the meeting room when their families visit them and these
kinds of arbitrary applications have continued for 3 months. Rejecting
appearance of guards in the room of open visit during which they try to meet
their thirst for their family; Kisa said they faced such arbitrary
applications in other prisons too.


How life is going on in the village that Verheugen pays a visit? (8/9/2004)


DIYARBAKIR (DIHA) -The residents of Tuzla (Xweyli) village who were visited
by European Union's commissioner responsible for EU enlargement Gunter
Verheugen live in very difficult situation. Villagers live in tents and in
the school building since their financial situation do not allow them to
re-build their houses. Villagers do not want to experience previous pains
and they hope to live in a peaceful environment.

Re-migrated villagers of Tuzla (Xweyli) village of Lice that was evacuated
in 1995 by soldiers and that was visited by European Union's commissioner
responsible for EU enlargement Gunter Verheugen live under very bad

The main problem of villagers which also affected Verheugen is that
villagers have to live in the tents due to their financial conditions. When
villagers re-migrated from city to village in 2001 within the Remigration to
Village Project, they saw that there was no infrastructural preparation.
There was no telephone line. Moreover, cellular phones could not be used in
village. They demanded support from the state and they said that they were
exhausted due to war and pains which they did not want to experience
anymore. Children wanted executives to open their school that was closed 9
years ago.

"Soldiers burned our village and then said 'Don't worry'"

Narrating their experiences to DIHA, villagers demanded compensation of
their damages. Headman of Tuzla village Tahsin Yildiz said that their
village was burned in 7 November 1995, and added, "In that night soldiers
came. They gathered us in front of the mosque. Women were kept on one side
and men were kept on other side. Then they made a speech to us. They ordered
us to open doors. They poured something to houses then they burned all
village. They said us 'Don't worry' before they left the village. They
ordered us to evacuate the village in 3 days. We had to evacuate the

The case was sent to ECHR

Stating that there is no school for their children in the region, Yildiz
said, "After they allowed us to return, I came to village. I have been here
for 3 years. There are 30 houses in the village. 7 of them live in tents, 4
of them live in the school building and other live in the houses that they
built with their own efforts. We can only produce vegetables. We maintain
our life with agriculture. State did not help us in any way. We appeal to
governorship. We filed a suit against the state now the suit is on the
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). There is a school but it was not

'We do not want more pain'

57 years old Rabia Akgul who lives in a tent said,
"We suffered too much and we exposed to torture. We do not want to
experience them again. We have to live in a tent for 2 years. We are poor
and we need financial support."

'We returned but our children did not come'

Stating that they had to migrate Adana after their village was burned,
Abdurrahim Kaya who is the father of 9 children said, "Everybody evacuated
the village. We migrated to Adana but we could not support ourselves there.
I returned to my village this summer. I pitched a tent on my burned house
and I live in that tent. I produce vegetables. I demand state assistance."

'I tried to build my house for 3 years'

Stating that he re-migrated 3 years ago and started to construct a new house
for his family, Hasan Yavuz said he has performed effort to build a house
for 3 years without receiving any financial support from the state but he
could not finished the construction. Yavuz said that, "I cannot pay the rent
of my house that is in Diyarbakir. I am unemployed and I do not have any
revenue. I want state to help us."

'We want School'

Children are the main victims of all these worrisome events. Children do not
want to go far away from their villages. Children have to walk to other
villages to take courses in school. Children wanted a school as soon as

She was born in the year when the village was burned

Songul Demirbas who was born in the year when the village was burned is a
student in Lice. Going to her school by bus, Demirbas said she wanted to go
a school in her village.


Raid on a house in Mus (8/9/2004)

MUS (DIHA) - Today afternoon, soldiers and police raided house of Nimet
Salgut that is located on Yesilyurt Quarter of Mus. There is no surveillance
after the raid but the house is razed.

Soldier and police who wanted to make search on the denunciation of
providing aid and assistance to Kurdish People's Congress (KONGRA-GEL) razed
the house.

Nimet Salgut who gave information to DIHA said she did not understand why
soldiers and polices raided her house. Explaining that she did not know
anything about the denunciation, Salgut pointed, her children whose age
ranges from 4 to11 were shocked and escaped not wearing their shoes when
soldiers came. Salgut further said, "It is not possible to attribute meaning
to such a raid. My children are affected psychologically."


Free Citizens' Movement was surrounded in Yuksekova (8/9/2004)

HAKKARI (DIHA) - Free Citizens' Movement, that organized a campaign,
collected petitions and submitted them to Governorships, District
Governorships and Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) demanding release
of Abdullah Ocalan, were surrounded. An investigation was opened against 8
thousand people and 3 people were arrested in Yuksekova district of Hakkari.

Thousands of petitions were submitted to many cities' governorships and
TBMM. Although all petitions put into transaction, an investigation was
opened to the petitions that were submitted to Yuksekova district
governorship on order of Yuksekova governor.

3 were arrested

Free Citizens' Movement submitted 8,500 petitions to General Editor of
Yuksekova district governorship on 4th August. After the petitions were
submitted, 3 members of Free Citizens' Movement, Mecit Ucar, Ismail Kaya ve
Mehmet Akbaba, were taken into custody. The members of movement were sent to
Criminal Court of Peace and they were arrested under the pretense of
providing aid and assistance to KONGRA-GEL. 3 members of Free Citizens'
Movement were sent to Hakkari Closed Prison.

8 thousand 500 people will make deposition

After the arrestment of 3 members of movement, district governorship ordered
to prosecutorship open an investigation about people who submitted petition.
Prosecutorship opened an investigation about 8,500 people who submitted
petitions. Approximately 30 people were brought to Prosecutorship to make a
deposition within terms of investigations.

'Why did you submit petition?'

People who made deposition asserted that prosecutor said 'If you accept all
things that are written in the petition, you will be in trouble. According
to them, because of this threat many people could not accept the petitions.
It was recorded that many of them made deposition and said, "We submitted
these petitions for peace and remigration." Naciye Korkmaz went to
prosecutorship and made a deposition. She accepted all explanations in the
petition. She said prosecutor asked her, "Why did you submit this petition?
Do you know what you demand? Did you submit it for Ocalan?

These statements were written to petition that were submitted to district

* I am a Kurdish citizen of Turkish Republic and I accept Mr. Abdullah
Ocalan as my national leader. I believe that his ideas are very important in
the process of democratization of Turkey and resolution of Kurdish Question.
And I agree with his all ideas on this context I demand the release of Mr.
Abdullah Ocalan.

* Kurdish reality should be considered the main entity of democratization of
Turkey. Kurdish identity should be protected constitutionally and judicially
and Kurdish people should be recognized as one of the founder entity.

*I demand that state should apologize from all Kurdish people because of
inhuman treatment throughout decades and I demand that state should announce
that it would start a process of recognition and protection of Kurdish
people's social, cultural, economic and political rights. And in order to
enlighten the last 20 years of war I demand that state should establish an
impartial committee, namely 'The Committee of Investigation of Facts and


Women Human Shields were sent to Mardin (8/9/2004)

MARDIN (DIHA) -7 female members of 35 people-Human Shield group who were
arrested when they were on the way of Gabar Mountain of Cizre to prevent
operations were sent to Mardin E Type Closed Prison.

35 members of Human Shield Initiative were arrested on order of Cizre Court
of General Criminal Jurisdiction. Then all of the detainees were sent to
Cizre Closed Prison. According to obtained information, female members of
the group, Hulya Ozalp, Derya Tamris, Naime Kacak, Ayse Carus, Ozlem Teke,
Tulay Oner ve Ferda Demir were sent to Mardin E Type Closed Prison.


YJA Star female guerrilla was buried in Sýrnak (9/9/2004)

SIRNAK (DIHA) - YJA Star guerrilla Fatma Idem who shot herself during an
armed conflict with police in Afetevler quarter of Siirt was buried in

Dead body of Idem was taken from morgue of Siirt State Hospital by a crowded
group including human rights supporters and members of Democratic People's
Party (DEHAP). While the corpse was brought to Idýl with accompaniment of
hundreds of people, 2 thousand people participated to the funeral. The group
whose members are mostly women carried coffin to Seyit Hasan Cemetery
shouting slogans as "Martyrs do not die!"(Þehit Namýrýn), "HPG! Go to
front-line to make reprisal", "We will destroy world without Ocalan"
,"Woman, Life, Freedom", "Leader! We support you with our life and blood"
(Bi can bi xwin em bi terene)

After the funeral, the group paid a visit to Idem's family's house that is
located on Yeni Mahalle.

Her father is guerrilla too

Mother of Fatma Idem, Hamsa Idem gave information to DIHA and said her
daughter was fight for the freedom of Kurdish and Turkish people. Hamsa Idem
pointed, "She is martyr of all people who support wish." Emphasizing that
her husband was a guerrilla too, Idem said, "We do not swear for revenge. We
will say 'Peace' again and again fighting for peace. My daughter died on
this way."

'There were wounds on her body'

Washing dead body of Idem, Head of Siirt Women Branches of DEHAP Emine Oguz
said there were wounds and purple spots on Idem's face, waist, feet and

Head of Siirt Branch of Human Rights Association (IHD) Vetha Aydýn said,"
These wounds are not because of armed conflict. It was asserted that she was
drifted after armed combat car. These wounds may verify the event."


Black wreath to Holland Embassy (9/9/2004)

ANKARA (DIHA) - Members of DEHAP Ankara Youth Branch laid black wreaths to
Holland Embassy as a protest of the approval decision of Holland Ministry of
Justice about extradition of Nuriye Kesbir.

Members of DEHAP Ankara Youth Branch who protested the decision of Holland
Ministry of Justice about extradition of Nuriye Keser laid black wreaths to
Holland Embassy. Zeynep Adanc made a statement in the name of DEHAP Ankara
Youth Branch. Adanc said that the decision is political decision, she added
that, "While this decision was approved by Holland government, in Turkey
people were killed, the ears and heads of corpse were cut and villagers were
forced to migrate from their villages. All revolutionary prisoners and
Kurdish National Leader Abdullah Ocalan were exposed to strict isolation.
People were arrested with fake documents. Unfortunately, we still read news
about torture in police stations in the newspaper."

'The target is Kurdish Nation'

Stating that people who tried to solve Kurdish Question were punished in
Turkey, Adanc said, "All these show us that Holland Government should cancel
the decision. This decision is an outcome of accepting KANGRA-GEL as a
terrorist organization. This is a different reflection of international
conspiracy. In this context, Nuriye Kesbir could not be perceived as single
person, the target is Kurdish Nation.

Everybody should react against this decision."

Group carried placards reading "All of us are Kesbir", "No to extradition of
Kesbir", "Kesbir is Our Honor". After the statement group dispersed


The first application for mass graves (9/9/2004)

BITLIS (DIHA) - After the news about two mass graves in Tatvan district of
Bitlis were published, one family of a guerilla came to Bitlis and appealed
to Bitlis Public Prosecutorship to start an investigation about mass graves.

After the news about mass graves was issued by DIHA on 23 August under the
title of '2 mass graves were found not in Kosovo but in Bitlis!' and the
same news was pressed by certain media institutions, families of people who
joined to PKK came to Bitlis.

Coming from Istanbul to Bitlis, members of Avras family demanded Bitlis
Public Prosecutorship to start an inquiry about the mass graves. Stating
that they were informed about their brother, Sabri Avras, who was killed in
an armed conflict in that region, Nazime Avras wanted his brother body if
there was really such mass graves. Zeki Yuksel, the attorney of Avras
family, talked about the application:

"We appealed to Bitlis Prosecutorship to identification of the corpse in the
mass graves by DNA test and to take the body. We will use the news that was
issued in newspaper as a proof. An investigation transaction will be held by
prosecutorship. We also will participate to investigation in person. Then we
will appeal to take the body. According to regulations, Avras family can
bury Sabri's body wherever they want."

Negotiation on news

Avras said, "In the conversation we made with prosecutor, prosecutor said,
'we will negotiate with DIHA and Ozgur Gundem newspaper about the news, then
we will start an investigation about the issue." She continued and said,
"Other families should also appeal to prosecutorship, this is an issue which
is related to human rights. So, all officials should help them."

'We could not take body during conflict'

It was claimed that Sabri Avras was one of the guerillas that were killed
and buried into a mass grave. Sister of Sabri Avras, Nazime Avras said they
heard that their brother was killed in armed conflict in that region but
they could not take the body because of ongoing armed conflict in that
region. She added, "This is a violation of human rights. We hope that we
will be supported by the nongovernmental organizations and human rights
associations about the issue. And I call out to families of other killed
guerrillas: We should act together, you should appeal to take the bodies."

'Mass Graves'

According to claims, 2 mass graves of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)'s
guerrillas were found in Tatvan district of Bitlis. 13 PKK guerrillas'
corpses were put into the grave that was located on slope of Kender Dagi
Mountain and 19 guerrillas were buried in the grave that was located on
Bindaki Mountain. Uniforms, skulls, and 'Mekap' branded shoes that PKK
guerrillas wear were found in the graves that remained from 1994.


Baskaya appears in court due to his article (9/9/2004)

ANKARA (DIHA) - Writer Fikret Baskaya came before the court, 15th Criminal
Court of First Instance, and was judged according to 159th article of
Turkish Penal Code (TCK) due to his article that was published approximately
11 years ago.

Apart from writer Fikret Baskaya, members of unions, representatives of
nongovernmental organizations and intellectuals participated to the trial.
While it was expected that attorney of Baskay, Aydin Erdogan would make a
defense, he demanded from the court to sent the lawsuit to 2nd Criminal
Court of First Instance on ground that crimes that are committed through
media. Then, the judge decided that the next trial would be on 2nd Criminal
Court of First Instance


130 teachers were appointed to Bitlis instead of 1,200 (9/9/2004)


BÝTLÝS (DÝHA) - 130 teachers, instead of 1 thousand 200 as is due, were
appointed to Bitlis for 2004-2005 education year. This led great reaction of
Bitlis's residents.

There are 427 schools and 70 thousand students in Bitlis. Head of Bitlis
Branch of Union of Education Laborer (Egitim-Sen) Abdulgani Cayhan gave
information to DIHA and said appointment of 130 teachers is not enough for
Bitlis. Cayhan continued, "This situation will increase education problems
for Bitlis. With newly appointed 130 teachers, there will be 3 thousands
teachers in the city and districts. The problem cannot be solved with 300
deputy teachers."

'Although we suffered too much last year, problems have not been solved yet'

Pointing that apart from shortage of teachers, there is also shortage of
personnel, Cayhan said, "Problems are bigger in village schools. First of
all, classes are too crowded. Teachers deal with not only students but also
water shortage, settlement and so on." Asserting that AK Party government
did nothing to solve existing problem Cayhan said, "AK Party wears masks to
strengthen its political position. Government policies are not successful
enough in education."


Advocates demand to meet with Ocalan was rejected (10/9/2004)

ISTANBUL (DIHA)- Advocates of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Ocalan who
made an application to Bursa Public Prosecutorship with the demand of
meeting with their client as they regularly did every week did not visit
Ocalan because their application was not replied.

On last Wednesday, due to the cancellation of regular weekly visit of
attorneys to Kurdish People's Leader under the pretense of ' weather
condition', attorneys of Ocalan appealed to Bursa Public Prosecutorship to
hold the visit today, but the petition of attorneys was not replied.
Advocate from Asrin Law Office, Hatice Korkut who informed DIHA about the
issue said, "Newly appointed deputy of Bursa Public Prosecutor said he did
not have authority to do something and because of this we could not visit to
our client. Consequently, there is no judicial reason for this prevention."


Barricade for the advocate of Yezidi villagers (10/9/2004)

SIRNAK (DIHA) - Setting out to make investigation in Idil district of Sirnak
where village guards raided, advocate of Yezidi villagers and deputy head of
of Human Rights Associations (IHD)Eren Keskin was prevented by soldier.
While soldiers pointed that they behaved in accordance with order of the
governor, Keskin evaluated attitude of soldier as arbitrary.

A case is opened in Idil Civil Court of First Instance to give back Kivex
village that was already belonged to Yezidis until 1993 and that was
evacuated until the seizure of village guards to its former owners. Advocate
of Yezidis from Kivex village Eren Keskin was exposed to an interesting
attitude in Idil districy where she went to make investigation for 2nd trial
of the case. First of all, Keskin and a group of people, who accompanied her
, including a member of Legal Aid Office to Prevent Sexual Harassment and
Rape Under Custody, Leman Yurtsever, a woman from Foreign Correspondent
Program of ABC- Australian TV Channel, Serpil Selars and her team were
subjected to identity card control. Then their entrance to Kivex village was

She could not find anyone to get information

Deputy head of IHD Eren Keskin said "We were stopped when we entered to the
city and we were subjected to police control. They treated us as if we are
guilty although I said several times that I was a advocate."

State dignitaries were not there!

Pointing that she participated to the trial in Civil Court of First Instance
and then she looked for competent to give them information about her visit
to Kivex village, Keskin said:

"Yesterday, all competent are absent as if they decided before. I cannot
reach district governor, deputy of district governor, commander of
Gendarmerie Headquarters and the governor. That is to say, as if they
disappeared with aim of not coming across us. We planned to go to the
village after a meeting with competent but we could not. Then we set out to
Kivex without talking with any competent."

'Order of Governor'

Stating that their car was stopped by the soldiers who got out of a civil
car, Keskin continued as follows:
"Solders got out of the civil car stopped our car. They turned their guns
toward us as we are banditries. Officer said us, "you could not go to the
village with these cameras and when you reach the village you should not
talk with villagers. This speech shocked us. When we asked the reason of
this applications, they said that these were ordered by Governor and he
added, 'If you won't obey the rules, you cannot go to village."

'Threatening speech of soldiers'

Stating that despite of all efforts, soldiers did not retreat and soldiers
started to talk threateningly, Keskin said that that attitude could not be

Idil Civil Court of First Instance adjourned the case of the Kivex's
residents to 4 November.


Head of IHD Ondul: There are 692 torture cases in first 6 months (10/9/2004)

ANKARA (DIHA) - Stating that explanation of European Union's commissioner
responsible for EU enlargement Gunter Verheugen bring 'torture' to the
agenda, Head of Human Right Associations (IHD) Husnu Ondul said, " Some
civil servants who works in security forces continue to torture citizens.
Unfortunately, this is the reality."

Ondul reported that according to IHD reports, 1391 people were tortured last
year. It was revealed that while 505 of 1391 aggrieved people are from
Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, the rest are from other regions. To put
in other words, 16 cities that are recorded in the torture list are from
Southeastern Anatolia while 13 cities are from other region.

692 torture cases in first 6 months

Ondul stated that according to torture victims, there were 30 types torture
methods. Then he added there were 692 torture cases in first 6 months of

Suggestions should be paid attention

Pointing that the government had information about IHD's evaluations on
tortures, Ondul reminded that in February, IHD and Human Right Foundation of
Turkey gave suggestion on torture to Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul and
to Reform Watch Group. Oncul further said:

"However, although there are many applications on torture, any
administrative act about a police officer or chief police has been applied.
Some civil servants who work in security forces continue to torture
citizens. Unfortunately, this is the reality."


Death threat to DIHA's Van correspondent (11/9/2004)

VAN (DIHA) - DIHA's Van correspondent Ubeydullah Hakan filed a crime
notification against one of the police officers of Van Police Station on the
ground that the police threatened him with death.

Recording that when he went to prepare news in the center of the Van, he was
threatened by a police, our correspondent Ubeydullah Hakan filed a crime
notification about the police whose name he did not know. Hakan went to
prosecutorship with his attorney Murat Timur and identified the police from

Attorney of Hakan said that he sent the petition of crime notification to
Van Police Station, Van Governorship and Ministry of Internal Affairs.

'I will kill you'

Expressing that his client was threatened many times but he was threatened
lastly in the meeting that was held on 4th September to celebrate 1st
September World Peace Day, Timur said, "We got the police photograph but we
could not learn his name. Police threatened my client and said, 'If you
record the meeting, it will be your end, and I will kill you'."

Emphasizing that this was a violation of right to live and freedom of the
press, Timur said, "The actions of mentioned police officer violated the
Press Law and the commands of Constitution about the freedom of press and
freedom of communication. He tried to prevent my client to carry out his
duty. So, the police committed crime according to the 17/3 numbered command
of our Constitution, 243rd numbered article of Turkish Criminal Code (TCK)
and 5th article of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The police officer
whose photo was identified is responsible of these actions."


A severely beaten villager is in intensive care (11/9/2004)

VAN (DIHA) - Yesterday, in Ercis district of Van, Nimettullah Cagan who was
attacked by guards from Komur village of Bekiran Tribe wounded severely and
he was initially taken to Ercis State Hospital then to Van State Hospital
for intensive care.

Cagan could speak after long-time coma but he is still in a low state of

Police did not take guards into custody

According to the claims, polices from Ercis Police Station obtained
information from resident but they did not take guards into custody.
Reacting to this event, brother of Cagan, Abdulrahman Cagan, said he would
made a crime notification against competent.

Information about guards were not given. It was stated that if victim
Nimetullah Cagan got well, identities of guards would be revealed.


Suleyman Babat who was killed in Herekol (14/9/2004)

SIIRT (DIHA) - Suleyman Babat's family appealed to Pervari Public
Prosecutorship to take the body of HPG guerilla Suleyman, who was killed in
the combat on Herekol but their application was rejected by the

Suleyman Babat was killed in the operation that was carried out by Turkish
Armed Force (TSK) on 9th September. His family came to Pervari district of
Siirt to take body. They appealed to Siirt Public Prosecutorship with the
help of Siirt Branch of Human Rights Association (IHD). Prosecutorship said
that Suleyman Body was not there and because of that they could not help the
Babat family.

After that, family of the Babat appealed to IHD to find his sons body.


Operation on Tendurek Mountain finishes (16/9/2004)

AGRI (DIHA) – Being started by Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), an operation on
Tendurek Mountain of Diyadin district was ended.

According to the obtained information, soldiers from Diyadin District
Gendarme Troop received notification that People's Defense Forces (HPG)
guerrillas were on Tendurek Mountain and they started an operation on 14
September with the aid of temporary village guards. The operation ended on
this afternoon. While soldiers and guards returned from the operation spot,
it was reported that there was not any operation.