Freitag, 22.08.2003


01 Nazidemo untersagt, linker Demoaufruf aufrecht
From: almail at
02 Vertreibt die Nazis von der Straße
03 Kärnten/Koroska: Radfahren für die Heimattreue?
From: Koroska Partizan, koroskipodor at
04 SPIEGEL hetzt gegen Sozialhilfeempfänger
From: Thomas Meyer-Falk
05 Bullets in your This&That)
From: cuadpupdate-owner at

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01 Nazidemo untersagt, linker Demoaufruf aufrecht
From: almail at
Nazidemo untersagt, linker Demonstrationsaufruf aufrecht
Trotz der erfolgten Untersagung des Neonaziaufmarschs durch die
Bundespolizeidirektion heute Mittag bleibt der Demonstrationsaufruf der
AL-Antifaschistische Linke aufrecht. Die AL weist darauf hin, dass weiterhin
Vorsicht geboten ist, da die Nazis auch ohne Genehmigung marschieren
könnten. Es ist auch möglich, dass die Demonstration einfach für den
Westbahnhof untersagt wurde, an einem anderen Ort aber erlaubt wird. Die
Polizei und Innenminister Strasser haben bereits so oft bewiesen, dass sie
auf dem rechten Auge blind sind, dass hier Vertrauen mehr als unangebracht
ist. Wir werden also selbstverständlich am Samstag eine Kundgebung und
Demonstration abhalten.
Die AL ruft daher weiter alle AntifaschistInnen auf, sich am Samstag um
13:00 am Westbahnhof zu versammeln, um etwaige Naziaufmärsche unterbinden zu
Sollte der Naziaufmarsch an einem anderen Ort stattfinden, wird die
Kundgebung selbstverständlich ebenfalls verlegt und direkt am Ort des
Naziaufmarschs demonstriert.
Regelmäßige Updates unter

Um den Newsletter in Zukunft nicht mehr zu erhalten genügt ein leeres E-Mail
an die Adresse: al_newsletter-unsubscribe at
Eine weitere Adresse kann per Mail an
al_newsletter-subscribe at eingetragen werden.
AL - Antifaschistische Linke
netz:, almail at
tel.: +43 (0) 699 10 934 921
post: AL c/o Amerlinghaus, Stiftg. 8, A-1070 Wien

02 Vertreibt die Nazis von der Straße
Eine Aussendung des ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt:
Antifaschistische Demonstration am 23.8.:
Vertreibt die Nazis von der Straße!
Diesen Samstag, den 23. August, findet der vom "Schutzbündnis Soldatengrab"
geplante "Marsch für seine Ehre" statt. Damit wollen die Nazis dagegen
protestieren, dass der Ehrengrab-Status von Walter Nowotnys Grab am Wiener
Zentralfriedhof aufgehoben wird. Nowotny war ein engagierter Nazi, der
bereits als die Nazis noch illegal arbeiten mußten sehr aktiv war und als
Fliegerass mehr als 200 "feindliche" Flugzeuge abschoß.
ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt, die Jugendorganisation REVOLUTION und eine Reihe
weiterer Organisationen (KPÖ, SJ, SLP, AL, go42 u.a.) rufen aus diesem Anlaß
zu einer breiten anti-faschistischen Demonstration auf. Für Nazis kann es
keine demokratischen Rechte geben. Wenn man sie stärker werden lässt,
überfallen und morden sie zuerst einzelne Linke und ImmigrantInnen und
später Hunderttausende und Millionen Menschen. Deswegen müssen wir den
Nazi-Abschaum von Anfang an mit allen notwendigen Mitteln bekämpfen. Jeder
ihrer öffentliche Auftritte muß verhindert werden.
Die Nazis rufen zu einem Treffen am Samstag, um 14.00 in Wien am Westbahnhof
auf. Wir versammeln uns daher bereits ab 13.00 am Westbahnhof. Kommt alle!

03 Kärnten/Koroska: Radfahren für die Heimattreue?
From: Koroska Partizan, koroskipodor at
Am Sonntag, dem 24. 8. soll in der südkärntner Gemeinde Ferlach/Borovlje der
beliebte "Drauradweg" in den "Kärntner Abstimmungs-Gedenkradweg" umbenannt
werden. Verantwortlich dafür ist (wie mensch es sich denken kann) in erster
Linie der rechtsextreme "Kärntner Abwehrkämpferbund".
Radfahren am Drauradweg war bisher eigentlich eine ziemlich feine Sache, es
sei denn mensch konnte diesem Sport etwas abgewinnen. Der rechtsextreme
"Kärntner Abwehrkämpferbund"
( konnte es aber auch
hier nicht lassen und so ist für die nähere Zukunft die Anthüllung von sage
und schreibe 8 Denkmälern, die an den kärntner "Abwehrkampf" und die
darauffolgende Volksabstimmung erinnern sollen, geplant. Die erste dieser
Enthüllungen soll diesen Sonntag, also am 24. 8. um 10.00 Uhr in der
südlichen und zweisprachigen Gemeinde Ferlach/Borovlje stattfinden. Die
Plakate zeugen schon, worum es hier gehen soll: Rot-weiss-gelb, die kärntner
Landesfahnen prangen einer/m schon von weitem entgegen (wohl damit an das
kärntner "Heimatgefühl" appeliert wird), dann folgt in grossen Lettern die
feierlcihe Ankündigung für die Enthüllung dieses Denkmals. Und wenn Haider
den Ehrenschutz übernimmt, die Landesfahnen wieder hoch im Wind wehen und
sich viele ältere Männer und Frauen (sowie wie in letzter Zeit üblich immer
mehr Jugendliche...) in Kärntneranzug und Tracht schmeissen, dann gehts hier
wieder mal um das Hochleben des latenten kärntner Deutschnationalismus.
SlowenInnen und Kulturfeindlichkeit wird hier in großem Stile zelebriert, es
wird sich wieder der "Werte" besonnen, wofür "unsere Väter und Großväter" in
den Krieg zogen ("für Volk und Vaterland" - die Ähnlichkeit zur NS-Diktion
ist nicht zufällig). Nicht nur, dass mensch sich immer weniger durch
Kärnten/Koroska bewegen kann, ohne auf Denkmäler zugunsten des "Vaterlandes"
und der "Gefallenen Kameraden" zu stoßen, auch Kohle ist für diese Denkmäler
draufgegangen. Noch dazu ziemlich Viel. Kohle, die jetzt kritischen
Kulturinitiativen fehlt.
Ein weiteres Stück kärnten wird mit faschistoider Ideologie zugepflastert.
Und die "Linke", was macht die? Gähnt und jammert vor sich hin...
Es ist schon genug gesagt/geschrieben worden. Zeit, dass der Widerstand
endlich mal praktisch wird.
Hier noch ein Bericht vom ORF Kärnten:
Und hier noch für alle, die sich die Page des Abwehrkämpferbundes antun

PS.: Bitte an die MUND-Redaktion meine Email-Adresse aus Gründen der
Polizeirepression nicht zu veröffentlichen (die kennen die Adresse...)!!

04 SPIEGEL hetzt gegen Sozialhilfeempfänger
From: Thomas Meyer-Falk
SPIEGEL hetzt gegen Sozialhilfeempfänger
In seiner Ausgabe 34/2003 vom 18. August 2003 hetzt der SPIEGEL derart
gegen - Zitat - "gerissene Sozialhilfeempfänger", dass wir regelrecht
den Beifall der alten STÜRMER-Schreiberlinge aus dem Jenseits hören
können (Anmerkung: "Der Stürmer" war eine Zeitung des NS-Regimes).
Angeblich "plündern" gewitzte Sozialhilfebezieher den Wohlfahrtsstaat,
lassen sich das Potenzmittel Viagra ebenso finanzieren, wie einen
Marken-Schulranzen für den Sprössling einer alleinerziehenden Mutter,
oder eine Strandwohnung in Florida für 875 Dollar pro Monat. Besonders
bemängelt der SPIEGEL dass Bedürftige es wagen, gegen ablehnende
Bescheide der Sozialämter vor Gericht zu ziehen und sei es
gegebenenfalls durch alle drei Instanzen bis hin zum
Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig (vgl. "Der Spiegel", vom 18.8.2003,
Seite 40-41)
Eine "Absurdität" sei es, dass z.B. einem homosexuellen
Sozialhilfeempfänger schon 1994 ein Anspruch auf Extrageld für Kondome
zugesprochen wurde vom Bundesverwaltungsgericht, um sich vor AIDS zu
schützen! Stramm stände die ehemalige STÜRMER-Redaktion in ihren Gräbern
- wären ihre Gebeine nicht längst vermodert.
Anstatt gegen finanziell am Existenzminimum lebende Menschen, die so gut
wie keine Lobby haben, zu agitieren und so Neid und Missgunst zu
schüren, sollte viel eher kritisch hinterfragt werden, weshalb
Sozialämter Leistungen vorsätzlich verweigern und erst Gerichte zur
Durchsetzung der Ansprüche bemüht werden müssen! Schließlich soll die
Sozialhilfe ein menschenwürdiges Leben, sowie das sozio-kulturelle
Minimum gewährleisten. Und wenn dem Herrn Bankdirektor die Privatkasse
die Viagrapillen bezählt, soll dann der Sozialhilfeempfänger auf dieses
Medikament verzichten müssen?
Zeugt ein Armer vielleicht weniger wertvolle Kinder?
Meiner Meinung nach sollte es nicht nur eine Kampagne "Gesicht - zeigen
- gegen Rechts" geben, sondern ebenso eine "Gesicht - zeigen - für -
menschenwürdiges Leben". SozialhilfeempfängerInnen müssen raus aus der
Ecke der Scham und selbstbewusst auftreten; Armut darf kein Stigma
(mehr) sein!
Thomas Meyer-Falk, c/o JVA Z.3117, Schönbornstraße 32, D-76646
Bruchsal, Germany

05 Bullets in your This&That)
From: cuadpupdate-owner at

Sent *Only* to the more than 4,000 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel free to forward....Greetings all,
Whew, what a day! As if the media didn't chomp enough on FADP's concerns
regarding the upcoming martyrdom of Paul Hill, it just got bigger when the
story broke that some of Paul Hill's supporters included live bullets in
their threatening letters sent to various Florida officials. Oh, the fun
never stops! FADP, a project of CUADP, was well positioned to deal with
the opportunities presented. See the news at . You can follow developments in
this case on , or join our Florida list by sending a
message to <fadpupdate-subscribe at>. These next few weeks
promise to be a wild ride.... And now, here's more This & That!CONTENTS
CUADP Fund Raising Update
Great Media Tool for letters to the editor
Notre Dame Magazine -- on profiling Catholics
ACLU Capital Punish Project - New Resource!
Need help in AUSTIN, TX
Campaign to End the DP Circular
If You Pray.....
The Joker Card....

Donations Still Needed for August-September
Wednesday 20 August 2003
This is day 13 of the CUADP August-September fund-raiser. Today we broke
the 20% mark of our budget goal of $5,000 for August and into
September. Thus far, 27 individuals have given between $5 and $250 to
raise $1,025. For those of you who are not yet contributors please
consider supporting the project.
Please consider joining CUADP's monthly Sustainer program. One low payment
per month is easier on your pocket and provides us a budget we can plan
Visit to access the links to use Paypal
or Visa, MasterCard, Amex or Discover on our secure server. Or write a
check or just take a few bills out of your wallet, wrap them in paper,
stick 'em in an envelope and mail to:
PMB 297
177 US Highway 1
Tequesta, FL 33469
If you want one of the premiums, be sure to say so either in the comments
section on the on-line form, or in a note with your donation.
CUADP supporter and volunteer (Suzanne Carter ships your AbolitionWear
orders) runs an on-line book market. She took a look at the AUGUST
>I have one copy of Sarat/THE KILLING STATE Capital Punishment in Law,
>Politics, and Culture.
>TWO SETS of the 3-volume set of "The Letters of Eugene V. Debs." Both are
>new. Let me know if you'd like to offer either of those. The Debs set
>was originally $150. Most dealers are selling it for $65 or so. I have
>two sets of that which I'm willing to donate - a $100 donation would
>probably be appropriate.
SO - add to the available premiums as below:
Sarat book - $50 minimum donation
Debs books - $100 minimum donation (2 available!)
To inspire early contributions, CUADP offers the following PREMIUMS - while
supplies last!
*** All donors of any amount will receive a bumper sticker or a button from
CUADP's general AbolitionWear stock. (See )
*** For a minimum donation of $30, CUADP will send EITHER a limited edition
Abolitionist Action Committee t-shirt (See photos at - sizes currently available include S,
M, L, XL, XXL, and XXXL) OR, a copy of "The Executioner's Last Songs Vol.
2&3" (See )
*** For a minimum donation of $50, CUADP will send a copy of Rachel King's
new book, "Don't Kill In Our Names: Families of Murder Victims Speak Out
Against the Death Penalty," (See )
If you would like to contribute but don't wish to do so over the internet,
please call 800-973-6548 (or 561-743-8878 on your dime!), or mail your
contribution to the address shown below.
(see the small print at

The Bush reelection campaign has put online a complete searchable listing
by zip code of all media outlets that let people write "letters to the
editor" or some other feedback. It is a great media tool (if you don't
mind sorting through the political banter of Team Bush) available at This tool lets you send a letter to
every conceivable media outlet in your area. Give it a shot, and give 'em

Profiling Catholic death-penalty foes
By John Monczunski
Nearly three out of four Americans support capital punishment. Even though
Roman Catholic Church teaching opposes the death penalty, the same
percentage of support holds true among U.S. Catholics.
In a recent paper using data from the Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish
Life, sociologists Michael Welch of Notre Dame and Thoroddur Bjarnason of
the University at Albany-SUNY, sort out the demographics of U.S. Catholics
who oppose the death penalty.
Welch, chairman of the Department of Sociology, and Bjarnason found that
black, female and unmarried Catholics are more likely to oppose the death
penalty than white, male and married parishioners. White Catholics in
traditional black parishes also are more likely to oppose capital
punishment. The sociologists speculate that these white Catholics may be
more influenced by black arguments about racial bias in imposition of the
death penalty. They also found that support for capital punishment
decreases with advancing age and higher education.
Significantly, their analysis revealed that Catholics are less likely to
support the death penalty when their parish priest strongly opposes it. The
sociologists found that parishioners who were devout and active in parish
life - providing them more frequent contact with the parish priest - were
more likely to oppose the death penalty.
(July 2003)

Josh Noble writes:
>We want to continue to build the list of people receiving this bi-weekly
>Death Penalty Update, an excellent overview of death penalty news stories,
>scheduled executions, and new resources. Please take a minute to let your
>colleagues, friends, and even members know that they can now subscribe
>simply by sending an email to Josh Noble, at
><<mailto:jnoble at>jnoble at> and typing "Death Penalty
>Update" in the subject line.

Here's the index of the most recent edition:
Death Penalty Update: August 15, 2003.
Brought to you by the ACLU Capital Punishment Project.

1. Michigan Jury Rejects Federal Death Penalty
2. Maryland Judge Declines to Impose Death Penalty
3. Federal Judge Voices Concern About Death Penalty
4. Recent Pew Poll Finds Drop in Death Penalty Support
August Executions:
New Resources:
1. The New York Times Magazine explores the life and evolution of
Cripsgang leader.
2. Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life reveals that support for the
death penalty among Catholics is shaped by the opinion of their parish
3. American University report, Why Do White Americans Support the Death
Action Alerts:
Featured Events:
1. September 26-August 12 Journey of Hope: Ohio
2. October 10-12 Amnesty International USAs National Weekend of Faith in
Action on the Death Penalty.
3. October 11 Student Death Penalty Conference and Rally in Harrisburg, PA.
4. October 16-19 National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penaltys annual
meeting in Nashville, TN.

Rose V. learned this week that her son will face the death penalty at trial
in Austin starting in early October. She wrote me asking for help to pay
for a motel room in Austin so that she can support her son at trial. If
you can help, or if you are in Austin and have a place that Rose can stay
at least for a few days while this trial is going on, please write to me
and I will put you in touch directly with Rose.... Thanks.

The following was sent to members of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty
-- there is much good advice for any group preparing to hit the ground
running this fall. Check it out, and note the CEDP website url at the very
Campaign chapters, please distribute to all members and post
on local Campaign listserves.
Summer is just about over (hope you all had a nice one).
Chapters are now getting their fall kickoff plans in the works.
Here are a few tips for getting started.
ACTIVITIES FAIR--For those chapters that are campus based, it
is important to have a good presence at the student activities fair
at the beginning of the school year. Make sure your table has
lots of New Abs, buttons, our new convention announcement
card, fact sheets and a flyer for an upcoming first meeting on
hand. Having some posters and pictures up to draw attention to
our table is also good. Have a sign-up sheet to get names,
numbers and emails, and assign someone in the chapter to
compile a list (if you don't already have one).
FIRST MEETING--Our Bay Area chapter is having their first
meeting titled, "Against the Death Penalty? Join the Campaign
to End It!" I'm sure the Bay Area wouldn't mind in the least if
other chapters want to use this same title!
Keep in mind that at these first meetings, it is important to give
people a sense of the kind of group that the Campaign is, but at
the same time, don't overwhelm people with information. Think
of the three things you want to highlight, and leave the rest for an
upcoming meeting.
Make sure there is plenty of room left after the presentation for
discussion and try to keep opening remarks to about 20 minutes
(more than one person could give opening remarks). If the
meeting is small or medium size, consider going around the
room to ask people to talk a bit about why they came to the
meeting. This is especially good to do if you have a quiet
We need to figure out ways to involve people in the organizing
of the Campaign--RIGHT FROM THE FIRST MEETING. It is
important to have the right balance--of proposing ideas from the
front to help give a lead, with being sure that the newest people
are invited to give their input and suggestions, too. We want to
foster an atmosphere of discussion and debate about what to
do next and how best to do it. If that begins at the first meeting,
we have started things off on the right foot!
One other suggestion. Invite a family member to this first
meeting to say a few words about what it is like to have a loved
one on death row. Have them speak to why they think it is
important to be active in a group like the Campaign. They don't
have to speak long, but having them will give the right tone to the
meeting. It will help to establish the type of group the CEDP
is--that we prioritize working with those directly affected by this
issue. This will likely be an emotional, powerful aspect to the
meeting and will go a long way in teaching people something
about the death penalty they won't get by picking up a
CAMPUS STATUS--Again for campus chapters, be sure to
assign someone to fill out all the necessary paperwork to get our
status as an organization renewed or initiated. We want to be
sure this is done so we can later propose a budget for things
like a speaking tour and so that we can book rooms for our
meetings and have tables on campus.
This year's convention looks like it is going to be really great.
Already, Madison Hobley has agreed to come and speak, as has
Shujaa Graham and Darby Tillis, all former death row prisoners.
We are also proud and excited to be featuring Clive Stafford
Smith. He is the director of the Louisiana Crisis Assistance
Center and is a leading criminal defense attorney and
spokesperson against the death penalty. Clive has written
extensively over the years about the issue of racism and poverty
and how it impacts on the death penalty. He has worked with
Stephen Bright, who spoke for the Campaign at our convention
last year. Billy Sothern, who works with Clive at the center in
Louisiana, had this to say in a recent email about Clive: "I saw
that my co-counsel on this case (RYAN MATTHEWS) Clive
Stafford Smith is going to be speaking at your annual event. He
is a great speaker and is the reason why I came here to do this
work (and most of the other folks around here, too.)" Clive will be
speaking on a panel entitled "Race, Class and the Case of Ryan
We are also thrilled that Rob Warden, executive director of the
Northwestern University Center on Wrongful Convictions, has
agreed to be a featured speaker. Rob has been a long standing
opponent of the death penalty, and in the 1980s, as an
award-winning journalist, wrote extensively on the case of
Ronaldo Cruz and Dennis Williams in a publication he was the
founder and editor of called Chicago Lawyer. He also is
co-author of the 1998 book on the case of the Ford Heights Four
case, titled "A Promise of Justice?" Rob will be joining Madison
Hobley and Leroy Orange on a panel titled "Inside the Police
Interrogation Room."
Family members of those on death row will also join us and
be featured speakers at the convention.
For the Convention to be a real success, we need to have
good attendance from all of those around the country who are
involved with the Campaign. The turnout will start with the
chapter first. Probably two people from each chapter should be
designated to be responsible for convention registration, travel
plans, etc. But it cannot just fall on these two people alone. It is
the responsibility of the entire chapter to make this event a fall
priority--that means it needs to be discussed in chapter
meetings, and chapters need to begin now thinking about how to
register the most number of people to come, start to draw up
rough travel plans, etc. Make a goal for your chapter and start to
figure out ways to raise money to defray the cost of convention.
CONVENTION CARDS--The convention
announcement/registration cards have been
sent out to all chapters. Be sure these are also distributed to
people who come to chapter members, and family members
who we work with. Chapters should have plenty of these cards
to use to pass out widely at all upcoming fall events.
DON'T FORGET THE BASICS--First things first. Register
YOURSELF, and then set out to get those in your chapter
registered. Don't leave this until later--that leads to a chapter
behind and running to catch up. The point is to leave plenty of
time to focus on signing up OTHERS to the convention--but
we can't really focus on that aspect of it until the core
Campaigners are signed up. Have your chapter come up with a
goal of how many people it would like to try to get to convention.
This helps with focusing our attention on registration and is an
easy way to assess our progress.
DELEGATES--The convention is open to anyone who wants to
attend. But voting is based on delegates elected from each
chapter. Each chapter is allowed two delegates to vote on any
issues raised at convention. Everyone is allowed to participate
in the discussion, whether or not they are delegates,
CHAPTER DUES--Every chapter is required to be current in their
yearly chapter dues to the national office in order to seat their
delegates. The yearly amount a chapter owes is $300 (for newer
chapters, this amount can be negotiated). Send me an email if
you need to discuss your chapter's payment amount. Chapter
dues money can be sent in small payments if that works
better for your chapter. For example, the Hyde Park chapter has
been sending in small payments for the past several months,
and as a result, have nearly paid their dues in full.
We decided to honor Costella Cannon--a family member of
former Illinois death row prisoner Frank Bounds--who passed
away recently by creating this fund. The idea is to create a fund
that people can donate to that would go toward helping defray
the cost of convention travel, etc., for family members. Greta
Holmes from the Hyde Park chapter will be heading this up.
I will send out a PDF form in the next several weeks to every
chapter that can be used to solicit these donations.
The New Abolitionist is at the printer and should be shipped to
chapters in about a week's time. This is an excellent issue,
featuring an interview with George Kendall, Delma Banks'
lawyer; a story submitted by Ryan Matthew's mom, who is
fighting for justice for her son on Louisiana's death
row; as well as an excellent piece submitted from Roberto in
Puerto Rico telling of the recent situation of a federal death
penalty case there.
The newsletter is an excellent way for people to become
familiar with the issue of the death penalty from many different
angles. We have factual articles, and we also feature
submissions from those on death row. We also have chapter
reports that tell of the Campaign's activities across the
This is a newsletter that we should be proud of. It reflects our
group and our work. But to be honest, we do not use the New Ab
enough. When we have a table or a CEDP event, we need to
encourage those who are checking out our table to get a copy,
because it will give them a great sense of the group and has
incredible information in it. Most people will buy it, but
you have to draw it to their attention!!! Tanya from the Hyde Park
Chapter sold 28 copies of the New Ab at a Live from Death Row
event by going through the crowd and asking people if they
wanted to get a copy and talking it up. This is more copies than
several chapters order to cover them for two months!!
We should be proud of our newsletter and help build a wider
readership. Getting our message out to more people is
important. So have a chapter discussion about this and figure
out how we can improve this aspect of our work.
October 13th-17th was set last year at our convention as
Death Penalty Awareness Week. Every chapter should think of
ways that they can build events during this week, from having
some focused tabling, to doing a mock execution, to holding a
debate. Chapters can hold events every single day of the week,
or just one or two. Movie showings or panel discussions are
good--the possibilities should be discussed in your chapter. But
be sure the event is advertised as part of Death Penalty
Awareness Week. There is also a notice about this in the
upcoming issue of the New Abolitionist written by
Ginny Simmons from the Washington, D.C. area chapter.
Marlene Martin

IF YOU PRAY.... and even if not.... Here is a useful example from
Tennessee.... Check out those url's!
Subject: prayers for Philip Workman & update
This is a plea to and from the Workman clemency team and trusted friends to
take time every single day (with an eye towards making it past September
24) asking for intervention by whatever God, higher power, life force,
spirit being or Great Kahuna you call upon in a crisis. Do so with such
intentionality as to expect a miracle. Whatever your practice, please
dedicate some time each day asking for an intervention specifically on
Philip's behalf and a further request that we have no other executions in
this state ever again. Please pass this portion of the message to anyone
you think might be inclined to follow through. It would be great to have
this going on all over the state. Below are websites that have been
suggested as helps to people willing to join this daily discipline.
15,000 clemency cards are ready to go out. To start getting them in
people's hands, call Kelley this weekend (615-882-9413 home or 615-337-0469
cell) or pick them up next week. They are also at the PCDO (call Catherine
Brockenborough at 615-741-9336) Here is an idea. If each person would
contact their church, temple, mosque, organization, and get permission to
hand them out over the next few Saturdays and Sundays I will help recruit
volunteers to pass out the cards. Last time we did this two or three
people would go to a location and hand out cards at all exits that could be
covered. If people will find places to give them out on the weekends I
will help recruit volunteers to go in twos or threes. There are also new
yellow fliers you can get from the same sources.
A survivor tree (sapling) from a seed of the American Elm that survived the
Oklahoma bombing will be planted at Hobson UMC next to Robert Coe's
dogwood. A request went in to the church to make the planting a media
event involving MVFR, IMF, NAACP, TCASK, etc. More details on that later.

I *finally* received my deck of "War Profiteer Cards" from my pals at the
Ruckus Society ( ). Normally, I wouldn't say
anything about this on this list since the war is a bit off-topic, but when
I saw the Joker card, I saw my opening..... The text is as follows:
>George W. Bush, Jr.
>Petty Dictator, United States of America
>His failings are no joke. As Texas governor, Bush executed a record 152
Check it out at
And Happy Thursday!
--abeAbraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <> or call 800-973-6548

Redaktionsschluss: 21. August 2003, 23.00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Claudia Volgger

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