Freitag, 29.08.2003


01 week of action against wto 9-14 sept 2003
02 Mediencamp: Tribunal der Freien Medien
03 Alert on Mumia's health
04 grundrisse 7: das warten hat ein ende
05 Week Of Heightened Violence Against Transgender Community Of DC
06 Aufruf gegen die Zensur von antiimperialistischer Politik
07 The latest on various topics
08 Innenpolitik/Verkehr/Bahn...
09 KAGES/Desaster/Kahr/KPÖ

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Und für nächsten Donnerstag:
Das Rechtshilfe-Manual
...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten?

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Die Beiträge werden von verschiedenen Redaktionsteams zusammengestellt.


01 week of action against wto 9-14 sept 2003
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von -----
dear all,
you will find a list of global actions planned against the wto ministerial
in cancun
we know that there ara much more but its really hard to get a comprehensive
you schould youse the address of the pga webteam as well:
AnRo, volunteer for the web team

02 Mediencamp: Tribunal der Freien Medien
| Tribunal der Freien Medien
| Fr., 29. August 2003, 20.00 Uhr
| Karlsplatz, Treitlstraße 4, A-1040 Wien (neben Kunsthalle)
|---Öffentliches Schauverfahren wegen schwerer Verstöße gegen die
Medienfreiheit der Freien Medien. Es tagt der Gerichtshof des
Mediencamps unter der Leitung von Oberjustizrat Hubertus Kramar.
Detaillierte Informationen ab Fr., 29. August, 12.00 Uhr unter:
Subotron presents a sneak preview
Domu aka Sonar Circle (reinforced/jazzanova/2000black/bitasweet, london,
uk): DJ Set 23.00-00.00
Support: Izc, CPT Jogin|---
> Rückfragen:
| Tel.: +43 (676) 309 49 86

03 Alert on Mumia's health

> -------------------------
> Via Workers World News Service
> Reprinted from the Sept. 4, 2003
> issue of Workers World newspaper
> -------------------------
> Supporters of imprisoned Black revolutionary and journalist Mumia
> Abu-Jamal are very concerned about his health. They report that he is
> suffering from swollen feet that could be the result of blood clots, a
> potentially serious condition. He wants to be able to take herbal
> medicines and be examined by a doctor from outside, since he has no
> confidence in the prison doctor.
> Abu-Jamal is still on death row in Pennsylvania after 21 years, even
> though a judge's ruling struck down his death sentence last year. His
> eloquent advocacy for the poor and oppressed has made him a target of
> the repressive state establishment.
> The Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal is asking that
> people not only contact SCI Greene Prison at (724) 852-2902 about
> Mumia's condition, but also urge elected officials supportive of Mumia
> to put pressure on the prison and demand that Mumia's minimum requests
> be met.
> These officials are:
> State Sen. Vincent Hughes at
> Rep. Harold James at (215) 462-3308 or
> Congressmember Chaka Fattah. Go to and
> type in 4601 Market, Philadelphia, PA 19143-4616 to get to email form.
> In a late development, the group on Aug. 26 asks Mumia's supporters to
> engage in a creative "direct action" and send cloves or whole heads of
> fresh garlic to Mumia in prison, care of SCI Greene's Superintendent,
> including a note stating all of the above demands. People can mention
> that at SCI Graterford, fresh garlic is available to prisoners through
> commissary.
> Please enclose your garlic in a sturdy envelope with a note instructing
> the Superintendent to provide garlic to Mumia and mail it using the
> following address:
> Mumia Abu-Jamal, c/o Superintendent Folino, SCI Greene, 169 Progress
> Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370
> --Deirdre Griswold
> - END -
> (Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
> distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
> allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY,
> NY 10011; via e-mail: Subscribe
> Unsubscribe Support
> the voice of resistance )

04 grundrisse 7: das warten hat ein ende
liebe interessentInnen, liebe leserInnen,
pünktlich zum wiener volksstimme-fest erscheint am kommenden samstag die
nummer 7 der grundrisse. als vorgeschmack gibt´s hier das editorial. am
volksstimmefest werden wir natürlich ebenfalls vertreten sein und freuen uns
einen besuch...
besonders hingewiesen sei noch auf die veranstaltung am 10.9. im
amerlinghaus in wien. nähere infos
dazu ebenfals im editorial
viel spass beim lesen
die grundrisse-redaktion
Editorial Nr. 7
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser!
Sommerloch? Nicht mit uns! Während sich andere Menschen bei 35 Grad im
Schatten von den "Mühen der Ebenen" erholen, schwitzt und ächzt die
grundrisse -
Redaktion unter der Last ihrer Hyperaktivität. Neben der Teilnahme am 1.
Austrian-Social-Forum Ende Mai (ausführlicher Bericht im Anschluß an dieses
Editorial) und der Vorbereitung unseres Sommerseminars in Ungarn musste noch
"nebenbei" diese Nummer der grundrisse produziert werden. Außerdem waren da
die Vorarbeiten für unseren herbstlichen Veranstaltungsreigen ... Aber nun
der Reihe nach:
"Politik ohne innere Veränderung der an ihr Beteiligten ist Manipulation von
Eliten" titelte die Nummer 3 der grundrisse mit Rudi Dutschke. Das statische
Beharren auf "ewigen Wahrheiten", seien es bürgerliche oder
"orthodox-marxistische", muss wohl als ein zentrales Hindernis
emanzipatorischer Theorie und
Praxis angesehen werden. Davon sind wir selbstverständlich nicht
So gelingt es uns zwar ab und an, Frauen für die Mitarbeit bei den
grundrissen zu gewinnen, die Redaktion ist aber auch nach mehr als
eineinhalb Jahren
grundrisse-Produktion eine rein männliche. Dies soll nicht als
Selbstbemitleidung verstanden werden, sind doch die Gründe dafür am
wenigsten außerhalb der
Redaktion zu finden. In Zukunft wird es uns wohl noch weniger als in der
Vergangenheit erspart bleiben, sich sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch
mit der
Asymmetrie der Geschlechterverhältnisse auseinanderzusetzen.
Es gibt aber auch positives zu berichten. Linda Bilda, Graphikerin und
Cartoonistin, hat die illustrative Ebene der grundrisse neu gestaltet;
diesmal in
Form eigener Werke, zukünftig auch unter Hinzuziehung anderer Künstlerinnen
und Künstler. Dies soll auch als inhaltliche Aufwertung der bisher eher
eklektisch-ornamentalen Fotoleisten verstanden werden. Die zweite Neuerung
auf ihre Art auch eine Kontinuität dar, da bereits zum dritten Mal (neben
Stefan Gandlers Auseinandersetzung mit Echeverria´s Gebrauchswertbegriff und
Beschäftigung mit den Thesen John Holloways) Thematiken der mexikanischen
Linken in den grundrissen Platz finden: Clemens Berger stellt in diesem Heft
Fabeln Subcomandante Marcos´ über den rebellischen Käfer Don Durito vor, die
wir uns freuen, erstmals in deutscher Sprache übersetzt, euch in
Fortsetzungen zu präsentieren. Ebenfalls in lockeren Fortsetzungen werden
aus einem größeren Projekt von Robert Foltin veröffentlicht werden, der sich
die Aufgabe gestellt hat, die sozialen Bewegungen in Österreich nach 1945
nachzuzeichnen. Der Artikel: "Die fordistische Ordnung", stellt einen ersten
Im Gegensatz zu den vorigen Nummern, wo dies aus akutem Platzmangel nicht
möglich war, ist es uns diesmal gelungen, mehr und längere Buchbesprechungen
bringen. Alles in allem sind es diesmal grundrisse der Veränderungen
geworden, ein wenig konkreter und "lebensweltlicher". Politik (und
selbstverständlich auch Theorie) ohne innere Veränderung ...
Um Veränderung ging es auch beim Sommerseminar der grundrisse am ungarischen
Plattensee. Begleitet von wunderbarem Wetter, erlesenen Weinen und feinsten
Speisen diskutierte das - leider durch zahlreiche Ausfälle ziemlich kleine -
Grüppchen das Thema "Klasse". Entgegen den zwar entgegengesetzten, so
unrichtigen Positionen (DIE ArbeitERklasse ist nach wie vor DAS
revolutionäre Subjekt "vs." die Arbeiterklasse gibt es nicht mehr)
versuchten wir der
Brauchbarkeit der Kategorie "Klasse" auf die Spur zu kommen. Natürlich
können an
dieser Stelle nicht annähernd alle Diskussionen und Positionen vorgestellt
werden, einige Eckpunkte für eine (noch zu führende) erneuerte
sollen aber umrissen werden: So muß zum einen die Ära des fordistischen
"Massenarbeiters" als bestimmendes Subjekt sozialer Kämpfe einerseits zwar
beendet angesehen werden, andererseits können aber die heterogenen Arbeits-
Kampfformen unter postfordistischen Verhältnissen nicht mehr auf einen
einheitlichen Nenner gebracht werden (so sie das je konnten). Es stellt sich
die Frage, ob "Klasse" überhaupt als empirisch-soziologische Kategorie
aufgefaßt werden soll, oder vielmehr aus der Perspektive Holloways zugleich
Identität und Rebellion gegen diese Identität zu denken ist. Neben einer
der Verschiedenheit dieser Formen ist aber auch noch ihre Durchquerung durch
andere Formen gesellschaftlicher Herrschaft, allen voran Rassismus und
Sexismus, in eine nicht-reduktive Klassentheorie einzubeziehen. Ob in diesem
der Begriff der "Klasse" bestehen kann, oder ob er durch adäquatere
Begrifflichkeiten wie etwa "Multitude" oder "Subjektivitäten" ersetzt werden
werden theoretische wie soziale Auseinandersetzungen zeigen. Die Thematik
uns jedenfalls so schnell nicht wieder verlassen.
Abschließend sei an dieser Stelle nochmals auf unsere herbstlichen
Veranstaltungen hingewiesen. Unter dem Titel: "Angelika Ebbinghaus, Marcel
van der
Linden und Karl Heinz Roth stellen die Zeitschrift Sozial.Geschichte vor",
findet die Präsentation am 10. September 2003 ab 19 Uhr im "Amerlinghaus",
Stiftgasse, 1070 Wien, statt. Wer sich ausführlicher über dieses Projekt
möchte, sei auf die Webseite verwiesen.
Einen Tag später, am 11.9. gibt es die Möglichkeit, das programmatische
Selbstverständnis der HerausgeberInnen in kleinerem Kreise zu diskutieren.
Auch die Auseinandersetzung mit Rassismus/Antirassismus und
Kapitalismuskritik soll - voraussichtlich im November - mit der
Veranstaltung: "Welche
Theorie brauch Antirassismus" mit Manuela Bojadzijev, Jost Müller und
Tsianos fortgesetzt werden. Im diesem Rahmen soll einerseits das Buch von
Demirovic und Manuel Bojadzijev, "Konjunkturen des Rassismus", vorgestellt
werden. Diese Veranstaltung wird von grundrisse, BUM/Open up, Malmoe
und von der Grünen Bildungswerkstatt Wien, AUGE und ÖH-Fakultätsvertetung
GEWI unterstützt.
Die Veranstaltung mit John Holloway konnte bis dato leider noch nicht
fixiert werden. Informationen dazu gibt's auf unserer Webseite und durch
Nähere Informationen zu den grundrissen und ihren Veranstaltungen, sowie die
Möglichkeit, sich in die grundrisse-Mailingliste einzutragen gibt´s unter (Im übrigen hat sich auch unsere Webseite über den Sommer
verändert - und nicht zum Schlechteren.)
So, viel Spaß beim Lesen und auf Wiedersehen bei den grundrisse -
Veranstaltungen,die grundrisse - Redaktion
PS: Abonnieren tut uns und euch gut!
pps: wer die grundrisse-mails künftig nicht mehr erhalten will, teile dies
bitte in einem kurzen mail an mit.
imperator: "ich verspüre eine erschütterung der macht!"
darth vader: "auch ich fühle so."


05 Week Of Heightened Violence Against Transgender Community Of DC
This past week Washington DC saw a pandemic of violence directed against the
transgender community resulting in two deaths and one critical
The violence began shortly after a fragile community marked the one year
anniversary of two transgender women in Southeast when Bella Evangelista, a
year old Latina, was found murdered in the Columbia Heights neighborhood.
tragedy was followed on August 21st with one transwoman dead and another in
critical condition.
In response, the DC-Radio-Coop audio program "Voices With Vision" produced a
special dedicated to human rights for transgender people. In this show
* From Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in DC getting support
the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) as they struggle with
everyday discrimination.
* How Washington DC is mourning the recent deaths and brutalizations of its
transgender residents.
* Queer activists of color strategizing to build a robust social justice
movement at a panel entitled "Queering the Color Lines: LGBT Communities of
Color & Allies Organizing for Justice". The panel was organized to coincide
with 40th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington in continuation of the
legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for justice, human rights
dignity for all people, 40 years ago in 1963...
"Voices With Vision" is a special progressive mix of voices, coming usually
every Monday and Friday 11 to 11:30am on WPFW 89.3FM, Pacifica in DC. It is
produced by the DC-Radio-Coop, a Community News Reporting Training program
WPFW done in collaboration with & Refugees Radio Network,
Speech Radio News and the DC IMC.
listen to "Voices With Vision"
full story with links and comments:
This mail was sent through the network.

06 Aufruf gegen die Zensur von antiimperialistischer Politik
Folgende Erklärung wurde von ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt und Einzelpersonen
als Reaktion auf die Einschränkungen für antiimperialistische Gruppen
durch den KPÖ-Bundesvorstand auf dem Volksstimmefest verfasst. Wir
ersuchen fortschrittliche Organisationen und Einzelpersonen, möglichst
zahlreich diese Erklärung zu unterstützen.
Hände weg von den AntiimperialistInnen!
Aufruf gegen die Zensur von anti-imperialistischer Politik
Wir, die unterzeichnenden Organisationen und Einzelpersonen, lehnen den
Beschluß des KPÖ-Bundesvorstandes ab, der AIK (oder anderen
Organisationen) die Verwendung der offiziellen irakischen Fahne bei
ihrem Stand am Volksstimmefest zu untersagen. Dies ist eine Form der
Zensur und ein Nachgeben gegenüber den sogenannten Antinationalen, die
in einem offenen Brief sogar den Ausschluß der AIK vom Volksstimmefest
Wir machen darauf aufmerksam, dass die Antinationalen seit geraumer Zeit
durch ihren Einfluß in den Medien (Der Standard, Volksstimme, MUND etc.)
und Institutionen (z.B. DÖW) Druck auf fortschrittliche Kräfte ausüben,
um antiimperialistische Positionen auszugrenzen. Unabhängig davon, wie
man zu den politischen Positionen der AIK steht, lehnen wir jede Zensur
der freien politischen Meinungsäußerung innerhalb der Linken ab.

07 The latest on various topics

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AND NOW, The Latest on Various Topics....CONTENTS
Paul Hill Update
Death Penalty for rape in Louisiana?
Organizer Training Available!
Useful info from NADP
MLK III denounces capital punishment
What does forgiveness really mean? By Eric Zorn
Helpful hint from Karl Keys
Texas Coalition newsletter on-line
CUADP Fund Raising Update

The national news magazines got around to calling today, and BBC programs
start taping on Saturday. All the media will be chomping on this next
week, as closet Paul Hill supporter Jeb! Bush gives the terrorist the world
stage to continue espousing "justifiable homicide" for anyone who in any
way fails to oppose abortions. (Visit to see if YOU fit
into one of the categories making your murder a "justifiable homicide.")
Paul Hill gets his press conference on Tuesday, September 2, and broadcast
media is invited. To provide an alternative viewpoint and hopefully steal
some of his thunder, FADP will hold a press conference that day featuring
Catherine Britton Fairbanks, the stepdaughter of Dr. John Britton, Paul
Hill's primary target.
The transcript of FADP's press conference this past Monday will be posted
on just as soon as it is ready, which could be
now! Just look for the link to appear in the Paul Hill section of the site
at some point this evening or in the am (Friday) at the latest.
The DP in the News section of is being continually updated. One
item posted there Wednesday was the press release of the Religious
Coalition for Reproductive Choice, the national coalition of pro-choice
religious organizations from 15 faith traditions, including the Episcopal
Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), United Church of Christ, United
Methodist Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, and Reform and
Conservative Judaism. The stunning revelation here is that ALL of these
bodies have principled policy statements opposing the death penalty, and
yet this statement makes no comment on the execution of Paul Hill. It asks
people of faith to repudiate anti-choice fanaticism, which of course is
important. Florida Governor Jeb! Bush recently said "That's not my Jesus"
in reference to death threats by the fanatics, and yet he is comfortable
with the idea that Jesus would strap a man down and poison him to
death. It is unfortunate that these religious bodies failed to comment on
the death penalty aspect as well. If you know anyone in leadership at the
policy level of the religious groups named above, please call them and ask
them to update their statement to include a call for commutation of Paul
Hill's death sentence. Thank you.
New information has been posted at
for those people planning to protest at the prison. Please check it out.
Budget matters:
News release sent via US Newswire: $100
Press conference via conference call: $100
Round trip plane ticket for primary speaker: $150
Minimum anticipated costs for operations in Starke next week: $150
Amount of money in FADP bank account: $29.97
VALUE OF EFFORTS TO-DATE: YOU DECIDE, then please chip in at

The following background was prepared by attorneys John Holdridge and Nick
Trenticosta, which was sent to the moratorium list by Eric Freedman.
A man was sentenced to death on Wednesday, August 27, for
raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter. The death sentence is the first in the
United States for any crime other than murder since 1977, when the United
States Supreme Court held in Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977), that
death an excessive punishment for rape. No person has been executed in
America for a non-homicide offense since 1964.
Patrick Kennedy, a 38 year old African-American man, received
the death sentence in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans,
under a statute passed by the Louisiana Legislature in 1995. He is the
first person sentenced to death under the law.
In 1996, in two consolidated pretrial cases, the Louisiana
Supreme Court held that the child-rape statue passed constitutional
muster. State v. Wilson and Bethley, 685 So.2d 1053 (La. 1996). The court
distinguished Coker by saying it involved the rape of an adult. Women's
and victim's rights groups had filed an amici curiae brief in support of
the defendants, stating that statutory rape is vastly under reported in
large part because about 95 percent of child victims are attacked by family
or close family friends, and "authorizing the death penalty for this crime
will only make victims and their mothers even less willing to come
forward." They also stated that capital punishment would intensify the
already-substantial fear, stress and guilt of victims who agree to assist
law enforcement.
The Louisiana Supreme Court rejected this argument and others offered by
the defendants, stating:
While Louisiana is the only state that permits the death
penalty for the rape of a child less than twelve, it is difficult to
believe that it will remain alone in punishing rape by death if the years
ahead demonstrate a drastic reduction in the incidence of child rape, an
increase in cooperation by rape victims in the apprehension and prosecution
of rapists, and a greater confidence in the role of law on the part of the
people. This experience will be a consideration for this and other
states' legislatures.
As of today, no state has followed Louisiana's lead.
The United States Supreme Court denied the defendant Bethley's petition for
certiorari on jurisdictional grounds. In a rare "statement regarding the
denial of certiorari," Justices Stephens, Breyer and Ginsberg wrote:
It is well settled that our decision to deny a petition for writ of
certiorari does not in any sense constitute a ruling on the merits of the
case in which the writ is sought. [citations omitted] That is certainly
true of our decision to deny certiorari in this case. It is worth noting
the existence of an arguable jurisdictional bar to our review. Our
consideration of state-court decisions is confined to "[f]inal judgments or
decrees rendered by the highest court of a State in which a decision could
be had." 28 U.S.C. § 1257(a). Petitioner has been neither convicted of
nor sentenced for any crime. (Bethley v. Louisiana, 17 S.Ct. 2425 (1997).)
Between 1930 and 1972, 455 men were executed for rape in United States, all
but two in the south. Of them, 405, or 90 percent, were black. Louisiana
has never executed a white man for rape.

From the Southern Empowerment Project (
The Southern Empowerment Project in partnership with the Southern
Organizing Cooperative is offering a southern organizing fellowship called
the Advanced Leadership Development Initiative (ALPI). For information, you
can go to the SEP web site and click on the ALPI button or go directly to
the following page:
You can also contact Karen Coffin or Walter Davis at the Southern
Empowerment Project at or phone 865/984-6500.
Deadline is November 15 for nominations.

From: "Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty" <>
Subject: Important NADP Information!!! - Please read
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:03:41 -0500
Hi all
Please mark Saturday, October 25th on your calendars!!!!! We are
conducting our first annual Death Penalty Conference from roughly 8-5 and
hosting our Annual Fundraising Dinner from roughly 6:30/7:00 - 10:00. The
Conference will be at Creighton University and the dinner at the Notre Dame
Sisters Facilities.
The Conference will include prominent guest speakers and 4 workshops that
we're going to facilitate in order to generate new ideas and strategies for
abolition. 1) Public Education & Media Effectiveness, 2) Legislative
Advocacy, 3) Grassroots Organizing, 4) Fundraising / Grant writing. A
continental breakfast and lunch will be served.
At the dinner, we have secured David Kaczynski, brother of the infamous
"Unabomber", as our headline speaker!!!! He is currently Director of New
Yorkers Against the Death Penalty. We will also have our silent art
auction and other items. Don't miss this opportunity!!!!! Invitations for
both events will be mailed out in Sept. / early Oct.
We are in the development stages of setting up town-hall style meetings
with State Senators across Nebraska in November and early December
specifically dealing with the death penalty. We need tons of assistance
with this project, so if you have some contacts or ideas on how we can
accomplish this task, we'd love your help!!! In order to entice the
Senators to meet with us, we'll need tons of people power and other
organizations to sign onto the request.
Also, below is a news article that was forwarded to me. IT SPECIFICALLY
included strictly for its inherent value and worth to NADP. Please read
and comment. I will need help with implementing
this!!!!! Please!!! Anyone have any ideas on how we can use this advice
and better utilize the internet for fundraising and recruiting??
One idea is to start using <http://www.MEETUP.COM>WWW.MEETUP.COM for our
local communities. It is fast, easy, and free!!!!! It sets up meetings
around the globe on all types of issues. It will direct you to a suggested
site, set a determined date, and list the other participants. They are
informal gatherings that will help us network and fight for
abolition. Please sign up and help Nebraska lead our great country in this
Thank you for your continued support and interest in our cause! We
couldn't do it without you.
Kevin Bernadt, Director
Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty

Nonprofits can learn from Dean
Internet can be medium to raise money and enlist support.
By Vinay Bhagat
Whether or not you support former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean for the
Democratic Partys presidential nomination, his campaign has been successful
at using the online medium for fundraising and grassroots mobilization.
By July, Dean For America had raised more than $5 million online this year.
Dean also has built a network of 280,000-plus online supporters by
mid-August, with a Sept. 30 goal of 450,000.
And the campaign has recruited 1,600 volunteer fundraisers who use Internet
tools to raise money from and recruit friends and relatives.
Every nonprofit can learn from Deans success.
First, treat the Internet as a strategic marketing tool.
The Dean campaign treats the Internet as a significant medium for
constituent outreach, engagement and fundraising.
The organization has invested in an integrated online marketing solution
that uses online community tools and is staffed appropriately.
Most nonprofits use the Internet much less. They have web sites with basic
organizational information and some handle online donations. Groups that
use email for direct communication with constituents are the exception, not
the rule.
Second, actively recruit and cultivate an online constituency.
Like Dean, nonprofits should:
* Ask people to sign up through web-site registration and petitions.
* Send regular email communications with compelling, consistent messaging.
* Involve constituents by giving them a voice through online surveys, polls
and petitions, and online forums such as blogs.
* Ask people to forward messages to others to spread the word; use viral
* Create urgency by using web content-management tools to update your web
site frequently to drive repeat traffic and participation.
Third, leverage volunteers as fundraisers
Each of the 1,600 volunteer fundraisers Dean has recruited uses web-based
tools to create a personal web page that explains why he or she supports
the candidate and asks others to get involved by donating and/or
participating in other ways.
Some nonprofits already use these tools to drive registrations and
donations for offline fundraising events such as races, walks and bike
Now, they should put these tools to work to generate support without
physical events.
Vinay Bhagat is the founder, chairman and chief strategy officer of Convio
Inc., a provider of software and services for political campaigns and

The following was reported about King's address at the National Press Club
earlier today, while discussing the status of civil rights in the United
>March Honors 'I Have a Dream' Speech
>.c The Associated Press
>In Washington, Martin Luther King III addressed the National Pres Club and
>updated his late father's 40-year-old dream for racial equality Thursday
>with a call for universal health care, economic parity for minorities and
>the elimination of the ``state-sponsored terrorism'' of capital punishment.
>On the Net:

What does `forgiveness' really mean?
Eric Zorn, Columnist, Chicago Tribune
August 26, 2003
2140721.columnJan Radloff says she will never forgive the man who murdered her husband.
And do you blame her?
Bicycle messenger Matthew Givens was convicted of first-degree murder in
June for inflicting fatal head injuries on Keith Radloff, 51, when he
shoved him down a flight of stairs at Union Station in December 1999.
Givens had stalked him after they bumped shoulders on a sidewalk the
previous day.
"This senseless murder took away not only my husband, but my best friend,"
Radloff said Friday during the first part of Givens' sentencing hearing,
according to a story by the Tribune's Angela Rozas. "For that, I will never
forgive you."
She said their son, Kyle, then 5, cried himself to sleep for more than a
As I read her words, I confronted my own weak grasp of the concept of
forgiveness. Not only did I not understand how anyone in Radloff's position
could think of forgiving her husband's killer, but I didn't even understand
what "forgiveness" in such a circumstance means.
Saying "That's OK," "I understand" or "Oh, forget about it, let's move on
as though it didn't happen"? Handing our some sort of secular dispensation
with one hand while wiping the slate clean with another?
This tends to be what we mean by "forgiveness" in daily life: the letting
bygones be bygones, the stowing of slights and offenses in an emotional
storage crate and slamming the lid closed.
But there is no OK, no understanding and no forgetting when it comes to as
gratuitous and permanently searing an act as Givens' murder of Radloff. How
can we speak of forgiveness, particularly when Givens is not (yet, anyway)
on the record as asking for it?
"We may need to revise the language," said Rev. David Miller, editor of The
Lutheran, a Chicago-based magazine, who has written on forgiveness. "We
tend to speak of forgiveness as though it were some sort of coin you can
reach into your pocket and hand someone, or something an offender earns.
But in fact it's a process that happens over time."
The word is fraught with so many layers of meaning, religious connotations
and potential misunderstandings that the national survivor's organization
Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation avoided it when choosing a new
name several years ago, said Chicago-area board member Jennifer
Bishop-Jenkins said.
I sought out her and her sister, Jeanne Bishop, Monday because I knew they
have frequently expressed forgiveness of David Biro, the teenager who
murdered their pregnant sister, Nancy, and her husband, Richard Langert, in
their Winnetka home in 1990.
How? Why? Biro has never explained, never apologized, never asked for
"It's not that I've put [the murder] into perspective and said, `It wasn't
that bad,'" Jeanne said. "In fact, it was that bad. It was so bad that
there is no recompense, no way of balancing the scale. What could possibly
make up for the loss of my sister, her husband, her baby and all the nieces
and nephews I should have had? Every birthday party, every family barbecue
I should have had? He can't pay me back for that, not even with his death."
Her forgiveness is not some saintly act, she said. It is not the offer of
an excuse or an emotional pardon.
"It means putting it behind me, in the sense that I'm leaving him to God
and refusing to take him forward with me in my daily life," she said. "I do
it for me, not for him.
"I always repeat something I heard once on the radio and find to be true,
`Hating is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.'
It's not going to kill the other person, it's going to kill you."
Jennifer added, "Survivors of murder victims ask me all the time, `Do I
have to forgive?' I say no, of course not. But if you don't, it empowers
the killer to turn you into a person with hate in your heart. You can
either let the killer continue to destroy you or move forward to honor the
person you've lost."
Do you blame Keith Radloff's widow for feeling otherwise? Never. But do you
wish for her the peace of Nancy Langert's sisters? Always.

>I probably should have mentioned this before, but
>covers many of the cutting edge criminal defense, criminal justice & death
>penalty topics
>as they break. It is well worth the look as it covers much of what will
>be the next day's headlines before they break on our issues.
>- k

>Here is the link to the current Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death
>Penalty (TCADP) newsletter.
>It can also be accessed at (the TCADP website) and
>then clicking on What We Do.
*********************Did you find something useful in this message?CUADP FUND RAISING UPDATE
Goal: $5,000 from 200 (or fewer) individuals
Total received or pledged so far: $1,545 from 36 individuals
Shortfall: $3,455
Deadline: August 31
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If you would like to contribute but don't wish to do so over the internet,
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Send checks or money orders to:
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Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
(see the small print at"People don't seem to realize that the magnitude of
heroism is the difference between what you have and
what someone is willing to give you in a time of need.
The actual per unit value of the commodity is
unimportant. That's why people sometimes don't fully
accept that their personal contribution may have been
unusually important to others."
--Jerry Olivieri

08 Innenpolitik/Verkehr/Bahn...

Linksgewerkschafter GLB-ÖBB: Straßen kosten 5 mal soviel wie die Bahn!
Utl.: Wenn "Eisenbahn-Hasser" immer wieder von 4,4 Milliarden
"Bahn-Zuschüssen" reden! =
Wien (GLB) - "Immer wieder werden die ÖBB in der Öffentlichkeit als
"Euro-Schlucker" Nummer 1 hingestellt. Was ständig als jährliche Zuschüsse
für die Bahn (4,4 Mrd. Euro) deklariert wird, sind in Wirklichkeit im
Gesamten 2,4 Mrd. Euro. Davon fallen auf Investitionsaufwendungen für die
Bahninfrastruktur 1,1 Mrd. und auf den Bundesbeitrag - wozu der Staat
verpflichtet ist - 1,3 Mrd. Euro. Die Jahresausgaben für die Straßen
belaufen sich ungefähr auf das Fünffache", stellte heute Donnerstag in Wien
der Bundessekretär des Gewerkschaftlichen Linksblock-Eisenbahn (GLB) Ernst
Wieser nicht überrascht fest, nachdem er die Pressekonferenz des
Verkehrsclubs Österreich (VCÖ), zum Thema "LKW-Maut", verlassen hat.
"Welche Lobby hier welche in der Öffentlichkeit ausspielen will, ist wohl
eindeutig. Wenn den ÖBB tagtäglich Geldverschwendung vorgeworfen wird,
sollte einmal erwähnt werden, dass der Kostendeckungsgrad des LKW`s auf den
gesamten Straßen Österreichs - nach einer VCÖ-Studie - bei nur 30 Prozent
liegt. Allein die Kosten des LKW-Verkehrs übersteigen die jährlichen
Einnahmen im Straßenverkehr um 3,5 Mrd. Euro", betont Wieser weiter.
"Zu dieser Summe müsste man aber auch noch die Kosten aufgrund von
Gesundheitsschädigung, Unfällen, Gebäudeschäden, Lärm und vor allem die
Stau-Kosten dazu rechnen, was schließlich zu einem horrenden Betrag führen
würde, den genauso die Allgemeinheit trägt wie die Ausgaben für die
Aufrechterhaltung der Bahn", meint der GLB-Bundessekretär.
Abschließend warnt Wieser noch: " Auch nach Einführung der LKW-Maut mit
Jänner 2004, die immerhin noch immer um 87 Prozent billiger sein wird als
die der Schweiz, wird nach den EU-Wegekostenrichtlinien der Transit sogar
billiger und wir werden für die Straßen weiter das Fünffache investieren als
in die Bahn. Jetzt stellt sich nur mehr die Frage: "Wer verkauft hier wen
für blöd"!
Rückfragehinweis: Ernst Wieser, Bundessekretär des
Gewerkschaftlichen Linksblock-Eisenbahn in der GdE
Margaretenstraße 166, 1050 Wien
Tel.: 01-54641-220, Fax 221
oder 0676-3893861
OTS0174 2003-08-28/14:36

09 KAGES/Desaster/Kahr/KPÖ
KPÖ Steiermark
Lagergasse 98a
8020 Graz

Tel. 03 16 / 71 24 36
Fax 03 16 / 71 62 91
Donnerstag, 28. August 2003
Presseinformation der KPÖ Steiermark

KAGES-Privatisierung sofort stoppen

Die Privatisierung der KAGES wird teuer, bedroht die medizinische Versorgung
der Steirerinnen und Steirer und bringt eine Vermehrung hochbezahlter
Manager im Unternehmen. Das zeigen die bekannt gewordenen Angebote der
profitorientierten Unternehmen für das Management der steirischen
Die Grazer KPÖ-Klubobfrau Elke Kahr betonte am Donnerstag, dass diese Fakten
die Analyse und Kritik der KPÖ mehr als bestätigen. Elke Kahr: "Wir warnen
weiterhin vor diesem Ausverkauf im steirischen Gesundheitswesen. Jede Art
von Privatisierung im Gesundheitsbereich ist abzulehnen.
Die Gesundheit der Menschen muss Vorrang haben. Deshalb muss die
Privatisierung der KAGES gestoppt werden."

Lagergasse 98 a
8020 Graz
Tel.: 0316 71 24 36
Fax 0316 71 62 91

Redaktionsschluss: 28. August 2003, 23.00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Claudia Volgger

Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!