R a c i s m K i l l s
Every year many people are dying by the racist policy of Fortress Europe. Deaths during deportations are accepted conscious. Marcus Omofuma is not an isolated case....

no-racism.net | Racism Kills | The Trial
last update: 07.03.2002


  Antiracist Rally to mark the start of the trial
in Korneuburg, 4 March 2002


The Trial

On the first day of the trial against the three police officers, that are said to be guilty on the death of Marcus Omofuma, on monday, 4 march 2002, there was an antiracist demonstration in front of the regional court in Korneuburg. 70 - 90 persons took part on it.

Some activists tried to show how Austrian police is deporting socalled "problem deportees". One of the activists was pasted over with adhesive tape and tied to an airplane-seat. He should be transported into the court-room to show how Marcus Omofuma was treated on his deportation. After short time the activists were pushed out of the court-building. One of them has been slightly injured.

End of the demonstration was at noon.

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