Dienstag, 10.12.2002


01 arbeitsbedingungen von arbeitern, die die wiener uni renovieren
From: Elisabeth Nemeth


02 Papiere für alle!
From: chrena@gmx.net
03 [7stern-programm] Siebenstern - Programm 9. bis 14. 12. 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
04 Iraq Liaison Update 13
From: "No War on Iraq Liaison Group" <committee@no-war-on-iraq.co.uk>
05 Injustice - Manchester Screening 10/2/12
From: screenings injusticefilm <screenings@injusticefilm.co.uk>
06 Iraq - Downing Street Vigil
From: "No War on Iraq Liaison Group" <committee@no-war-on-iraq.co.uk>
07 Stoppt den Krieg - Activists Convention!
From: "Kerstin Andrae" <KERSTIN@abc.univie.ac.at>
08 Internationales Symposium gegen die Isolationsfolter
From: DHKC Informationsbüro


09 Die Benes-Dekrete
From: Karl Pfeifer
10 Gewinnt Schüssel gerade ein zweites Mal die Wahlen?
From: "Baum Josef" <baum.josef@utanet.at>
11 Brief Lunacek an Grün-WählerInnen
From: Grüne Andersrum


12 Urgent: Stop INS Deportation of Activitst/Journalist
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
13 >>>WORKERS POWER GLOBAL WEEK 8 December 2002
From: NEWSWIRE <newsire@workerspower.com>
14 RAWNEWS on Latin America - 9/12/02
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>


15 [al_newsletter] Morgenrot Nr. 21 online
From: "AL - Antifaschistische Linke" <almail@gmx.net>

Powered by public netbase t0 -- please sign

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Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen" wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
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Mail an widerstand@no-racism.net genügt.


Quelle: www.popo.at

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01 arbeitsbedingungen von arbeitern, die die wiener uni renovieren
From: Elisabeth Nemeth
Kommentar: Entdeckungen bei einem Blick aus dem Elfenbeinturm
Aufzeichnungen einer Bewohnerin der "Hallen der Wissenschaft" von einer
Begegnung mit der Wirklichkeit

Die Autorin Elisabeth Nemeth ist Assistenzprofessorin am Institut für
Philosophie der Universität Wien

Wenn einem der jüngste Stand der Koalitionsdebatten plötzlich ziemlich
wurscht wird:

Verzeihen Sie, wenn ich die Diskussion um Schwarz-Grün oder Schwarz-Rot
unterbreche, aber vielleicht findet auch eine Begebenheit am Rand der
öffentlichen Wahrnehmung Ihr Interesse. Die Rede ist von einem der größten
Renovierungsprojekte des Bundes in Wien - der Anfang Oktober von Rektorat
und Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft in Auftrag gegeben Instandsetzung der
alten Fassade des Neuen Institutsgebäudes (NIG) in der Universitätsstraße.
(STANDARD- Bericht vom 4. 11.)

Seither erinnern mich Hämmer und Pressluftbohrer Tag für Tag daran, dass
auch die Elfenbeintürme der Wissenschaft aus Beton sind. Vor dem Fenster
meines Büros im 3. Stock balancieren Arbeiter voll beladene Scheibtruhen
und rufen mir so ins Gedächtnis, dass andere Leute ihr Geld unter sehr
viel härteren Bedingungen verdienen als Universitätsprofessor(inn)en.

Letzten Freitag hatte ich freilich noch eine ganz andere Lektion über die
Wirklichkeit "da draußen" zu lernen. Am frühen Nachmittag kam es auf der
Straße vor meinem Fenster zu einer lautstarken Auseinandersetzung. Als ich
zum Eingang Liebiggasse komme, stehen mehrere Polizeiwägen da, Polizisten
versuchen wütend gestikulierende Arbeiter zu beruhigen. Ein Unfall? -
Nein. Die Ursache der Aufregung ist eine andere: Keiner der Arbeiter hat
für Oktober und November bisher auch nur einen einzigen Euro Lohn gesehen.
Alle sind Woche für Woche vertröstet worden - zuletzt auf Ende November.

Umsonst. Auch am Freitag, 29. 11. 2002, erklärt ihr Chef, das Geld sei
nicht zur Verfügung. Die Polizei wurde gerufen, als zwei Arbeiter, die in
den letzten Wochen ihre Wohnung verloren haben und ein anderer, dem für
Montag die Delogierung droht, dem Firmeninhaber eins über den Schädel
hauen wollten.

"Gib 50 Euro her!"

Auch jetzt noch drängen sich Kollegen dazwischen, wenn einer die Nerven
verliert und zuschlagen will. Die Polizisten befragen, versuchen zu
beruhigen, halten wütend schreiende Männer zurück. Einmal packt einer den
Firmenchef (ein untersetzter Mensch mit offenem Hemd und Goldketterl auf
der haarigen Brust) am Kragen: Gib 50 Euro her, und zwar sofort! Nach
kurzem Zögern rückt der Chef den 50er heraus. Der Arbeiter dreht sich um
und drückt den Schein einem anderen in die Hand: Du geh jetzt in die Apotheke.

Später erfahre ich, dass sein Kollege eine vier Monate alte Tochter hat,
die Diabetikerin ist. Ich erfahre auch, dass die Truppe bei einer Subfirma
der Strabag angestellt ist. Die Subfirma hat ihren Namen seit September
vier Mal geändert: Haselbauer, Angelovic, Köstlbauer. Jetzt heißt sie
Ledermüller. Bis heute inseriert sie in der Zeitung, immer wieder unter
anderem Namen: damit sie neue Leute findet. Der Firmensitz befindet sich
in einem Lokal, das dem Chef gehört, irgendwo in einem Außenbezirk. - "In
,Wien heute' ist eh schon ein Film über die Firma gelaufen. Da ist es um
die Baustelle Hohenstaufengasse, bei der ehemaligen CA gegangen. Haben S'
den Film nicht gesehen?" - Nein, hab ich nicht. Ich hab bisher überhaupt
noch nicht viel gesehen von dieser Welt, die hier vor den Toren der
Universität beginnt. Mitten in der Innenstadt Wiens. Nicht weit vom
Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit. Nicht weit vom Büro des ÖGB.

Gewerkschaft? - Ach wissen Sie, wie soll das gehen, wenn die Firmen
ständig in Konkurs gehen und ihren Namen ändern . . . Arbeiterkammer? - Ja
schon, aber das dauert doch Monate. Ich brauch das Geld doch jetzt. Ein
Handy läutet: "Ja, ich hol' die Kleine vom Kindergarten ab, hab' hier
nicht gleich weg können . . . Ich weiß nicht, wie ich meiner Frau sagen
soll, dass ich das Geld auch heute nicht hab."

Leider bin ich keine Schriftstellerin. Ich würde gern treffende,
angemessene Worte finden für die Empörung und Verzweiflung der Menschen,
die hier hemmungslos bestohlen werden, aber auch für die
Freundschaftlichkeit unter ihnen und die Bemühung um Ruhe und Vernunft.

Ich frage mich, wann zuletzt ich in der universitären Welt, die auf der
anderen Seite dieser Tore liegt, so viel spontane Loyalität und
reaktionsschnelle Klugheit erlebt habe wie hier.

Fragen an die Politik

Diese Frage vergesse ich lieber so schnell wie möglich. Andere vergesse
ich nicht und werde ihnen nachgehen. Wie um alles in der Welt ist es
möglich, dass eines der größten Renovierungsprojekte, die der Bund in den
letzten Jahren ausgeschrieben hat, von einer Firma durchgeführt wird, die
ihre Arbeiter nicht bezahlt? Oder so spät bezahlt, dass sie in der
Zwischenzeit delogiert werden? Wieso vergibt die Republik ihre Bauvorhaben
nicht an seriöse Baumeister? Und wann endlich machen Sozialdemokraten,
Grüne und Gewerkschaften die Beschäftigungsverhältnisse, die noch immer
"untypisch" genannt werden (obwohl sie von Jahr zu Jahr typischer werden),
zu ihrer ureigensten Sache? Und die Rechte dieser Menschen zur Priorität
ihrer politischen Anstrengungen?

PS.: Die Bauarbeiter, die seit Oktober an der Fassade gearbeitet haben,
haben den Zeitplan mehr als erfüllt: Sie sind zwei Wochen früher dran als
ursprünglich vorgesehen. Es stünde der Leitung der Universität gut an,
alles in ihrer Macht stehende dafür zu tun, dass sie umgehend zu ihrem
Lohn kommen. (DER STANDARD, Print-Ausgabe, 5.12. 2002)

im wochenendstandard stellte die uni wien klar, dass der vertrag mit der
firma bereits gelöst worden ist. die frage bleibt: haben die arbeiter -
die jetzt vermutlich arbeitslos und ohne arbeitslosenanspruch sind - ihr
auständiges geld für die arbeit an der uni bekommen?? und was kann getan
werden, damit sie's kriegen?


02 Papiere für alle!
From: chrena@gmx.net

Dienstag, 10.12.2002
Aktionstrag für illegalisierte Migrantinnen
im Rahmen der 16 Tage Gewalt gegen Frauen

20:00 Uhr Fest im ANDINO
Münzwardeingasse 2
1060 Wien

Konzert mit Milagros
Lesung mit prominenten Frauen
DJane Amézquita

Eine Veranstaltung von legalise_at

englisch version below:

Liebe FreundInnen!!!

10. Dezember ist Internationaler Tag der Menschenrechte. Im Rahmen der
Kampagne 16 Tage gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen (http://www.cwgl.rutgers.edu)
veranstaltet die Unterstützungsplattform legalise_at einen Aktionstag
für illegalisierte Migrantinnen. Mehr Informationen zur Plattform und
den Aktionen unter legalise_at2002@yahoogroups.com oder

An diesem Tag finden an öffentlichen Plätzen in Wien Performances
statt: Aktionen, Musik, Unsichtbares Theater, Videoprojektionen. Ziel
des Aktionstages ist, auf die Situation und Probleme von
illegalisierten Migrantinnen aufmerksam zu machen!

Wir möchten Euch sehr gerne zur Abend-/Abschlussveranstaltung einladen:

Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2002, ab 20.00 --- ANDINO, 6., Münzwardeingasse 2


Lesung von Texten illegalisierter Migrantinnen/sound installation,

mit: Clara Rocío, Grace Latigo, Ishraga Mustafa-Hamid, Marty Huber/Sabine

live music mit Milagros & son dos (Kuba, Irland)

DJane: Yamile Amézquita

Kein Mensch ist illegal, Gesetze illegalisieren!

Papiere für alle!

Flyer unter: http://www.oeh.univie.ac.at/entwuerfe/legalise_flyer.jpg

!!!bitte weiterleiten & weitersagen!!!


Dear friends!!!

December 10th is International Day of Human Rights. Within the frame
of the campaign 16 Days Against Violence Against Women
(http://www.cwgl.rutgers.edu), the support platform legalise_at
organises an Action Day for illegalised migrant women. You can get
more info on the platform and the actions atlegalise_at2002@yahoo.com
or http://www.frauenweb.at/legalise

On this day, there will be performances on public places in Vienna:
actions, music, invisible theatre, video projections. The aim of the
Action Day is to raise awareness on the situation of illegalised
migrant women!

We would like to invite you to our evening/closing event:

Tuesday, December 10th 2002, from 8pm === ANDINO, 6., Münzwardeing. 2


reading of text by illegalised migrant women/sound installation,

with: Clara Rocío, Grace Latigo, Ishraga Mustafa-Hamid, Marty
Huber/Sabine Holzer

live music with Milagros & son dos (Cuba, Ireland)

DJane: Yamile Amézquita

Noone is illegal, laws illegalise!

Documents for All!

Flyer at: http://www.oeh.univie.ac.at/entwuerfe/legalise_flyer.jpg

!!!please forward!!!


* Illegalisierung heißt keine Krankenversicherung, keine Möglichkeit,
die Existenz zu sichern, ständige Angst vor Festnahme und

* Illegalisation means no health insurance, no possibility to secure
one's income, permanent fear of arrest and deportation.

* Illegalisierte Menschen werden als soziales, politisches und
ökonomisches Problem dargestellt. In Wirklichkeit wird aus Ihrer
Situation wirtschaftlicher Profit geschlagen.

* Illegalised people are being portraed as social, political and
economical problem. In reality, economical profit is being made of
their situation.

* Illegalisierte Frauen sind doppelt unsichtbar - beschäftigt in
privaten Haushalten, in der Sexindustrie.

* Illegalised women are twice as invisible - working in private
households, in the sex industry.

* Diese Situation macht illegalisierte Frauen besonders verwundbar und

* This situation makes illegalised women especially vulnerable and

* Das sogenannte "Integrationspaket" schafft neues Potential für
Illegalisierung - speziell von Frauen.

* The so-called "Integration Package" creates new potential for
illegalisation - especially of women.

- Documents for All! -

10th Dec. '02 - ACTION DAY! all day!

. actions . performances . theatre . video .

8pm, Andino, 6., Münzwardeing. 2

~ poetry ~ sound installation ~ DJane ~

~ live performance by milagros & son dos (cuba/ireland) ~

03 [7stern-programm] Siebenstern - Programm 9. bis 14. 12. 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
Mittwoch, 11. Dezember, 19 Uhr
JURA SOYFER (8. 12. 1912, Charkow, Ukraine - 16. 2. 1939, KZ Buchenwald)
Schriftsteller, Dramatiker, Kabarettautor

Sein Vater war Industrieller, seine Mutter führte ein dem gehobenen
Bürgertum entsprechendes Haus. Jura und seine ältere Schwester Tamara
hatten englische und französische Gouvernanten. 1920 verließ die
Familie aufgrund der politischen Verhältnisse die Ukraine und kam über
Konstantinopel im April 1921 nach Wien. Jura besuchte das Gymnasium in
der Hagenmüllergasse im dritten Wiener Gemeindebezirk. 1927, nach dem
Justizpalastbrand, trat er den Sozialistischen Mittelschülern bei,
1929 begann er für das "Politische Kabarett" der Sozialistischen
Veranstaltungsgruppe zu schreiben, ab 1930 publizierte er regelmäßig
in der "Arbeiter-Zeitung", unter anderem die ständige satirische
Rubrik "Zwischenrufe links". 1931 maturierte er und inskribierte an
der Universität Wien Germanistik und Geschichte. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg
im Februar 1934 wandte er sich der KPÖ zu, wurde aktiver Teil des
Widerstands gegen den (Austro-)Faschismus und schrieb seinen Roman "So
starb eine Partei".

Im Mai 1936 führte das "ABC", sein erstes Stück, "Weltuntergang", auf.
Das "ABC" im Café City, Porzellangasse 1, war das politisch schärfste
Kabarett der 30er Jahre. 1937 wurden dort die Stücke "Die Botschaft
von Astoria", "Vineta - die versunkene Stadt" und "Broadway-Melodie
1492" aufgeführt; Jura Soyfer war Hausautor geworden. Die "Literatur
am Naschmarkt" brachte im Oktober 1936 das Stück "Der Lechner Edi
schaut ins Paradies" heraus. Beide Kleinkunstbühnen spielten in der
Folge Szenen von Soyfer, oftmals unter seinen Pseudonymen "Walter
West" oder "Norbert Noll".

1937/38 war Soyfer wegen kommunistischer Betätigung inhaftiert. Am
13. März 1938 wurde Soyfer an der schweizerischen Grenze von
österreichischen Beamten verhaftet und über die Gefängnisse Bludenz,
Feldkirch und Innsbruck ins KZ Dachau gebracht. Dort entstand unter
anderem das berühmte "Dachau-Lied", das Herbert Zipper vertonte. Im
September wurde Soyfer ins KZ Buchenwald transportiert, wo er am 16.
Februar 1939 an Typhus verstarb. Eltern und Schwester konnten 1939
nach New York emigrieren.

Aus Jura Soyfers Werk liest Roland Knie.

Roland Knie, Jahrgang 1949, ist Schauspieler, Kabarettist, Journalist,

Zahlreiche Bühnenauftritte an Wiener Theatern, Lesungen. Für den
Rundfunk seit mehr als 30 Jahren als Sprecher, Regisseur,
Sendungsgestalter und Autor tätig.

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember, 20 Uhr
Erhebe Deine Stimme: Chorprobe der Roter Stern Singer Ungehört?
Unerhört! Der Chor, vorwiegend aus sangesfreudigen Laien bestehend,
singt Arbeiterlieder und alles, was die Mitglieder gern singen
wollen. Wer mitmachen will, ist herzlich eingeladen. Auskunft bei Ute:
0676-522 77 64

Freitag, 13. Dezember, 20 Uhr
Veranstaltung der österreichischen DialektautorInnen (Ö.D.A.) Im
Oktober startete ein Veranstaltungszyklus als Hommage an Elisabeth
Wägen anläßlich ihres 60. Geburtstag. Damals lasen Freundinnen und

Elisabeth Wägen, Autorin, Dramatikerin, Regisseurin, mehrfach mit
Preisen ausgezeichnet; Initiatorin von interessanten und wegweisenden
Projekten, fördernde Wegbegleiterin von AutorInnen usw. hat auch
Arbeiten im Vorarlberger Dialekt vorgelegt.

Die Ö.D.A., deren Präsidentin Elisabeth Wägen jahrelang war, bittet
nun die Künstlerin selbst zu einer Lesung aus ihrem Werk.

*Am 14. und 15. März 2003 findet ein Symposium zum Thema "Frau oder
Autorin? - Der Kunstbetrieb ist immer noch männlich".

*Zum Abschluß des Elisabeth-Wägen-Zyklus bringt die "Menschenbühne",
Wiens erstes deutschsprachiges MigrantInnen-Theater, Mitte Juni 2003
ihr Stück "Du kochst so gut, Mama", eine sublime Studie über die
biographischen "Einflüsterungen" eines Frauen-Lebens, zur Uraufführung
(Regie führt Christian Baier).

Näheres folgt in den jeweiligen Monatsprogrammen.


7*STERN im Web
powered by action.at


Café täglich außer Sonntag 16 - 2 Uhr geöffnet.
1070 Wien, Siebensterngasse 31
Tel. +1/5236157
Programmkoordination, Vermietung und Information zu den Veranstaltungen:
El Awadalla, E-Mail: 7stern@action.at oder el@awadalla.at

Wir sind Mitglied der Wiener Interessensgemeinschaft für freie

widerstandslesung jeden donnerstag von 17 bis 19 uhr bei der
botschaft der besorgten bürgerInnen, 1010 wien, ballhausplatz 1a.

7*STERN im Web
powered by action.at


Café täglich außer Sonntag 16 - 2 Uhr geöffnet.
1070 Wien, Siebensterngasse 31
Tel. +1/5236157
Programmkoordination, Vermietung und Information zu den Veranstaltungen:
El Awadalla, E-Mail: 7stern@action.at oder el@awadalla.at

Wir sind Mitglied der Wiener Interessensgemeinschaft für freie

04 Iraq Liaison Update 13
From: "No War on Iraq Liaison Group" <committee@no-war-on-iraq.co.uk>
MPs join
anti-war activists in Human Rights Day protest against war on

Alice Mahon MP will lead a delegation to Downing Street at 4.30pm
tomorrow, Tuesday 10th December, to present the Prime Minister with a
letter pointing out that war would lead to the potential deaths and
injury of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, including women and

The delegation coincides with Human Rights Day, called by the United
Nations to mark the anniversary of the Charter for Human Rights. Mrs
Mahon will be joined by other MPs and anti-war protestors, including
Carol Naughton, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament chairperson. CND's
legal action seeking against the British government going to war on
Iraq is being heard in the courts today, Monday 9th December.

Tuesday's delegation to Downing Street will be accompanied by a
candle-lit vigil in Whitehall, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. The protest is
jointly organised by CND and No War on Iraq Liaison, and supported by
Stop the War Coalition.

Alice Mahon MP said: "The United States appears to have made its mind
up on weapons of mass destruction before the administration has even
set eyes on the document handed to Hans Blix by the Iraqis at the
weekend. This is another sign that President Bush intends to let
nothing to stand in his way when it comes to war on Iraq."

"It is fitting that our protest is held on the anniversary of the UN
Charter for Human Rights. The UN's anniversary theme is the protection
of civilians in conflict situations. If the British government joins a
US-led war on Iraq, thousands of civilians, women and children
included, stand to lose the most basic human right of all - the right
to life."

"I agree with the sentiments expressed by Sergio Vieira de Mello, the
UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights when he says that the best chance
for preventing, limiting, solving and recovering from conflict and
violence lies in the restoration and defence of the rule of law. It is in
no ones interest for the USA to have the final word on whether or not we
go to war."

Forthcoming events
Tuesday 21st January 2003
Lobby of Parliament and Rally
Tell your MP: Don't attack Iraq
2.30pm into the evening

Prominent figures from many walks of life will join parliamentarians
and others to speak out against war. Jointly organised by Campaign for
Nuclear Disarmament, No War on Iraq Liaison and Stop the War

Hosted by Alice Mahon MP.
Saturday 15th February
National demonstration against war on Iraq, London
Jointly organised by Stop the War Coalition and CND

05 Injustice - Manchester Screening 10/2/12
From: screenings injusticefilm <screenings@injusticefilm.co.uk>
(Migrant Media/98minutes/2001/UK/Cert:15)
** Winner - Best Documentary BFM International Film Festival

INJUSTICE - the feature length documentary about struggles for justice
by the families of people who have died in police custody in the UK -
will have a special screening in Manchester as part of Human Rights
Day 2002.

Described as the most politically controversial film of recent years,
Injustice shows how the families of the dead came together to demand
prosecutions of the police offices involved. On its release over 18
months ago police officers tried to censor the film by threatening
cinemas and the film makers. Months of fighting, by the film makers
& families in the film, ended in victory with the police backing
off and the Injustice on release in cinemas across the UK. Despite
this UK broadcasters have refused to screen the film.

The film glaringly shows how, despite overwhelming evidence and
inquest verdicts of unlawful killing, the Crown Prosecution Service
refuses to prosecute the police officers responsible. Years of
campaigning led by the families, as well as the public controversy
around the film, has now resulted in a review of the role of the Crown
Prosecution Service instigated by the Attorney General, Lord
Goldsmith. The review has been subject to a series of delays but the
Solicitor General has recently announced that the review will be
completed this month.

10th December 2002
University of Manchester Students Union, Main Debating
Hall, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13.
7.00pm screening followed by Q&A with families &
Showing as part of International Human Rights Day
Details & tickets: 0161 275 2939

Film Background

Injustice is the story of the struggles for justice by the families of
people that have died in police custody. Between 1969 and 1999 over
one thousand people died in police custody in England. Not one police
officer has ever been convicted for any of these deaths. Injustice
depicts how Brian Douglas, Joy Gardner, Shiji Lapite and Ibrahima Sey
all met violent deaths at the hands of the police. The film documents
a five year period when the families of the dead began to come
together to fight for the truth.

Injustice took seven years to produce. Since its launch in July 2001
the police tried to censor the film. The Police Federation and
individual police officers threatened legal action at cinemas and at
the film makers who refused to stop screening the film and instead
took it on a national tour showing it anywhere they could. The
audience took over one cinema and projected the film when the cinema
manager, under threat of the police, refused to. Critically acclaimed
in its own right, Injustice also gained press and news coverage across
all national channels as well as on CNN.

Injustice has been described as the most politically controversial
film of recent years. It has moved cinema audiences to tears and
inspired others to action with its portrayal of the struggles for
justice by the families of people who have died at the hands of police

All television broadcasters in the UK have refused to show the film,
in April 2002 the film was projected onto the Channel Four Television
building in protest at their censorship. Injustice has gained an
international reputation and has been screened at over 30 film
festivals around the world. Since November 2001 the British Film
Institute have been distributing the film around regional film
theatres. The film is also running commercially at the Prince Charles
Cinema in Leicester Square. Countless community screening have be held
across the UK. The film makers and families hold Q&A sessions at all
screenings. The controversy around Injustice has also created a good
audience for the film. Injustice was nominated for an Index On
Censorship Award and won Best Documentary at the BFM International
Film Festival in 2002.

Injustice has been screened in the European Parliament generating a
debate by politicians there. The scandal that Injustice exposes, and
opposes, has caused deep concern in the UK and has forced a political
reaction to these human rights abuses. As a result of the film the
Crown Prosecution Service charged five officers with Manslaughter in
the case of Christopher Alder and the Attorney General has been forced
to announce a state review. The families of victims of police
brutality are using the film as a powerful weapon to demand justice.

For detailed information including reviews, articles
and screenings log on to:



06 Iraq - Downing Street Vigil
From: "No War on Iraq Liaison Group" <committee@no-war-on-iraq.co.uk>
Please circulate
Tuesday 10th
December 2002
No war on Iraq - respect human rights
4.30pm to 6.30pm

organised by CND and No War on Iraq Liaison, supported by Stop the War
Coalition to commemorate the anniversary of the UN Charter for Human

At 4.45pm a delegation led by Alice Mahon MP will present a letter to
the Prime Minister pointing out that war on Iraq will lead to the
death and injury of potentially tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi
civilians, including women and children

Be there with your banner.

07 Stoppt den Krieg - Activists Convention!
From: "Kerstin Andrae" <KERSTIN@abc.univie.ac.at>
Kein Angriff auf Irak!
Stoppt den Krieg!

Activists Convention
am 14.12.02, ab 15 Uhr im WUK
9. Währingerstr. 59, u6 Währingerstr./Volksoper

Ungeachtet der bisherigen Ergebnisse der UN-Waffeninspektoren, die
bislang keine Hinweise auf Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak finden
konnten, gehen die US-Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen den Irak
weiter.Derzeit finden massive "Militärübungen" in Qatar statt.

Da es Bush nie um Massenvernichtungswaffen ging, sondern um eine
Neuordnung des gesamten Mittleren Ostens werden die Ergebnisse der
UN-Inspektoren letztlich auch keinen Unterschied machen. Bush will den
Krieg und das bedeutet das Todesurteil für tausende Irakis, es
bedeutet Existenzzerstörung und Vertreibung für Millionen.

Wir können diesen Krieg stoppen! Beim European Social Forum in Florenz
einigten sich die AktivistInnen nach dem beeindruckenden
Millionenmarsch gegen den Krieg auf einen gemeinsamen europaweiten
Aktionstag gegen den Krieg am 15. Februar 2003.

Wir möchten mit der Activist Convention einen ersten Beitrag leisten,
uns die Argumente zu erarbeiten und konkrete Schritte zum Aufbau eines
Anti-Kriegs-Netzwerkes in Österreich und in Vorbereitung zum
15. Februar zu planen.

ab 15 Uhr

* 1968 und die Anti-Vietnam-Kriegsbewegung
* Kein Blut für Öl - die
Kriese im Mittleren Osten
* Palästina und der Nahostkonflikt
* US-Imperialismus und globale Instabilität

19 Uhr
Podiumsdiskussion zur Planung von
John Bunzl (Nahostexperte, angefr.)
Tarafa Baghayati (Initiative österreichischer MuslimInnen)
Walter Sauer (Internationales referat des ÖGB)
Karin Hädicke (Linkswende)

organisiert von Linkswende, linkswende@yahoo.com,
www.linkswende.tk, 0676 6316202

08 Internationales Symposium gegen die Isolationsfolter
From: DHKC Informationsbüro
Wir laden alle Organisationen und Individuen, die gegen Isolation sind
und eine Lösung finden wollen ein, an einem internationalen Symposium,
das von 19.-21. Dezember in Holland stattfinden wird,
teilzunehmen. Die Veranstaltung wird von der INITIATIVE FÜR EINE

Eingeladen sind u.a. ehemalige politische Gefangene aus der Türkei,
Irland, Spanien, dem Baskenland, Deutschland und Italien, sowie
Angehörige und JuristInnen.

Das Symposium beinhaltet das Ziel, die dringend notwendige Frage der
Isolationshaft aus dem politischen, juristischen und medizinischen
Aspekt zu behandeln und eine kollektive Lösung auszuarbeiten.

Das Datum wurde bewusst gewählt, weil sich eines der größten Massaker
in der Geschichte der Gefängnisse an diesen Tagen zum zweiten Mal

28 politische Gefangene wurden bei dem Angriff von 19.-22. Dezember
2000 ermordet, mehrere hundert schwer verletzt und in die neu
errichteten Gefängnisse des Types F verlegt.

Dies sollte die "letzte große Operation" vor den Verhandlungen zur
Aufnahme in die EU sein. Denn das größte Hindernis stellen für die
türkische Regierung die revolutionären Gefangenen dar.

Informationen können unter folgender Adresse eingeholt werden:
isolation@post.com oder unter der Tel.Nr.: (++31) 629 28 29 11



Um bereits vor Beginn des Symposiums, ein gegenseitiges Kennenlernen
der Delegationen zu ermöglichen, wird die angemietete Herberge bereits
vom Abend des 18. Dezember bis 22. Dezember für alle Delegationen zur
Verfügung stehen. Die Kosten für Unterkunft und Essen werden von der
Initiative, die das Symposium organisiert, übernommen.

Adresse : NJHC Hergerg De Duinark, Langevelderlaan 45, 2204 BC Noordwijk

DHKC Informationsbüro Wien
Gärtnergasse 1/6
1030 Wien
Tel/Fax: 01 971 83 72
e-mail: dhkc@chello.at


09 Die Benes-Dekrete
From: Karl Pfeifer
Die Beneš-Dekrete

Von Karl Pfeifer

Während der vergangenen Jahre hatte ich schon den Eindruck, dass die
Wörter "Beneš-Dekrete" (und Temelin) nicht nur von den Lippen unserer
staatstragenden Politiker, aus dem Fernsehen und Radio, sondern auch
aus dem Wasserhahn kommen. Ich war schon so weit und schaltete völlig
ab, wenn diese Worte irgendwo erklangen.

Und nun - reichlich spät - kommt ein Buch, das über dieses in
Österreich Jahrzehnte vernachlässigte Thema aufklärt. In diesem
wichtigen Sammelband werden - im Gegensatz zu den meisten
Darstellungen in Österreich - Fakten aufgezeigt, und es kommen beide
Seiten zu Wort.

Oliver Rathkolb geht in seinem Beitrag "Verdrängung und
Instrumentalisierung/ Die Vertreibung der Sudetendeutschen und ihre
verspätete Rezeption in Österreich" auf das österreichische Spezifikum
ein. Die Opfer-Täter Umkehr und/oder die Gleichsetzung von Opfern und
Tätern wird in Österreich nicht nur von der FPÖ betrieben, sondern ist
auch Teil des Regierungsprogramms der schwarz-blauen Regierung: Im
Kapitel "Starke Demokratie" lautet Punkt "12. Wiedergutmachung für
Zwangsarbeiter, Kriegsgefangene und Vertriebene.

Die Bundesregierung wird um sachgerechte Lösungen in den Fragen aller
im Zuge des Zweiten Weltkrieges zur Zwangsarbeit gezwungenen Personen,
der österreichischen Kriegsgefangenen sowie der in der Folge der
Benesch (sic! Beneš)-Dekrete und Avnoj Bestimmungen nach Österreich
vertriebenen deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung bemüht sein."

Bundeskanzler Schüssel "unterstrich im April 2002 die Forderung nach
Aufhebung der Beneš-Dekrete, "riet" aber auch zu einem freiwilligen
"Entschädigungsfonds" ähnlich wie bei der Zwangsarbeiterlösung in
Österreich im Jahr 2000.

Unbemerkt von den sonst strengen Budgeteinsparungen wurde überdies die
Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft, die inzwischen wesentlich radikaler
als deren deutsche Schwesternorganisation argumentierte, durch die
Finanzierung einer Vertriebenenstiftung deutlich gestärkt. Auf
Initiative der FPÖ wurden ihr von den österreichischen Bundesländern
finanzielle Mittel in der Höhe von 3,3 Millionen Euro (auf Betreiben
des Kärntner FPÖ-Landeshauptmannes Jörg Haider) und vom Bund 4
Millionen Euro zur Verfügung gestellt."


Dieser Beitrag scheint mir der wichtigste in diesem Buch zu sein, weil
er genau aufzeigt, was in Österreich getan und unterlassen wurde. Es
wäre vorteilhaft gewesen, ein Kapitel über die Sudetendeutsche
Landsmannschaft zu bringen.

Wer sich dafür interessiert, der sollte das ausgezeichnete Buch von
Samuel Salzborn "Heimatrecht und Volkstumskampf/Außenpolitische
Konzepte der Vertriebenenverbände und ihre praktische Umsetzung",
Offizin Verlag Hannover, 2001, ISBN 3-930345-28-5 lesen, in dem
festgehalten wird, "dass das reklamierte "Sudetenland" zu keinem
Zeitpunkt deutsch war, außer in den fast sieben Jahren der faktischen
Annexion (die einerseits auf dem völkerrechtlich äußerst umstrittenen
Münchner Abkommen von 1938, andererseits auf der Zerschlagung der so
genannten Rest-Tschechei 1939 beruhte) während des

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi betont, dass "es über ein und dieselbe
Sache mindenstens zwei verschiedene Narrative gibt". Nur können diese
Narrativen nicht die Arbeit von Historikern ersetzen, die feststellen
müssen, wie sich die Geschichte wirklich abgespielt hat. Die
kommentarlose und kritiklose Wiedergabe einzelner Narrative wirkt
kontraproduktiv, zum Beispiel das "Prager Tagebuch" von Elisabeth
Marnegg, die Tochter des letzten österreichischen Botschafters der
Ersten Republik.

Sie schildert eindrucksvoll, wie ihr Vater mit einigen Österreichern,
die später Diplomaten der Zweiten Republik werden sollten, sowie
anderen Gesinnungsgenossen besprach, "was zu geschehen habe, wenn der
Nazi-Spuk aufhörte und Österreich neu erstünde. Die österreichische
Fahne stand, versteckt und zusammengerollt, hinter dem Bücherkasten."

Doch dann schildert sie die Verfolgung der deutschsprachigen Bürger
nach der Befreiung Prags und behauptet: "Es stand Todesstrafe darauf,
Menschen deutscher Muttersprache zu verstecken". Spätestens hier hätte
eine Fußnote die Leser aufklären müssen, ob diese Behauptung stimmt
oder nicht.

Weiters schreibt sie, "im Prager Stadion wurden viele lebendig
verbrannt, nachdem man sie mit Benzin übergoss". Auch das hätte eine
Fußnote verdient, die uns aufklärt, was wirklich geschehen ist. Hier
darf man keine zwei Narrativen zulassen. Entweder gab es diese
Todesstrafe oder nicht, entweder wurden Menschen lebendig verbrannt
oder nicht.

Der deutsche Historiker Volker Zimmermann beschreibt das
sudetendeutsch-tschechische Verhältnis in der Ersten
tschechoslowakischen Republik und im NS-Staat, der tschechische
Historiker Vaclav Kural beschränkt sich auf das Verhältnis Deutsche
und Tschechen im "Protektorat".

Sowohl Kural wie auch Vaclav Havel weisen darauf hin, dass die
deutsche Besatzungspolitk zum Ziel hatte, die Tschechen in Ruhe für
das Reich arbeiten zu lassen. Die meisten leisteten keinen Widerstand
und entdeckten diesen erst in den Tagen der Befreiung. Hier dürfte
auch die psychologische Wurzel der Ausschreitungen gegen die
deutschsprachigen Bürger liegen.

Der in New York lehrende Historiker István Deák beleuchtet ein
Kapitel, das in Österreich weniger bekannt ist, nämlich die
Vertreibung der Ungarn aus der Slowakei. Auch hier kann das gleiche
Phänomen der Kompensation festgestellt werden. Der slowakische Staat
ging genauso wie Ungarn (hier allerdings erst unter deutscher
Besetzung) mit seinen jüdischen Bürgern um, deren überwiegende
Mehrheit zur physischen Vernichtung freigegeben wurde.

Nach dem Krieg wurden aber lediglich die Ungarn kollektiv als
"Faschisten" gebrandmarkt. Die Ironie der Geschichte: unter den
Gründern der tschechoslowakischen KP und überhaupt unter den Linken
der Tschechoslowakei waren die Ungarn überproportional vertreten.

Anne Bazin-Begley weist in ihrem Beitrag über die "Vertreibung der
Sudetendeutschen als politisches Thema in der EU" darauf hin, dass die
"Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft - besonders was das Heimat- und
Rückkehrrecht betrifft - Parallelen zur palästinensischen Frage in den
siebziger Jahren" herstellt, "die in der UNO ausgiebig diskutiert
worden war."

Tatsache ist, dass im von Österreich hoch subventionierten Wiener
"Haus der Heimat" eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von rechtsextremen
Österreichern und Palästinensern unter dem Titel "Von Benes zu Sharon"
stattgefunden hat. Solche Veranstaltungen tragen nicht dazu bei, die
Bedingungen eines Dialogs zu schaffen, der allein im Sinne der
Europäischen Gemeinschaft wäre.

Versuche, die Ereignisse von 1945 im Namen einer Union, die zu dieser
Zeit noch nicht existierte zu beurteilen, können nur scheitern. Wer
sich allerdings mit der FPÖ in eine Koalition begibt, wird trotz aller
gegenteiligen beim Fenster hinausgesprochenen Erklärungen, auch in
dieser Frage in Geiselhaft genommen.

Das vorliegende Buch füllt eine Lücke, denn das Thema wurde bislang
den rechtsextremen und nazoiden Kräften in Österreich überlassen.

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi
Oliver Rathkolb (Hg.)
Die Beneš-Dekrete
Czernin Verlag, Wien, 2002,
Euro 19,-
ISBN 3-7076-0146-3

10 Gewinnt Schüssel gerade ein zweites Mal die Wahlen?
From: "Baum Josef" <baum.josef@utanet.at>
Respekt vor Dr. Schüssel:

Gewinnt Schüssel gerade ein zweites Mal die Wahlen?

Ich muss auch feststellen, dass ich das erste Mal in meinem Leben
zumindest Respekt vor Dr. Schüssel habe: wie er die anderen Chefs
vorführen läßt, auf die Schaufel nimmt, dabei "Spaß" hat und diese
selbst dabei "Lust" empfinden", das ist beindruckend:

Tatsächlich find ich, dass auch Gespräche mit der VP zu führen sind,
ich hab das seit Jahren auf kommunaler Ebene gemacht. Allerdings wäre
darauf Bedacht zu nehmen, dass sowas letztlich nach aussen
bewusstseinserhellend wirkt Irgendwie hab ich aber den Eindruck, dass
Schüssel gerade ein zweites Mal die Wahlen gewinnt:

Die Samstags-Presse schreibt, dass dem Bundeskanzler von allen
Verhandlungen am meisten die Gespräche mit den Grünen "Spaß bereitet
hatten" und er das "sehr spannend" fände. Diverse Medien zitieren Van
der Bellen, dass auch die grüne "Lust auf Gespräche mit der ÖVP
zugenommen" hätten. Und "es ist interessanter geworden"!

Das verspricht ja noch wirklich aufregend zu werden und bereitet auch
anderen Spaß:

"Wegen 'des Spaßfaktors' wäre den roten Granden ein Bündnis zwischen
ÖVP und Grünen 'persönlich das Liebste' Das wäre für Häupl 'wirklich
extrem erheiternd'"
Kurier 8.12.02

Laut Sonntags-Kurier forciert Schüssel Schwarz-Blau; doch Schüssel
will nur das Beste:

"Jeder muss langsam aus der Ecke kommen" - High noon?
Schüssel lt. Presse 7.12.02

"...sich einlassen auf das Abenteuer Österreich zum Besseren zu
verändern...Da sollte man sich vertrauensvoll aufeinander einlassen"
Schüssel laut Presse 7.12..02

"Am Freitag konnte man im Kanzleramt ein Leuchten in Augen der grünen
Verhandler sehen. Bei aller Skepsis ist die Lust aufs Regieren
deutlich zu spüren."
Presse 7.12..02

Weiters heisst es, dass die VP Forderungen wie Gender-Mainstreaming
glatt so parierte, das dies sowieso selbstverständlich bei der ÖVP

Ich führe dass weiter, dass auch z. B. die Objektivierung von
Personalentscheidungen sowie selbstverständlich bei ÖVP ist. Beispiel
die Postenvergabe in NÖ, wo lt. letztem Profil alle führenden Posten
in der Landesverwaltung von VPler besetzt sind, wobei die Begründung
des Pröll-Sprechers besondere Tüchtigkeit bzw. "die gesellschaftliche
Stärke der VP" ist. Eh klar!

Wenn nun ausgerechnet der Oberösterreicher-Niederösterreicher Minister
Strasser zu einem Befürworter von Grün-Schwarz geworden ist, dann
drückt dies wirklich Flexibilität aus, denn im Wahlkampf hatte er noch
als effektive Wahlkampfmaßnahme zur Gewinnung von FP-Wählern
Flüchtlingsfamilien im Winter auf die Straße setzen lassen und hat
wohl die brutalste Personalpolitik in seinem Ressort a la NÖ

In der heutigen Sonntagkrone heisst es schließlich in den von Dichand
ausgewählten Leserbriefen, dass Schwarz-Grün "vorstellbar geworden"
ist. Wirklich unlustig finde ich, dass laut Standard 7.12 in der
"Sicherheitspolitik" zwischen Grünen und VP "durchaus verhandelbare
gemeinsame Ansätze festzustellen waren". Dies lässt wirklich schlimmes

Und schließlich echten Respekt vor Madelaine Petrovic: sie wird laut
Standard als einzige von der VP laut Standard als "ideologische
Hardlinerin" abgeschrieben, weil sie sich nicht mit Stehsätzen
begnügen wolle...

Josef Baum; Purkersdorf

11 Brief Lunacek an Grün-WählerInnen
From: Grüne Andersrum

Liebe Grün-Wählerin, lieber Grün-Wähler aus der lesbischwulen und

ich möchte Dir auf diesem Weg ganz herzlich für die Entscheidung
danken, bei der NR-Wahl am 24.11.die Grünen gewählt zu haben. Mit
Deiner Stimme haben wir das beste Ergebnis, das Grüne in Österreich je
auf Bundesebene erzielt haben, erreicht - 9,47%! In allen
Landeshauptstädten (außer Klagenfurt) haben wir auch die FPÖ
überholt. Und im Nationalrat werden wir drei Abgeordnete mehr haben,
nämlich 17.

Unser Hauptwahlziel, die schwarz-blaue Mehrheit zu brechen, ist uns
leider nicht gelungen. Das schmerzt, denn damit steht Österreich vor
einer sehr schwierigen Situation - und die lang erhoffte und mit einer
rot-grünen Mehrheit versprochene Gleichstellung für Lesben und Schwule
wird es aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht geben - da müsste wohl ein
Wunder geschehen und die ÖVP sich sehr "bewegen". Das sehen nicht
einmal aufgeschlossene Leute in der ÖVP.

Auf jeden Fall: Nochmals ein herzliches Dankeschön. Ganz besonders
auch jenen, die mir ihre Vorzugsstimme gegeben haben: 592 habe ich auf
der Landesliste Wien erhalten und 1281 im Regionalwahlkreis
(Leopoldstadt und Brigittenau). Ich selbst habe übrigens mein Mandat
über den dritten Platz der Bundesliste. Das 5. Mandat in Wien haben
wir leider - knapp - verfehlt.

Und ich hoffe, dass Du auch in Zukunft an Veranstaltungen von Grüne
andersrum teilnehmen (z.B. Kinoabend 8.12.) bzw. die Aktivitäten der
Grünen weiterhin verfolgen und unterstützen wirst. Zündenden Ideen
stehen wir natürlich auch zu Nicht-Wahlkampf-Zeiten offen gegenüber.

Herzliche Grüße

Ulrike Lunacek

Die superüberdrübergrüne LesBiSchwule- & TransGender-Organisation


12 Urgent: Stop INS Deportation of Activitst/Journalist
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>

[The following fact sheet from the Political Rights Defense Fund
describes an emegency national campaign to free Roger Calero,
associate editor of Perspectiva Mundial, from INS detention in
Houston, where he was seized on December 3 and now faces potential
deportation, pending a hearing.

He is currently being held without bail. Calero is a U.S. legal
resident from Nicaragua. He was both a correspondent at and
participant in the 16th Congress of Latin American Students (CLAE)
which concluded in Guadalajara on December]

2. We urge you to read the fact sheet, send a protest message to the
Houston INS, and contribute to the Political Rights Defense Fund. This
blantant attack on immigrant and democratic rights must be answered
with the broadest solidarity. An injury to one is an injury to all!


On December 3, Roger Calero, the associate editor of Perspectiva
Mundial, a Spanish-language news magazine published in New York, was
returning home to the United States from a reporting assignment in
Havana, Cuba, and Guadalajara, Mexico.

At Houston International Airport, Calero was seized by the Immigration
and Naturalization Service, told he was denied entry to the United
States, and carted off to an INS jail. He now faces exclusion from
this country.

Calero has lived in the United States for the past 17 years and has
held permanent residence since 1990. Besides his position as an editor
of Perspectiva Mundial, Calero works as a staff writer for the
Militant, a New York- based newsweekly.

As a reporter he has traveled widely, both in this country and in
Latin America, covering labor and political events.

This attempt by the INS to exclude Calero from the United States and
deport him to Nicaragua is an attack on his rights as a permanent
resident, on his right to exercise his work as a journalist, and on
the rights ofall.

Calero and his supporters have launched a public campaign to win his
release and the restoration of his rights. Your help is needed. Join
the fight!

* December 3 - INS detention - The INS seized Calero on December 3 at
Houston International Airport. Calero was on a one-week assignment for
Perspectiva Mundial to report on an international conference in Havana
on the Free Trade Area of the Americas, attended by trade unionists
and other delegates from Latin America, the United States, and Canada.

He then spent several days covering an international student
conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, sponsored by the Continental
Organization of Latin American and Caribbean students. In Houston,
Calero was detained and then transferred to an immigration jail run by
a private company, the Corrections Corporation of America.

* Charges against Calero - The immigration cops are seeking to
"exclude" him--deny Calero re-entry into the United States--and deport
him to his native Nicaragua, based on a 1988 conviction, when he was a
high school student in Los Angeles, on a charge of selling marijuana
to an undercover cop. Faced with the prospect of jail, Calero copped a
plea and received a suspended 60-day sentence with three years

* Permanent resident for 12 years - When Calero applied for permanent
residency in 1989 he specifically included information about his
conviction, which immigration officials waived in order to grant him a
green card giving him the right to live and work in the United
States. In 2000 the INS replaced his card with full written
information of the 12-year-old conviction. Today, Calero, who is
married to a U.S. citizen, lives in Newark, New Jersey.

* Exercising his right to work as a journalist - For the past 12 years
Calero has exercised his rights as a permanent resident, including
most recently as a journalist for the Spanish-language magazine
Perspectiva Mundial. INS officials are now trying to take away those

Prior to beginning his job as associate editor of Perspectiva Mundial
and staff writer for the Militant, Calero worked as a meat packer in
Des Moines, Iowa, and then in Twin Cities, Minnesota, where he
participated in a successful union-organizing drive at the Dakota
Premium Foods plant in South St. Paul. He is continuing his work as a
journalist from his prison cell in Texas.

* Action is needed now! You can help! - Calero is fighting today to win
his freedom on bond from an INS prison and for an immediate halt to
government exclusion proceedings against him. He has retained an
attorney and is appealing for public support to press the INS to
restore his rights and his freedom.

- Send a letter of protest to Hipolito Acosta, District
Director, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 126 Northpoint Drive,
Houston, TX, 77060;
tel: 281-774-4610.

Please send copies to Calero's magazine, Perspectiva Mundial, 410 West
Street, New York, New York 10014.

- Sign and distribute petitions demanding justice for Roger Calero.

13 >>>WORKERS POWER GLOBAL WEEK 8 December 2002
From: NEWSWIRE <newsire@workerspower.com>
E-newswire of the LRCI
8 December 2002


Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the




Workers Power Global, Paris

On 26 November 100,000 French public sector workers took to the
streets, the largest demo in Paris being 60, 000 strong. This third
large day of action mobilised SNCF railway workers, which were joined
by other sectors (hospitals, La Poste, Air France), while EDF-GDF
(electricity and gas) marched on 3 October and teachers struck on 16
November. Ironically, given the different days of action one of the
most popular slogans is still "Tous ensemble" (all together).

The demos in themselves were a real success, with lively contingents -
mainly from the CGT trade union federation - chanting slogans against
the privatisation and calling for the defense of the public
services. Three ex-ministers from the Socialist Party, who tried to
join the march had to run away quickly, faced with the workers'
anger. Clearly the working class has not forgotten their vicious
policy while in government, most notably the privatisations and the
increased flexibility in the working times.

The success of this actions shows the growing concern within the mass
of the working class about the plans of the right-wing government of
Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

While the government has so far been very repressive against
immigrants and youth, his steps in the "social" terrain have been much
more cautious. For the moment he has let his ministeres test the
ground with provocative declarations. Jacques Barreau, Minister of
Health, has declared that Social Security should be reserved to
"serious risks" while "minor risks" should be covered by private
insurance schemes.

And François Fillon, Minister of Labour, has declared that the early
retirement subsidised by the state is a "catastrophe" for the economy
(i.e the bosses).

Behind the declaration the project of the government is crystal
clear. Raffarin wants to take up the "reform" of the pension scheme
from where Alain Juppé, still one of the most hated politicians in
France, left off seven years ago faced with massive workers uprising.

Raffarin wants to increase the number of years public sector workers
need to work to earn a full pension from 37.5 to 40. Advantages for
other sectors like EDF and SNCF will be levelled down to make these
companies more attractive to private investors. A new wave of
privatisation and other attacks on workers is on the cards.

If the government plans are clear to everybody, why are the trade
union bureaucrats persisting in the demobilising and self-defeating
tactic of separate days of actions ?

The first reason is general: they are afraid as much of the rank and
file struggle and self-organisation as of the government. So the
bureaucrats are deliberately mobilising the workers at different times
in order to control them and avoid the risk that the struggle gets out
of their hands.

The second reason is, if possible, even more cynical and stupid: on 11
December will take place the Prud'homales elections to designate the
jury of special courts for labour disputes. For every large TU
confederation this will be the time to measure its influence and
prepare the next round of negotiation from a stronger position. So
each confederation tries to distinguish itself and is not ready to
unite in action.

The weakness of these leaders of the working class has been exposed by
the miserable failure of the truck drivers' strike. They threatened to
block the major roads in support of their demand for a wage
increase. And indeed twice in the last years this tactic proved its
effectiveness pushing the whole country close to a total standstill.

However the government prepared for this strike a new version of the
carrot and stick tactic. The stick was the repressive measures of
Nicolas Sarkozy, minister of interior, who mobilised the police and
even the army against the road blocks, threatened the drivers with
licence suspensions and victimised a few of them. The carrot came in
the form of yet unrevealed concessions to the FO union, who agreed to
sell out the strike for a pathetic 3 % wage increase.

Clearly, the government has rehearsed here on a small scale the tactic
that he will use against the public sector workers if they dare oppose
his solution on the pension reform.

In the meantime Sarkozy has been preparing his troops for the
repressive part of this scheme. José Bové is now in jail for fourteen
months, a fact that looked almost impossible only months ago. The
Sangatte center has been closed making the life of those immigrants
even more miserable. Several Rom camps have been raided by the police
to arrest the people and deport them.

Thirty new prisons will be built plus special prisons for
children. All this while the reformist party are clearly more busy
preparing their internal fights than even pretending that they defend
the workers.

As on many ocassions in French history, reaction seems to be winning
the day; however, the new order of Jacques Chirac, this disgustingly
corrupted demagogue, is built on sand. The mounting opposition of the
masses against reformism, the struggle of immigrants, the mobilisation
of sectors of the working class - all this point to the possibility of
a massive generalised resistance to this right-wing government,
similar to the wave of struggles that is rocking Italy.

The French workers must force their leaders to unify their days of
action, draw up a common action plan against privatisation, pension
reform and wage cuts and prepare the ground for a counter-offensive as
least as strong as that of 1995 which halted Juppé in his tracks.



Workers Power Global, Milan

On the evening of 2 December, the appeal court in Catanzaro overturned
the decision to keep the remaining 18 Italian anti-capitalist
activists in prison, arrested after the Florence European Social
Forum. These include Francesco Caruso. It could not have been any
other way. No legal precedent exists for keeping them locked up.

This is yet another propaganda victory for the movement over the
repressive apparatus of the state. But the right conclusions need to
be drawn from it. The bourgeois state has "corrected" its own
excesses, but in the meantime it made use of a fascist law going back
to 1930 (Rocco Code) to keep activists in high security prisons for
two weeks.

Amongst other things, this initiative shows that loopholes exists
through which the capitalists can "legally" suspend the democratic
rights of the pseudo-democratic Italian Constitution. The appeal
court overturned the arrests this time, but it is now evident that the
police has at its disposal certain fascist laws with which to
"legally" accompany a coup d'etat should they need it.

The decision to release the news only the day after the decision for
the releases was taken is not fortuitous. On 2 December the district
attorney of Genoa announced that his investigation into the death of
Carlo Giuliani has been completed and that he will be asking for the
dismissal of charges for voluntary murder against Marco Placanica, the
carabiniere who pulled the trigger. For the district attorny, it was
legitimate self-defence.

But it's not over yet. This proposal goes to the preliminary
investigating judge who must decide if the information provided by the
DA stands up. It doesn't, since it is based on overtly false
interpretation of the facts and on an unscientific presumption
concerning a ricocheting bullet which the DA's team of investigators
then set out to prove actually happened.

They are claiming that Placanica aimed and fired over Giuliani's head,
an evidently false statement, as can be seen by an examination of the
notorious Reuters photo of Carlo in front of the jeep with the fire
extinguisher. The DA also excluded from his investigation all the
lying testimonies of Placanica (he changed his account at least four
times too make it coincide with the ever-changing findings of the DA's
investigation team).

In the meantime, the parents of Carlo Giuliani have declared that they
will be appealing the decision, and this itself should lead to some
type of public examination of the DA's findings.

Hopes should not be held too high, however, and the decision to
announce the completion of the investigation on the very day the 18
prisoners were released no doubt forms part of the propaganda game to
make it look like this is a reasonable State going about its work in
an impartial manner. But it would take the political naivety and
blindness of a social democrat not to see in all these events a
concoction of fascist law and state cover up of planned murder.




Workers Power Global, Stockhlom

Sweden's Nazis used to get together on 30 November every year to honor
the warrior king Charles XII. Ten years ago they were met by 10,000
protesters and they suffered a humiliating defeat. Last year they
found a new date to unite the otherwise competing Nazi groups.

Two years ago, on 7 December, a young bonehead was killed in a place
called Salem, south of Stockholm. Daniel Wretström got involved in a
fight with local immigrant youth. When he was lying on the ground, he
was stabbed repeatedly by a mentally unstable youngster, and died

Despite his mother's pleas, his death have been used by the Nazis to
build a legend of how a "Swedish patriot" was killed by immigrant
violence against Swedes. Daniel Wretström has been transformed into a
martyr for the whole rascist crowd.

Last year around 1,000 Nazis marched to "honor" him, while
anti-fascists were pleased to stage a protest several hours in advance
with only 500 people. The main left groups called this a "victory",
but as the racists and Nazis made considerable gains in the local and
national elections in September, it became clear for many on the left
that something more had to be done.

The Nazis have been targeting a number of meetings to build support
for a blockade of the march this year. For example, when the youth
group Revolution held a meeting on the Nazi march in October, at the
bookstore Radikal in Stockholm, the Nazis turned up.

About 25 Nazis from Info14 - one of the most violent groups - tried to
stop the meeting, which were attended by 30 young people. They were
followed by police who stopped them a block from the bookstore,
searched them - and found knives and other weapons, and then they were
bussed away to other parts of the city. If the Nazis were succesful
last year, and were able to march without any resistance, this year 7
December turned out to be somewhat different.

The left and anti-fascists have planned and mobilised for several
months in order to stop the Nazi march. The Network against Racism, a
local group of anti-fascists in Salem and a coalition of left groups
aimed to mobilise at least 2,000 protesters nationally. There were
busses from Gothenburg and Malmö, and some activists from other parts
of Scandinavia.

The organisers didn't really achieve their target, but something
between 1,000 and 1,500 people came to the protest at the square where
the Nazis were supposed to assemble four hours later. When the time
was up for the permit from the police, a police officer warned
everyone who stayed that the 400 police present would clear the
place. All participants in the legal protest decided to stay -
including an MP from the Left Party - and were entertained by live
music during several more hours.

The police did really try to clear the square by attacking the
protest, first with horses and then with ordinary charges with
batons. But they didn't get anywhere. In the front ranks were
experienced activists from AFA, Arbetarmakt, Revolution, Young Left,
and other groups. They stood their ground against attacking police.

After a few unsuccesful attempts, the police decided that the case was

As a second option they closed all exits and entrances to the square,
and decided to keep the anti-fascists there. This went on for about
four hours, during which time the Nazis were escorted by the police to
another place in order to assemble.

That is a great improvement compared to last year. But the Nazis still
managed to hold their march, with more or less the same numbers as the
anti-fascists (1, 200 have been mentioned).

Anti-fascists have no grounds to celebrate more than a partial
victory. The mobilisation was not enough to outnumber the Nazis, which
is the only way to really stop the march. And there is a problem
here. Despite the fact that the Left Party and the Young Left
supported the protest, there were too few mobilised outside of the
organised groups to the left of the Left Party.

There was no union support either, and no real attempt to win such
support. Our comrades in Arbetarmakt, the LRCI section, and
Revolution made an excellent intervention with comrades mobilised from
several areas in the country. Our common block numbered around 35-40



Workers Power Global, Melbourne

The announcement in early December that the Coalition government was
making changes to its mandatory detention policy has serious
implications for the movement for refugee rights.

The announcement comes at a time when the Australian Labor Party are
also discussing changes to their own policy.

The important changes are that unaccompanied minors will be released
into foster care and that women with children will be given the option
of living in supervised housing, similar to the trial that has been
occurring in Woomera detention camp.

It will be some months before the housing has been built at Woomera
and port Augusta but the decision will affect some 170 women and
children currently in high security detention.

Obviously this change answers the criticisms of those who have pointed
out the terrible psychological affects on children in particular, of
lengthy detention. But it is, as the Librals themselves point out,
only a tweaking of the current policy. It doesn't change the Pacific
Solution, it doesn't change the actual policy of manadatory detention
and it does nothing for the men who will be left in the concentration

For the refugee rights' movement the policy change may pose a
problem. Where will groups like Chilout (whose focus is children in
detention) now go? Will they remain opposed to government policy? The
same goes for the small l liberal side of the movement. Now that the
policy appears a little more humane, will they still be fighting for

It is important that the movement acknowledges two things.

The first is that this is a victory, albeit a small and partial
one. Ruddock has been intransigent. He has had to adjust policy
because of the pressure put on him by huge protests and by the affect
these have had on the public policies of both the ALP and the
Greens. Dissent has just been too much and it seems reasonable that
the liberals hope this small sop will dull the protests in the next

The second thing is that as a movement we must now redouble our
efforts to oppose manadatory detention. The changes in policy will
make life a bit easier for some refugees. But the housing scheme is
not freedom for those women and children. And there are huge issues
involved with the trauma caused by separating families - women and
children separated from adult male relatives.

This new policy highlights why it has been important to oppose all
forms of detention - including the open reception centers advocated by
the Greens. This is the direction the movement must now take up fully
if it is to maintain the momentum of this small victory.



Workers Power Global, Galway

Republicans have angrily dismissed British newspaper reports that the
IRA are about to disband. These reports are "unfounded" said the
North's former education minister, Sinn Fein's Martin Mc Guinness,
"The IRA are not a threat to the peace process", and pointed to the
ongoing violence by loyalist paramilitaries. They rightly point out
that this is a ploy to put pressure on republicans, to deliver much
more de-commissioning before the sheduled election in May next year.

The SDLP and Irish government sources have also said there had been no
indications that de facto disbandment of the IRA was imminent.

Certainly it has long been obvious that the republican movement is
preparing the ground for something similar to disarmament of the
IRA. Gerry Adams has foreseen the day when the "IRA would no longer be
needed". Mc Guinness has said the war is over. The families of
volunteers who died in the struggle have been given plaques at a
farewell to arms dinner. Arms dumps have been opened to De Chastelain'

But Sinn Fein will not move without something in return. They insist
that the British government has not delivered enough on policing
reform to persuade it to join the policing board.

They insist that the further legislative police reform, which will
largely deliver the deal done at Weston Park talks in July 2001, in Mc
Guinness' words, "doesn't go far enough". Blair hopes that reform of
the RUC special branch, now within the PSNI, will be sufficient to
diffuse Sin Fein demand for total disbandment of the special branch.

We need to look at the whole de-commissioning issue in the context of
the Belfast Agreement. The British and Irish ruling class, supported
by the US administration, are determined to keep the disarmament
process on track. But there is in no hurry within it for disbandment
of the IRA. They know well it is going to be a slow drip process
spread over a number of years, except at exceptional times when there
will be leaps forward like after 9/11.


14 RAWNEWS on Latin America - 9/12/02
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
on Latin America - 9/12/02

1) Bolivarian Revolution Stands Firm - La Jornada
2) Venezuela warns of a possible escalation in violence propelled by
the U.S. - La Jornada
3) Venezuelan turmoil delays oil shipments for Cuba - Associated Press
4) Venezuela Close to Running on Empty - Washington Post
5) Colombian Legislator Charges U.S. Meddling in Venezuela - La Jornada
6) Chiapas Today Bulletin No. 319
7) Going hungry: Children in Central America hit hard - The Miami Herald

Bolivarian Revolution Stands Firm

Chavez sympathizers and opponents march in Venezuela without incident.
The entire board of directors of PDVZA will be replaced if necessary,
said the president. "Elections will be held when they are due, not
when the opposition wants them." State of emergency if oil stoppage
is not ended.

La Jornada
Press Review
Caracas, December 7, 2002

Thousands of Venezuelan sympathizers today conducted a large march in
support of President Hugo Chavez, who said that elections will be held
in Venezuela when they are due, not when the fascist, destabilizing
and coup-seeking opposition wants them. He added that the opposition
will be defeated "one and one hundred times" when the proper moment

Meanwhile, Venezuelan navy commandos took control of the oil tanker,
Pilín León, which had been anchored a few days ago when it joined the
oppostion's general strike.

Chavez announced a plan to restructure the management of the state
petroleum company (PDVSA) and said that if it should become necessary
"the entire board of directors will be replaced". Last Friday, a few
board members of PDVSA placed their positions at the discretion of the
company, after a group of individuals shot at members of the oppostion
gathered at the Altamira Plaza in the capitol to demand the
resignation of Chavez .

The strike becomes sabotage.

The president repeated that the strike, now six days old has become
"sabotage" against the vital oil industry. He also admitted that the
strike has affected the operations of the industry, but in spite of it
all, it continues to meet its obligations.

José Luis Prieto, Minister of Defense, pointed out that the Venezuelan
armed forces will defend the oil industry so that Venezuela can meet
its international obligations during the general strike. In a message
to the nation, Prieto said that the armed forces have an important
function in responding to the threat of the security of Venezuela.

The president again called on the oppostion to end its strike, leaving
open the possibility of declaring a state of emergency and issuing a
back-to-work order if it continues.

He lamented the violence on Friday and denied rumors that the the
chief of the Venezuelan air force had resigned or that the commander
of the army is under arrest.

Before thousands of sympathizers, the president insisted that the
general strike has been "irrational" and repeated the charge that the
"conspirators" are attempting a coup. But warned that this time, he
will not be caught by surprise as in April, because the government is
ready to respond "wherever necessary."

Tens of thousands of Chavistas marched nine kilometers to the
Miraflores Presidential palace, practically drowning the center of
Caracas with slogans of support for Chavez and repudiation of the

Chavez said that the opposition will be defeated because the
government has the full support of the poor and called for an identity
card and voter registration campaign. "It is possible that we will go
to a recall referendum in August 2003 to ask the country if it wants
Chavez to stay or go", he added.

He said that, "unfortunately, we have an opposition seeking a bloody
coup. This obstructs the building of a democratic and peaceful road."
He added that although the oppostion says it wants elections, "it
really has a card up its sleeve and a knife ready to plunge into the
heart of the Bolivarian revolution."

"Most of them do not believe in democracy and conspire to embark on a
road of violent overthrow, terrorism and fascism. This is the same
opposition that carried out the coup last April."

He asked to keep on mobilizing

Chavez called upon the people to mobilize, to defend the revolution,
win the streets and avoid another coup, as well as, "prevent a
sabotage operation that attempts to paralyze the economy of

He added: "If they should stop the petroleum industry..if they should
paralyze the country, there will not be gasoline nor lights and we
shall go back 100 years. That is why we must avoid the crippling of
the oil industry, no matter the cost. He vowed the militarization of
the oil industry and called on supporters to mobilize throughout the
country for this type of defense.

"No to terrorist blackmail; Venezuela will not be stopped", was one of
the Chavista slogans at the podium. Leaders of the governing
Movimiento V República (MVR) issued the following slogans: "The people
are on the streets and no one can stop them!", and "We are all for

Chavez pointed out that the government and the armed forces
implemented a plan to seize eleven vessels that had joined the
strike. A captain on one of the anchored vessels confirmed that an
elite military commando force took control; that it was a well trained
unit and described their efforts as "excessive". Chavez said the
commnandos will continue to recover the rest of the vessels, something
that the opposition had initially stated that it would resist with the
people's support.

At the same time, he thanked the industry workers who have been
collaborating, and said that the orders to mobilize the vessels have
not been coming from the offices of PDVSA. He compared the attitude
of the managers with those who place a bomb at a public place to later
describe it as an act of "sabotage".

One the oil managers, Juan Fernando, admitted that the despite the
delays in deliveries, the exports continue to flow, revealing that a
vessel with 240 thousand barrels of diesel left for Cuba yesterday.

Luis Martin
Linda Martin Harding

Venezuela warns of a possible escalation in violence propelled by the U.S.


La Jornada Correspondent
Havana, December 6

The government of President Hugo Chavez sent an international message
of alert today from here regarding a possible escalation of violence
in Venezuela influenced by the U.S.

The same fact that the opposition has not succeeded up to now, makes
it foreseeable that they will resort to an escalation of the attacks
on the government in order to undermine constitutional order", said
diplomat Olga Fonseca, charge' d'affairs for the Venezuelan embassy in

Fonseca summoned journalists and diplomats in the Cuban capital to
address the crisis in her country and the strike promoted by the
opposition which enters its fifth day today.

"There is the possibility of a low intensity war. The internal affairs
of Venezuela have never been beyond the reach of foreign
influences. The U.S. is an important power factor in the region, it's
an important factor in the historical future of our countries", the
diplomat pointed out.

"This factor can not be confirmed, but it can neither be ruled out
(...)", she added. "Perhaps it can not be defined or openly stated,
but it is present and taken into account. The annalists, the military
and the Venezuelan government's security advisors have clearly
detected it".

Fonseca underscored that the Venezuelan opposition could radicalize
itself and conduct a coup d'etat, the murder of Chavez, a guerrilla
war or a low intensity war.

"They are pursuing power in the most expeditious way, no matter the
costs... violence, assassination. There are signs that, when analyzed,
have to be regarded as a possible action, regardless of whether it can
be carried out. However, they have to be considered and evaluated
according to the threat that they represent", she said.

Fonseca said that a violent evolution of the conflict would force the
Chavez government to adopt any legal measure, including declaring a
state of siege or a state of emergency allowed by the
constitution. "It would not be an authoritarian or dictatorial
measure", she emphasized.

A politically inspired shooting at a plaza in Caracas today resulted
in 3 dead and 20 wounded

Translation: Luis Martin
Latin America Report

Venezuelan turmoil delays oil shipments for Cuba
Posted on Fri, Dec. 06, 2002
Associated Press

HAVANA - Turmoil in Venezuela has delayed oil shipments to Cuba, the
Venezuelan embassy said Friday.

"The ambassador informs ... that this problem will be solved in four
days," said Armando Marin, the political officer at Venezuela's
embassy in Havana, speaking at a news conference.

Marin, who held a telephone as he relayed information to reporters
from Ambassador Julio Montes in the Venezuelan capital, said the
captains of six ships had "rebelled" and were detained by Venezuelan
officials. One of the ships had been headed for Cuba.

That appeared to refer to a general strike in Venezuela aimed at
ousting President Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela is a major supplier of petroleum to Cuba, shipping some
55,000 barrels a day to the island on preferential terms.


Venezuela Close to Running on Empty

Chavez Deploys Troops at Gas Stations as National Strike Continues for
7th Day

By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, December 9, 2002; Page A20

CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec. 8 -- After promising a "battle for control of
petroleum," President Hugo Chavez implored Venezuela's oil industry
today to return to work as the country appeared close to running out
of gasoline on the seventh day of a national strike designed to force
him to resign or hold new elections.

National Guard troops wearing combat helmets and carrying assault
rifles were deployed to every gas station in the city, apparently to
keep them open and protect against panic buying. Lines stretched 15
cars long, and some station owners predicted that supplies would be
gone by day's end. Many stations in central and western Venezuela had
closed on Saturday.

"We're sending in our orders [for more gasoline], but no one is taking
care of them," said Adrian Bendeck, the general manager of 83
ChevronTexaco stations across the country. He spent the day at his
flagship station in the Las Mercedes neighborhood, where seven
soldiers watched over the 25 pumps and the lines of cars that spilled
onto the main avenue. He said 10 percent of his stations had closed.

As fuel supplies dwindled, Venezuela's national strike, which has
crippled the vital oil industry and hurt many small businesses during
the peak retail season, showed no sign of lifting. Opposition leaders
tonight called it "successful and growing" and extended it at least
another day.

Angered by the president's leftist politics, strident class-based
rhetoric and tilt toward Cuba, a politically diverse opposition is
hoping the strike forces the twice-elected Chavez to resign or move up
the 2006 elections.

The strike has intensified the political struggle that has gripped the
country of 23 million people for much of the year, highlighted by a
military-led coup in April that briefly removed Chavez from office. On
Friday, a 37-year-old drifter, Joao De Gouveia, allegedly opened fire
with a pistol on an opposition demonstration, killing three people and
wounding 29 others. He was brought before a judge today -- six others
are also being held -- as anti-government protesters gathered to bury
18-year-old Keyla Guerra, the youngest victim of the shooting.

At the same time, talks mediated by Cesar Gaviria, secretary general
of the Organization of American States, appeared to have taken a
positive turn after a week's suspension. A source involved in the
talks said government and opposition negotiators have agreed to meet
Monday to begin the first formal discussion of an electoral solution
to the standoff, including a nonbinding referendum on Chavez's
administration and the possibility of creating a citizen assembly to
amend the constitution to allow early elections.

Gaviria, backed by the United States, favors elections as the best
solution to Venezuela's crisis. "The door to negotiations is open," he
said. "That's what was most important."

But it was clear today that Chavez, who delivered a withering attack
on the opposition during his weekly call-in show, has made restoring
his authority over the national oil industry his top priority. His
deployment of troops to filling stations and the retaking of an oil
tanker whose crew had dropped anchor in protest suggested he would use
force, if necessary. He has promised a major restructuring of
Petroleos de Venezuela, the national oil company that provides the
government with $9 billion a year in revenue and the United States
with 1.5 million barrels a day, or 15 percent of its oil imports.

Navy forces have occupied the tanker, Pilin Leon, but a replacement
crew could not be found today to pilot the ship, carrying 280,000
barrels of gasoline, to port. The cargo represents a little more than
Venezuela's daily gasoline consumption. More than a half-dozen other
tankers remain at anchor in support of the strike.

"Assume your responsibility not only to the petroleum industry but to
the country," said Chavez, addressing oil workers. "You are operating
an industry that is the heart" of Venezuela.


Colombian Legislator Charges U.S. Meddling in Venezuela

La Jornada
Press Review
by Luis Martin

December 8, 2002

Colombian legislator Wilson Borja today charged that the U.S. is
behind the protests unleashed against the government of Hugo
Chavez. Consequently, he expressed fears that the situation could
degenerate into a prolonged civil war "with grave repercussions
throughout South America".

"It is absolutely clear to me that the U.S. is driving the right in
Venezuela to overthrow Chavez", pointed out the also former labor
leader. He believes that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "is
playing in Venezuela the same destabilizing role that it played in the
decades of the 60's and 70's in other Latin American countries".

However, he also stated that "in spite of U.S. intervention, it will
not be easy to overthrow Chavez, because thousands of Venezuelans
support his socio-economic and democratic reforms".

The Cuban press also warned about the situation in Venezuela, the
island's main trade partner, in referring to a "petroleum-based
destabilization" after the failure of the general strike against the
Chavez government.

The newspaper "Rebel Youth" dedicated eight pages to the Venezuelan
crisis. The daily interviewed Venezuelan officials on the island who
assured that the oil supply to Cuba, estimated at 55 thousand barrels
per day and sold at favorable prices, is guaranteed for at least 4


Chiapas Today Bulletin No. 319
24 octubre de 2002

Civil society in Chiapas took another step towards construction of a
wide-based movement against corporate globalization by holding the I
Chiapaneco Encounter on Neoliberalism last October 9, 10 and 11 in San
Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. Some 82 representatives of 36 social
organizations, 124 representatives of 44 non-governmental
organizations , 63 observers, 30 of them from diverse countries
attended the encounter.

The Encounter is the result of the agreements reached by more than
1,000 representatives of 400 civil society organization from
throughout Mesoamerica that met last July in Managua, Nicaragua, on
the occasion of the III Mesoamerican Encounter on the Plan Puebla
Panama (PPP).

One of the principal tasks coming out of Managua was the coordination
of activities locally among social and civilian organizations, in
order to translate opposition to the PPP into actions. Without
denying the need for more analysis on the PPP, a hallway consensus at
the Managua meeting was the need to undertake direct action in order

* continue disseminating on a grass-roots level what the PPP is and
its relationship to the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) and the
WTO (World Trade Organization);

* continue strengthening grassroots alternatives to neoliberal

* oppose privatization, especially with regards to basic services such
as light, water, education, health.

But the Managua Encounter was at the same time the result of previous
events, each one drawing more organizations and participants in
opposition to the PPP. The first, in Tapachula, Chiapas, drew 350
representatives from 100 organizations. The second, in Xelajú
(Quetzaltenango), Guatemala, brought together 800 representatives from
300 organizations. In addition there have been numerous local and
regional events, among them:

* II South-North Encounter in October 2000 in San Felipe Ecatepec, Chiapas

* I State Encounter of Chiapas Organizations in San Felipe, Ecatepec,
also in October, 2000

* I Encounter for Democracy and Life in San Cristóbal, November, 2000

* I Mesoamerican Forum for Life, subtitled Regional Front on Dams , in
Petén, Guatemala

* Two week-long events For Biological and Cultural Diversity in San
Cristóbal, Chiapas, and Xelajú, Guatemala.

Each event helped to spread the word a bit farther on diverse topics
related to globalization, knitted a bit tighter the networks among
social and civil organizations and activists in different countries,
with a growing conviction that building another world is possible.

In four of the eight countries that make up the PPP area (Mexico,
Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and
Panama) national coordinations on the PPP have been established. In
the case of Mexico, the resistance to the PPP by many organizations
evolved into the AMAP (Mexican Alliance for Self-determination of the
People) in January, 2002. In Guatemala the coordination is the Mesa
Global ; in El Salvador the Salvadoran Social Movement; in Honduras
the Bloque Popular .

In Mexico last October 12 there were coordinated actions by the social
and civil organizations that belong to AMAP, in Chiapas, Puebla,
Oaxaca, Veracruz, Guerrero and Mexico City. Likewise in keeping with
the call made by the Mexico and Central American coordinations, 70 US
groups in a anti-PPP network blocked several entry points on the
Mexico-US borders, and carried out marches in Washington, Boston, and
18 other cities.

In Chiapas ten social and civil organizations convoked the I Chiapas
Encounter on Neoliberalism with the intention of improving
coordination in activities and exchange of information. We believe
that there is a need for a plural, wide-based, democratic,
multisectoral space where we can all, in an organized fashion,
globalize alternatives, resistance and the hope that another world is

The principal objective of the I Encounter was to arrive at concrete,
urgent, opportune, priority and effective actions at eleven discussion

1) Food sovereignty, campesino (peasant) production, just trade;
2) Land, PROCEDE (government land certification program), Migration
3) Corn (or maize);
4) Agro-toxins and genetically modified organisms;
5) Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), PPP and free trade;
6) Dams, civil resistance to light bills, privatization of energy and water;
7) Human rights, indigenous peoples, autonomy;
8) Biodiversity, protected natural areas (ANP), biopiratry, and
tradition medicine;
9) Maquiladoras;
10) Militarization and paramilitarization; and
11) Coffee;

The methodology led to the integration, in concluding sessions, of
activities coming from these discussion tables and commitments to
carry them out in the diverse region of Chiapas: Altos, Selva, North
region, border, Isthmus-Coast, Sierra, and the
Soconusco-Frailesca-Center region.

Commitments include:

Joining the National Encounter against the PROCEDE;

Participating in the state-wide front against privatization of
electrical energy, water, and against dams;

Toxic-free days to transform advertisements of the agro-chemical
multinationals into positive messages;

Creating regional centers of training in organic techniques;

Creating an information center on the PPP

and many more.

It was also decided that the next Encounter will be in February, 2003
in the rural town of Nuevo Huixtán.

The two and a half days of work concluded on October 12 with a
demonstration through the streets of San Cristóbal and a rally at the
Plaza of the Cathedral. The demonstration, together with the blockade
of highways at seven junctions in Chiapas by hundred of members of
social and civil organizations of all stripes, was Chiapas response to
the agreement reached in Managua at the III Encounter on the PPP to
organize days of mobilization and struggle throughout Mesoamerica.

(For a summary of the many astonishing mobilizations throughout
Mesoamerica, South America and the United States, please see the
following link (with information in English and Spanish:


We here transcribe the final

Declaration of the
Strengthening Resistance and Seeking Alternatives
San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, October 9-12, 2002

We the representatives of 80 Chiapas organizations, inhabitants of
these lands, met at El Carmen, on this hill, that has become a palace
of births. During four days we have spoken our word on the four
dangers that threaten the life of our Mother Earth. Those who seek to
poison her know that they will kill us too in the attempt. We, seeds
of the people, like maize, will germinate and grow within her only if
we keep her alive.

We thus reject the science of death and we struggle to build a future
where we shall give fruit, where we shall beget a government that
respects us, and respects the mother who gave us all life. Here, our
first step has been to reclaim a place in Chiapas that will allow us
communication and information, in the hope that it might become a road
for joining all struggles that defend life throughout our planet. The
second step has been to decide on immediate actions that will unite us
with those struggles.

For these reasons:

We demand respect for our natural resources, culture, traditions and
human rights, because they are the hope for life for all of Creation.

We reject the FTAA, PPP, the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, the
Free Trade Agreements, the building of dams, privatization of water,
electricity, because they bring destruction, theft and death of our

We demand respect for the rights of all workers in agro-industries and
in maquiladoras. We oppose proposals that would modify labor laws in
keeping with trade treaties.

We keep our word. Yes to the San Andrés Accords.

Disarmament of the paramilitaries! Get the army out of our
communities! Our mobilization is to avoid more rivers of blood of our
people, who cry for justice.

As sons and daughters of this earth we say NO to PROCEDE. We say that
a campesino without land is a slave to the maquiladoras. Let us
recover our territory. We reject the speculation with coffee prices
in the New York exchanges and the government s support of
multinational corporations. Let us promote a national consensus by
means of fair trade. Let us control what we produce and produce what
we need.

We reject the science of death of the corporations that produce
agro-toxins and genetically modified organisms. We grew as maize,
maize is our memory, maize our word. We are seed of the people in
defense of food sovereignty, the substance of our autonomy. Our
health, land and work are not for sale, and thus we work, promote and
strengthen the production and the consumption of organic products, the
conservation of soils, rivers, lands, community development, cultural
identity, and a just, alternative trade, in solidarity.

We shall remain firmly opposed to the theft of our people s patrimony.
We are the ones who have and will continue to care for, defend, and
nurture all life of our mother earth, as it is our own life.

Signed at the I Chiapaneco Encounter on Neoliberalism:

Abogados y Asesores Pro Derechos Humanos, Alianza Cívica Chiapas, Área
Diocesana de Derechos Humanos, ARIC, BACOSAN, CAPISE, Catequistas de
Huitiupán, CCESSC / INCMNSZ, CEDIAC, AC, Centro de Derechos Humanos
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, CEPAZ, CIAM, CICE, CIDECI, CIEPAC,
Circulo Sancristobalense de Abogados, A. C., CIRSA, COCIDEP, CODIMUJ,
COLEM, Comisión Local de Reconciliación y DDHH de Los Altos, Comité
Civil Electricista, Comité de Desarrollo Comunitario del Sur,
COMPITCH, Comunidad Agua de Tigre, Comunidad Nueva Cruz, Comunidad
Nuevo Monte Cristo, Comunidad Santa Rosalía, Comunidades afectadas por
Represas, Comunidades Eclesiales de Base, Convergencia de
Organizaciones Campesinas Indígenas de Chiapas, CORECO, Chiltak,
A.C. , Defensoras Derechos Humanos de la Mujeres, DESMI, A.C., EDUPAZ,
AC, Enlace, Comunicación y Capacitación, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
UNACH, Feminario, Foro para el Desarrollo Sustentable, A.C., Fundación
León XIII, FZLN San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Global Exchange, Grupo de
Mujeres de Amatán, Grupo de Mujeres Tzome Ixuk, Iglesia Católica de
Región Sureste, Iglesia de la Parroquia de Santo Domingo, Jolom
Mayaetik, La Voz de Cerro Hueco, Las Abejas, Maderas del Pueblo del
Sureste, Melel Xojobal, Misión Altamirano, Misión de Guadalupe,
Mpio. de Independencia, Chis., MUK`TA NA (Casa Grande), Municipio San
Andrés Larráinzar, Nemi Zapata, Nuevo Amanecer Indígena 94 (NAI94),
Nuevo Yibeljoj, Obra Kolping, OCOMITCH, OMIECH, OMITAC (Organización
de Médicos Indígenas Tradicionales), Organización de Pueblos Indígenas
de la Zona Patihuitz, Parroquia de Altamirano, Parroquia de San Andrés
Apóstol, Parroquia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Plural Chiapas,
Programa "Desarrollo Humano en Chiapas" UAM, Promedios , Pueblo
Creyente, Red de Defensores Comunitarios por los Derechos Humanos,
RICAA, Roberto Barrios, SADEC, Seminario de Género (UNACH), Sociedad
Cooperativa Unión Lucha y Progreso, Unión Tzotzil de Diversificación
SSS de Simojovel.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Octubre 11, 2002.
Miguel Pickard

The Center for Economic and Political Investigations of Community
Action, A.C. CIEPAC,

CIEPAC is a member of the Movement for Democracy and Life (MDV) of
Chiapas, the Mexican Network of Action Against Free Trade (RMALC)
www.rmalc.org.mx, Convergence of Movements of the Peoples of the
Americas (COMPA ) www.sitiocompa.org, Network for Peace in Chiapas,
Week for Biological and Cultural Diversity
www.laneta.apc.org/biodiversidad, the International Forum "The People
Before Globalization", Alternatives to the PPP
http://usuarios.tripod.es/xelaju/xela.htm, and of the Mexican Alliance
for Self-Determination (AMAP) that is the Mexican network against the
Puebla Panama Plan. CIEPAC is a member of the Board of Directors of
the Center for Economic Justice http://www.econjustice.net and the
Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA)

Note: If you use this information, cite the source and our email
address. We are grateful to the persons and institutions who have
given us their comments on these Bulletins. CIEPAC, A.C. is a
non-government and non-profit organization, and your support is
necessary for us to be able to continue offering you this news and
analysis service. If you would like to contribute, in any amount, we
would infinitely appreciate your remittance to the bank account in the
name of:

Bank: Banamex
Account number: 7049672
Sucursal 386
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.
You will also need to use an ABA number: BNMXMXMM
Thank you! CIEPAC

Note: If you wish to be placed on a list to receive this English
version of the Bulletin, or the Spanish, or both, please direct a
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to receive the email or the "attached file" (Word 7 for Windows 95)

Email: ciepac@laneta.apc.org

Web page: http://www.ciepac.org/ (Visit us: We have new maps on the
situation in Chiapas, and a chapter with more information on the PPP)


Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Políticas de Acción Comunitaria
Calle de La Primavera # 6
Barrio de la Merced
29240 San Cristóbal, Chiapas, MEXICO
Tel/Fax: en México 01967 674-5168
Fuera de México +52 967 674-5168


Going hungry: Children in Central America hit hard
The Miami Herald
Posted on Sun, Nov. 24, 2002

UAPOTAL, Nicaragua -- Together, brothers Carmelo and Carlos Castro, 4
and 2, weigh as much as one normal 3-year-old -- about 34
pounds. Their arms and legs are so thin they can barely move. Their
ribs and vertebrae are deeply carved by months of hunger. Without
quick help, the brothers are at risk of following about 200 Central
American children who have died in the past 18 months because of a
food shortage that is increasingly affecting more than eight million
people across the poorest and most remote parts of the region.

The just-finished harvests were down significantly throughout Central
America. The six-month dry season lies ahead, and some of the foreign
aid rushed in after a drought last year -- the worst in 20 years -- is
running out. Hospitals report rising numbers of cases of
life-threatening malnutrition, and a survey last month of 6,700
children in this northern region of Nicaragua showed that 40 percent
were underweight as a result of eating little more than corn, beans
and rice.

"This is a crisis under construction," said Krystyna Bednarska,
Nicaragua director for the U.N. World Food Program, one of many
humanitarian agencies racing to find more money for food before
malnutrition takes more lives. Raising the money has been difficult
because the hunger here has not risen to the catastrophic levels of
Sudan or Ethiopia. "We have to compete with Africa," lamented the
World Food Program's Managua spokeswoman, Sabrina Quezada.

In contrast to Africa's deserts, Central America is a lush tropical
region, now emerald-green at the end of the rainy season. At first
look, it would seem capable of producing enough food for all of its

But hunger hides in remote mountain hollows like Guapotál, in
Nicaragua's coffee-producing province of Matagalpa, the poorest region
in the poorest country in Latin America after Haiti. Always grindingly
poor, such areas have been pushed into crisis by seven years of
on-and-off droughts and falling prices of coffee, the mainstay of most
Central American economies -- prices that are now at 50-year lows.

One million coffee industry laborers in Nicaragua, Guatemala, El
Salvador and Honduras are jobless, many of them peasants who live on
the plantations and have no land to grow their own subsistence food
crops. Coffee bushes are now laden with ripe red beans, but many farm
owners are letting them rot because the low prices and the collapse of
several harvest-financing banks last year left them without start-up
money to pay for pickers.


Many peasants have exhausted their meager reserves. They have eaten or
sold their farm animals and seed stocks. They have sold their shovels
and machetes, along with whatever else they owned. At least 23
children died of malnutrition in Nicaragua this year, said government
Children's Ombudsman Carlos López. Iguanas have reportedly all but
vanished in northern Jinotega province as peasants hunted them for

A recent Health Department survey of Matagalpa children under 5 showed
that 38 percent suffered from long-term "chronic" malnutrition and 5
percent suffered from "severe" malnutrition that was

"My husband hasn't worked for a month, and we're down to
nothing. With 11 children, we live on his father's farm, but it's too
small to feed us all," said Victorina Cruz, one of 15 mothers who
gathered at Guapotál's one-room health center earlier this month to
weigh their children for a malnutrition monitoring program.

All eerily passive and quiet, 10 of the 31 children were underweight
for their age. Cruz's 14-month-old daughter, Zenelia, weighs only 16
pounds and is too weak to walk. Her son Erving is 5 years old but has
the height of a normal 2-year-old.

"I gave them chicken soup last week, but I can't do it every week,"
Cruz said. Health workers doubted her, saying that peasants are often
too embarrassed to admit that they eat only corn, rice and beans and
never any meats.


"We are just too poor," said Nubia Mendoza, a 19-year-old single
mother of two who, when she can get work, earns $1 a day picking
coffee at a plantation near her dirt-floored hut with banana-leaf
walls in Guapotál.

A village of about 50 shacks 80 miles north of the Nicaraguan capital, Managua, Guapotál has no running water or electricity and lies at the crossing of a tortuously rutted dirt road and an even worse farm trail. But it's the same story across what a World Food Program report dated Sept. 27 called a "drought corridor" affecting 8.6 million Central Americans. The U.N. agency is already helping to feed 1.57 million people in the region.

Guatemala reported that 125 children died of malnutrition last year,
and El Salvador reported 49 so far this year, although it is believed
that many more deaths go unreported when the children die on remote
farms. The World Food Program's survey found that long-term
"chronic" malnutrition affected 38 percent of the people in
Honduras, which was devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, and 23
percent of Salvadorans, whose country was hit by a killer earthquake
in 2000.

The U.S. Agency for International Development reported this month that
10,000 Honduran families "are currently experiencing a critical
situation of food security." "After years of natural disasters in
Central America, many of these families have nothing left to sell,
nothing left to cultivate, and nothing left to eat. Many are going
hungry," the World Food Program report said.

Even before the droughts and the coffee crisis, Nicaragua's Matagalpa
province had a 78 percent poverty rate, double the national figure in
a country so poor that the government must depend on foreign aid for
more than 10 percent of its budget. Several groups of up to 300 hungry
families left their villages and blocked Matagalpa highways this
summer to beg for food and demand assistance, but returned home later
to seek what little coffee-picking work was being offered.

The U.N. World Food Program, the U.S. aid agency, the European Union
and Japan committed an estimated $15 million for Central American food
programs this year, while the region's governments stepped up their
own aid projects despite their meager resources. But the money is
running out.

A U.N. food-for-work program that helped thousands of Nicaraguans
ended Nov. 15, and it has only enough money to help feed 7,500
children under 2 and 10,000 pregnantor breast-feeding mothers through
late February. The U.S. aid agency has promised a new $2.5 million aid
package for Nicaragua starting in March, and the World Food Program
has launched a campaign to collect $66 million and feed 690,000 of the
neediest Central Americans for three years.


But that aid may arrive too late for children like Carmelo and Carlos
Castro, spotted as they squatted almost immobile outside their
wood-plank shack by the side of a Matagalpa road.

"They have diarrhea and a bad cough. But what can we do? We are poor,
and there is no work anywhere," said their grandmother, Victoria
Zamudio, 45, caring for the brothers while their single mother,
Zuleima, was hunting for work.

At the main Matagalpa hospital, Yamilet Rodríguez looked even worse --
6 years old but weighing only 35 pounds and showing the odd mixture of
emaciation and bloat caused by an acute form of malnutrition known as
kwashiorkor. Her scalp showed through what was left of her thin and
discolored hair, and her eyes seemed hollow above puffy cheeks, a
result of fluid buildups caused by a lack of protein. Her legs and
arms were emaciated, but her ankles were bloated and her skin was
scaly from a lack of vitamins.


After four weeks at the hospital, she could now barely walk. But the
hospital has no money for feeding programs, and barely enough for the
15 children brought in every day suffering from malnutrition-related
ailments such as pneumonia and diarrhea.

The hospital saw 10 children die of malnutrition since July 1, said
Deputy Administrator Dr. Samuel Ruíz, "and keep in mind that the poor
come to this hospital only as a last resort."

"What is approaching now could be even worse," said Leonidas
Martínez, head of the La Estrellita coffee cooperative near
Guapotál. "We have no reserve corn or beans, and the hunger season is

"Now it's a matter of waiting -- waiting to see if we survive through
the dry season, waiting to see what aid arrives."


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Hier noch eine kurze Artikelübersicht:

::: Österreich :::

Stellungnahme zu den Wahlen



::: International :::


Parteitag KPCH


Blut für Öl

Gegen den Irakkrieg


Südtirol und seine Geschichte

Bozens Siegesplatz

::: Theorie :::

Black Panther Party

Opus Dei

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almail@gmx.net, (+43) (0)699 10 934 921


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Diese Ausgabe hat Albert Brandl

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