Montag, 16.06.2003

01 anti-deportations demonstration also in english!!! - di 17.6. 20.00
From: "das ekhaus" <>
02 Meine Lektüre
From: Karl Pfeifer
04 Que(e)r-Beisl am 18. Juni / Crossover!
From: Rosa Antifa Wien <>
05 Fw: benefiz für zara
From: "Verein Zara" <>
06 „Also sprach ZARA : Tu SKA“
From: "Integrationshaus Niki" <>
07 Radio Stimme, 17. Juni 2003
From: Radio Stimme <>
From: "tecrit hapishane" <>
09 AKS präsentiert Schuldemokratie-Umfrage
From: "Niki Kowall" <>
10 Radiosendung: Niederlagen des Friedens. Gespräche und Begegnungen in Guatemala und El Salvador
11 korrektur
From: "Claudia Volgger" <>
12 AIK-Judenhass in linker Verkleidung
13 freifahrt fürobdachlose
From: augustin <>
14 radio agora das lebewohl
From: initiative minderheiten <>
15 REDE für das ERÖFFNUNGSFEST der Bock-Bier-Aktion
From: Irene Messinger <>
16 America's imperial delusion
From: Information Clearing House <>
17 1984 online
18 HOSI Wien begr üßt Entwurf für EU-Verfassung
From: Kurt Krickler <>
19 Guerrilla News Network Exclusive
20 [cuadpupdate] More This & That....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <>
21 [cuadpupdate] And the winner is....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <>

Für diese Ausgabe nicht aufgenommen: spam, veraltestes, schon gebrachtes, 3 beiträge zu israel/palästina

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01 anti-deportations demonstration also in english!!! - di 17.6. 20.00
From: "das ekhaus" <>

anti-deportations demonstration also in english!!! - di 17.6. 20.00

Liebe FreundInnen!
Dear friends! -> below in english!
diesmal im zeichen der drohenden abschiebung von...
unser langjdhriger klient gustave, ist seit 13.5. in schubhaft - letzte woche ist das heimreisezertifikat in die DR kongo gekommen, flugticket wurde bestellt...
seine mitbewohnerInnen und wir waren die letzten tage ziemlich aktiv, mal sehen was draus wird...
...... und am
Di, 17.6. 20.00- ca. 21.00:
1. mahnwache vor der schubhaft rossauer ldnde 7-9
(zwischen U schottenring/rossauer ldnde)
"Stop Deportation - La_t Gustave frei!"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!kommts vorbei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
verbreitet bitte das mail...
aktuelle infos & telefon/e-mail-aktionsnummern auf
Deserteurs - und Fl|chtlingsberatung
Dear friends!
one of our clients named gustave is in police-prison - last week the document for the deportation has come from the embassy of DR kongo - the ticket for the plane is ordered!
the friends who had been living with him and we had prepared a lot of different things - lets see...
tuesday, 17. june 8-9p.m.
protest-meeting in front of the police-prison
rossauer ldnde 7-9
(between U schottenring/rossauer ldnde)
"stop deportation - let gustave free!"
Join us, you are welcome!!!
please forward this e-mail
actual informations and telefon-numbers/e-mails for action at
Deserteurs - und Fl|chtlingsberatung

02 Meine Lektüre
From: Karl Pfeifer
Meine Lektüre
Von Karl Pfeifer
Es ist zwar der Jahreszeit nach Frühjahr, aber laut Thermometer haben wir
schon Sommer und außer ein paar passionierten Leserbriefschreiber in den
online Medien, scheinen die wenigsten Leser sich für aktuelle Politik zu
interessieren. Deswegen ein Zitat aus einem Buch, das ich immer wieder
begeistert lese. Es ist zuerst 1979 bei Gustav Kiepenheuer in Leipzig und
Weimar herausgekommen und ich besitze die 1990 erschienene zweite Ausgabe.
Der Autor, Carl Gustav Jochmann im Revolutionsjahr 1789 am Rigaer Meerbusen
geboren und im Revolutionsjahr 1830 in Naumburg an der Saale gestorben war
Rechtsanwalt, vielgereister Schriftsteller und ein unermüdlicher Aufklärer.
Das Buch ist unter dem Titel "Die unzeitige Wahrheit, Aphorismen und
Glossen" erschienen.
Schon am Einband findet sich eine Glosse, die ein europäisches Lebensgefühl
noch heute ausdrücken könnte:
"Wahn und Irrsinn herrschen unter den europäischen Völkern noch so
gewaltig, daß es leibes- und lebensgefährlich wird, gesunden
Menschenverstand blicken zu lassen. Es lassen sich in jedem Lande die
heiligen Irrtümer, die gesetzlichen Lügen nachweisen, die zu beleidigen
daselbst ein Verbrechen wird. Und wenn auch jedermann da weiß, es ist
Irrtum, es ist Lüge, bleibt doch jeder dabei und heuchelt einer dem andern.
Die Völker sind gute Gewohnheitstiere, hat man sie nur erst einmal recht
So find ich's unterm Mond hienieden, so in meinem Innern. Wo bin ich also?
Ich weiß es wahrlich nicht. Ich gaukle zwischen gaukelnden Täuschungen
umher und frage mich fast täglich: Wozu das? Warum das? Wer wird den
Schlüssel zum finstern Rätsel des Lebens und der Welt finden? Er soll mein
Messias sein. Ich werde schwerlich mein eigener werden."
C.G. Jochmann, Politische Glossen
Das Buch ist allen Lesern des "mund" empfohlen.


asylgesetze ­ die aberkennung des menschseins
momentan sind 1/3 aller asylbewerberInnen in bundesbetreuung, was mit den
restlichen 2/3 passiert ist unge-wiss, die meisten stehen auf der straße, ohne
geld und ohne arbeitsgenehmigung. dieser zustand treibt viele in die
illegalität und kriminalisiert jede handlung. selbst für seinen/ihren lebensunterhalt
aufzukommen wird zum existenzbedrohendn problem. Viele frauen werden
gezwungen sich zu prostituieren. Die rechtliche situation von asylbewerberInnen und
migrantInnen ist zur zeit schon menschenverachtend genug und soll mit dem
neuen asylgesetzvorschlag der regierung noch weiter verschärft werden. das
gesetz wurde im schatten der pensionsre-formdiskussionen beschlossen am 11.6. vom
ministerrat und wird ab jänner 2004 in kraft treten.
Dabei geht es nicht nur um eine erweiterung der polizeibefugnisse, alle
asylbewerberInnen und migrantInnen sollen in flüchtlingslager (ähnlich
denanhaltezentren in D) weggesperrt werden. Geplant sind zwei große lager, dort wird
dann im schnellverfahren binnen zwei tagen entschieden, ob ein asylgrund
vorliegt oder nicht, in letzterem fall wird die betroffene person direkt von dort
abgeschoben. das bedeutet, dass eine abschiebung nicht wie bisher an ein
asylverfahren geknüpft ist, das vor drei instanzen gehen kann und angefochten
werden kann, das recht eines jeden menschen auf asyl wird somit massivs verletzt.
zudem soll NGOs kein zugang zu den flüchtlingslagern gewährt werden und die
betreuung soll in private hände, wie die der european homecare, gelegt
werden, das bedeutet willkür unter ausschluss jeglicher öffentlichkeit.
schon jetzt sind migrantInnen zahlreichen zumutungen ausgesetzt, so werden
sie z.b. wahllos auf der straße (oft aufgrund ihrer hautfarbe) von
sicherheitsorganen kontrolliert und bei fehlenden papieren meistens in schubhaft
überstellt, wo sie auf den ausgang ihres asylverfahrens warten müssen (2002 wurden
90% der gestellten asylanträge ab-gelehnt, die betroffenen personen
durch das neue gesetz sollen sie in zukunft innerhalb weniger stunden dem
österreichischen staat ihre fluchtmotive darlegen können, und das ohne eine
vertrauensperson hinzuziehen zu dürfen. sie stehen dem österreichischen staat
also völlig alleine gegenüber. auf die aus der flucht resultierenden
erschöpfungszustände, psychische traumatisierungen und eventuelle
verständigungsschwierigkeiten wird dabei keine rücksicht genommen. der UBAS soll alleine aufgrund
der fak-ten eine entscheidung fällen, inwie-weit diese unterlagen auskunft
über die schutzbedürftigkeit einer person geben können ist ungewiss, daraus
resultierende urteile werden also willkürlich getroffen! Grund eines als
unzulässig empfundenen asylan-trags ist die sogenannte drittstaatensicherheit,
damit sind alle zukünftigen EU-anwärterländer gemeint, die an die
schengenaußenposten grenzen. unter „sicheren“ drittstaaten ist dabei nicht ein staat zu
verstehen, der alle demokratischen freiheiten garantiert und die menschenrechte
beachtet, sondern lediglich ein land, in dem ein sicherer zugang zu einem
asylerfahren mög-lich ist. Das heißt nichts anderes als, dass flüchtlinge, die
auf ihrer flucht durch eines dieser länder kommen, das durch vertraglich
festgelegte abkommen mit dem staat österreich einem dieser länder unterstellt
sind, direkt in dieses abgeschoben wer-den können, ohne asylverfahren und ohne
dass ihre sicherheit in diesem lande gewährleistet wird. Das kann auch direkt
an der grenze erfolgen, sinn dahinter ist die kosteneffizienz.
Der UNHCR beschreibt die neuen gesetzestexte als einen verstoß gegen die
allgemein gültigen menschen-rechtskonventionen, als auch gegen die genfer
flüchtlingsabkommen. die genfer flüchtlingskonvention verpflich-tet die
unterzeichnerstaaten, zu denen österreich gehört, asylsuchenden eine ausführliche
darstellung ihrer fluchtgründe und eine gründliche überprüfung zu bieten. Sämtliche
menschenrechtsorganisationen protestieren, flüchtlingsberatungsstellen
befürchten eine auflösung ihrer selbst im negativen sinne, indem ihnen die
möglich-keit genommen wird, migrantinnen zu betreuen, und jegliche einflussnahme auf
das asylverfahren durch schnellverfahren unmöglich wird. Somit wird
migrantInnen die möglichkeit eines legalen status verwehrt und sie werden vermehrt in
die illegalität gedrängt, was das geschäft mit dem handel von menschen
text dankend geklaut von „rapidité“ nr. 06/03
organisatorInnen der kundgebung: kv infoladen salzburg ­ internationales
aktionskomitee inakko ­ aktion kritischer schülerInnen aks
impressum: kv infoladen salzburg, lasserstraße 26 , 5020 salzburg


04 Que(e)r-Beisl am 18. Juni / Crossover!
From: Rosa Antifa Wien <>

Que(e)r-Beisl am 18. Juni / Crossover!
Mittwoch 18. Juni:
Zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Roma in Tschechien
Die Abgrenzung eines Roma Stadtteils in Ustí nad Labem mit einer Mauer
hat vor wenigen Jahren selbst in Oesterreich fuer ein kurzes mediales
Interesse an der Situation der Roma in der Tschechischen Republik
gefuehrt. Eine differenzierte oder kritische Diskussion ueber Geschichte
und Kontinuitaeten von Ausgrenzung und Diskriminierung von Roma blieb
weitgehend aussen vor.
Dabei ist die Lage der meisten Roma in Tschechien auch abseits von
medial greifbaren ?Ghetto-Phantasien? gepraegt durch Ausgrenzung,
Diskriminierung und Repression, eingebetet und getragen von einem
ungeheuren breiten gesellschaftlichen Spektrum. Petr Lhotka, Historiker
und Mitarbeiter des Museums fuer die Kultur der Roma in Bruenn, spricht
ueber seine Arbeit im Museum, ueber Geschichte der Roma in Tschechien,
Strukturen und Kulturen der Roma Community sowie ueber Rassismus und
Diskriminierung, die Neo-Nazi Szene und rechtsextreme Parteienlandschaft
Hinweis: Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt!
Ort: Que(e)r-Beisl im EKH. Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien (U1 Keplerplatz)
Zeit: 20 Uhr, Beislbetrieb von 18:30-24 Uhr
Naechste Woche: Zum Abschluss ein Fest!
Vollstaendiges Monatsprogramm auf im Bereich Que(e)r
############ RAW #############
Rosa Antifa Wien
c/o Rosa Lila Tip
Linke Wienzeile 102
A-1060 Wien
PGP-Key available here:
############ RAW #############

05 Fw: benefiz für zara
From: "Verein Zara" <>

Es gibt Solidarität,
es gibt Engagement und
es gibt wunderbarerweise ein Benefizkonzert für ZARA!
Die Beratungsstelle für ZeugInnen und Opfer von Rassismus erhält
dadurch eine Überbrückungshilfe....
nähere Info unten oder auf

06 „Also sprach ZARA : Tu SKA“
From: "Integrationshaus Niki" <>

"Also sprach ZARA : Tu SKA"
„Also sprach ZARA : Tu SKA“
Benefizkonzert zugunsten von ZARA am 17. Juni im Shelter
Am 17. Juni treffen sich Soupshop (, The Offbeat Generator ( und DJ Fusel im Shelter (20, Wallensteinpaltz 8), um gemeinsam Gutes zu tun. Mit dem Reinerlös des Konzertes soll nämlich der Verein ZARA unterstützt werden, da die öffentliche Hand in Österreich, vor allem der Bund, wieder einmal ausläst, wenn es darum geht, Ausländerhass und Rassismus zu bekämpfen. Musikalisch wird vor allem Ska geboten, aber auch Punk, Roots und Reggae.
ZARA betreibt seit dreieinhalb Jahren die Beratungsstelle für ZeugInnen und Opfer von Rassismus. Möglich ist das nur durch einen sehr sehr großen persönlichen Aufwand, über tausend Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit und idealistischen Optimismus. Eine Förderung erhält ZARA jährlich vom Wiener Integrationsfonds, die genau die Hälfte der anfallenden Kosten (vor allem Gehälter der drei BeraterInnen) abdeckt. Private SpenderInnen, der Dr.-Karl-Renner-Preis u.a. "Glücksfälle" haben bisher die halbjährlich drohende Schließung verhindert.

Nach drei Jahren ist diese Art des Dahinwurschtelns nicht mehr möglich. Um professionell und längerfristig arbeiten und planen zu können, muss man über 6 Monate hinaus denken dürfen - und braucht eine grundsätzliche finanzielle Absicherung. Sämtliche von ZARA an Ministerien gerichtete Ansuchen wurde bisher negativ oder noch nicht beantwortet - der Bund fördert ZARAs Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit bis jetzt nicht.

Für das Jahr 2003 hat nun Stadträtin Renate Brauner eine zusätzliche Finanzspritze in Aussicht gestellt. ZARA hat formell darum angesucht - und wartet auf die formelle Entscheidung des Gemeinderates am 23. Juni 2003.

“Deshalb sind Spenden und Einnahmen wie vom Benefizkonzert sehr wichtig: sie helfen uns, Lücken zu überbrücken, den Betrieb aufrechtzuerhalten und ZeugInnen und Opfer von Rassismus angemessen und verlässlich zu beraten und weiterhin wenn nötig auch längerfristig zu betreuen.“ so Verena Krauseneker vom Verein ZARA.
17. Juni im Shelter, 20, Wallensteinplatz 8
Eintritt: 5,- Euro; Einlass 19.30; Beginn: 21.00

07 Radio Stimme, 17. Juni 2003
From: Radio Stimme <>
Dienstag, 17.06.2003, 20.00 Uhr
Radio Stimme - Die Sendung der Initiative Minderheiten
Thema der Sendung:
Unbegründet Sitzen
Paragraph 78 der Straßenverkehrsordnung regelt das Verhalten auf Gehsteigen im Ortsgebiet. Der Skurrilität nicht genug, daß es eines solchen Paragraphen bedarf, stellt dieser das "unbegründete Stehenbleiben" unter Strafe. Und so dient er unter mißbräuchlicher Anwendung seit Beginn des Jahres Polizei und Stadtverwaltung dazu, Menschen, die nicht ins Stadtbild passen, das Leben schwer zu machen. Wer nach Ansicht der Polizei "unbegründet stehenbleibt" riskiert eine Strafe von Euro 70,­ oder 72 Stunde Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe. Wer also "unbegründet stehenbleibt" muß sitzen. Radio Stimme berichtet über einen seltsamen Paragraphen und einen Aktionstag der Straßenzeitung Augustin.

auf Orange 94,0 - Das freie Radio in Wien
(Frequenz: 94,0 MHz; Wr. Telekabel 92,7 MHz)

Radio Stimme - Die Sendung der Initiative Minderheiten
zu hoeren:
jeden 2. Dienstag, 20.00 Uhr, auf Orange 94,0
sowie im Internet auf

From: "tecrit hapishane" <>

22.-26. JUNI 2003

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde!

Unsere Plattform ist im vergangenen Jahr im Zuge eines internationalen Symposiums entstanden und unser Schwerpunkt ist ein gemeinsamer Kampf gegen die Isolation in den Gefängnissen, welche als langzeitiges Mittel zur Vernichtung von Gedanken, insbesondere von politischen Gefangenen weltweit zum Einsatz kommt.
Unsere nächste Aktivität wird eine internationale Solidaritätsreise in die Türkei sein, um die Forderungen der revolutionären Gefangenen im Kampf gegen die Isolation in den F-Typ Zellen zu unterstützen.
Die TeilnehmerInnen werden sich im Anschluss auf die Gegenaktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit dem EU-Gipfel in Saloniki von Griechenland aus auf den Weg in die Türkei begeben.
Geplant sind Treffen in Istanbul und Ankara mit ehemaligen
Gefangenen, Angehörigen, AnwältInnen, dem IHD(Menschenrechtsverein) und anderen, sich mit dem Thema Gefängnissen befassenden Personen und Vereinen.
Von Istanbul wird sich die Delegation nach Ankara begeben, um dort Gespräche mit dem Parlament zu führen und international gesammelte Petitionen gegen die Isolationshaft zu übergeben.
Für diese Initiative benötigen wir dringend Eure Solidarität!
Die politischen Gefangenen in der Türkei leisten seit knapp drei
Jahren einen berechtigten Widerstand, der sich nicht nur auf die
Gefängnisse in der Türkei beschränkt, sondern einen globalen
Charakter hat und die Unterwerfung vor dem imperialistischen System ablehnt.
Falls Du/Ihr am EU-Gegengipfel in Saloniki teilnimmst/-nehmt;
besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Du Dich/Ihr Euch von dort aus ohne
größeren Aufwand und Kosten der Delegation zwischen 22.-26. Juni
anschließt. Autos bzw. Minibusse werden organisiert.
Selbst wenn Du/Ihr nicht nach Griechenland fähr(s)t, besteht die
Möglichkeit, dass Du Dich/Ihr Euch ab 23.6. von Istanbul aus
anschließt und die Delegation innerhalb der türkischen Grenzen

Bitte melde(t) Dich/Euch bei Interesse dringend unter folgender
Kontakt in Brüssel: Tel ++32 2 230 08 66
(Koordinierung der Delegationsreise)
in Österreich: Tel (++43)664 561 27 97

Internationale Plattform gegen Isolation

09 AKS präsentiert Schuldemokratie-Umfrage
From: "Niki Kowall" <>

13. Juni 2003

AVISO: Pressekonferenz -
AKS präsentiert Schuldemokratie-Umfrage
Die Aktion kritischer SchülerInnen präsentiert ihre Demokratieumfrage an
der sich bundesweit 20 000 SchülerInnen aller höheren Schultypen beteiligt
Hiermit möchten wir die Damen und Herren von Presse, Hörfunk, Fernsehen
und Photoredaktionen herzlich einladen:

Dienstag, der 17. Juni
im Cafe Stein
Währinger Strasse 6-8, 1090 Wien (U2 Schottentor)
Beginn: 10:00 Uhr

Vizebundesschulsprecherin Kim Kadlec und AKS-Bundesvorsitzender Niki
Kowall präsentieren die Ergebnisse der „Power to the pupils“-
SchülerInnenumfrage, die von der AKS in den letzten Wochen durchgeführt
20 000 SchülerInnen aller Bundesländer und Schultypen haben dabei den
Zustand der Schuldemokratie in Österreich bewertet. Aus den wichtigsten
Ergebnissen wird die AKS Forderungen zur Verbesserung der
SchülerInnenmitbestimmung ableiten.

Rückfragehinweis: Niki Kowall (0699) 11 40 81 42

10 Radiosendung: Niederlagen des Friedens. Gespräche und Begegnungen in Guatemala und El Salvador

"Niederlagen des Friedens. Gespräche und Begegnungen in Guatemala und El
Buchpräsentation sowie anschließende Diskussion im Depot, Oktober 2002. Ein
politisches Reisebuch, das nicht nur von den Grauen der Diktaturen, des
Militarismus und der Repression berichtet, sondern sich auch kritisch mit
ideologischen Versatzstücken der Linken wie Nationalismus, Antiamerikanismus,
Antisemitismus und Rassismus auseinandersetzt und nicht zuletzt deswegen für
Empörung in Teilen der Guatemala-Solidarität hierzulande sorgte.
Niederlagen des Friedens. Gespräche und Begegnungen in Guatemala und El
Salvador. Von Mary Kreutzer und Thomas Schmidinger, mit Karikaturen von Camoch.
Edition Wahler, Grafenau 2002. ISBN: 3-9808498-0-5
Eine Sendung der Ökologischen Linken, Wien (
Das Buch kann unter: bestellt
oder bei einer Abo-Bestellung von Context XXI als Geschenk erhalten werden:
Montag, 15. Juni 2003, 13 Uhr auf Radio Orange 94.0 in Wien. (live stream:
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
Visite our Website:
Ökoli Vorarlberg:
Spenden auf unser Konto sind immer willkommen:
Konto Nr.: 56001071333 Bank Austria Creditanstalt BLZ 12000
Unsere Aussendungen sind nicht zur Verbreitung über Indymedia


11 korrektur
From: "Claudia Volgger" <>
im freitags-mund (13.6.) steht eine antwort von mir an roland hermann, die
eigentlich nicht zur veröffentlichung gedacht war. sie war auch schnell und
schlampig formuliert, deshalb möchte ich folgendes korrigieren bzw.
ich habe geschrieben, es werde demnächst vielleicht so "regierungskritische"
zeitungen im arabischen raum geben, wie ha'aretz eine ist. das ist sachlich
falsch, es gibt dort sehr regierungskritische medien: was ich meinte, war,
dass kritik an bestimmten problemen innerhalb der arabischen gesellschaften
von seiten arabischer journalisten eine erfreuliche neuerung darstellt (die
hoffen lässt, es könnte auch einmal eine palästinensische/jordanische...
amira hass geben). es haben leser an dieser formulierung anstoss genommen:
es tut mir sehr leid. ich werde mich um grössere genauigkeit bemühen.
und hinzufügen möchte ich, dass ich die österreichische medienlandschaft für
eine katastrophale - und arabischen medien aber in gar keiner weise
"überlegene" halte. man kann sich auch über entwicklungen in anderen ländern
freuen, die das "eigene" weit hinter sich lassen. vielleicht holt irgendwann
ja auch wien mal auf.

12 AIK-Judenhass in linker Verkleidung

AIK-Judenhass in linker Verkleidung
Bitte als Quelle nur angeben, keine E-mail
AIK-Judenhass in linker Verkleidung
Die Gruppe, die während des Irakkriges Flaggen des
Irak in Wien mit dem Text "We Support our troops"
(Siehe anklebte,
die schon mehrmals gegen religiöses jüdisches Leben in Wien hetzte,
entschuldigte sich dafür, sich mit einem Holcaustleugner
gemein gemacht zu haben. In diesem Zusammenhang verweisen
sie auf die Fehler anderer.
Bei der Gruppe, die sich Antiimperialistische Kooperation
nennt, ist es wohl kein Betriebsunfall, es ist die Substanz
an der es mangelt. Pardon, Mangel würde ja die Existenz einer Substanz bedingen.
Seltsam muten beispielsweise "Beweise"
die aus Österreich stammende in Israel beschützte Juden kurzerhand zu israelischen
Soldaten machen und andere "Perlen" antiimperialstischer
Dummheit. Bündnispartner wie John Bunzl oder die notorische
"Frau in schwarz" die schon mal ihren politischen Gegnern Gewalt androht,
erweisen sich mit solchen Freunden einen Bärendienst.
S. Laster


13 freifahrt fürobdachlose
From: augustin <>
Nulltarif für die Ärmsten: Laska sagt Njet
Eine langjährige Forderung des AUGUSTIN und seiner VerkäuferInnen ist in
einer Bezirksvertretungssitzung aufgegriffen worden. Nachstehend der
Antrag des Bezirksrats Wolfgang Krisch im Namen der Penzinger Grünen auf
unentgeltliche Benützung der Wiener Linien für SozialhilfebezieherInnen:
"Die Bezirksvertretung wolle beschließen, den Wiener Bürgermeister zu
ersuchen, für Maßnahmen der Stadt Veranlassungen treffen zu wollen,
damit BezieherInnen von Sozialhilfe die Wiener Linien unentgeltlich
benützen dürfen. Begründung: Gerechte Sozialpolitik sollte primär an den
Bedürfnissen der sozial Schwächsten orientiert sein."
Die offizielle Antwort, unterzeichnet von Sozialstadträtin und
Vizebürgermeisterin Grete Laska, hat folgenden Wortlaut:
"Zu dem in der Sitzung der Bezirksvertretung des 14. Bezirks vom 9.
April 2003 zur Zahl BV 14 - S 1/03 einstimmig angenommen Antrag,
betreffend unentgeltliche Benützung von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln für
Soziahilfebezieherlnnen, darf ich nachstehende Stellungnahme übermitteln:
Die Stadt Wien bietet bereits derzeit Ermäßigungen für
Dauersozialhilfe-und Ausgleichszulagenbezieherlnnen für die Benützung
öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel an. Des weiteren erhalten Seniorinnen in
Wien generell vergünstigte Fahrtmöglichkeiten bei den Wiener Linien.
Eine Ausdehnung des Personenkreises auf alle Sozialhilfe- und
Notstandshilfebezieherlnnen sowie die Herabsetzung auf den Nulltarif
würde für die Stadt Wien eine enorme finanzielle Belastung bedeuten und
zu einem nicht mehr zu administrierenden Aufwand führen. Dazu kommt,
dass der im WSHG verankerte, sozialhilfebedürftigen Menschen zustehende
Lebensbedarf die Kosten für die Benützung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel
beinhaltet und dieses in der Richtsatzverordnung festgelegte
Existenzminimum allen Bürgerinnen dieser Stadt gewährleistet ist.
Ausgenommen davon sind mit Einschränkungen ausländische
Staatsbürgerinnen, die keinen Rechtsanspruch auf Sozialhilfe haben.
Geplant ist zukünftig eine Bündelung aller Leistungen für Seniorinnen
und somit auch eine Neugestaltung des Sozialpasses sowie eine
Neudefinition des Anspruchskreises. In diesem Zusammenhang steht auch
die Fahrpreisermäßigung für Personen mit geringeren Einkommen zur Disposition.
Der Entscheidung über eine mögliche Ausweitung des Anspruchskreises
möchte ich jedoch, angesichts der geplanten Veränderungen im
Gesundheits- und Sozialbereich, nicht vorgreifen."
Anmerkung des AUGUSTIN: Der im Wiener Sozialhilfegesetz (WSHG)
verankerte, sozialhilfebedürftigen Menschen zustehende "Lebensbedarf",
der laut Grete Laska die Kosten für die Benützung öffentlicher
Verkehrsmittel beinhaltet, beträgt 390 Euro im Monat. Die meisten
Obdachlosen beziehen diese einfache Sozialhilfe und haben damit - anders
als die so genannten Dauersozialhilfe-und Ausgleichszulagenbezieherlnnen
- keinen Anspruch auf den Sozialpass der Stadt Wien. Ohne Sozialpass
gibt´s keine Ermäßigung, was die absurde Situation ergibt, dass
ausgerechnet jene, die am wenigsten haben, den vollen Fahrpreis zahlen.
Grete Laska hält es für zumutbar, dass man mit insgesamt 390 Euro im
Monat sich eine Monatskarte leistet.

14 radio agora das lebewohl
From: initiative minderheiten <>
Die Radio AGORA Benefiz CD
CD mit Haltung
Wenn Haltung in unreglementierbarer Sprache zu hören ist, wird’s manchmal unbequem, weil unangepasst. Und das heisst: Nicht bei allen beliebt.Das haben zwei Protagonisten gemeinsam: Die österreichische Autorin Elfriede Jelinek ­ und das nichtkommerzielle Freie Radio AGORA, das seit vier Jahren in Kärnten sendet.
Jetzt springt Jelinek in die Bresche, weil das Radio mundtot gemacht werden soll. Gar nicht zu hören soll es mehr sein, das Mehrsprachige.
Betrieben wird dies systematisch: Seit Beginn 2001 gibt's keine Subventionen mehr ­ und seit Ende 2002 kein Kooperationsprojekt mit dem ORF.
Radio AGORA macht weiter, wird von Freiwilligen „durchgetragen“. Helfen soll dabei eine CD, auf der das zu hören ist, was auf Radio Agora zu hören ist: Eine kritische Stimme zur Lage.
Der Schauspieler Karsten Rühl liest den Jelinek-Text „Das Lebewohl“, eine Collage aus antikem Text (Griechenland).... und Originalzitaten jenes Herrn, der vor nicht allzu langer Zeit erklärte: Ich muss jetzt in mein Bundesland zurück... Dazu ist eine Aufnahme mit Einmaligkeitswert zu hören: Die österreichische Bundeshymne in einem Zusammenschnitt auf Slowenisch, Kroatisch, Ungarisch, Tschechisch, Slowakisch und Romanes - in allen Sprachen des Landes...(interpretiert von Gabriel Lipuš, Yitka Woodhams, Ans Deák, Georg Kusztrich, Ceija Stojka und Georg Willi).
Kritisch sein, kritisch bleiben und Kritisches unterstützen: Das ist mit dem Kauf dieser Benefiz-CD zugunsten von Radio AGORA möglich. Auch mit einer Spende oder einem Dauerauftrag auf das Konto 93.997 (BLZ 39100) Zveza Bank.
Zu bestellen bei: und auf:
Paracelsusgasse 14
A - 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec
Tel. 0463/418666

15 REDE für das ERÖFFNUNGSFEST der Bock-Bier-Aktion
From: Irene Messinger <>

Liebe redaktion,
bitte um veröffentlichung, danke!

REDE für das ERÖFFNUNGSFEST der Bock-Bier-Aktion
am Freitag den 13. Juni 2003
um 18:00Uhr im Museumsquartier
geschrieben und gehalten von Joshua Sunday Takwa
CAM- Verein für afrikanische und österreichische Kultur- Zusammenarbeit.
auch zu finden unter:
Aktion Bock-Bier:

Rede für das Eröffnungsfest
von Joshua Sunday Takwa

Guten Abend liebe Damen und Herren, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde!
Ich spreche hier heute als Stimme der Stimmlosen.
Mein Name ist Joshua Sunday Takwa und ich lebe seit dreieinhalb Jahren
in Wien.
Ich weiß, dass es viele Österreicherinnen und Österreicher gibt, die
eine Wohnung suchen oder arbeitslos sind.
Aber für Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner ist das noch anders.
Die Behandlung von afrikanischen AsylwerberInnen und Asylwerbern ist oft
unfair, weil ihnen bei den Interviews im Bundesasylamt oft nicht
geglaubt wird, was sie sagen und die Informationen nicht genau genug
überprüft werden.
Ich habe das persönlich erlebt
(wenn das jemand genauer wissen will, können wir nachher darüber
Seit Oktober 2002 sind viele aus der Bundesbetreuung hinausgeworfen
Das ergibt das zweite Problem:
Viele Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner müssen sozusagen auf der Straße
leben, das heißt die Leute schlafen im Sommer im Park, auf der
Donauinsel, im Prater und im Winter in der Disko oder für eine Nacht bei
einem Freund.
Oder, wenn man Glück hat bei der Frau Bock.
Ich habe Live- Video- Interviews gemacht, in denen mir viele erzählt
haben, wie es ist, nicht zu wissen, wo man die nächste Nacht schlafen
Ihr größter Wunsch ist, arbeiten zu dürfen, das heißt, eine
Arbeitsberechtigung zu bekommen, damit sie sich selber eine Arbeit
suchen können, selber eine Wohnung finden und für sich selber sorgen
Es gibt auch Afrikanerinnen und Afrikaner, die dieses Arbeitsrecht oder
auch österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft haben.
Wenn sie eine Wohnung oder Arbeit suchen, haben sie oft Probleme wegen
ihrer Farbe - nicht nur wegen ihrer Hautfarbe, vielleicht auch wegen
ihrer Augenfarbe-
zum Beispiel:
Wenn man sich für eine Arbeit vorstellt, sagt der Chef, dass der Job
schon weg ist. Wenn man später wieder anruft, ist die Stelle wieder
Mir ist das auch sehr oft passiert.
Ich habe eine gute Ausbildung, ich bin Biochemiker von Beruf und ich
habe mich in einem Spital um eine Stelle beworben.
Die Ärzte wollten mich auch, aber die Personalchefin hat mich nicht
haben wollen.
Sie hat mir gesagt: "Wir suchen Inländer- richtige Österreicher! Egal ob
Sie eine Arbeitsbewilligung oder österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft
Das gleich passiert auch, wenn man eine Wohnung anschauen will.
Es gibt auch Rassismus und Sexismus jeden Tag auf der Straße, in der U-
Bahn, im Bus, aber auch in der Schule oder am Arbeitsplatz.
Ich will in der Arbeit nicht mehr "Banana" oder "schwarzer Nigger" oder
"Bimbo" genannt werden.
Wir wollen auf der Straße einfach beieinander stehen und miteinander
das ist auch unsere Kultur-
ohne dass uns die Polizei wegschickt.

Deswegen muß in Österreich sofort das Anti- Diskriminierungsgesetz
beschlossen werden!!
Es ist aber vor allem wichtig Projekte, wie das von Frau Bock und
anderen NGOs und Vereine zu unterstützen,
damit wir alle die Chance bekommen, sicher und wie Menschen leben zu
gut miteinander leben zu können!
Ich möchte zum Schluß unser CAM -Lied für Frau Bock singen: .......
(CAM- Verein für afrikanische und österreichische Kultur-
Zusammenarbeit. )

Wien, 13. 6. 2003
Joshua Sunday Takwa

16 America's imperial delusion
From: Information Clearing House <>

America's imperial delusion
The US drive for world domination has no historical precedent
By Eric Hobsbawm
Saturday June 14, 2003: (The Guardian) The present world situation is
unprecedented. The great global empires of the past - such as the Spanish and
notably the British - bear little comparison with what we see today in the
United States empire. A key novelty of the US imperial project is that all
other empires knew that they were not the only ones, and none aimed at global
domination. None believed themselves invulnerable, even if they believed
themselves to be central to the world - as China did, or the Roman empire.
Regional domination was the maximum danger envisaged until the end of the cold
war. A global reach, which became possible after 1492, should not be confused
with global domination.
The British empire was the only one that really was global in a sense that it
operated across the entire planet. But the differences are stark. The British
empire at its peak administered one quarter of the globe's surface. The US has
never actually practised colonialism, except briefly at the beginning of the
20th century. It operated instead with dependent and satellite states and
developed a policy of armed intervention in these.
The British empire had a British, not a universal, purpose, although naturally
its propagandists also found more altruistic motives. So the abolition of the
slave trade was used to justify British naval power, as human rights today are
often used to justify US military power. On the other hand the US, like
revolutionary France and revolutionary Russia, is a great power based on a
universalist revolution - and therefore on the belief that the rest of the
world should follow its example, or even that it should help liberate the rest
of the world. Few things are more dangerous than empires pursuing their own
interest in the belief that they are doing humanity a favour.
The cold war turned the US into the hegemon of the western world. However, this
was as the head of an alliance. In a way, Europe then recognised the logic of a
US world empire, whereas today the US government is reacting to the fact that
the US empire and its goals are no longer genuinely accepted. In fact the
present US policy is more unpopular than the policy of any other US government
has ever been, and probably than that of any other great power has ever been.
The collapse of the Soviet Union left the US as the only superpower. The sudden
emergence of a ruthless, antagonistic flaunting of US power is hard to
understand, all the more so since it fits neither with long-tested imperial
policies nor the interests of the US economy. But patently a public assertion
of global supremacy by military force is what is in the minds of the people at
present dominating policymaking in Washington.
Is it likely to be successful? The world is too complicated for any single
state to dominate it. And with the exception of its superiority in hi-tech
weaponry, the US is relying on diminishing assets. Its economy forms a
diminishing share of the global economy, vulnerable in the short as well as
long term. The US empire is beyond competition on the military side. That does
not mean that it will be absolutely decisive, just because it is decisive in
localised wars.
Of course the Americans theoretically do not aim to occupy the whole world.
What they aim to do is to go to war, leave friendly governments behind them and
go home again. This will not work. In military terms, the Iraq war was
successful. But it neglected the necessities of running the country,
maintaining it, as the British did in the classic colonial model of India. The
belief that the US does not need genuine allies among other states or genuine
popular support in the countries its military can now conquer (but not
effectively administer) is fantasy.
Iraq was a country that had been defeated by the Americans and refused to lie
down. It happened to have oil, but the war was really an exercise in showing
international power. The emptiness of administration policy is clear from the
way the aims have been put forward in public relations terms. Phrases
like "axis of evil" or "the road map" are not policy statements, but merely
soundbites. Officials such as Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz talk like Rambo
in public, as in private. All that counts is the overwhelming power of the US.
In real terms they mean that the US can invade anybody small enough and where
they can win quickly enough. The consequences of this for the US are going to
be very dangerous.
Domestically, the real danger for a country that aims at world control is
militarisation. Internationally, the danger is the destabilising of the world.
The Middle East is far more unstable now than it was five years ago. US policy
weakens all the alternative arrangements, formal and informal, for keeping
order. In Europe it has wrecked Nato - not much of a loss, but trying to turn
it into a world military police force for the US is a travesty. It has
deliberately sabotaged the EU, and also aims at ruining another of the great
world achievements since 1945: prosperous democratic social welfare states. The
crisis over the United Nations is less of a drama than it appears since the UN
has never been able to do more than operate marginally because of its
dependence on the security council and the US veto.
H ow is the world to confront - contain - the US? Some people, believing that
they have not the power to confront the US, prefer to join it. More dangerous
are those who hate the ideology behind the Pentagon, but support the US project
on the grounds that it will eliminate some local and regional injustices. This
may be called an imperialism of human rights. It has been encouraged by the
failure of Europe in the Balkans in the 1990s. The division of opinion over the
Iraq war showed there to be a minority of influential intellectuals who were
prepared to back US intervention because they believed it necessary to have a
force for ordering the world's ills. There is a genuine case to be made that
there are governments so bad that their disappearance will be a net gain for
the world. But this can never justify the danger of creating a world power that
is not interested in a world it does not understand, but is capable of
intervening decisively with armed force whenever anybody does anything that
Washington does not like.
How long the present superiority of the Americans lasts is impossible to say.
The only thing of which we can be absolutely certain is that historically it
will be a temporary phenomenon, as all other empires have been. In the course
of a lifetime we have seen the end of all the colonial empires, the end of the
so-called thousand-year empire of the Germans, which lasted a mere 12 years,
the end of the Soviet Union's dream of world revolution.
There are internal reasons, the most immediate being that most Americans are
not interested in running the world. What they are interested in is what
happens to them in the US. The weakness of the US economy is such that at some
stage both the US government and electors will decide that it is much more
important to concentrate on the economy than to carry on with foreign military
adventures. Even by local business standards Bush does not have an adequate
economic policy for the US. And Bush's existing international policy is not a
particularly rational one for US imperial interests - and certainly not for the
interests of US capitalism. Hence the divisions of opinion within the US
The key questions now are: what will the Americans do next, and how will other
countries react? Will some countries, like Britain, back anything the US plans?
Their governments must indicate that there are limits. The most positive
contribution has been made by the Turks, simply by saying there are things they
are not prepared to do, even though they know it would pay. But the major
preoccupation is that of - if not containing - educating or re-educating the
US. There was a time when the US empire recognised limitations, or at least the
desirability of behaving as though it had limitations. This was largely because
the US was afraid of somebody else: the Soviet Union. In the absence of this
kind of fear, enlightened self-interest and education have to take over.
This is an extract of an article edited by Victoria Brittain and published in
Le Monde diplomatique's June English language edition. Eric Hobsbawm is the
author of Interesting Times, The Age of Extremes and The Age of Empire

17 1984 online
Hier ist der Original-Code von George Orwell's Roman "1984" online:

18 HOSI Wien begr üßt Entwurf für EU-Verfassung
From: Kurt Krickler <>
Medienaussendung der Homosexuellen Initiative (HOSI) Wien vom 15. Juni 2003
Homosexualität/EU-Verfassung/HOSI Wien

HOSI Wien begrüßt Entwurf für EU-Verfassung - weitere Verbesserung nötig

"Die Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien begrüßt den vergangenen Freitag vorgelegten Entwurf für eine EU-Verfassung", erklärt Generalsekretär Kurt Krickler, der auch Vorstandsvorsitzender des europäischen Lesben- und Schwulenverbands ILGA-Europa ist. "Wir sind höchst zufrieden, dass sich die EU bei den Werten, auf die sie sich gründet (Artikel I-2), ausdrücklich zur 'Gleichheit' aller Menschen sowie zu 'Toleranz' und 'Nichtdiskriminierung' bekennt. Darüber hinaus sieht der Entwurf im Artikel I-3, in denen die Ziele der Union aufgezählt werden, die Bekämpfung von Diskriminierungen vor. Konkretisiert wird dieses Ziel folglich im Teil III betreffend die Politikbereiche und Arbeitsweise der Union, wo es im neu eingefügten Artikel III-1a heißt: Bei der Festlegung und Durchführung der Politik und der Maßnahmen in den in diesem Teil der Verfassung genannten Bereichen zielt die Union darauf ab, Diskriminierungen u. a. aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung zu bekämpfen."

"Die umfassende Berücksichtigung unserer Anliegen ist dem intensiven gemeinsamen Lobbying zahlreicher Sozial- und Menschenrechts-NGOs auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene zu verdanken, dem sich auch die ILGA-Europa und die HOSI Wien angeschlossen hat", freut sich Krickler weiter. "In früheren Entwürfen war die Berücksichtigung von Gleichheit und Nichtdiskriminierung nicht in dieser Form in diesen Schlüsselartikeln über die Werte und Ziele der Union vorgesehen. Erst in Folge der großangelegten Kampagne der NGOs wurden die Formulierungen entsprechend abgeändert."

Weitere Verbesserungen notwendig

"Allerdings sind wir noch nicht ganz zufrieden", ergänzt HOSI-Wien-Obmann Christian Högl. "Der bisherige Artikel 13 EG-Vertrag, in dem seit dem Amsterdamer Vertrag die Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung u. a. aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung geregelt ist, soll nur unverändert als Artikel III-5 in die EU-Verfassung übernommen werden. Die bisherige Fassung sieht die Verabschiedung von Maßnahmen auf Basis dieser Bestimmung durch einstimmigen Beschluss im Rat vor, und auch das Europäische Parlament wird dabei nur angehört. Viele NGOs aus den Bereichen Anti-Rassismus, Behinderung und Alter sowie Lesben- und Schwulenverbände fordern jedoch die Beschlussfassung von Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung mittels qualifizierter Mehrheit im Rat und durch das Mitentscheidungsverfahren mit dem EP. Wenn die EU im nächsten Jahr 25 Mitglieder hat, werden wohl kaum mehr Maßnahmen in diesem Bereich einstimmig im Rat angenommen werden. Entscheidungen mit qualifizierter Mehrheit sollen ja wegen der schwierigen Einstimmigkeit bei 25 Regierungen daher auch zum Normalfall werden. Es ist nicht einzusehen, dass ausgerechnet bei der Nichtdiskriminierung davon abgewichen wird. Die HOSI Wien hat jedenfalls an die fortschrittlichen Konventsmitglieder aus Österreich - Maria Berger und Caspar Einem (SPÖ) und Johannes Voggenhuber (Grüne) - geschrieben und sie aufgefordert, entsprechende Abänderungsanträge einzubringen, was noch bis 23. Juni möglich ist, da der Entwurf für Teil III der Verfassung noch nicht zur Gänze fertig ist."

Gezeichnet: Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien - 1. Lesben- und Schwulenverband Österreichs.
Helga Pankratz, Obfrau: Tel. 893 75 70;
Christian Högl, Obmann: 0699-118 11 038;
Kurt Krickler, Generalsekretär: 545 13 10 oder 0664-57 67 466;;


19 Guerrilla News Network Exclusive

In New Mexico, three state prisoners face the electric chair, accused of killing a guard in an August 1999 riot that also left an inmate dead. Can a book save their lives? The lawyers defending David Sanchez plan a novel defense to mitigate the death penalty in the case that begins this week in the state’s Fourth Judicial Court. They plan to cite Greg Palast’s exposé from his book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," the story of how the callous hunt for profits by the prison’s private operator created conditions that led to riots and deaths.
This is the report, an exclusive excerpt taken from The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, released today on the Guerrilla News Network.
Gilded Cage: Wackenhut’s Free Market in Human Misery
One of the hottest stock market plays of the 1990s was the investment in hotels without doorknobs: privately operated prisons. And the hottest of the hot was a Florida-based outfit, Wackenhut Corporation, which promised states it would warehouse our human refuse at bargain prices. In 1999, I thought it worth a closer look. That year, New Mexico rancher Ralph Garcia, his business ruined by drought, sought to make ends meet by signing on as a guard at Wackenhut’s prison at Santa Rosa, New Mexico, run under contract to the state. For $7.95 an hour, Garcia watched over medium-security inmates. Among the "medium security" prisoners were multiple murderers, members of a homicidal neo- Nazi cult and the Mexican Mafia gang. Although he had yet to complete his short training course, Garcia was left alone in a cell block with sixty unlocked prisoners.
To read the full text of the excerpt please visit:
Greg Palast is the bestselling author of the Best Democracy Money Can Buy, details of which can be found at
To buy your own copy of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy please visit:

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20 [cuadpupdate] More This & That....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <>

Sent *only* to the almost 4,200 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel Free To Forward
**If you are receiving a forward of this message and would like to receive
it directly, please send an e-mail to <>**

Hi Folks,
There is just toooo much going on. So here's more This & That.
I have to say, however, sometimes I wonder if I am just wasting my
time. Does *anyone* read this stuff? Why do roughly 4,200 people stay on
this list? The reason I ask is because there has been *NOT ONE* response
to the offer of a FREE Fast & Vigil t-shirt to the first person to write
and say they saw the offer. Who doesn't want a *free* super-cool
collectors item "Starvin' for Justice '03" t-shirt? There isn't ONE
person among 4,200? Oh well. The deal is still on, except now there's a
price: The first person with the correct answer to the following question
gets TWO free shirts - one of each of the two shirts describe in item four,
below. Here's the question:
*** Which artist wrote the lyric, and on which album is the
question: "What is your conceptual continuity?"
OR, for those who are not of that generation, a backup question:
*** Who was the winner of the pool to decide the minute that the awards
dinner would end at the Committing to Conscience conference in San
Francisco in November, 2000?
The correct answer to one of those questions *must* be sent to
Answer both questions correct and I'll throw in a sweatshirt.
(Sorry Al, family members of CUADP staff and volunteers are not eligible!)

Pennsylvania Action
North Carolina Action
Federal DP Action
Get 'em while they're hot!
Chavez Stamp follow-up
Rosenberg follow-up
Atlantic Monthly Follow-up
Yet another job open at TMC
Never heard of this group before.... AZ

It took me all of three minutes to take this action earlier today. I hope
you will join me....
United Against the Death Penalty
P.O. Box 58128, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215-724-6120 Fax: 215-729-6189
As the weather gets warmer and we move toward summer, it's time to turn up
the heat on Governor Rendell and make our demand for a moratorium on
executions more insistent than ever. Rendell still refuses to budge when
it comes to acknowledging the glaring problems with Pennsylvania's death
penalty system. In less than five months in office he already has signed
eight death warrants, five of them for people of color. A recent
Philadelphia City Paper article noted, "Despite a scathing indictment of
Pennsylvania's death penalty statutes and practices - by a GOP-controlled
Supreme Court committee - Rendell stands fast to his claim that there is no
evidence of unfairness in our system of capital punishment." The article
went on to say that "death penalty opponents aren't hiding their
disappointment in Rendell, and say they're going to hold his feet to the
Pennsylvania Abolitionists' next coordinated statewide action in our
Moratorium Mobilization Campaign will take place the week of June
16-20. The action is a form of "political theater" designed to creatively
remind the governor that there is strong public support for a moratorium on
executions. Concerned citizens throughout the Commonwealth will send the
governor "moratorium pens" to help him speed the process of putting a halt
to state-sponsored killing.
What is a moratorium pen? A moratorium pen is like any other cheap writing
instrument - except that it does not write. Activists will inundate
Rendell's office with pens that have had the ink cartridges and points
removed. Along with a moratorium pen, please enclose a note calling for a
moratorium and suggesting to the governor: "The next time you plan to sign
a death warrant, use this pen!"
Our goal is to have at least 1,000 moratorium pens reach the governor's
office by June 20. Preparing and sending your moratorium pen should take
just a few minutes. If you would like to write a more extensive letter,
please highlight the key issues that illustrate the need for a
moratorium. For a list of talking points, please e-mail us and we will
send them to you.
Send your moratorium pen to:
Governor Ed Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
When you've written the governor, please let us know (by e-mail - so that we can track the number of pens that have been sent.
Thank you for your commitment to helping end the death penalty in Pennsylvania!

Even after the NC Senate called for a moratorium, they are still signing
death warrants in that state. Here is a creative action being taken in NC
- today!

NC Attorney General, Governor to be "Indicted" by "People of the State of
NC" at Protest Friday
At a protest on Friday June 13, 2003 in front of the NC Attorney General's
office, a coalition of North Carolina organizations will present a
"people's indictment" to Attorney General Roy A. Cooper, former NC attorney
general Gov. Mike Easley, and the office of the attorney general as
defendants for violating the constitutional rights of three innocent
citizens who were sentenced to death.
The indictment reads that the "defendants. unlawfully, willfuly and
feloniously did attempt to secure the execution and murder" of Charles
Munsey, Alan Gell, and Jerry Hamilton "through actions of dishonesty and
misconduct, and that this pattern of misconduct continues to the present."
(Regarding Charles Munsey, the indictment reads "the pattern of misconduct
did not cease until on or about September 17, 1999, when Mr. Munsey died of
natural causes.")
The indictment will be signed by those attending the protest and presented
to the attorney general's staff and the governor's staff. The sponsors of
the protest call the offenses described in the "people's indictment" as
more reasons that North Carolina needs an immediate moratorium on executions.
The protest will begin at noon on Friday, June 13, 2003 at the entrance of
the NC Attorney General's office located at the intersection of Edenton and
Salisbury streets in downtown Raleigh across from the NW corner of the
State Capitol grounds.

From Amnesty International....
Support Abolition of the Federal Death Penalty!
This month, U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) plans to introduce
the Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act of 2003. This legislation, which
is a companion bill to Senate legislation introduced by Senator Feingold
(D-WI), will put an immediate halt to executions and forbid the imposition
of the death penalty as a sentence for violations of federal law. Please
contact your U.S. Representative today to urge him/her to sign on as an
original co-sponsor of this important legislation!
To take action, visit:
and speaking of Presidential candidate Kucinich....
Angie writes:
>Presidential candidate, Dennis Kucinich, was in Wisconsin yesterday (31
>May). One of the places he came to speak was at RADFest, an annual
>gathering for progressives in the upper midwest. I was a presenter on a
>panel this year at RADFest, so I was there at diner which Mr. Kucinich was
>keynote speaker to the 400 or so of us. I left the dining hall shortly
>after Mr. Kucinich left and found myself walking right past his car
>--taking him to Madison to speak a bit later that evening. I walked up to
>him and asked
> "So, what is your position on the death penalty?"
> Mr. Kucinich's reply, "I'd get rid of it,"
> That's all the time he had to address the question. Perhaps he
> has a position paper on his web site?
>angie hougas
>gp 139, Madison, Wisconsin


LIMITED EDITION -- 10th Anniversary Fast & Vigil Commemorative T-shirt
ONLY 72 of each design will be printed!
The "Starvin' for Justice '03" t-shirt is a heavy duty,100% preshrunk
cotton, WHITE t-shirt printed in navy and red and features (FRONT) the Fast
& Vigil logo by Khalil Bendib, the award winning cartoonist featured weekly
at (see to see
the logo), and on the back it says "Starvin' for Justice '03"
The "AAC" shirt is a heavy duty,100% preshrunk cotton, BLACK shirt printed
in yellow/gold on both sides. The front reads: "I Oppose the Death
Penalty, Don't Kill for Me" and the back features a very large "AAC" and
underneath that is the words "Abolitionist Action Committee" in smaller
These limited edition t-shirts are available in adult sizes
XXL and
$10 for people *registered* for the Fast & Vigil
$15 for people who come by SCOTUS during the Fast & Vigil (Sorry, only
registered F&V participants may reserve a shirt!)
$30 by mail (includes Postage)
$55 for one of each
Make your donation via credit card by phone at 800-973-6548 or on CUADP's
secure server at <>. If you
order on-line, be sure indicate your size preference in the comments
section. To order with a check or money order, e-mail
<> to reserve your shirt. This is a limited offer
and will not be repeated.
Thank you for supporting "STARVIN' FOR JUSTICE '03" -- the AAC's 10th
Annual Fast & Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty at the US Supreme Court!

I stand corrected:
> I read your 5/26 email about the Chavez postage stamps. Just to
>clarify. The stamp, as I understand it, was issued on April 23 to mark
>the 10th anniversary of his death on 4-23-93. It was not issued to mark
>his birthday. A small point to be sure. Miriam
My mistake - Chavez birthday, March 31st, was not that long ago.....

>Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:49:18 EDT
>Subject: for your reading list
>Hi, Abe
>Your posts on the Rosenberg trial reminded me of a novel, The Book of
>Daniel (I'll remember the author as soon as I hit "send") based loosely on
>the Rosenberg trial and execution from the point of view of a fictional
>son, Daniel. I read it 25 years ago and it made an impact on my thinking.
Jeff wrote:
>Hi Abe:
>Just took a look at your last Email posting with the information on the
>Rosenbergs. As an interesting aside, Abel Meeropol, who adopted the
>Rosenberg's children is the author of Strange Fruit - the song made famous
>by Billy Holiday. It was published under the pseudonym Lewis Allen. Of
>course the subject of that song was extralegal executions.
>- Jeff Bird
Thanks for that, Jeff. And just for the record, here are those lyrics!
Southern trees bear a strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the roots
Black bodies swingin' in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hangin' from the poplar trees
Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias sweet and fresh
And the sudden smell of burning flesh
Here is the fruit
For the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather
For the wind to suck
For the sun to rot
For the tree to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop
--Lewis Allen/Billie Holiday
"Strange Fruit"

From Alan Berlow, author of the Atlantic story I alerted you to the other
day, which you can find at
>Just one clarification. I received a request from one of your
>subscribers, for documents in the Odell Barnes case. The Atlantic is only
>posting documents pertaining to cases cited in the story. Other documents
>(including execution summaries for cases not cited) can be obtained from
>the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, P.O. Box 12927 Austin,
>Texas 78711-2927 or at
><> Anyone wishing to access
>Gonzales memoranda or other Bush death penalty documents should start by
>requesting a copy of the "finding aid," a CD rom prepared by the
>Archives. This is a Microsoft Access inventory of files in the
>Archive. There are 6000 separate files in Gonzales's office and hundreds
>of thousands of others in Bush's other offices. Regards. Alan

The Moratorium Campaign is accepting resumes for an immediate staff opening.
The full time position of Outreach Director will be available in July 2003.
The job description is below. Please send cover letter, resume and any
letters of recommendation by June 20, 2003 to:
PO Box 13727 New Orleans, LA 70185
Fax: 504-864-1654
Email: (MS Word, Text or PDF attachments)
Outreach Director
The Moratorium Campaign (TMC) seeks an Outreach Director for its New
Orleans, LA headquarters. The Moratorium Campaign is a nationwide non-profit
calling for an immediate freeze on executions and is led by Sr. Helen
Prejean, the author of Dead Man Walking. The Outreach Director will work
closely with the Executive Director to carry out projects and plans that
forward the moratorium movement. The Outreach Director will expand
membership, develop new materials and ensure the Moratorium Campaign
presence on a national level. The ideal candidate will maintain current
projects such as petition drive, Action Alert system, web site and student
outreach and will develop new and innovative outreach projects for the
future. This position also requires tracking of legislation and some
political advocacy. Knowledge of grassroots organizing and legislative
process are a must.
Salary $32,000/yr. + benefits
Job tasks include:
- Work with key states to discern how TMC can be most helpful.
- Maintain communications with one leader in each state
- Supervise regular member communications via newsletter and Action Alert
- Oversee development of website, ensure new and fresh materials
- Forge new collaborative efforts with unlikely suspects
- Schedule additional events with an eye on Sr. Helens schedule
- Help coordinate a TMC presence at Sr. Helens events
- Follow death penalty legislation
- Plan materials and strategy in line with new Changing Hearts and Minds
- Participate in planning Return to Kofiin December 2004. Work with Sant
Egidio to plan simultaneous Rome / NYC events.
- Assist executive director with media relations
- Provide office manager or interns with timely information to do alerts.
Help prioritize the issues that warrant alerts.
- Maintain good communication with Sens. Feingold and Leahy staff, keep foot
in door on national scene.
- Supervise 2-3 interns
- Develop new materials, both print and web based for outreach and
- Other duties as necessary
Job Requires: Outstanding communication skills, both written and oral. A
"people person" with a good understanding of death penalty issues and the
communities affected. Ability to juggle multiple projects and smooth ruffled
feathers. Ability to supervise interns and delegate tasks. Media and
marketing experience a plus.
Theresa Meisz
Outreach Director
The Moratorium Campaign
(504) 864-1071
Organizing Against the Death Penalty

Arizona Death Penalty Forum <> sent a check
and became a co-sponsor of the 10th Annual Fast & Vigil to Abolish the
Death Penalty. Care to join them? Check
out: <>.


Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <> or call 800-973-6548

21 [cuadpupdate] And the winner is....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <>

Sent *only* to the recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel free to forward

Hello all,
Who said Abolitionists weren't a fun-loving bunch? But just for the
record, there is some serious stuff included in this message: See
CONTENTS, below.
SO, glad to see so many FRANK ZAPPA aficionados out there. Apologies to
Guy Ottowell, who volunteered to answer questions about ancient Sumeria,
but I can't think of any questions about Sumeria, unless of course you want
to talk about "The Introduction," a Monty Python skit....
Thanks to everyone who wrote in, especially for your kind words. Its
always good to know people find at least some of this stuff useful....
There were many people who had part of the answer correct, but remember,
the instructions were: "The correct answer to one of those questions
*must* be sent to
<>." So several people missed out because they
didn't send it to the correct address!
And so, without further ado, here is the winning response:
>From: "Bethan Lant" <>
>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 12:47:30 +0000
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 13 Jun 2003 12:47:30.0378 (UTC)
>Well if no one is even going to try I might have a chance....
>The lyric is from 'Stink Foot' by Frank Zappa from the 'Apostrophe' album.
>And was it Dick Dieter who got the time right in 2000?
>Take care
>Bethan x
"Yes indeed, and here we are...."
I was looking for something obscure, but I had to throw in that other
question that any movement person present at the Committing to Conscience
conference in San Francisco should recall (that dinner went more than an
hour over time). AND, those who were not present would have read about it
right here in CUADPUpdate!
Click Here <> to see the winning moment
and a little background. (If the page isn't up yet, try back - we are
working on it now...)
Further background on the dinner pool. NCADP annual awards dinners had
always been notorious for going way longer then anyone wanted to be sitting
there. One year at the table I was at, we had a little pool. I think Joan
Betz won. The next year was the CtoC conference (which was not
specifically run by NCADP), and I decided to formalize it a bit, and
started in the afternoon. 87 spots were chosen by a list of folks that
reads like a "who's who" in the abolition movement. I don't think Mike
Farrell (who had MC'd the program) knew about it, because he sure looked
pissed when I got up there! But everyone else seemed to enjoy it. And the
best part is that this seemed to be the kick in the pants that made the
NCADP dinner organizers strive to get the time under control. The next
year in North Carolina, I ran the pool again, and again, just about
everyone except Steve Hawkins bought in. It was especially curious that
the people most anxious to get in the pool were NCADP staffers. NCADP
Communications Director David Elliot actually came closest, but when I made
the announcement that nobody had picked the *exact* minute, NCADP Chair
Brenda Lewis came up to me and pointed to the official MC's schedule - they
had finished *exactly* on the scheduled minute! See a photo and more
background at <>.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress!

OHIO - Take Action Today!
From Capital Defense Weekly
CT Judge Calls for Abolition
Another Rosenberg Event
INCARCERATION NATION - New Book / special opportunity!
A Father's Day Update on Dick Cunningham
If only all graduates were this smart.....

Is Jerome Campbell INNOCENT? CUADP rarely posts actions on specific
prisoners, however in this case the parole board has recommended clemency,
so there's a chance. Please do take this action.... Thanks!
Governor Bob Taft
77 S. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215-6117
Phone: 614-466-3555
Fax: 614-466-9354
Jerome Campbell - Execution scheduled for June 27, 2003
Jerome Campbell's case includes the worst elements of the death penalty as
it is practiced in the United States: a faulty eyewitness, jailhouse
snitches, and ineffective legal representation for a defendant who could
not afford an attorney. Moreover, Hamilton County's case against Campbell
relied on evidence that was highly circumstantial:
1. Fingerprints - A fingerprint and palmprint of Campbell were found on a
lightbulb and back kitchen door, respectively, at the apartment building of
victim John Henry Turner. However, Campbell had lived in that same building
until about a month earlier. The fingerprints came from common areas and
were not dated. Campbell's fingerprints were not found in Turner's
apartment or on the murder weapon. Many other prints were found in the
apartment, but were never tested.
2. Shoes - The stabbing of Mr. Turner was so bloody that it left pools of
blood and bloody shoeprints around Turner's body. Drips of blood found on
Campbell's gym shoes were presented in court as the blood of the victim.
Campbell maintained it was his own blood, shed when he cut his finger. When
Campbell's shoe was DNA tested last summer, the results found that it was,
in fact, Campbell's own blood. He had been telling the truth all along.
Additionally, Campbell's shoeprints did not match those at the crime scene.
This, however, was never told to the jury.
3. Faulty witness - The closest thing prosecutors had to an eyewitness was
Donna Roberts, who didn't actually witness the crime. Her testimony only
placed him in the area - an area that was his own neighborhood. Roberts
said that, after returning from the bar at 1a.m., she saw someone leaning
against a vacant building. Five days later, investigators returned to her
apartment and showed her a picture of Campbell. In a pre-trial hearing,
Officer Jim Lawson testified that Roberts provided Campbell's name.
However, Roberts testified that was untrue; she only later heard rumors
that Campbell did it. Furthermore, Lawson's testimony conflicted with
testimony of Officer Zieverink, who said the identification process took
place downtown. The identification was improper and suggestive and the
investigators themselves were inconsistent.
4. Jailhouse snitches - Ronys Clardy was on parole and charged with two
counts of aggravated robbery. Clardy told the jury Campbell had confessed
to stabbing Turner in the stomach and cutting his throat. The only problem
was the coroner's report showed Turner wasn't stabbed in the stomach, nor
was his throat cut. After testifying against Campbell, all felony charges
against Clardy were dismissed. Angelo Roseman also testified that Campbell
confessed while both were incarcerated in the Justice Center. Also on
parole, Roseman faced a 3-15 year sentence for a theft charge. The day
after Roseman testified in court against Campbell, he plead guilty to a
reduced charge, smiling as he said he understood the plea he had signed.
His sentence was 180 days in jail - time he had already served.
A bloody glove and bloodstained black hat were found by investigators at
the crime scene, but the jury never heard about these items. Had such
evidence been incriminating, surely the prosecutors would have used it. The
bloody glove, bloody hat, and other fingerprints could be DNA tested today,
but records show all articles with biological material were destroyed by
police 15 months after Campbell's trial. It is not official policy to
destroy bloodstained evidence so soon after a trial, Hamilton County
Prosecutor Mike Allen said. Evidence in death penalty cases is kept as
long as 30 years.

Selected Items from Capital Defense Weekly: This entire edition can be
>A spate of new law review article have come out on the New York death
>penalty & related topics spurred on by the indefatigable Norman Greene and
>the Association of the Bar of the City of New York's Capital Punishment
>Committee. More articles are coming out relatively soon from this
>group. Some of the recent articles include:
>The Death Penalty in New York Before 1965 (38 Crim. L. Bull. 510; 38 Crim.
>L. Bull. 516) (a historical analysis of how the New York death penalty
>system worked prior to the reintroduction under Gov. Pataki).
>The Death Penalty in the Age of Terrorism, 41 Cath. Law. 187 (2003) (as
>the name implies, an examination of the contemporary use of the death
>penalty & the moral issues associated with it)
>Dying Twice: Conditions On New York's Death Row, 22 Pace L. Rev. 347
>(Spring 2002) (examines the so-called "death row phenomenon" with specific
>attention to, obviously, New York)

>The Atlantic in the current edition has brought to light some of the
>clemency memos from then Governor Bush's time in Texas. What follows
>below is just part of an amazing article found online
>styled the "The Texas Clemency Memos" by Alan Berlow
>On the morning of May 6, 1997, Governor George W. Bush signed his name to
>a confidential three-page memorandum from his legal counsel, Alberto R.
>Gonzales, and placed a bold black check mark next to a single word: DENY.
>It was the twenty-ninth time a death-row inmate's plea for clemency had
>been denied in the twenty-eight months since Bush had been sworn in. In
>this case Bush's signature led, shortly after 6:00 P.M. on the very same
>day, to the execution of Terry Washington, a mentally retarded
>thirty-three-year-old man with the communication skills of a seven-year-old.
>Washington's death was barely noted by the media, and the governor's
>office issued no statement about it. But the execution and the three-page
>memo that sealed Washington's fatealong with dozens of similar memoranda
>prepared for Bushspeak volumes about the way the clemency process was
>approached both by Bush and by Gonzales, the man most often mentioned as
>the President's choice for the next available seat on the Supreme Court.
>During Bush's six years as governor 150 men and two women were executed in
>Texasa record unmatched by any other governor in modern American history.
>Each time a person was sentenced to death, Bush received from his legal
>counsel a document summarizing the facts of the case, usually on the
>morning of the day scheduled for the execution, and was then briefed on
>those facts by his counsel; based on this information Bush allowed the
>execution to proceed in all cases but one. The first fifty-seven of these
>summaries were prepared by Gonzales, a Harvard-educated lawyer who went on
>to become the Texas secretary of state and a justice on the Texas supreme
>court. He is now the White House counsel.
>Gonzales never intended his summaries to be made public. Almost all are
>marked CONFIDENTIAL and state, "The privileges claimed include, but are
>not limited to, claims of Attorney-Client Privilege, Attorney Work-Product
>Privilege, and the Internal Memorandum exception to the Texas Public
>Information Act." I obtained the summaries and related documents, which
>have never been published, after the Texas attorney general ruled that
>they were not exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Public
>Information Act.
>Gonzales's summaries were Bush's primary source of information in deciding
>whether someone would live or die. Each is only three to seven pages long
>and generally consists of little more than a brief description of the
>crime, a paragraph or two on the defendant's personal background, and a
>condensed legal history. Although the summaries rarely make a
>recommendation for or against execution, many have a clear prosecutorial
>bias, and all seem to assume that if an appeals court rejected one or
>another of a defendant's claims, there is no conceivable rationale for the
>governor to revisit that claim. This assumption ignores one of the most
>basic reasons for clemency: the fact that the justice system makes mistakes.
>A close examination of the Gonzales memoranda suggests that Governor Bush
>frequently approved executions based on only the most cursory briefings on
>the issues in dispute. In fact, in these documents Gonzales repeatedly
>failed to apprise the governor of crucial issues in the cases at hand:
>ineffective counsel, conflict of interest, mitigating evidence, even
>actual evidence of innocence.
>[...] see the full article at

Of course, this is just proof of what we already knew, but it is fodder for
the hypothesis that Bush is just a puppet in general, with an underlying
agenda driven by the Carlisle Group, etc. and the like. In other words,
here is proof that he is not a detail man, and compelling facts simply
cannot be allowed to get in the way of the task at hand.... Ongoing war,
and march toward eventual outright rule of the global economy. But, I
digress.... For more on that, see Murphy Davis' comments comparing the
era of the Rosenberg executions to now, in .

The dissenting opinion in State v. Breton is here:

The following article is here - see the final paragraphs:

Supreme Court Upholds Death Sentence
By Lynne Tuohy ; Hartford Courant Staff Writer
June 13 2003
The state Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence of Robert Breton of
Waterbury for fatally stabbing his ex-wife and 16-year-old son in December
Breton's case has been before the high court several times since his
initial conviction and death sentence in 1989, but Thursday's ruling
appears to have addressed the last of Breton's state appellate issues.
In their 6-1 decision, the justices ruled that Breton's constitutional
rights were not violated by the three-judge panel that sentenced him to
death after rejecting his arguments that mental impairment and his abusive
childhood warranted a life sentence, not capital punishment.
Breton grew up amid warring, alcoholic parents who routinely beat and
neglected him. He fatally stabbed his father in 1966 during one of their
many fights, but received a suspended sentence for that crime in
acknowledgement of the circumstances under which the teenager lived and his
father had died.
But in the case of killing his ex-wife and son, "The pertinent question is
not whether the defendant has established some general ground for sympathy,
but whether he has established a reason to hold him less than fully
responsible for the conduct with which he is charged," Chief Justice
William J. Sullivan wrote for the majority. "In the present case, the panel
reasonably could have concluded that the defendant's abuse as a child did
not constitute such a reason."
Robert Breton and his wife, Joann, were divorced 11 months before the
killings. Breton told a psychiatrist that he was distraught that Joann and
their son, Bobby, were taking a trip to Florida without him, and hadn't
sent him a birthday card.
He used keys he had stolen during an earlier visit to enter their home
about 2:45 a.m. on the morning of Dec. 13, 1987. He went to Joann's bedroom
and began beating her and stabbing her with a 5-inch knife. A medical
examiner testified that she suffered numerous cuts, bruises and stab wounds
before Breton slashed her throat.
Bobby Breton responded to his mother's cries and was also stabbed
repeatedly. Cuts on his palms and fingers showed that he had tried to fend
off the attack. He fled and was chased down a staircase and stabbed again
by his father.
The justices upheld the panel's determination that both killings were
committed in an "especially cruel" manner.
The justices also ruled Thursday that the Appellate Court's findings on
aggravating and mitigating factors were adequate.
Breton had challenged the appellate panel's refusal to elaborate on its
statement that there was no mitigating factor that would preclude a death
After acknowledging Breton's abusive childhood, good employment record and
status as a "model prisoner," the appellate panel had stated that "none of
these factors, alone or in combination, constitutes a mitigating factor
considering all the facts and circumstances of this case."
"The panel stated all that it was required to state," Sullivan wrote.
"Accordingly, we conclude that no further articulation of the panel's
special verdict is required."
The high court said it conducted an exhaustive examination of prior capital
cases, including those resulting in a life sentence, and ruled that there
was nothing unfair or disproportionate in the way Breton's case was handled.
Breton argued that the state's death penalty sentencing scheme is
unconstitutional, even while acknowledging that the court has rejected
these same challenges many times in other cases. The majority stated that
it would stand by those prior rulings.
Justice Flemming L. Norcott Jr. stood by his prior opinions. Norcott
dissented, as he has in previous capital cases dating back nearly a decade,
to the biases inherent in capital punishment.
"The passage of a few years' time had done nothing to blunt the pervasive
and insidious influence of race and poverty in the administration of the
death penalty," Norcott wrote.

The Unquiet Death of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
A Documentary Viewing: Thursday, June 19, 7PM, Columbia College (details below)
June 19 will mark the 50th anniversary of the execution of Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg, a couple accused of selling atomic secrets to the former Soviet
With their trial coming at the height of the Cold War hysteria, the case
was a political show trial in the name of national security. In the end,
the Rosenbergs were sent to death for their beliefs.
"The death sentence is not surprising," said Julius Rosenberg using words
that read like an ominous warning for America today. "It had to be. There
had to be hysteria and a fear sent through America in order to get
increased war budgets."
Come see this documentary and join in a discussion about the Rosenbergs'
case, the movement to support them, and the death
penalty today.
Columbia College
Film & Video Dept.
1104 S. Wabash
Room 402
Thursday, June 19, 7pm
Sponsored by the Campaign to End the Death Penalty
For more info, call 773-955-4841.

AltaMira Press announces the publication of
Incarceration Nation: Investigative Prison Poems of Hope and Terror
by Stephen John Hartnett
Merging the evocative power of poetry with scholarly research,
Incarceration Nation offers a genre-bending critique of the
prison-industrial-complex. Based on ten years of teaching in, writing
about, and protesting at prisons across America, Incarceration Nation
weaves together the hopes of prisoners, their families, and friends with
the stories of activist communities struggling against the death penalty,
the war on drugs, and a culture that treats prisoners as
commodities. While offering critical insight into how the
prison-industrial-complex compromises democracy in America, these poems
also celebrate the tenacity and genius of those citizens fighting for
justice. Full of materials from philosophers, poets, and historians, rich
in personal detail, and written as a passionate and urgent call for
justice, Incarceration Nation gives voice to the hopes and horrors of a
generation confronted by the mass-production of criminality.
"Hartnett's dazzlingly original book offers a poetry of engagement, of
vision becoming practice. This is a major achievement."
--Peter Dale Scott, U.C. Berkeley, and author of Coming to Jakarta: A Poem
About Terror
"Incarceration Nation honors the names and words of real people living
their lives behind bars, includes the speech of those we pay to guard them,
shares what Hartnett's eyes have seen, and calls on thinkers and poets from
Rousseau to Debs to Whitman."
--Judith Tannenbaum, author of Disguised as a Poem: My Years Teaching
Poetry at San Quentin Prison

*** Order Incarceration Nation by calling AltaMira Press at 1-800-462-6420,
or by using the webpage,
The author, a CUADPUpdate recipient, has graciously offered to personally
autograph a limited number of copies of his new book for persons who make a
specific minimum donation of $50 for the paperback, or $100 for the clothbound.
To take advantage of this offer, either call 800-973-6548, or use the CUADP
donation form at, and be
sure to note in the comments section that you want a copy of Incarceration

Subject: Cunningham's Son: "Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity"
Many of you may recall the tragic Abolition Day murder of Chicago death
penalty attorney Dick Cunningham, by his own mentally ill son. We
empathize with the Cunningham family and hope and pray for Jesse's recovery....
Man who killed dad not guilty but insane
Chicago Tribune By Jeff Coen ; June 6, 2003
A bearded and calm-looking Jesse Cunningham hugged his mother and other
family members Thursday moments after a Cook County judge found him not
guilty by reason of insanity in the 2001 stabbing death of his father, a
prominent criminal defense attorney.
Judge Vincent Gaughan said there was "overwhelming evidence" Cunningham,
29, was insane when he stabbed his father in his Lakeview home. Prosecutors
offered only limited argument Thursday, telling Gaughan they were prepared
to have him make a reasonable decision in the case.
Richard Cunningham, 56, was making sandwiches on March 1 that year when his
son, who had suffered a mental breakdown years earlier, stabbed him
repeatedly. After staggering outside, Cunningham was stabbed again by his
son in front of three witnesses.
Defense attorney Ronald Neville said Jesse Cunningham had been on
medication for years, had been diagnosed as schizophrenic and was released
from a mental hospital not long before the slaying.
Two doctors who examined Cunningham on behalf of prosecutors also
determined he was legally insane, Neville said.
"Regrettably, it was his disease that killed his father," Neville told the
judge after presenting the written testimony of several physicians,
psychiatrists and specialists.
After the bench trial, which lasted less than two hours, Neville said he
was confident the right thing had been done. Cunningham will be held in a
secure mental institution until a judge sees fit to order his release. He
can be held a maximum of 60 years.
"Dick Cunningham was a great lawyer and a great man; it's very sad he was
killed, and there's no question his son did it," Neville said.
"This was a tragedy."
Assistant State's Atty. Joseph Keating said prosecutors felt the same way.
"It's a tragedy for the family," Keating said. "Mrs. Cunningham lost her
husband and her son is facing serious time in a secure environment. I hope
he gets the help he needs."

Death penalty foe emerges
Education: Valedictorian asks Norwalk council to take official stand on
By Neda Raouf; Long Beach Press Telegram; May 31, 2003 -
NORWALK: A senior project landed Gloria Espitia in front of the Norwalk
City Council last month. The 18-year-old Norwalk High School valedictorian
took an in-depth look at the death penalty, and she felt so strongly in her
opposition to it that she has asked the council to take a stand.
"I believe that the death penalty is wrong and that Norwalk should pass a
resolution against it,' she said in a speech to the council.
Espitia, who made the presentation also as part of her senior project,
became passionate about the issue when she started to do research, as all
seniors are required to do at her high school.
"When I was researching it, I came across some stories about executions
gone wrong ... vivid description about how the criminal was going through
cruel and unusual punishment, and that's when I formed my opinion that it
was wrong,' she said.
Espitia, born and raised in Norwalk, initially picked the topic for
research because she wanted to do something law-related. Becoming a lawyer
has been Espitia's dream since childhood because of "the possibility of
making a difference in somebody's life,' she said.
In addition to a research paper, she also had to do 15 hours of related
field work, and for that, she saw a movie related to the topic and then
passed out fliers outside the theater. She also participated in a debate on
the death penalty, as well as giving the speech before the Norwalk council,
which she said was originally her mentor Kay Bandell's idea.
"I felt really good about it,' Espitia said. "I felt I was bringing up an
issue that needs to be voiced into people's awareness and take a stand and
make a difference.' Bandell, who said Espitia's teacher put the two in
touch, said that the two are trying to get the item onto an upcoming
council agenda and are put ting together packets for council members.
A nurse by occupation, Bandell said she has been involved in opposing the
death penalty since the early 1990s. She started with Espitia after the
student had already formed her opinion and written her paper, and Bandell
is happy about the council presentation.
"She's a pioneer,' Bandell said. Espitia "has brought a human rights issue
that affects people across the world to an otherwise politically
sequestered group.' Bandell said that about 14 other municipalities and
counties have passed resolutions opposing the death penalty, and she will
be giving a copy of the Santa Monica resolution to Nor walk for consideration.
At least two city councilmen said they were not sure if the item would end
up on the agenda. Councilman Gordon Stefenhagen said his personal opinion
is that the city should not get into such state and federal issues and that
it should not be on the agenda. Councilman Jesse Luera said he hopes that
it would go on the agenda but wants to hear what other council members have
to say about it.
Whether the council passes the issue or not, Dean Westerfield, senior
project teacher and literature teacher, said Espitia's project was one of
many impressive senior projects this year. He said students are not always
passionate as Espitia has been about their projects and that that is part
of the self-discovery.
"I'm just very impressed with her work,' he said. "I'm proud to have her as
a student.' Espitia will graduate late this month and plans to attend UCLA
in the fall.,1674,204%7E27141%7E1427984,00.html
Congrats to Kay and Gloria. Those so inclined are encouraged to write a
letter to the editor of that newspaper in support of Gloria's effort. Go
for details.

and have an *excellent* weekend!

Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <> or call 800-973-6548

Redaktionsschluss: 15. Juni 2003, 22.00 Uhr
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