Sonntag, 21. Januar 2001

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 01 KPI vor 80 Jahren ...
From: Michi Bonvalot <>

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 02 Kool Savas-Auftritt abgesagt!
From: Rosa Antifa Wien

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 03 Antifaschistische Banner gesucht

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 04 neu auf
From: "Martin Krusche" <>

************** INTERNATIONALES **************

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 05 Global Network on a Socioeconomy of Solidarity - LETTER OF INVITATION
From: "" <>

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 06 Mexico: Thousands of Zapatistas participate in demo, January 14
From: "" <>



Wie der MUND entsteht ....

Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen.
E-Mail-Adresse der Redaktion:

Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen" wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Ihr könnt Euch die Beiträge extra schicken lassen:
Mail an genügt.

war super - danke an alle die gekommen sind!


Und für nächsten Donnerstag:
Das Rechtshilfe-Manual

...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten?

Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Ihr.
Die Beiträge werden von verschiedenen Redaktionsteams zusammengestellt.

Bitte weitersagen:
Für Personen ohne Internetzugang gibt es aktuelle Terminankündigungen
unter der Rufnummer 589 30 22 12 (Demoforum)

01 KPI vor 80 Jahren ...
From: Michi Bonvalot <>

Hallo, FreundInnen!

Der gestrige Ablehungstext zu einem Mail hat mich etwas stutzig gemacht und
ich moechte dazu meine Bedenken ausdruecken.

Wenn ein Text ueber die italienische KP mit der Begruendung, zu
propagandistisch zu sein, nicht online gestellt wird, stimmt mich das
bedenklich. Ich
wuerde mir im Rahmen unseres gemeinsamen Anliegen (gegen Rassismus, Faschismus,
Sexismus, ...) ehrlich gesagt gern selbst eine Meinung ueber gewisse Themen
bilden koennen, und nicht der zensurierenden Vorauswahl einzelner
Redaktionsmitglieder unterliegen.

Wenn mir diese Texte dann nicht gefallen, dann kann ich dazu eine
inhaltliche Debatte fuehren.

Es geht hier nicht unbedingt um diesen konkreten Text, vielmehr um die

Der MUND ist voll mit Propaganda verschiedener politischer Gruppen und
Individuen. Wer entscheidet also, was "zu" propagandistisch ist und ab wann ist
das der Fall?

Liebe Gruesse

Michi Bonvalot

02 Kool Savas-Auftritt abgesagt!
From: Rosa Antifa Wien

Nach massiven Protesten gegen den Auftritt des homophoben und extrem
sexistischen Rappers Kool Savas, hat sich die Szene Wien
entschlossen, das fuer den 27. Jaenner geplante Konzert abzusagen.

Der Wiener Veranstalter des Konzerts (der die Szene angemietet hatte)
hat aber angekuendigt, dass er versuchen wird, das Konzert
gerichtlich durchzusetzen, oder wenn das nicht klappt, einen
Ersatzort zu finden.

So: Watch out!
vielen lieben dank an alle die druck gemacht haben!!!

Rosa Antifa Wien (RAW)

############ RAW #############

Rosa Antifa Wien
c/o Rosa Lila Tip
Linke Wienzeile 102
A-1060 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 64 15 999

############ RAW #############

03 Antifaschistische Banner gesucht

Guten Tag die Damen und Herren!

Sagt mal habt ihr vielleicht Anitfaschistische Banner mit verknüpften Links
anzubieten? Und wenn ja könnt ihr mir sie senden? Würd sie gern auf meiner
Homepage mit einbauen.

Ich verbelibe mal mit einem einfachen danke.

Ach so schickt sie bitte an

04 neu auf
From: "Martin Krusche" <>

grüß euch!

auf unserem kulturellen terrain findet ihr nun

*) marlene streeruwitz: "heimat"
*) eine neue karikatur bei schützenhöfers polit(e) art:

Das kulturelle Terrain:

************** INTERNATIONALES **************

05 Global Network on a Socioeconomy of Solidarity
- LETTER OF INVITATION (engl./span.)
From: "" <>

Global Network on a Socioeconomy of Solidarity -



How did the idea of a Global Network on a Socioeconomy of Solidarity emerge?

People belonging to consumption, production, trade and finance
organizations, coming from various parts of Latin America and Europe, met
in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in the First Socioeconomy of
Solidarity Camp, in July 2000. Aware of the need and the opportunity to
set up a global network in order to articulate the variety of
socioeconomic initiatives based on cooperation and
solidarity around the world, the participants decided to initiate a
process of organization of the Network. They sought to enlarge as much as
possible the spectrum of organizations and countries involved and proposed
the public launch for 2001. The purpose is to promote the integration of
socioeconomic initiatives by means of exchange of information, goods,
services and values, as well as to build a new socioeconomic, cultural and
political paradigm.

Acknowledging the diversity of economic, cultural and political practices
of solidarity as a wealth to be shared and integrated in a spirit of
collaboration, we invite all organizations and persons to participate in
the Network and establish economic, informational and cultural ties with
us, respecting, as the only condition, the following basic criteria:

a) that the initiatives who are part of the Network do not practice any
type of labor exploitation;
b) that they seek to preserve the ecological balance of ecosystems
(respecting, however, a necessary phase of transition of initiatives which
are not yet ecologically sustainable);
c) that they are willing to share significant parts of their surplus for
the expansion of the Network, allowing for the organization of new
economic initiatives, rebuilding the production chains on the basis of
solidarity and environmental sustainability, generating new work
opportunities and distributing income, so as to guarantee the
economic environment for the exercise of public and individual liberties
based on an ethic of solidarity.

We believe that by sharing our creativity, endeavors, resources and hopes
in solidarity we may become the subjects of our own liberation; therefore,
we would like to extend this call of sisterhood/brotherhood and justice to
all those who share this
historical perspective of building a new socially and ecologically
sustainable global order, in which the promotion of freedom and well being
become the principal meaning of life.

Participants of the First Socioeconomy of Solidarity Camp
Santa Maria - RS, July 4-8, 2000.



Como começou a idéia de criar uma Rede Global de Socioeconomia Solidaria?

Pessoas de diversas organizações de consumo, produção, comercialização e
financiamento, vindos de diversas partes da América Latina e Europa, com o
objetivo de permanecer integrados no intercâmbio de informações, produtos,
serviços e valores, reunidos em Santa Maria-RS em julho de 2000, durante o
Acampamento de Socioeconomia Solidária, decidiram iniciar a organização de
uma Rede Global de Socioeconomia Solidária.

Reconhecendo a diversidade das práticas solidárias nos campos econômico,
cultural e político como uma riqueza a ser compartilhada e integrada no
espírito de colaboração, convidamos a todas as organizações e pessoas que
desejem integrar-se conosco nesta iniciativa a estreitar laços econômicos,
informativos e culturais
tornando-se, como condição para tanto, os critérios básicos de que:

a) nos empreendimentos que venham a fazer parte da rede não haja qualquer
tipo de exploração do trabalho;
b) busque-se preservar o equilíbrio ecológico dos ecossistemas
(respeitando-se todavia a transição de empreendimentos que ainda não sejam
ecologicamente sustentáveis);
c) disponham-se a compartilhar significativas parcelas de seu excedente
para a expansão da própria rede, viabilizando a organização de novos
empreendimentos econômicos, remontando de maneira solidária e ecológica as
cadeias produtivas, gerando postos de trabalho e distribuindo renda, com o
objetivo de garantir as condições econômicas para o exercício das
liberdades públicas e privadas eticamente exercidas.

Convencidos de que compartilhando solidariamente nossa criatividade,
esforços, recursos e esperanças podemos ser sujeitos de nossa própria
libertação, estendemos nosso apelo de irmandade e justiça a todos os que
conosco compartilham dessa perspectiva histórica de construir uma nova
sociedade, socialmente e ecologicamente sustentável, em que a promoção das
liberdades e do bem viver seja o sentido maior da vida.

Participantes do 1º Acampamento da Sócioeconomia Solidária
Santa Maria - RS, 04 a 08 de julho de 2000.

06 Mexico: Thousands of Zapatistas participate
in demo, January 14
From: "" <>

Mexico: Thousands of Zapatistas participate in demo, January 14
by Andrew Kennis &Ryan Foster

In a story filed and reported directly from San Cristóbal de las Casas,
Chiapas, Mexico, NYC-IMC reporter Andrew Kennis and Ryan Foster write on the
general background of the Chiapas uprising and also write about how over
5,000 Zapatistas and supporters marched over a mile from the outskirts of
San Cristóbal to the Plaza de la Paz to express Zapatista demands and

San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Mexico: On January 1st, 1994, the Zapatista Army of
National Liberation (EZLN) undertook an uprising that would result in the
occupation of over four towns in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The date of
the uprising was symbolic, as it coincided with the official date for NAFTA
implementation and as their spokesman Subcommandante Marcos explained, the
"free-trade" pact was a "death sentence for the indigenous peoples." The
uprising lasted for twelve days, when President Salinas declared a
unilateral cease fire on January 12th. Thereafter, peace negotations began
in February and a temporary settlement would wind up being rejected by the
Zapatista communities (the communities are seen as the main base for
decision making, as opposed to prior armed Latin American movements, which
tended to depend upon a more hierarchal model). Eventually, a pact was
agreed to on February 16, 1996 by both the government and the Zapatistas in
the town of San Andrés (i.e. the San Andrés accords), but it was never

In the seven years that has passed since the uprising, a massive military
occupation has ensued, resulting in denunciations from a plethora of
respected human rights organizations, including Amnesty International. In
their annual report from the past year, Amnesty reported that in Chiapas,
"Human rights abuses, including killings, the torture and ill-treatment of
detainees, and the displacement of indigenous communities" occurred
alongside "Acts of intimidation directed at indigenous people by
'paramilitary'" groups. Such instances, Amnesty further notes, "were
frequently reported." Global Exchange, a human rights group based in San
Francisco with additional offices in Mexico City and San Cristóbal, reports
that "the Mexican government first abandoned, and then undermined, efforts
at a negotiated solution" and "instead, it relies on military and
paramilitary forces to wage a campaign of low intensity warfare" that
features "attacks by government supported paramilitary groups."

In the same report, Global Exchange reveals U.S. support and complicity, as
"US-trained personal and US equipment are used in carrying out attacks on
indigenous communities." Such support has occurred "Since 1997," whereby
"the US has provided $1.12 billion dollars in military assistance to Mexico.
In 1998, Mexico sent more military personal to the US for training than any
country in the Western Hemisphere; in 1999, Mexico was second only to

But after the long standing rule of the Instutional Revoluationary Party
(PRI) was brought to an end in the Presidential election this past year (as
well as in many regional and local elections), the newly elected President
Fox of the National Action Party (PAN) had quipped that he could "solve the
Chiapas problem in 15 minutes." That has not quite happened yet, and as a
result, a demonstration was planned today in San Cristóbal de las Casas, to
commemorate what had happened seven years ago and also to iterate current
Zapatista demands.

The massive demonstration was perhaps not as monumental of an occassion as
what happened seven years ago - but it came pretty close, as over 5,000
Zapatistas and supporters marched over a mile from the outskirts of San
Cristóbal. The demonstrators first gathered early in the morning at around
9:30am, whereby journalists and onlookers had expected an early march. In
true Zapatista form though, the march began unexpectedly late, as more and
more Zapatistas and supporters kept filing in at the intersection of B. Juan
Sabines &Periferico Sur (at around 2:00pm, for example, five bus loads of
demonstrators arrived). Dozens and dozens of signs were displayed during
this waiting period, as thousands of demonstrators sat in silence with their
signs of protest loudly proclaiming their demands. Not a word or a chant was
even breathed until the march finally began at around 3:00pm.

At that time, the previously silent group began a loud and highly
emotionally charged march heading towards the Plaza de la Paz. At various
points in the march, demonstrators ran and fervently chanted a number of
Zapatista demands from the newly elected Mexican Presidential administration
of Vicente Fox. In addition to the chants, many signs reflected the "three
signals" necessary for the start of peace negotiations. The signals were
stated by Marcos in a recent communique that was published in La Jornada:
"the liberation of all Zapatista prisoners, the exit of the army from the
seven positions and the constitutional recognition of indigenous rights and
culture." The "seven positions" that Marcos mentioned refers to the seven
military bases in Chiapas, which are now down to four, thanks to the closure
of three bases by Fox in response to pressure from the Zapatistas and
international supporters. Nevertheless, signs and chants demanded the
immediate withdrawal and closure of the remaining four miiltary bases in
Chiapas. In response to such demands, Fox was quoted in La Jornada as saying
" ?Que quie'ren mas?" ("What more do they want?").

Other signs and chants seemingly answered Fox's question, as many more
demands were articulated, such as a call for the complete release of all
remaining Zapatista political prisoners and a demand for the immediate
implementation of the San Andre's accords, currently waiting for approval
>>from the Mexican legislature. During the speeches that were made in the
Plaza following the march, another demand was articulated - a demand for
democracy. The speakers defined democracy as meaning autonomy for the
indigenous peoples of Chiapas, including native sovereignty rights over land
use (the infamous slogan, "Tierra y Libertad" was repeated on more than one

The demonstrators themselves featured a wide array of people and supporters.
Most prominently represented were the Zapatistas themselves, and their
respective indigenous sympathizers. Even amongst this group, however, many
types of clothing were worn and different chants were shouted. Ranging from
"Long live the students of UNAM" to "Long live the army of the poor," the
demonstrators' chants showed what has become typical for Zapatistas and
their supporters - a significant level of solidarity with movements all
around the world. Perhaps the most significant previous example besides
today's show of support for other movements, was the important role that the
Zapatistas played in organizing the formation of the Peoplés Global Action
against Free Trade and the World Trade Organization (via several
"encuentros") - the organization that went on to form the basis of
organizing the protests that later shut down the WTO and caused the
organization to be relatively impotent thereafter.

The demonstration comes in light of a highly anticipated trip by the EZLN
Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee and an international
delegation of supporters to Mexico City for peace negotiations with
President Fox. The trip is due to start on February 26th and will culminate
in the much hyped meeting with the President. A pre-condition for the talks
set by the Zapatistas, however, included the three "signals," which were
largely amplified during the demonstration, as noted above.

Two images that remained after the demonstration came from both the
beginning and the end of the day's event. The first of which, was when a
young Mexican girl delivered some food to a young indigenous girl - who
hesitantly, but graciously accepted the show of support. At the end of the
speeches in the Plaza, it was hard not to be struck by the impressive
solidarity that the indigenous Zapatistas and their supporters gave to each
other, as shown by the orderly and dignified way they filed out into the
trucks and vans that would take them back to their respective autonomous

for more information go to March to Mexico City, Feb 2001:

Redaktionsschluss: 20. Jänner 2001, 22 Uhr

Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!