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01 Neuerscheinung: Pax Americana und Pax Europaea
From: Thomas Roithner - ÖSFK <aspr.vie at aspr dot ac dot at>


02 Venezuela
From: gerald demmel <gerald.demmel at nextra dot at>


03 Neu:
From: Matthias Köchl <m1koechl at edu dot uni-klu dot ac dot at>
04 precariat: NEW ISSUE republicart web-journal
From: "eipcp" <contact at eipcp dot net>


Diese Ausgabe hat Albert Brandl (albert dot brandl at chello dot at) zusammengestellt.

Für diese Ausgabe nicht aufgenommen:

Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.  


01 Neuerscheinung: Pax Americana und Pax Europaea
From: Thomas Roithner - ÖSFK <aspr.vie at aspr dot ac dot at>
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

wir möchten auf die Neuerscheinung "Pax Americana und Pax
Europaea. Konsens oder Konflikt um eine neue
Weltordnungskonzeption?" des Österreichischen Studienzentrums für
Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK) aufmerksam machen.


Teil 1. Pax Americana und Pax Europaea - Konsens oder Konflikt um
eine neue Weltordnungskonzeption?

Werner Ruf (Universität Kassel): Schluss mit der Zivilmacht -
Europe goes military
Lutz Unterseher (Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheit, Berlin):
Krieg als beliebig einsetzbares Instrument - Fehlschlüsse und
Ronald H. Tuschl (EPU Schlaining): Der permanente Krieg im
kybernetischen Raum - Mythos oder Wirklichkeit?
Patricia Bauer (Universität Osnabrück): Rechts- und
Regeldurchsetzung als europäische Hegemonialstrategie
Berthold Meyer (Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung): Die sicherheitspolitische Zusammenarbeit der
EU-Staaten - Traum oder Alptraum
Gerald Mader (ÖSFK Schlaining): Friedenspolitik zwischen Imperium
Americum und militärischer Wiedergeburt Europas
Franz Leidenmühler (Universität Linz): Europäische
Eigenständigkeit oder transatlantische Gefolgschaft? - Die
Sicherheitsstrategie der EU 2003
Carola Bielfeldt (Universität Innsbruck): Europäische
(militärische) Sicherheitspolitik und der Fortgang der
europäischen Integration
Susanne Fischer (Universität Mainz): "Es macht mir Freude, meine
Macht zu kennen!" - Europäische Sicherheits- und
Verteidigungspolitik und ,politisches Vertrauen'

Teil 2. Visionen für eine neue Weltfriedensordnung

Michael Berndt (Universität Kassel): Sicherheit für Europa vs.
Sicherheit vor Europa. Konsens in der Neuen Europäischen
Sicherheitsarchitektur als Hindernis für Frieden und Sicherheit
in den internationalen Beziehungen
Lutz Schrader (Fernuni Hagen): Vom liberalen zum demokratischen
Frieden. Die Theorie des "demokratischen Friedens" als
konzeptionelle Alternative zu einer imperialen Weltordnung
Hans-Joachim Heintze (Universität Bochum): Die UNO-Charta: Ein
Kollateralschaden des Irak-Krieges?
Dietrich Fischer (EPU Schlaining): Die Vereinten Nationen stärken
Thomas Roithner (Friedenszentrum Schlaining, Außenstelle Wien):
Die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Friedensbewegung im
Spannungsfeld traditioneller Strukturen und dem Prozess der
Sozialforen in Zeiten des "permanenten Krieges"
Peter Strutynski (Universität Kassel, Bundesausschuss
Friedensratschlag): Kriegsgewinnler, Eintagsfliege oder
Dauerbrenner? - Zur politischen Soziologie der Friedensbewegung

Bibliographische Daten:
ÖSFK (Hrsg.): Pax Americana und Pax Europaea.
Konsens oder Konflikt um eine neue Weltordnungskonzeption?
Friedensbericht 2004
Agenda Verlag, Münster 2004, 300 Seiten
ISBN 3-89688-211-X, 27 Euro zuzüglich Porto
Bestellungen an das ÖSFK:

Herzliche Grüße und einen schönen Sommer!
Thomas Roithner

Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK)
Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR)
Außenstelle Wien - Vienna Office
Bearbeitung: Mag. Dr. Thomas Roithner
Wiedner Gürtel 10, A - 1040 Wien
Tel. ++43 - 1 - 79 69 959
Fax ++43 - 1 - 79 65 711


02 Venezuela
From: gerald demmel <gerald.demmel at nextra dot at>
Venezuela's Chavez: Bush meddling 'Emperor of Evil'

CARACAS, Venezuela, July 21 (Reuters) - Venezuela's President
Hugo Chavez on Wednesday blasted U.S. President George W. Bush as
a meddling "Emperor of Evil" who was backing his opponents ahead
of an August referendum on his rule. Chavez, a populist ex-army
officer who often locks horns with Washington, condemned Bush for
urging transparency in the Aug. 15 recall to decide whether to
end his presidency of the world's No. 5 oil exporter.

"Tell me what right does President of the United States have to
call for transparency in any electoral process in the world when
he won fraudulent elections in the U.S.," Chavez told cheering
supporters at an election rally. Since Chavez survived a brief
2002 coup, he has often blamed the United States for supporting
his opponents in an attempt to overthrow him and end his self-
styled revolution for the poor. U.S. officials deny those
charges. "You see how now the Emperor of Evil has spoken from
Washington giving orders," Chavez said.

The U.S. president on Monday called for an "honest and fair"
referendum and backed calls for international observers to be
allowed free access to the voting process. After his 1998
election, Chavez faced increasingly fierce opposition to the
social reforms he says seek to end neglect of the impoverished
masses. His close ties to Cuban leader Fidel Castro and tough
anti-U.S. stance have soured relations with the United States, a
top buyer of Venezuelan oil. His opponents secured the referendum
after a year-long campaign for a vote against a president they
accuse of fueling hatred between the social classes and ruining
Venezuela's oil-rich economy.

They have urged international observers to guarantee a fair vote
as they say Chavez holds political control over the Supreme Court
and the electoral council overseeing the referendum. Authorities
dismiss those accusations. Diego Cordovez, a special advisor sent
by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, met with electoral
authorities in Caracas on Wednesday. He is due to meet this week
with Chavez and opposition leaders.

An international mission led by the Organization of American
States and the Atlanta-based Carter Center has overseen the
referendum process, during which both sides have accused each
other of fraud.

Scratch and win: Venezuela lottery to fund Chavez

CARACAS, Venezuela, July 20 (Reuters) - Campaign managers for
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday they will sell
lottery tickets in a bid to raise $4.2 million for Chavez' effort
to win an Aug. 15 recall referendum.

Chavez supporters said that starting Saturday they hope to sell 8
million of the "scratch and win" tickets for 52 cents each to
fund the leftist leader's campaign. Prizes will include a house
and two cars.

Opponents accuse the ex-army paratrooper of using a windfall of
state revenues from soaring world oil prices to finance his
campaign and illegally fund social programs to bolster his
support ahead of the vote.

"This is not about profit; this is simply about getting resources
to press ahead with the campaign for the 'No.' The executive has
not put in one cent," said Diosdado Cabello, a Chavez ally and
campaign manager.

To win, holders must scratch off the surface of the lottery
ticket to find the word "No" -- representing a rejection of the
recall against Chavez. Each ticket sold will also carry
instructions on how to vote in the referendum.

Chavez has made programs for poor the center of his campaign to
persuade voters to say no to his recall when they go to the polls
next month. He has governed the world's fifth-largest oil
exporter since 1999.

But opponents say his self-styled revolution has failed and
steadily increased unemployment and poverty. They accuse Chavez
of gaining political control of key institutions such as the
electoral council and the courts to stay in power.

************* B E Z A H L T E A N Z E I G E ****************

Keiner hat das Recht zu gehorchen.

Hannah Arendt

************* B E Z A H L T E A N Z E I G E ****************


03 Neu:
From: Matthias Köchl <m1koechl at edu dot uni-klu dot ac dot at>
Hallo MUND-LeserInnen!

Unter ist ein neues nichtkommerzielles
österreichisches Diskussionsforum gestartet.

Mit einer eigenen Rubrik "politische Diskussion":

und z.B. Diskussionen zu Kunst und Kultur: oder Philosophie.

Wünsche allen Interessierten eine angeregte Diskussion!

Matthias Köchl

04 precariat: NEW ISSUE republicart web-journal
From: "eipcp" <contact at eipcp dot net>
The new issue of the multilingual republicart web-journal is now online:


Precariousness increasingly defines the conditions, under which
people in all different fields work and live. The new issue of
the republicart web journal deals with more recent attempts to
counter non-self-determined precariousness with the means of art
and activism.

Precarias a la deriva in Madrid, the Glücklichen Arbeitslosen in
Berlin, the French Intermittents, the May Day Parades in
Barcelona and Milan, or the Italian strike movement form the
components of a new concatenation of practices giving a self-
determined turn to the term.


Katja Diefenbach: Ruining Performance. Beyond the Economy of
Stress and Sentimentality
GlobalProject / Coordination des Intermittents et Précaires d'Ile
de France: Spectacle Inside the State and Out
Brian Holmes / Marion von Osten: The Spaces of A Cultural
Klaus Neundlinger: Fuzzy Production Logics. Experience and
Reflection in the Laboratory of Insecurity
Stefan Nowotny: Precarious Residence. The Universal Embassy as a
site of social production
Guillaume Paoli: Demotivational Training. Anecdote on the drop in
economic optimism
Precarias a la deriva: Adrift through the circuits of feminized
precarious work
Gerald Raunig: La inseguridad vencerá. Anti-Precariousness
Activism and Mayday Parades
Marina Vishmidt / Marion von Osten: de-, dis-, ex- on Immaterial
Labour Beat Weber: Everyday Crisis in the Empire

eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b