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01 Homosexualität ist Normvariante menschlicher Sexualität
ÖGS nimmt Stellung zu Grazer Bürgermeister Nagl
From: Helmut Graupner, rklist at
02 Strafvollzug: Weihnachtsbotschaft eines Knastchefs - und wie ein
Gefangener sie erlebt

From: Thomas Meyer-Falk. thomas_m_f at
03 Strafvollzug: Folgen einer Selbsttötung
From: Thomas Meyer-Falk. thomas_m_f at
04 Michael Franti/Spearhead - Bomb The World
aus dem Album: Stay human!

From: ARGE Die Frauen und der Krieg, arge,frauen at

05 Here is the transcript of FADP's meeting with Jeb Bush.
From: Abraham J, Bonowitz, JEBreport at
06 "A Christmas Miracle On Death Row" - Final Report: Meeting with Governor Bush
From: Abraham J, Bonowitz, JEBreport at


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  Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.  

01 Homosexualität ist Normvariante menschlicher Sexualität
ÖGS nimmt Stellung zu Grazer Bürgermeister Nagl
From: Helmut Graupner, rklist at
Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung ist über die Aussagen
des Grazer Bürgermeisters Nagl über Homosexualität schockiert. Hier maßt
sich ein Politiker, der scheinbar keine Ahnung der heutigen
humanwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse besitzt, an zu postulieren, was
"Normalität in unserer Gesellschaft" ist. Damit überschreitet Nagl
eindeutig seine politische Kompetenz. Derartige Aussagen haben
in der Geschichte zu wahren Greueltaten gegen gleichgeschlechtlich
empfindende und liebende Menschen geführt.
Wahala, der Vorsitzende der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für
ist, stellt gegenüber Nagl klar, dass aus Sicht der heutigen
"Homosexualität als eine Entwicklungsvariante und so auch eine Ausdrucksform
menschlichen Lebens" zu respektieren ist. "Homosexualität muss neben der
Heterosexualität als eine eigene anthro-pologisch gegebene Grunddisposition
menschlicher Sexualität betrachtet werden." Wahala wörtlich: "Die g
leichgeschlechtliche Orientierung ist eine Veranlagung, also eine
menschlicher Sexualität, und kein Symptom der Abirrung oder des
Im Klartext heißt das: Homosexualität ist eine Ausdrucksform der
Diesem Wissensstand Rechnung tragend hat 1991 die
Weltgesundheitsorganisation (
WHO) in der Internationalen Klassifikation psychischer Störungen
als Diagnose einer psychischen Störung ersatzlos gestrichen. Daran haben
sich, so
Wahala, Politikerinnen und Politiker in ihren Aussagen zu orientieren.
Wahala stellt Nagl vor Augen, dass dies im Übrigen auch die Sichtweise des
der Katholischen Kirche ist. Darin heißt es: "Eine nicht geringe Anzahl von
Männern und
Frauen sind homosexuell veranlagt. Sie haben diese Veranlagung nicht selbst
Die heutige Aussage des Grazer Bürgermeisters, dass ein Unterschied besteht,
"ob man etwas toleriert oder fördert", entlarvt, so Wahala, sein
Denken. Wahala, der als Psychotherapeut und Sexualtherapeut bekannt ist,
wörtlich: "Aus Sicht der Psychotherapie gilt es, die Fähigkeit zur Intimität
zu fördern.
Denn das ist die Voraussetzung, ob es in unserer Gesellschaft überhaupt
Beziehungen gibt, ob homosexuell oder heterosexuell." Aufgabe der Politik
ist es,
dafür entsprechende Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen.

Wahala, der zugleich auch katholischer Theologe ist, erinnert Nagl
des heutigen Weihnachtsabends an den tieferen Sinn dieses Festes. "Aus
christlicher Sicht ist Gott hinabgestiegen zu uns Menschen, damit wir den
Mut finden, in unsere eigene Wirklichkeit hinabzustiegen." Deswegen ist
die "Annahme seiner selbst", wie es des berühmte Religionsphilosoph
Romano Guardini (1953) treffend ausdruckt, die "wesentlichste der
christlichen Tugenden".
Wahala hat im Namen der ÖGS einen Weihnachtswunsch an Bürgermeister Nagl:
"Sprache schafft Wirklichkeit! Daher bitte ich den Herrn Bürgermeister, in
darauf zu achten, welche gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit er in unserem Land
will. Ich hoffe doch, wie es einer Weltstadt wie Graz entspricht, eine
des gegenseitigen Respekts und der gegenseitigen Achtung."Rückfragehinweis:
Pressedienst der ÖGS
Elisabeth Cinatl
Tel: 43 / 1 / 585 69 60

02 Strafvollzug: Weihnachtsbotschaft eines Knastchefs - und wie ein
Gefangener sie erlebt
From: Thomas Meyer-Falk. thomas_m_f at
Das nahe Weihnachtsfest öffnet auch die verstocktesten Herzen; als ich
vor wenigen Tagen auf dem Weg von der Zelle in den Gefängnishof war, las
ich an exponierter Stelle auf einem mit Sternchen und bunten
Applikationen umrandeten Papier die "Weihnachtsbotschaft" des HERRN! Und
zwar des Herrn Thomas Müller, seines Zeichens Leiter der
Justizvollzugsanstalt Bruchsal. Zuerst dachte ich, ich würde
halluzinieren oder dies wäre ein Scherz ['versteckte Kamera']. Er lies
uns Gefangene wissen, ich zitiere:
"Auch wenn Sie sicherlich genügend Anlässe sehen, mit dem Vollzugssystem
und dessen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern unzufrieden zu sein, möchte
ich Ihnen trotzdem dafür danken, dass das zu ende gehende Jahr
weitestgehend ruhig und frei von besonderen Vorkommnissen verlaufen ist.
Ich weiß, dass für Sie, die Männer, die die Weihnachtsfeiertage hier in
der Anstalt verbringen müssen, gerade diese Tage eine besondere
Belastung darstellen. Gleichwohl möchte ich Ihnen ruhige und friedvolle
Feiertage und für das neue Jahr Glück und Gesundheit wünschen. gez.
Der Volksmund sagt: "Reden ist Silber - Schweigen ist Gold." Daran hätte
sich der Herr Müller erinnern und orientieren sollen, denn dieser
Schrieb wird von vielen Gefangenen als zynisch wahrgenommen und erlebt.
Dabei ist der Mann nicht einmal fern von jeglicher Einsicht, wie sein
erster Satz zeigt. Wie wahr, wie wahr, viele Insassen sind unzufrieden,
wütend, verbittert. Etwas mehr Introspektion [Selbstbeobachtung] wäre
jedoch sicher nicht verkehrt, denn wenn man sich so die Anordnungen des
Hr. Müller und seiner untergeordneten Bediensteten betrachtet, sollte er
weniger uns Dank abstatten, als in seiner Heimatkirche niederknien auf
der Sünderbank und 50 Ave Maria und 100 VaterUnser beten und dem HERRN
über ihm danken. Reines Glück, daß 2003 ohne Aufstände verlief.
"Weitestgehend ruhig und frei von besonderen Vorkommnissen"?? Nun ja, da
war ein Gefangener, der wegen einer Erkrankung starb, da war Herr B.,
der sich hier in seiner Zelle erhängte... Vielleicht ist sowas schon
Der ehemalige Staatsanwalt MÜLLER wünscht uns MÄNNERN "Glück und
Gesundheit" für das neue Jahr; angesichts der Zustände hier können wir
Insassen das Glück mit Sicherheit sehr gut gebrauchen! Er sollte den
Gefangenen aber lieber Freiheit wünschen, ein gesellschaftliches System,
welches nicht mehr Kriminalität produziert, eine Gesellschaft, die keine
Knäste mehr benützt! So aber haben wir uns bescheiden mit Glück und
Gesundheit zufrieden zu geben...
Diese Weihnachtsbotschaft aus dem "Olymp der Knastleitung",
gewissermaßen von "Zeus" selbst verfaßt, ist meiner Ansicht nach an
Zynismus schwerlich zu überbieten. Außenstehende mögen dies anders sehen
und denken: "Das ist doch eine nette Geste!". Solch eine Vorstellung
würde den Charakter einer Haftanstalt mit seiner totalen Kontrolle,
Überwachung und Macht verkennen.
Thomas Meyer-Falk, c/o JVA - Z. 3117, Schönbornstraße 32, D- 76 646


03 Strafvollzug: Folgen einer Selbsttötung
From: Thomas Meyer-Falk. thomas_m_f at

Vor einigen Monaten berichtete ich über den mutmaßlichen Selbstmord
eines Gefangenen in der Haftanstalt Bruchsal
(; nach einigen Tagen
stand fest: Der Mitgefangene hatte sich in seiner Zelle tatsächlich
Betroffen über diesen Suizid, schrieb die Insassenvertretung (dabei
handelte es sich um ein von den Gefangenen der Anstalt gewähltes
Gremium, bestehend aus fünf Gefangenen), vertreten durch ihren Ersten
Sprecher G. und Protokollführer L. einen Brandbrief und verteilten
diesen an Gerichte, Abgeordnete, sowie die Landesjustizministerin; des
weiteren hängten sie eine Kopie dieses Briefes in der
Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) aus.
Sie fragten nach der Mitverantwortlichkeit von Justizmitarbeitern an
diesem Suizid und führten aus, die JVA habe Vollzugslockerungen offenbar
verzögert, bzw. abgelehnt.
Folge dieses Schreibens war, dass beide Insassen, Herr G. und Herr L.
vom Leiter der Anstalt aus der Insassenvertretung geworfen (dazu ist ein
Anstaltsleiter ggf. befugt, soviel zur Demokratieerziehung im Vollzug),
sowie mit drei Tagen Arrest (zu verbringen in einer kahlen Zelle, nur
mit Bett, Klo, Tisch/Stuhlersatz ausgestattet) bedacht wurden. Beide
Gefangene wehrten sich gerichtlich gegen diese Anordnung, bzw.
Disziplinierung - erfolgreich!
Jetzt, im Dezember 2003 hob das zuständige Landgericht den Arrest ebenso
auf, wie den Hinauswurf aus der Insassenvertretung. Zwar bescheinigte
das Gericht dem Gefangenen G., er hätte durch das Schreiben, sowie das
Aushängen desselben in der JVA das "geordnete Zusammenleben innerhalb
der Anstalt" gestört, das Schreiben sei ferner geeignet, "die Arbeit der
Anstaltsbediensteten nicht nur außerhalb (der Anstalt) zu
verunglimpfen". Denn tatsächlich habe die JVA keine Vollzugslockerungen
verzögert, sondern vielmehr habe die sachlich zuständige
Abteilungsjuristin nachgefragt, wie der Sachstand sei (der verstorbene
Insasse verbüßte eine lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe, bei diesen muß das
Ministerium der Gewährung von Ausgängen zustimmen).
Nach Ansicht des Gerichts stellt das Verhalten des Gefangenen G. jedoch
keine schwere Verfehlung dar, ferner sei es ihm nicht zu verwehren, dass
er sich kritisch mit der Frage des gesetzlich normierten
Resozialisierungsgedankens auseinandergesetzt hätte in "seinem"
Es steht zu erwarten, dass der Beschluss durch die Vollzugsbehörde
angefochten werden wird, so dass letztlich das Oberlandesgericht
Karlsruhe zu entscheiden hat, ob die Maßnahmen des Leiters der JVA
gesetzeskonform sind.
Die massive Reaktion der Anstalt mag Außenstehende verwundern (zumal ihr
nun von einem Gericht deren Rechtswidrigkeit attestiert wurde), scheint
doch dieser ein obrigkeitsstaatliches Weltbild zugrunde zu liegen.
Jedoch entspricht diese Form des Umgangs seitens der Anstalt mit den
Gefangenen dem Alltag; dass auch Gefangene Grundrechtsträger sind und
ihnen nach der Rechtssprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts das Recht
zu polemischer und überspitzter Kritik zusteht, wird gerne vergessen.
Sicher, es wäre vielleicht sinnvoller gewesen, hätten G. und L. zuerst
mit dem Anstaltsleiter gesprochen, bevor sie unmittelbar nach dem Suizid
des Gefangenen den Brandbrief verschickten, andererseits ist ihre
Reaktion ohne weiteres verständlich angesichts ihrer Betroffenheit,
kannten sie doch den verstorbenen Insassen seit vielen Jahren. In Sachen
Meinungsfreiheit und souveränem Umgang scheint im Strafvollzug jedoch
vieles im Argen zu liegen.
Thomas Meyer-Falk, c/o JVA - Z. 3117, Schönbornstr. 32, D-76646 Bruchsal

04 Michael Franti/Spearhead - Bomb The World
aus dem Album: Stay human!
From: ARGE Die Frauen und der Krieg, arge,frauen at
aus dem Album: Stay human!
Liebe Leute, zum Anhören per Klick auf
<>- ein Song gegen den Wahnsinn Nationalismus und Krieg und gegen
Unterdrückung : für alle, die nicht an Wunder und an den Weihnachtskitsch
glauben können, wollen, dürfen...

Bomb The Worldplease tell me the reason
behind the colors that you fly
love just one nation
and the whole world we divide
you say you're "sorry"
say, "there is no other choice"
but God bless the people them
who cannot raise their voice
we can chase down all our enemies
bring them to their knees
we can bomb the world to pieces
but we can't bomb it into peace
whoa we me even find a solution
to hunger and disease
we can bomb the world to pieces
but we can't bomb it into peace
violence brings one thing
more more of the same
military madness
the smell of flesh and burning pain
so I sing out to the masses
stand up if you're still sane !
to all of us gone crazy
I sing this one refrain
and I sing power to the peaceful
love to the people y'all
power to the peaceful
love to the people y'all
Viel Kraft und Power, ganz besonders den FrauenLesbenMädchen,
die den vornehml. von Männern hausgemachten Scheiss und die Gewalt
aushalten müssen!
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Frauen und Der Krieg, Wien

05 Here is the transcript of FADP's meeting with Jeb Bush.
From: Abraham J, Bonowitz, JEBreport at
Please excuse cross-posts
feel free to forwardHello all,
Here is the transcript of FADP's meeting with Jeb Bush. Kudos to SueZann
and Hannah for not pulling punches. Many thanks especially to Carolyn Gray
for the primary round of transcription, and with apologies to all of her
neighbors and animals, who surely were frightened when they heard her
screaming and cursing in incredulity and frustration at not being able to
jump down JEB's throat herself. ;-)
25 December 2003
CONTACTS: Abe Bonowitz: 561-371-5204
Hannah Floyd: 904-964-4303
SueZann Bosler: Contact Abe at 561-371-5204 for referralTRANSCRIPT of Governor Bush's Open Office Hours meeting with Floridians for
Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
Wherein Jeb is confronted with his inconsistent positions on Life issues,
meets and is challenged by family members of a death row prisoner, and
admits that the death penalty is applied in an unequal manner.
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) began arriving more
than 15 hours early in the tiny and isolated town of Mayo, in rural
north-central Florida, in anticipation of meeting with Governor Bush and
Lt. Governor Jennings. The officials held a rare "Open Office Hours" at
the Lafayette County Courthouse on Friday, December 19th. "Open Office
Hours" allows citizens who wait on line to have five minute one-on-one
meetings with either the Governor or the Lt. Governor on a first come,
first served basis. Members of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death
Penalty traveled from many major metropolitan areas to express gratitude
that Governor Bush did not sign any death warrants for this holiday season
and to implore him to declare an indefinite "time-out" on executions in
Florida, as Republican leaders have done elsewhere. Unfortunately, the
same day FADP issued a press release announcing its intentions, Governor
Bush signed a death warrant - an early Christmas present - for Johnny
Robinson and his family.
"Governor Bush has been willing to execute prisoners during the holiday
season in two of the past three years," said Abe Bonowitz, director of
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. "Just days before
Christmas he signed a new death warrant. The pain is the same for the
loved ones of the prisoners we kill, no matter what the season. Open
Office Hours provided a rare opportunity for the wives and children of
death row prisoners to show Jeb Bush the faces of those left behind when
the state kills their loved one. These folks wanted to let Jeb Bush know
that his belief in "the sanctity of life" must be consistent to have any

The following is a TRANSCRIPTION of the meeting between Floridians for
Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) and Florida Governor Jeb Bush,
Friday, December 19, 2003, in Mayo, Florida. See for photos, press releases and
Please know that this transcription was made from an audio recording that
was not top quality. Unfortunately, a reader cannot hear inflection or
tone in the voice of a speaker. Both Hannah and SueZann were speaking in
an anguished or crying voice - they were speaking from the heart, and that
comes with emotion. It also means that some words were unclear. We have
filled in minor gaps where it was obvious or not specifically vital
detail. Where it was completely unclear what was said, that is indicated
by the word [unintelligible]. There are moments when more than one person
is talking making the conversation unclear - such moments are indicated by
the word "crosstalk." In a few cases where the speaker obviously misspoke,
the correct word was used in place of the misspoken word. (e.g. Abe said
"tiny majority" when he meant "tiny minority." The correction was used in
this text.) Minor grammatical corrections have been made as well.
A few things to note when reading this transcription. 1) Jeb interrupts
well - right when a person is about to make an important point and 2) in
such a way or with the type of comment to divert attention. Notice also
the extensive use of the term "we"- when he is really referring to HIS
Jeb Bush - Governor of the State of Florida
Abe Bonowitz - Director of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
( )
SueZann Bosler - Board member of the Journey of Hope &From Violence to
Healing ( ) and member of Murder Victim's
Families for Reconciliation ( ).
Hannah Floyd - Representing the Florida Death Row Advocacy Group ( ), and joined by her daughters Stephanie (17) and
Emily (10).INTRODUCTION: After saying good morning to everyone assembled in the
registration area, Jeb invited the first group to follow him through a
phalanx of aides, other state officials, and security personnel. It was
surprising that we were never searched or put through a metal detector, and
no security personnel joined us when we arrived in a small office and sat
around a rectangular table. After pleasantries, Abe pulled out a tape
recorder already set to record, and began:
ABE: One other thing. Do you mind if we record our session?
JEB: No. No I don't mind. I know that I'm used as a means to
present your cause, and that's reasonable.
ABE: We appreciate that. Thanks for doing this. It's umm -
JEB: I haven't seen - you have a hearing aid now.
ABE: I have two of them.
JEB: We didn't see 'em last time, did we? Did you?
ABE: I've been wearing them since I was in high school..
JEB: Really? Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't notice.
ABE: It's all right. We actually wrote up a press release, with a
headline saying that we were coming to express our appreciation - (see
press release at ( )
JEB: I heard - and then - the timing turned out that we signed a
death warrant yesterday.
ABE: Yeah.... Well, I want to introduce to you Hannah Floyd and
her children, and they've got a message to share....
ABE: SueZann and I will have some other things to add after that.
HANNAH: Well now that I'm here, I don't really know what to say to
you. What goes through your head when you sign these warrants? That man
that you signed the warrant for yesterday, he has family, too.
JEB: Uh.. He committed an atrocious crime and the laws of our
state are such that, uh, people that commit the most atrocious of crimes
are, are uhh.... there's capital punishment and they get the death
penalty. And so, uhh....
HANNAH: I wish you would be real with me -
JEB: I'm being real with you, ma'am -
HANNAH: No, you're not... It's not the ones who do the most - whatever
word you used - it's the people who have no money that are in there. You
know that's not true....
JEB: You don't think that the crime that was committed was -
HANNAH: I don't know about Johnny Robinson's - I mean I know that some of
these crimes are horrible but I also know that -
JEB: Well then you and I have a respectful disagreement. I
respect you for, I assume you are opposed to the death penalty?
HANNAH: Very much so.
JEB: OK, I respect you for that. You should be respectful of
people who have a different point of view.
HANNAH: Yeah, except that you have the power to kill my husband.
JEB: I don't know who your husband is. You are going to need to
explain that to me.
HANNAH: He's been there for 19 years for something he didn't do.
JEB: Well if you have information about that, then we have a
process that we can inquire about it. Do you have the information? Has he
gone through the clemency process?
HANNAH: NO, no.... he's not that far yet.
JEB: Well if he's innocent, you'd be concerned. I am, too.
HANNAH: Yeah... but I mean you know that there's men being released every
year that's innocent in there, right?
JEB: No, ma'am.
HANNAH: No? (surprise)
JEB: People can be released based on the judicial process not
being, you know, after review..... the most recent person that I recall,
the person was taken off of death row because it was remanded back to the
local court and the state attorney couldn't retry it because it had been
gone for so long, they would no longer be able be get the evidence or to
get people to testify -
ABE: Actually, you are talking about Rudolph Holton and what
happened was that the evidence that they used against him was discredited.
JEB: Well! If you any evidence that your husband is-
HANNAH: It's not about that -
JEB: No, I... it IS about that. If you're saying that your
husband is innocent, I'd like to get the information because our whole
system is geared to make sure that there - that we're NOT executing
innocent people. So if you have any information, that is part of my job.
HANNAH: But I'm not here because my husband is innocent. I'm
here because -
STEPHANIE: Well, I am.
JEB: You should be. If you believe he is innocent then you need
to give us information.
ABE: There are some broader issues that - these people are with us
in part so that you can see what's happening to families of the people on
death row....
JEB: Um hmm
ABE: ...and the guy you signed a death warrant for, yes, he
committed a horrible crime, but now his family has an interesting Christmas
present to deal with and that is the upcoming loss of their loved one to
unnecessary violence, and you know, it's not necessary, and especially when
you talk about the sanctity of life and the respect for life, and yet act
in such an inconsistent way - you talk about -
JEB: ...well, we can have a debate and then I'll be recorded and
you win your political point, which I'm more than happy again to provide
you the forum to do, but there is a difference to me of the sanctity and
the protection of innocent life and the fulfilling of a sentence that
we're... there is... a crime that is so atrocious, that you know, the
number of murders in our state, as you know, is 800, the number of people
that get the death penalty is, uh, close to 30, 25.
ABE: That's right. You can't tell the difference in most cases
between who gets the death penalty and who doesn't. It has a lot to do
with issues - Look, you should look at the story that was in the Lakeland
Ledger ( ) just this past week
about how counties are bearing the burden, and if it's a rural county, they
can't even afford a death penalty trial and they have to sometimes raise
taxes to be able to pay for a death penalty trial, and I understand that
that's set to move to the state in terms of funding.
JEB: All of it. It already has, it already has. All of the
circuit courts are paid for by the state...
ABE: Well, we have to look at who is on death row -
JEB: All of the county court -
ABE: - the bottom line is that fewer than 1% of the people who
could be executed are getting executed, and when you look at that and look
at who is not executed and who is, then you have a question of fairness. I
used to support the death penalty, and until I looked at how its being
applied and how often we are not using it, and who gets chosen and who
doesn't - that's a big concern, and I think that if people who are serious
about justice explore that issue - the consistency and the fairness of the
application - then you know, maybe we need to look at a different ultimate
punishment. (Looking at Stephanie) Do you have anything you want to say?
STEPHANIE: I don't know what to say.
SUEZANN: I didn't get to speak yet. I just need to remind you of
who I am. I am victim. I saw my father get stabbed to death. I got
stabbed too, and left for dead. (See the full story at )
JEB: Unintelligible.
SUEZANN: I got stabbed also and left for dead. I was stabbed six
times and my Dad got stabbed 24 times. Here and here (pointing to her
head). And I want you to know what happened to me during the trials. I
wish you would help us with this, hopefully, [unintelligible -
crying] ...I was told by the judge that I could not say what my opinion
was. I know what your opinion is, and I respect that. But my opinion was
not allowed to be heard.
JEB: Unintelligible - reassuring?
[At this point SueZann handed Jeb a copy of the report, "Dignity Denied,"
from Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation, which he proceeded to look
through. See to look at the report, which details the
mistreatment encountered by murder victim family members who oppose the
execution of the person who murdered their loved one.]
SUEZANN: I went through 10 and 1/2 years of me trying to get the
man off death row and for life&all those years I went through such pain and
agony& my Dad's life was taken and I didn't want to live - it was not worth
it to me. It's almost like [unintelligible]. [You need to look into the]
the victim advocacy [program] because that last trial was different from
before. At the original trial they would hold my hand and get us
coffee. And the system - the State Attorney would have one of his students
fill one of our spaces so that we could get back into our seats. But then
we told them that our family did not want the death penalty for the
killer. And after that they treated me like they never knew me. We were
treated horrible, and then I got on the stand and he [the judge] said,
"SueZann, if you ever say anything about the death penalty, I will put you
in prison for six months, and fine you $500." I was treated like the
criminal in that court room and we need something done about that.
JEB: Unintelligible (crosstalk)
SUEZANN: I don't think its very fair. It needs to be fair for
them [indicating Hannah/death row families] and for everybody.
HANNAH: Even my husband's case-
SUEZANN: Fair for me because even though I'm against the death
penalty, I believe my pain is just as important as anybody else's.
JEB: I agree with that.
SUEZANN: I wish that you could help - that - they are victims too.
JEB: In the trial that you are referring to, this was the
original trial, or was this the-
SUEZANN: This was the third, the third sentencing trial.
SUEZANN: But I beg of you. I beg of you to help. Because there
are other people that are coming up all the time. There are other victims
like me that feel that when you kill somebody on death row, you're creating
more victims and we have so many victims in the system - you know that.
SUEZANN: And you don't want to create more.
HANNAH: Now there is something that I wanted to say to you. If you knew
what it feels like to stand out at that prison and hold a woman in your
arms when she knows that her husband or her son is being killed in there -
the first time you do that, when you feel them collapse because they know
that at just that time that "my husband is dead" or "my child is
dead." You should be out there just once - If you could feel that pain,
you would never sign another death warrant, I promise you - because you -
more people are-
JEB: Well, on the flip side I have met with a lot of victims who
were seeking justice... and who disagree with your point of view. A whole
lot of them. (Voice getting angry.)
ABE: Have you talked with any of them a couple of days or months
JEB: Yep. I have. I've maintained communication with several
that - because-
ABE: They've been able to heal?
JEB: Yeah (self-assured). They have.
ABE: I'd be interested in talking with them if they were
JEB: You want-
ABE: What about the 99% of the victims families where there is no
justice of an execution? Where the perpetrator gets life without
parole? You know, what do you say to them?
JEB: What do you mean?
ABE: Well, when there is the death penalty - After there's an
execution, you say, "this is for the victims' families" - the death
penalty is for the victims' families.
JEB: crosstalk.... it's for carrying out the sentence that the
ABE: - but you are also quoted as saying, "this is for the
victims' families" and my question is-
JEB: - that is secondary to carrying out the sentence -
ABE: ...alright. Well, according to your rhetoric, the death
penalty is sold as a commodity for victims' families and yet it is used in
fewer than 1% of the cases.... then you know, what are we saying to the
other 99%? As I see it, you are saying "your loved ones aren't valuable
enough." The other piece...
JEB: No, I have concerns for the victims of all crimes...
ABE: Yes, well when we have a punishment that's reserved for such
a tiny minority of all the people for whom should be eligible - who are
eligible for that punishment, and yet we are using it so infrequently, then
there's a problem. It's not being equally and fairly applied.
JEB: So, you think we should do it more?
ABE: If we can't do it across the board, we shouldn't do it at
all. And I do, I used to be a supporter of the death penalty - and that's
what I used to say when I learned about this unfairness. It's gosh, if you
could cross the county line and not face -.and not -
JEB: That happens with every crime and every sentence. There is-
ABE: But death is different -
JEB: You cannot have complete equality of sentencing for every
circumstance - this is not possible - AND if it was possible the place to
sort that out would be the Florida Supreme Court.
SUEZANNE: What did you mean -
EVERYBODY TALKS. Jeb's aides indicate that the time is up. Jeb stands.
ABE: Well, there are several things I would like to share with you
real quick before we go. First, this is another stack of moratorium
petitions. We've been calling for a "time-out" on
executions. (See ) (Abe hands Jeb
another 3,000+ signatures. Jeb neatly stacks the pile as he looks at it.)
ABE: This is a videotape where it gives an interview with Don
Cabana who was a warden in Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman? He
executed several people; he also participated in an execution in
Florida. He talks in this videotape - it's only 13 minutes long. I hope
that you will take the time to look at this. (Copies of the video are
available to the media by e-mailing name, agency, and address to
<fadp at>.)
JEB: I will.
ABE: He talks about the brutalization of prison workers who
participate in executions and what happens to them. Here's a letter from
John Blackwelder who wrote to me. (
) Now here's a murderer who is bragging about how as a prisoner sentenced
to life in prison he murdered in prison in order to get a death sentence
because he wanted to have a state-assisted suicide. He actually wrote in
here that YOU are going to help him get his state-assisted suicide. Have
a look at that.
JEB: I don't agree with you when you suggest what my motivations
are, but I'll read it.
ABE: I hope you will. This is the report of Xavier Amador
regarding the mental illness of Linroy Bottoson ( ). I want to make sure you have a copy of
that because it's unclear to me if you actually had a chance to read that
when you were executing Linroy Bottoson last year at this time during the
holiday season. Finally, this might interest you. I understand that
Hispanics are technically "white," but when the DOC lists all of the people
on death row - people of color on death row - they are not listing who is
Hispanic, and I think that sends a skewed message about how many people of
color are on death row. This is a copy of Juan Melendez' prison ID, who
was released in January 2002, and please have a look at that. ( )
JEB: OK. [Speaking to Hannah] If you would, if you want to
speak with Secretary Crosby about issues related to visitation and all
that, he's here.
HANNAH: Oh really? That would be wonderful.
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
800-973-6548 <fadp at>
PMB 297, 177 U.S. Highway #1, Tequesta, FL 33469
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty works for restorative
justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty. It
does so by
# supporting and coordinating the work of organizations and individuals
# educating and energizing the general public and state legislators
# supporting the many persons affected by capital crime and punishment
# advocating specific legislative improvements
PS: For fiscal & legal purposes, FADP is a project of CUADP
<>. Please call 800-973-6548 or e-mail
<fadp at> to get involved. Checkbook activism helps too!
Make checks to FADP and send to:
PMB 297
177 U.S. Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT

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06 "A Christmas Miracle On Death Row" - Final Report: Meeting with Governor
From: Abraham J, Bonowitz, JEBreport at
Greetings all,
Here is the final report on FADP's meeting with Governor Bush, or rather,
the initial RESULTS of that meeting!
Below please find the reports of Christine Smith and Hannah Floyd as they
describe what led to what they are calling "A Christmas Miracle On Death
The nutshell version is that something needed to be done about the cold
temperatures faced by the 30 or so Florida death row prisoners at Florida
State Prison (FSP) (The other 330+ are next door at Union Correctional, a
more "modern" facility.). FDRAG put out an appeal seeking funds to buy
warm clothes. CUADP/FADP forwarded that appeal, and the necessary
connections were made. Permissions were denied from the bottom up -- but
last Friday we were also working from the top down. As a result, the men
at FSP received an unusual Christmas visit on Tuesday.
Thanks in part to those of you who responded to the Florida Death Row
Advocacy Group ( appeal regarding the freezing
temperatures at FSP, Hannah Floyd and her pastor on Tuesday appeared in
front of the cells and hand delivered the sweatshirts, long johns, and
heavy socks purchased in part with your donations. This is one of the
results of FADP's meeting with the Governor, and then Hannah's private
meeting with Secretary of Prisons Crosby, last Friday.
The full story is below. Hannah's access to death row was unprecedented,
and for a very very rare moment, the men in the deepest and darkest hole in
Florida had a
visit and a touch from an angle of love. And tonight they are warmer.
Merry Christmas.
--abeA Christmas Miracle On Death Row
by Christine Smith & Hannah Floyd
I try very hard never to impose my faith on anybody - and I hope I am not
offensive to anyone by telling my story the way I see it. And I am sure
there are as many explanations to what I am about to tell as there are
witnesses. I have been thinking about how to start my "version" and tonight
I received this in my mail and it gave me inspiration to write what follows
after the short story....:
"A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father's
shop. He has no formal education. He owns no property of any kind. One day
he puts down his tools and walks out of his father's shop. He starts
preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside. Walking from
place to place preaching all the while even though he is in no way an
ordained minister he never gets farther than an area perhaps 100 miles wide
at the most. He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and
convicted. There is no court of appeal so he is executed at age 33 along
with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see
who gets his clothing -- the only possessions he has. His family cannot
afford a burial place so he is interred in a borrowed tomb. End of story?
No, this uneducated, property-less young man who preached on street corners
for only three years who left no written word has for 2000 years had a
greater effect on the entire world than all the rulers, kings and emperors,
all the conquerors, the generals and admirals, all the scholars, scientists
and philosophers who ever lived -- all put together. How do we explain
that? ...Unless he really was what he said he was." --(Ronald Reagan)
And this evening I met a friend of mine who is a correctional officer and I
told him where I was yesterday. and his comment was: "How the hell did you
pull that one off.?" and that is my cue right there...I did not pull
anything off...... God did!!!- whatever we chose to call him... God made it
For about 2 weeks I have worked with Christine Smith ( Dreams of Freedom
charity) trying to get something organized to get some sort of comfort to
the men on death row at Florida state prison -as it gets extremely cold in
the winter months- With Abe's help and persistence we got some donations
and Christine offered to pay whatever we needed above what we got ....
After 1-2 weeks of calling and writing to the people in question to ask
permission to donate some thermal underwear, some warm socks and a nice
warm sweat shirt to the guys at FSP...we just "slammed" into one closed
door after the next.
But it "just so happened" that I was going with FADP to meet with Governor
Jeb Bush, and it "just so happened" that the governor asked me if I wished
to meet Secretary [of prisons] Crosby.... And it "just so happened" that
section 2 director Bradley Carter was also in the building, and after a
very nice talk " it jut so happened" I got the permission to donate the
clothes we wanted to donate.
Back home in Starke I called Christine and she had had a pretty rough day
with refusal after refusal, so I told her about my meeting......
Not long after that Christine got a phone call and then it "just so
happened" that all the doors busted wide open - and she started making her
very energetic phone calls to the people who could help us further with our
project. We wanted to get it to G wing before Christmas and it was Friday
afternoon the 19th of December.
Now that we had the permission, we also needed to get the items bought
which was a difficult project too. I believe Christine spent most of her
Sunday calling stores in Gainesville after we checked all there was to
check in Starke on Saturday. Sunday late at night we still only had the
socks and the sweatshirts in order, it was impossible to get the thermal
underwear and the socks and sweatshirts were to be picked up in two
different stores in Gainesville. and Christine had gotten permission for
the clothes to go in the 23rd. Monday the 22nd the socks and sweatshirts
were ready to go, and the thermal underwear was finally on the way... with
overnight shipping.......we still did not know if it was going to work or
not, due to Christmas rush etc....."but it just so happened" that it came
in time- even before time-
And here is the biggest miracle of them all. "It just so happened" that
Christine got it arranged for my pastor and I to go back on G wing to give
the items to the men ourselves. And "it just so happened" that the
assistant warden was a good man, and the Officer who escorted us to G wing
was a good man too.
I do not know how to ever be able to explain what that trip to G wing meant
to me.
After close to five years of reading letters from the men on death row in
Florida, to know their small and big concerns and problems, to get to know
quite a few of them pretty well as some are very willing to write and help
us help them. Every single step I took inside Florida state Prison was a
miracle in itself. Every gate I passed was a miracle, and when I finally
was right outside G wing all I could do was give thanks to THE ONE who
made it happen. And I walked G-wing for an hour and a half. And I saw all
the men, and I got a chance to talk to quite a few of them, - I have never
in my life felt more blessed than I did yesterday afternoon - not ever....
I got a chance to talk to Olen Gory who is not doing very well, I talked to
Daniel Perez who was so very polite and with a beautiful smile, I got a
chance to talk to Jimmy Ducket ( actually he did all the talking) and I
passed on Dianne's greetings - face to face - both to Jimmie and john
Freeman who told me with a big smile, "Oh yes I heard from Dianne
C.J. had his commode full of soap and "was doing laundry" I got a chance to
boast in my God to Johnny Hoskins who had told me in big letters in more
than one letter that "there was just no way we would ever be able to donate
anything, and if we could it would never get to them" - I told him of
course that one of the reasons I was there, was to prove him wrong, and
that God had opened all the doors that man cannot open - and he laughed and
we had a good time and a nice talk.
A few of the men got a good long talk with my wonderful pastor who never
preaches and always loves.
I got to hand all the clothes to the men myself, and after passing one cell
after the other and looking back on some of the men who already got their
clothes- ..........oh man......
To those of you who found it in your heart to help this happen- Thank
you.... thank you... thank you....
To see the faces of some of the men folding the clothes neatly on their
bed, to see them touch it, feel it, even smell it. some were grinning and
telling me " we do not get this kind of quality in here", some were so
thankful and expressing what a difference it would make when it got real
cold again.. ( I think we picked the hottest day in December to hand out
winter clothes)
We were being introduced to the men as a Prison ministry, so it took a
while for the men to realize who I was and from where I came, so on my way
back I got a lot of smiles and thanks for the newsletter, the Christmas
cards etc..... and for that I want to thank all the members of FDRAG who
have made that possible all through the year.( and the donations given from
members too)
All in all this has been the most crazy awesome week I think I have ever
had. (Although my life seem to become more and more "unreal" in the most
real way.) And so full of miracles that none of it could have ever been
done by man alone, and for that I feel very humble and so very grateful.
Let me close this off by again thanking Christine for walking this all the
way to the end with me, for Abe's constant support and encouragement.
thanks to the people who helped this happen by donating the money we could
not have done without, and to all the members of FDRAG who help with the
every day things and get the newsletter to the men every month....
I wish you could all have been with me to witness this Miracle, because it
was nothing less than just that. so my biggest most humble thanks goes to
Him who made it all happen.
In Peace and hope
It began with my reading of Hannah Floyd's descriptive allegations of
inadequate heat at Florida State Prison for the death row inmates in Abe's
newsletter. As President of the Dreams of Freedom charity (which provides
humanitarian help to inmates nationwide & which has been approved at the
state level for providing hygiene items and other goods to Florida prisons
for the last 5 years), I immediately called Hannah. Death row at FSP is
notorious...and the men incarcerated there are often in my thoughts--so I
knew I wanted to investigate the allegations of coldness...and I knew I
wanted to do all I could to make Hannah's plea for help to get warm
clothing to the men a reality. She had hoped to raise $1,000 to buy the
clothing she said...and she had not gained permission to give such items to
the men.
I assured her my charity, Dreams of Freedom, Inc., would pay for the
clothing beyond what she had raised through her request in Abe's CUADP
newsletter...and our charity ultimately ended up buying the thermal
underwear ($700) for all the men...with Hannah buying all the thermal socks
& sweatshirts ($350). Her estimate for what it would take was quite
accurate...But before doing that, Hannah and I had a ways to go...I had to
make sure we would be granted permission not only to give the men these
articles of warm clothing (which they are permitted to have by regulation),
but I also required that Hannah be permitted to personally deliver the
gifts before Christmas.
Hannah had already sent a letter to Bradley Carter...which he had forwarded
to Warden Thompson at FSP...and she received a letter from Warden Thompson
basically telling her temperatures were adequate. So, I began making
numerous phone calls to Tallahassee DOC offices. One DOC official asked if
I had contacted the warden...but he said he would do so and get back to me
since I told him I expected little cooperation at that level. As I
expected, the official called me back shortly saying Warden Thompson
assured him temperatures were adequate. (Two DOC officials explained to me
that due to Florida's fluctuating temperatures from for example 30 degrees
F at night to 70 degrees F in daytime, that they postpone activating the
boilers until they know weather will be cold for awhile...thus, they
explained to me the boilers/heat for G and Q wings were only recently
activated for the winter)...Regardless of that, I wanted the men to receive
my charity's donated clothing to be sure they will have adequate clothing
anytime they might otherwise be, when I persisted that we wanted
to donate the clothing, he said I had to fax over a request on my charity
letterhead and it would be considered but that he thought it was
unlikely. I went further--I faxed him, as well as Warden Thompson...and
the following day, I called Warden Thompson who to my question asking what
temperature were the men on death row (G and Q wings) kept at for nighttime
lows...he said "adequate," to which I inquired what is "adequate?" he said
he has no one measure the temps but that it was "adequate," and when I
asked if he could provide an estimate of the temperatures he said no...and,
as I expected, he refused my charity's donations for the men. I then
decided to call the Governor's Office to begin the process to file a formal
complaint against the warden. They again wanted me to speak with other DOC
officials (whom I had already been in contact with)....and it was then I
received the wonderful phone call from Hannah.
Seems that during the days of my phone calls & faxes....Abe had already
arranged for Hannah to meet with Gov. Jeb Bush....and it was this she
called me about giving me the good news...Bush (and others), after speaking
with Hannah (who told him of what she wanted to accomplish--and how a
charity that already had supplied Florida prisons was ready to donate much
of the items), granted permission to us...and immediately after she
notified me....I received a phone call from Assistant Warden Dixon at
Florida State prison ....Bradley Carter had instructed him to call me in
Colorado to make arrangements for the I had always
maintained, I discussed with him that Hannah Floyd would be delivering our
gifts to the men personally, and that we needed to make an appointment
before Christmas...Asst. Warden Dixon was cooperative and polite...he
seemed genuinely pleased to be speaking with me to make these arrangements
(this was a most pleasant surprise to me after my earlier speaking with
Warden Thompson whom I felt had no interest at all in our helping the
inmates)...Of course, I knew they had received their orders straight from
the Gov. office....but, yet, it was my impression Dixon was doing more than
just his job. I made the appointment for Hannah and her pastor to deliver
our warm clothing....which obtaining the items was another whole story in
itself! (I continued to receive phone calls that day from several other
DOC personnel in the state offices because of my letters and calls...and
they seemed very surprised when I told them the matter was resolved--we had
received the permission.)
My charity is based in Colorado--where extra warm thermal underwear tops
and bottoms for extreme cold are found everywhere...but after hours of
calling all over Florida in Hannah's region...I found to my dismay not a
single store had 30 sweatshirts...30 thermal socks...and most especially
none had 30 extra warm thermal underwear sets! After finally locating
sweatshirts and socks (Hannah found and got the very best warm socks---$3 a should have heard her excitement when she let me know)...we
still needed to get the thermal underwear. On Dec. 22, I found a store
that carried top of the line (for extreme cold) thermal underwear tops and
bottoms...I ordered 30 of each...and had it sent using Overnight Next Day
Air to Hannah....together, Hannah and waited to see if the thermals would
arrive in time for the Tuesday 2:00 pm appointment for her to make the
delivery....Tuesday morning--the donations of thermal underwear arrived
from my charity...and Hannah was busy removing the tags, packaging, etc. as
Dixon had told me to have her do...Meanwhile, Asst. Warden Dixon called me
again and we had another favorable conversation--his attitude was
cooperative and seemed sincerely friendly and understanding of what Hannah
and I were doing, and I told him Hannah was on her way.
Throughout the entire two weeks it took Hannah and I to gain permission,
buy the clothing, and deliver to the men...I felt all was
miraculous...meeting Hannah through Abe...the work we did together as
kindred spirits with a common goal of providing for our brothers on FSP
death I shared our ongoing efforts with Abe during those two
weeks...he called it synergy...and I agree completely...this miracle for
the men on death row at FSP was a result of the loving dedication and
devotion of Hannah, Abe, myself (and all those who support the Dreams of
Freedom charity), and all those who support Hannah's group (Florida Death
Row Advocacy Group)...together, we did the gifts of
warm clothing to the men on death row and having personally delivered by
Hannah to each man...And none of this could have happened if not for each
of us..I have been giving humanitarian help (shampoo, soaps,
antiperspirant, powder, toothpaste, newsletters, John Denver's music &
videos, greeting cards,and toys for inmates children) to inmates through my
charity (everything we provide is given in memory of John Denver), and it
had long been my dream, ever since I began doing this, to also provide
needed items for the men on death row at when I read of Hannah and
everything she was trying to was extraordinary how the two of us
coming together accomplished what neither of us could have done
was a miracle...SYNERGY!
I thank Hannah, Abe, and all those who support our work...and during this
season celebrating love, I share with you that peace is not a season, it is
a way of life...Choose love...have that little willingness in your heart to
be a channel for blessings to flow...and watch the miracles happen.
There are no words to describe the joy I felt within on the night of Dec.
23....knowing the men finally had warm clothing to keep them adequately
warm...and there are also few words to describe the joy I feel having met
Hannah, as it is rare that I encounter another with the love in their heart
for our brothers on death row...Everything was a miracle...for me, Hannah,
and the men in G and Q wings at Florida State Prison. A Christmas miracle
for us all. A miracle each us will remember, treasure and cherish for
years to come. I believe love is unconditional...I believe each of us are
meant to be miracle workers...and each of us can be--if we choose to put
love in our heart...we then become the channels for miracles to
happen...Love conquers is never gives
John Denver sang in his song Wandering Soul, "Love is the answer, love is
the way, love is knowing just what to do and what to say..."
Christine Smith, President
Dreams of Freedom, Inc.
dreamsoffreedom at
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
800-973-6548 <fadp at>
PMB 297, 177 U.S. Highway #1, Tequesta, FL 33469
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty works for restorative
justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty. It
does so by
# supporting and coordinating the work of organizations and individuals
# educating and energizing the general public and state legislators
# supporting the many persons affected by capital crime and punishment
# advocating specific legislative improvements
PS: For fiscal & legal purposes, FADP is a project of CUADP
<>. Please call 800-973-6548 or e-mail
<fadp at> to get involved. Checkbook activism helps too!
Make checks to FADP and send to:
PMB 297
177 U.S. Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT

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