widerst@ndMUND vom 22. August 2000

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Mitarbeiterin gesucht
Peregrina, beratung.peregrina@netway.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Juristisch-detektivische Arbeitskraft gesucht
Andreas Görg Andreas.Goerg@blackbox.net

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Brief eines Gefangenen der Operation Spring

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Reaktion auf "Nato-Raubritter enteignen Bleischmelze", MUND 19.8.
Joerg Piringer e9225678@stud4.tuwien.ac.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) ÖVP richtet Internet-Meldestelle für rechtsextreme Inhalte ein

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Reaktion auf "ÖVP richtet..."
Heinz Nessizius

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Volksstimmefest
KP-Bundesvorstand, kpoe.buvo@magnet.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) die sprache des widerstands...
Milena-Verlag, frauenverlag@milena-verlag.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Schon gesehen?
Michael Pröbsting, m.pröbsting@netway.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Police break up Nairobi riot
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Turkey Detains Greenpeace Protestors
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) L.A. Police Go on Rampage at Peaceful Rally
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Activists Protest Police in Los Angeles
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Democratic Convention Protests Redefine Movement, End on a High Note
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Unrestrained Stories: False Police Claims of Protestor Violence
Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Burundi's Tutsis Protest Talks

From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) RIGHTS-BRAZIL: High Correlation Between Skin Colour, Poverty
Federico Nier-Fischer, nier_fischer@netway.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) 6 zu 5 für die Blauen/Fußball-Widerstand
Volkstanz-Pressedienst, volkstanz@t0.or.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) KPÖ/Grüne/Sommergespräche
KP-Bundesvorstand, kpoe.buvo@magnet.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Steirischer KPÖ-Vorsitzender würdigt Leo Trotzki
Franz Parteder, kp.stmk@nextra.at

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Aktionen anläßlich des mexikanischen Nationentages auf der Expo
Infogruppe Hamburg ifghh@mail.nadir.org

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Altos mandos se mueven ya para reformar el Ejército
From: soli mexico

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Melel-s digest, Vol 1 #128 - 1 msg
From: melel-s-request@nopal.laneta.apc.org
grenzcamp_forst_stadtspaz1.jpg (11918 Byte)
Grenzcamp 2000 in Forst (D) - Stadtspaziergang
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Ihr.
Die Beiträge werden von verschiedenen Redaktionsteams zusammengestellt.
Bei allfälligen Fragen oder Schwierigkeiten bitte zuerst das Editorial am Ende lesen!

Die Zusammenstellung dieser Ausgabe besorgte Claudia Volgger,

email-adresse der Redaktion:
Bitte alle Nachrichten, Meldungen, Ideen ... an diese Adresse.
Bitte weitersagen:
Für Personen ohne Internetzugang gibt es aktuelle Terminankündigungen
unter der Rufnummer 589 30 22 12 (Demoforum)

Mitarbeiterin gesucht


From: Peregrina, beratung.peregrina@netway.at

Peregrina sucht ab Jänner 2001 eine Mitarbeiterin (Karenzvertretung) für 20
bis 30 Wochenstunden.

Arbeitsbereich: Rechts- und Sozialberatung für Migrantinnen aus afrikanischen

Sozialarbeiterische Ausbildung und/oder Beratungserfahrung in
fremdenrechtlichen Angelegenheiten und perfekte Englischkenntnisse erwünscht,
Französisch und/oder Spanisch von Vorteil.

Eine intensive Einschulung wird gewährleistet.

Peregrina hat sich als Mitglied des österreichischen Netzwerkes gegen
Rassismus auf equality targets verpflichtet und möchte deshalb Frauen mit
afrikanischem Background ganz besonders herzlich zur Bewerbung einladen.

Schriftliche Bewerbungen an:

Peregrina - Beratungsstelle für Migrantinnen

z.Hd. Gülgün Stoiber

Währingerstr. 59/Stg.6

1090 Wien

Fax: 01/408 04 16

e-mail: beratung.peregrina@netway.at

Juristisch-detektivische Arbeitskraft gesucht


From: Andreas Görg Andreas.Goerg@blackbox.net

Juristisch-detektivische Arbeitskraft gesucht

Ein befreundeter Rechtsanwalt, der Anfang September einen Angeklagten der
Operation Spring zu verteidigen hat und diese Arbeit gratis macht, sucht
Unterstützung durch ein bis zwei Personen mit juristischen Kenntnissen und
detektivischen Fähigkeiten. Es geht darum, möglichst viel Information über den
Angeklagten und dessen Lebenswandel zusammenzutragen, um notfalls auch in der
Lage zu sein, seine Unschuld zu beweisen (wobei es eigentlich umgekehrt so sein
sollte, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft die Schuld beweisen müsste - aber Rassismus
verkehrt die Verhältnisse).

Interessierte JuristInnen bzw. JusstudentInnen, die Zeit und Lust haben, sich
in den nächsten 3 Wochen intensiv und unbezahlt in die Sache hineinzutigern und
dabei Kanzleiluft zu schnuppern, melden sich bitte umgehend bei


Brief eines Gefangenen der Operation Spring


From: enough_is_enough@blackbox.net

Brief eines Gefangenen der Operation Spring

Auszüge aus einem Brief eines Mannes aus Liberia, der im Rahmen der Operation
Spring Ende Mai 1999 verhaftet wurde, nachdem er an den Protesten bezüglich
Marcus Omofumas Tods teilnahm und diesen Zusammenhang sehr klar aufzeigt. Im
März wurde er zu fünfjähriger Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Er beschreibt das
Angebot der Polizei zur Kooperation, das er ablehnte, den Gefängnisalltag und
das Geühl der Entrechtung und rassistischer Behandlung in Österreich.
Anschließend findet ihr eine Übersetzung dieser Auszüge (thanx to J.!) Den
gesamten Brief findet ihr unter www.no-racism.net

To whom it may concern

To start my story, I have learned a lot since I was in this prison. Austria is
a nation whose radical wrongs are sanctioned by unjust laws, and blacks are
singled out as prime victims and forced to accept a system designed to
victimise us by racism. Now look at things that is happening in Austria with
this death of Omofuma R.I.P. who is now deceased being deported with the mouth,
nose, eyes, hand and legs bind together. For his death some civil right
figthers organise a peaceful demonstration which blacks and whites
participated. The irony of the sordid history of Omofuma is that it happened in
a country that exponsed the principal of democracy. Furthermore, I can remember
on 27 th of may 1999, after the peaceful demonstration, I was sleeping in my
house in Graz when the police break my door and start beating me, insulting me,
abusing me of drug dealing, even they put their fingers into my ass which
course a big problem with the toilet system now. They did it to a lot of blacks
the same day, despite all this tragic events, they draw a monkey and start
making fun of me that monkey is my brother- they call me "Nigger" that I have
no chance in Austria as a black. (...) All these things was because of the
demonstration of "Marcus Omofuma" death and politics, even police told me in
Graz, that they want to punish blacks because we blacks want to toment their
image in the whole world with "Omofuma" issue. Now my question is: Are we going
forward or backward? When you have seen hate-filled policemen curse kick,
brutalise and even kill my brothers and sisters with impanity. If you can see
the last majority of hundreds black brothers smothering in an airtight cage of
prison in the midst of an affluent society. Even its unjust treatment of blacks
in the court is a notorious reality. Are we no created by the same "god"?
Whenever I remember my constitution inside this place as the only child in the
family but now existing in another world created by human being I always ask
myself: what did we blacks did so special to Austrian police? (...) They
invited me to be a false witness against other blacks, even they invited some
fools and they will continue being fools for the rest of their life, who
co-operated with police to frame some things "naked lie" against other blacks.
The police promise me that if I conspire with them that I should regain my
freedom without trial, but I denied their promise and stand on the truth. I
told them that such a thing was against my religion as a christian to lie
against anybody black or white. They told me that I cannot co-operate, I will
stay in prison. I had hoped that the Austrian police would understand that law
and order exist for the purpose of extablishing justice, and that when they
fail to do this, they become dangerously structured dem that black the flow of
social progress. Meanwhile police told me that judges, prosecutors, lawyers and
other external bodies are from Austria, that anything that present as my
charges can be used against me. On 9 th of March 2000, after nine month and
some weeks awaiting traid, but we must know with the distinguished jurist of
yesterday, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied." Well, I went to
court and my judge passed five years sentence to me as the police said early. I
asked him why and he only told me that their police know their work and doesn´t
lie and also he belive since I am a black man that I must be a drug dealer that
he don´t need any prove. I asked him again whether he is judging me with my
colour or character but the question was on the air till today. Anyway, I told
the court that I reject their decision because the denial my right but nor only
that - but which is even worse I am mentally tortured, it degrades me as a
human being. Whenever racial discrimination exists it is a tragic expression of
men´s spiritual degeneracy and moral bankruptcy. I told them that I am
appealing at the high court because of their racial injustive even my lawyer
supported me by then, but now I don´t really know the outcome of that appeal.
My lawyer wanted to drop my case now because I was financially handicapted,
even to send me the appeal papers is not possible for him. Now I realize that
somebody has to do something about racial discrimination in this country for
black constitutional rights before it will be too late. (...) I know through
painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by oppressor, it
must be demanded by the oppressed. For months now I have heard the word "wait"
its rings in the ear of every black with the piercing familiarity. This "wait"
has almost always ment "never" (...) And I believe that it´s essential to
defend right of equality by adopting the philosophy of human right but
fortunatly there´s no help from human rights organisations here to help
re-examine the assumption of injustice taken by blacks out here in Austria.
Though I am thankful however that your body "Gemmi" for the concern you have
towards me and other blacks here. You are still all to small in quantity but
you are big in quality. Congratulations. I know some angry policemen will see
you a "dirty nigger lovers". No problem. I had hoped that each of you would
understand that what you did was right and legal. As I said before, everything
Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the hungarian freedom fighters
did was "illegal", to aid and comfort a jew in Hitler Germany. I am very happy,
that each of you would understand me and show the live and concerns towards me
and other blacks. (...) There are several other agencies and groups that have a
significant roles to play in this issue, the problem of racial injustice is so
weighty in detail and broad in extent that it requires the concerted efforts of
numerious individuals and institutions to bring about a solution. Facing our
struggle, despite these tragic events we´re still searching for hope that the
blacks freedom of movement and right will come and maintain it´s feeble grip,
but with the help of the human rights organisations, UNO, amnesty international
and the rest of the world coming into civil rights division of the department
of justice in Austria (...) The racial issue that I confronted today in Austria
is not a sectional but a national problem. If you will observe the police or
warden, as they did to us here, refuse to give us work and good food because we
are black. They kept us in prison and feed us like animal, even animals cannot
withstand our present situation. If we ask for work inside prison, the only
answer was: no chance for "Nigger" or no chance for drug dealer. "Keine Chance
für Nigger".

Um zu beginnen: ich habe viel gelernt, seit ich im Gefängnis bin. Österreich
ist eine Nation, deren Verbrechen durch ungerechte Gesetze geschützt werden;
Schwarze werden als primäre Ziele ausgesucht und gezwungen, ein System zu
akzeptieren, das uns zu Opfern dieses Rassismus macht. Als Beispiel muß man
sich nur den Umgang des Staates Österreich mit dem Tod von Marcus Omofuma
ansehen, der im Vollzug einer Abschiebung mit verbundenen Augen, gefesselten
Armen und Beinen und zugeklebter Nase und Mund starb. Nach seinem Tod wurde
eine friedliche Kundgebung organisiert, an der sowohl Schwarze als auch Weiße
teilnahmen. Die Ironie an der ganzen "unangenehmen Omofuma-Geschichte" war, daß
sie in einem Land passierte, die sich auf das Prinzip der Demokratie beruft.
Weiters möchte ich von einem Vorfall berichten, der sich nach der friedlichen
Demonstration am 27. Mai 1999 ereignete: ich schlief in meinem Haus in Graz als
die Polizei plötzlich die Tür aufbrach und begann, mich zu schlagen, mich zu
beschimpfen und des Drogenhandels zu beschuldigen. Sie begannen sogar, mich
rektal zu untersuchen, was mir heute noch Probleme bereitet. Viele Schwarze
wurden an diesem Tag auf diese Weise heimgesucht: ich erinnere mich auch, daß
die Beamten ein Bild von einem Affen zeichneten und meinten, das sei mein
Bruder; dann lachten sie und nannten mich "Nigger" und meinten ich hätte
sowieso keine Chance in Österreich, weil ich schwarz bin. (...) All diese Dinge
sind nach der Kundgebung nach dem Tod von M. Omofuma passiert; Polizisten in
Graz sagten mir sogar sie wollten die Schwarzen bestrafen, weil sie das Image
der österreichischen Polizei in der ganzen Welt beschädigen würden. Meine Frage
lautet jetzt: gehen wir vorwärts oder rückwärts, wenn man sieht wie Polizisten
mit haßerfüllten Augen meine Brüder und Schwestern erbarmungslos beschimpfen,
stoßen, schlagen und treten? Wenn man den Großteil meiner schwarzen Brüder in
einem luftdichten Gefängniskäfig ersticken sieht, in einer so reichen
Gesellschaft? Sogar die ungerechte Behandlung von Schwarzen vor Gericht ist
traurige immer wiederkehrende Realität. Wurden wir nicht alle vom selben "Gott"
geschaffen? Immer wenn ich mir über meinen Zustand hier herinnen bewußt werde
(als einziges Kind einer Familie, das jetzt in einer anderen, auch von Menschen
geschaffenen Welt lebt), frage ich mich: Was haben wir Schwarzen der
österreichischen Polizei eigentlich so Schlimmes getan? (...) Sie haben mir
vorgeschlagen, gegen andere Schwarze falsch auszusagen; andere haben es getan,
haben mit der Polizei kollaboriert und gegen andere Schwarze ausgesagt. Die
Polizei hat mir versprochen, daß meine Anzeige fallengelassen und ich kein
Gerichtsverfahren bekommen würde, wenn ich mit ihnen "zusammenarbeite"; ich
aber habe mich geweigert und auf die Wahrheit bestanden. Ich habe gesagt, daß
es gegen meine Religion als Christ verstoßen würde, jemanden, egal ob schwarz
oder weiß, anzulügen. Sie haben gesagt, dann müßte ich eben im Gefängnis
bleiben. Ich hatte gehofft, die österreichische Polizei würde begreifen, daß
Justiz und Exekutive der Durchsetzung der Gerechtigkeit dienten, und daß, wenn
sie das nicht tun, sie eine gefährliche Struktur bekommen, die den sozialen
Fortschritt aufhält. Die Polizei hat mir gesagt, daß alle Richter,
Staatsanwälte, Anwälte und alle anderen aus Österreich seien, daß alles, was
sie als Anklage erheben würden auch gegen mich verhandelt werden würde. Am
9.März 2000, nach 9 Monaten und etlichen Wochen begann die Verhandlung. Wie der
Jurist richtigerweise meinte: "Verzögerte Gerechtigkeit ist verweigerte
Gerechtigkeit" Nach meiner Verhandlung wurde ich zu einer fünfjährigen
Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt -genau wie die Polizei mir vorhergesagt hatte. Ich
fragte den Richter wofür ich verurteilt werde- er antwortete das die Polizei
schon wisse was sie tue und nicht lüge und außerdem sei ich schwarz und daher
sicher ein Drogendealer und daß er nicht mehr Beweise brauche. Ich fragte ihn
noch, ob er mich meiner Farbe oder meines Charakters nach verurteile -die Frage
blieb bis heute in der Luft. Ich habe dem Gericht gesagt, daß ich dieses Urteil
nicht annehme, da sie mir nicht nur meine Rechte verweigert, sondern mich auch
als Mensch psychisch gefoltert haben: sie haben mich als Mensch abgewertet.
Rassistisch motivierte Diskriminierung ist immer eine tragischer Ausdruck der
spirituellen Degeneration und des moralen Bankrott der Menschen. Deshalb habe
ich beim Obersten Gerichtshof eine Beschwerde wegen Rassistischer
Ungerechtigkeit eingeleitet, bei der mich am Anfang auch mein Anwalt
unterstützt hat. Ich weiß zur Zeit nicht, was aus dieser Beschwerde geworden
ist, denn mein Anwalt wollte aufgrund meiner finanziellen Lage den Fall
schließen. Selbst mir die Anhörungspapiere zu schicken ist ihm nicht möglich.
Jetzt wird mir immer mehr klar, daß jemand etwas gegen rassistische
Diskriminierung und für die Wahrung der Grundrechte für Schwarze in diesem Land
machen muß, bevor es zu spät ist. (...) Ich weiß aus eigener schmerzlicher
Erfahrung, daß Unterdrücker niemals freiwillig Freiheit gewähren; die
Unterdrückten müssen diese Freiheit erst verlangen. Seit Monaten höre ich nun
dieses Wort "Warte!". Es klingt im Ohr jedes schwarzen Mannes -ein grässlich
vertrauter Klang. Diese "Warte!" hat fast immer bedeutet "niemals"...... (...)
Ich glaube daran, daß es immens wichtig ist, das Recht auf Gleichheit unter
Anwendung des Gedankens der Menschenrechte zu verteidigen; aber leider gibt es
hier keine Menschenrechtsorganisation, die den Verdacht der Ungerechtigkeiten
gegenüber Schwarzen hier in Österreich weiterverfolgt. Trotzdem bin ich sehr
dankbar für die Besorgnis und das Interesse, daß die "Gemmi" mir und anderen
Schwarzen hier entgegenbringt. Ihr seid noch wenige, doch was Euch an Quantität
fehlt , macht Ihr an Qualität wieder wett. Meine Glückwünsche! Ich weiß, daß
Euch einige verärgerte Polizisten als "dreckige Negerfreunde" sehen werden.
Kein Problem. Ich hoffe, daß Ihr wißt, daß alles, was Ihr tut richtig und legal
ist. Wie ich schon vorher erwähnt habe, alles, was Hitler in Deutschland
gemacht hat, war "legal". Und alles, was die ungarischen Freiheitskämpfer getan
haben, war "illegal" wie z.B. einem Juden in Hitler-Deutschland zu helfen. Ich
bin sehr froh darüber, daß jedeR von Euch mich versteht und Ihr soviel
Freundschaft und Besorgnis mir und allen anderen Schwarzen gegenüber zeigt.
(...) Es gibt auch andere Gruppen und Organisationen, die hier eine große Rolle
spielen; das Problem der rassistischen Ungerechtigkeit und Rechtsprechung ist
so komplex, detailliert und weit ausschweifend, daß es der vereinten
Anstrengungen von zahlreichen Individuen und Institutionen bedürfen wird, um
eine Lösung zu finden. Trotz aller tragischen Ereignisse und des ständigen
Kampfes suchen wir nach Hoffnung, daß Schwarze sich frei bewegen dürfen und
Rechte haben, auch in der Bürgerrechtsabteilung des Justizministeriums, mit der
Unterstützung der Menschenrechtsorganisationen, der UNO, amnesty international
und dem Rest der Welt. (...) Dem Rassismus, dem ich hier in Österreich begegne,
ist kein Problem eines Teils der Gesellschaft, er ist ein nationales Problem.
Wenn man die Polizisten oder die Gefängniswärter beobachtet, wie sie uns Arbeit
und gutes Essen verweigern, nur weil wir schwarz sind in etwa. Sie haben uns in
unseren Zellen eingesperrt und uns wie Tiere gefüttert -nicht einmal Tiere
könnten die jetzige Situation aushalten. Als wir nach Arbeit im Gefängnis
fragten, war die einzige Antwort: "Nicht für Drogendealer" oder "keine Chance
für Nigger".

Reaktion auf "Nato-Raubritter enteignen Bleischmelze", MUND 19.8.


From: Joerg Piringer e9225678@stud4.tuwien.ac.at

Am 19 Aug 2000, um 9:07, Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung
(JÖSB) schrieb:

> Wer noch einen Funken an Verstand besitzt, hat spätestens jetzt erkannt,
> dass es bei der Nato-Okkupation des Kosovo ausschließlich um die Zerstörung
> des jugoslawischen Widerstands gegen die neoliberale Globalisierung geht.
> Alles andere sind Lügen der gleichgeschalteten Medien. Apropos
> Gleichschaltung:

danke. jetzt weiss ich was die blau-schwarze regierung vorhat:
"wer noch einen funken verstand besitzt, hat spaetestens jetzt
erkannt, dass es bei den sanktionen der eu-14 ausschliesslich um
die zerstoerung des oesterreichischen widerstands gegen die
neoliberale globalisierung geht.
alles andere sind luegen der gleichgeschalteten medien." ich freue
mich schon darauf, schuessel und milosevic in prag demonstrieren
zu sehen.

schulterschluss mit diesem unsinn!
als ob es dem alten diktator in belgrad um widerstand gegen den
neoliberalismus ginge. hier wie da geht es um macht. hier wie da
wird dem volk eingeredet, es muesse zusammen gegen den
boesen auslaendischen feind marschieren. hier wie da soll
verschleiert werden, dass der wirkliche feind in der regierung sitzt.
ich will hier keinesfalls die bombardierung von bruecken,
krankenhaeusern und grossstaedten rechtfertigen. das liegt mir
fern. aber ein wenig mehr differenzierung waere nicht schlecht. ich
bin zwar nicht der idiot, der an die humanitaere mission glaubt,
aber genausowenig, wie ich die version der kosovo-albaner fuer
100%ig wahr halte, wird wohl auch die geschichte mit der blei-
schmelze etwas komplizierter sein.

j. piringer

ÖVP richtet Internet-Meldestelle für rechtsextreme Inhalte ein


From: rosa.parks@gmx.net

ÖVP richtet Internet-Meldestelle für rechtsextreme Inhalte ein
Utl.: "Netz gegen Gewalt" mit Link zu Innenministerium =

Unter dem Titel "Netz gegen Gewalt" hat die ÖVP eine Meldestelle für
rechtsextreme Inhalte und Gewalt-Aufrufe im Internet eingerichtet. Ähnlich wie
die CDU, die in Deutschland als erste Partei auf ihrer Homepage eine derartige
Initiative ergriffen habe, wolle die ÖVP "darauf achten, dass das Internet
nicht für rechtsextreme Inhalte missbraucht wird", meinte dazu
VP-Generalsekretärin Maria Rauch-Kallat am Montag am Rande einer

Das "Netz gegen Gewalt" ist unter "www.Netzgegengewalt.at" oder über die
ÖVP-Homepage zu erreichen. Über einen Link ist das "Netz gegen Gewalt" mit
dem Innenministerium verbunden. Auf diesem Wege sollen Informationen
weitergegeben und Betreiber rechtsextremer Homepages ausgeforscht werden.

na, dann wollen wir die övp doch mal mit der realität konfrontieren!

Reaktion auf "ÖVP richtet Internet-Meldestelle..."


From: Heinz Nessizius, heinz@hwness.com

Ihr seid der ÖVP gewaltig auf den Leim gegangen. Die sehen keine
rechtsextremen Inhalte und erkennen keine Nazisprüche, schon gar
nicht, wenn sie vom Koalitionspartner kommen.

Es ist absolut schädlich, die Zensurierung des Internets auf
irgendeine Weise zu unterstützen.

Die ersten, die man im "Netz gegen Gewalt" verpetzen wird, werden wir
sein. Nicht vergessen: Donnerstagsdemo = Gewaltaufruf.

Ich ersuche euch, solche metternichsche Aktionen keinesfalls zu unterstützen.

Heinz Nessizius



From: KP-Bundesvorstand, kpoe.buvo@magnet.at

VOLKSSTIMME-FEST 2000 - 2./3. September
Wo Widerstand zum Fest wird

Wien - (KPÖ-PD): Wir möchten hiermit die Vertreter und Vertreterinnen der
Tages- und Wochenzeitungen, von Hörfunk und TV über das VOLKSSTIMMEFEST
2000, das unter dem Motto "Wo Widerstand zum Fest wird" steht, erstmals

In bewährter Mischung aus Unterhaltung und Politik wird auch heuer ein
umfaßendes Programm angeboten. Viele neue und interessante Gruppen -
genannt seien vorerst Rootsman A.A.E., Lakis & Achwach, Celia Mara & Band,
Christian Hölbling, Programm C, Chicks On Speed, die Hooch Gang, Vienna
Orient Project, Havana Son, Original Stiefelbein Bluhs Bänd, Gojim, Nar
Malik - werden auf fünf Bühnen ihr musikalisches Können unter Beweis
stellen. Musikalischer Höhepunkt dürfte der Auftritt der irischen Gruppe
Cran werden.

Bei der traditionsreichen Lesung "Linkes Wort" auf der Jura Soyfer-Bühne
werden bekannte und junge Autoren und Autorinnen vertreten sein. Am
Sportfest stehen Simultan-Schach und Judo am Programm.

Neben Gästen aus aller Welt wird aus Deutschland eine Delegation der PDS,
der das PDS-Bundestagsfraktionsmitglied Prof. Dr. Christa Luft angehört,
am Fest erwartet.

Das Programm ist auch auf der Hompage "www.volksstimmefest.at"

Kontakt: Christiane Maringer; Tel. 214 45 50 oder 0664/344 13 12.

die sprache des widerstands...


From: Milena-Verlag, frauenverlag@milena-verlag.at

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Die Sprache des Widerstands ist alt wie die Welt und ihr Wunsch
Anthologie, hrsg. vom Milena Verlag
Reihe Dokumentation, Band 19
Cover: Birgitta Heiskel, unter Verwendung eines Textes von Petra
Br., 368 Seiten, ÖS 248,-/DM 34,-/Sfr 31,50
ISBN 3-85286-080-6

Sammelband, der anläßlich der Bildung der ÖVP/FPÖ-Regierungskoalition im
Februar 2000 ausgeschrieben wurde: Feministische Stellungnahmen,
literarische und essayistische Texte von Frauen zur aktuellen
politischen Situation in Österreich.

Das Buch wird am 23.9.2000 in Wien im kosmos frauen.raum präsentiert!

Schon gesehen?


From: Michael Pröbsting, m.pröbsting@netway.at

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Die Agence France Press besucht sie, die New York Times besucht
sie....und DU? Falls Du noch nicht zu den regelmäßigen Besuchern unserer
websites http://www.destroyimf.org und http://www.workerspower.com gehörst, dann wird
es höchste Zeit. Denn auf diesen websites der Liga für eine
revolutionär-kommunistische Internationale (LRKI; der
ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt ist die österreichische Sektion) findest Du
regelmäßige Informationen über die Mobilisierungen gegen den IWF-Kongreß
in Prag zwischen 23.-26.September sowie eine Reihe von
Hintergrundberichten. Im Anhang finden sich zwei Artikel der Agence
France Press und der New York Times über die Anti-IWF-Mobilisierungen.
Hast du dich schon angemeldet für die Fahrt nach Prag? Wir von der LRKI
planen gemeinsam mit unserer tschechischen Sektion eine internationale
Mobilisierung für Prag zwischen dem 23. und 28.September. Wir werden von
Wien aus mit mehreren Busse hinfahren und bitten um möglichst zahlreiche
Teilnahme. Anmeldung unter

Das nächste Treffen der Vorbereitungskomitees für Prag findet morgen,
Dienstag 22.8. um 19.00 im Club International (Yppeng.4, 1160, Nähe
Brunnenmarkt, U6 Josefstädterstr.) statt.

Mit internationalistischen Grüßen,
Michael Pröbsting (ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt)


AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE Sunday, August 6 11:18 AM SGT Anti-IMF protestors
plot Czech "Seattle II" PRAGUE, Aug 6 (AFP)

The Czech capital Prague is currently basking in the summer heat.
Tourists throng along the baroque Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square and
up on the Castle hill overlooking the spectacularly beautiful city.
Everything is as it should be. But all that could change dramatically
next month.

For Prague is bracing for what anti-globalization protestors are
warning will be "Seattle II," a mass demonstration against the annual
meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank from
September 21-29. And, while all is calm on the streets, the plotting is
well underway -- on the web. "The protest in Seattle on November 30 1999
rocked capitalism to its foundations," say the authors of
www.destroyimf.org, one of a handful of websites coordinating the
protest plans. "We don't just want to disrupt their summits ... We want
an end to debt, poverty and capitalist exploitation. "That's why we're
going to Prague to make the IMF summit in September 2000 into Seattle
II," it warns. Czech authorities say they are taking all necessary
measures to prepare for the meeting, being held in Europe for the first
time, which will gather up to 20,000 ministers, bank chiefs and top
officials from dozens of countries.

Some 11,000 police equipped with riot gear are to be deployed in
September to control an estimated 20,000 protestors expected to descend
on the Bohemian capital from Europe and around the world. IMF director
general Horst Koehler visited Prague last week to discuss preparations
for the meetings, and pledged total openness with the protestors, saying
delegates will even attend some meetings organized by NGOs.

Czech President Havel notably warned that "too much attention is being
given to security arrangements, as if we were getting ready for some
sort of civil war." Protestors aren't so sure. And they are using the
power of the internet to coordinate travel, accommodation and protest
location arrangements.

"Turn Prague into Seattle!" says Workers' Power
(www.workerspower.com/), describing the September meeting as "aiming to
plot the next stage of restoring capitalism in Eastern Europe." The IMF
and the World Bank "are unreformable institutions which harm world
society and the environment and must be dismantled," said Alice Dvorska,
spokesman for the Initiative Against Economomic Globalization (INPEG).

INPEG (http://inpeg.ecn.cz/) is notably organizing a "counter-summit"
from September 22-24. Britons, Poles and Dutch are expected to be
prominent among foreigners swelling the protest ranks. The main street
protests will be September 24 and 26, the second one likely to be more

The planned Prague protests could be the biggest since last year's
Seattle anti-WTO demonstrations which turned violent and which appear to
have set a tone for regular counter-culture events at such meetings.
This year protests have marred proceedings at the World Economic Forum
(WEF)'s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland in February, the IMF/World
Bank spring meeting in Washington in April, and most recently last
month's G8 summit in Okinawa.

Last week the first real, if symbolic, protest was held in the Old Town
Square in the heart of the Czech capital. A football match pitted three
"global" players -- dressed up as McDonalds, Shell and Phillip Morris --
against a worker, a farmer and a woman. With the help of an IMF/World
Bank referee , the three global giants easily won.

Tourists were the main beneficiaries of the protest. But for global
protestors, the web is clearly the place to keep up to date. The
destroyimf website, which includes advice on travel and accommodation as
well as constantly updated information on protest locations, says the
Czech authorities are not alone. "The IMF summit in Prague will be
protected by a Czech police operation run by the FBI," it says. "The
challenge to the workers' movement is to shutdown that summit with the
biggest international demo Europe has ever seen."


Czech Police and Army Get Ready for Protests at I.M.F. World Bank
Meeting By STEVEN ERLANGER New York Times, August 12, 2000

PRAGUE, Aug. 11 -- Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut have already
ordered replacement glass. So has Tesco, a British supermarket chain,
and it is thinking of shutting down for the duration. McDonald's talks
hopefully of its local ownership and wants to keep its outlets open. The
Interior Ministry will have 11,000 police officers on duty, with several
thousand troops in reserve. Schools and theaters will close. The
ministry has even opened a Web site, warning young people: "The police
will have a lot of work on their hands, so they cannot be too tolerant
of various childish pranks." It adds, "Do not provoke the police." It
advises older people to stock up on food and medicine, and to "relax and
trust the authorities." One might think that these are preparations for
the battle in Central Europe that NATO war-gamed for so many years. But
it is only the annual autumn meeting of the International Monetary Fund
and the World Bank, a conference that the Czech Republic eagerly sought
in 1993 as a millennial symbol of the country's return to capitalism and
the West. The 10-day meeting, which is expected at attract up to 18,000
officials and delegates, opens on Sept. 19

The Communists' old Palace of Culture has been renovated for the meeting
at a cost of $60 million and renamed the Congress Center. But since
Prague sought this honor, the monetary fund and the World Bank have
become targets of rage against globalization and indifferent capitalism.
The fund in particular has for some the same negative connotations that
the Federal Emergency Management Agency has for far-right groups in the
United States

Already, on various Web sites critical of the fund and its policies,
like www.destroyimf.org -- "a Web resource for all those mobilizing to
end the poverty and injustice inflicted by global capitalism" -- there
is the cry: "Turn Prague into Seattle!" There, late last November,
40,000 demonstrators paralyzed the city, damaged businesses, clashed
with the police and tied up a meeting of the World Trade Organization.
Organizers and Czech officials expect 20,000 to 50,000 protesters --
some peaceful, some not -- to come here. The protests will certainly be
the largest here since 1989, and perhaps the largest invasion of
foreigners since the Soviets dropped by with their tanks in 1968

President Vaclav Havel has tried to satisfy and perhaps co-opt some of
the more well-mannered groups by offering to meet with them at Prague

The government has offered designated areas for protest and arranged for
a private company, FAM, to equip the old Strahov sports stadium with
tents, portable lavatories and food so the protesters will have a
relatively clean and safe place to stay

The tent city will open on Sept. 21, and anyone may stay there for the
duration for $37, said Tomas Doubek of FAM. There will be private
security guards but no policemen, unless there is significant trouble.
But the conservative party of former Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus
objected to the arrangements, saying they looked as if the Czechs "are
collaborating with extremists," Mr. Doubek said. "Some legislators said,
'Let the protesters get a doctorate in finance, learn two foreign
languages, work in a bank for a few years, and then they will be
qualified to discuss I.M.F. issues,' " he said

"Surprisingly, nobody laughed at this stupidity." Alice Dvorska, an
organizer with the Czech umbrella group Initiative against Economic
Globalization, says she is worried about how the Czech police, with a
history of aggressive crowd control, will behave. In May 1998 the police
were taken by surprise by protests against the automobile industry and
globalization. The police beat some protesters and some bystanders as

"We're afraid of violence on the part of the police," Ms. Dvorska said.
"The Interior Ministry is purposely demonizing us. If you look at
protests around the world, it is always the police who cause most of the
violence." Chelsea Mozen is a 25-year-old American who quit a job in
Washington to help organize the initiative's program of nonviolent
demonstrations, dance and street theater intended to educate citizens.
"It's not our main aim to shut the meeting down, although we think the
I.M.F. and World Bank should be dissolved," Ms. Mozen said. "We want a
grass-roots display of our disagreement." But she says the police have
been monitoring the group and its planning, including a meeting outside
Prague last month. "We're definitely under surveillance," she said

On Aug. 2 the group handed out fliers and performed a bit of street
theater in Old Town Square, holding a symbolic soccer match between
multinational corporations and representatives of the world's poor. The
corporations won by bribing the referee, who represented the I.M.F. and
the World Bank. Chuck Reinhardt, a high school teacher from New York,
played the part of McDonald's during the match. "The World Bank is not
accountable," he said

"They give out loans but don't bear responsibility for what is being
done with the money, and most people around the world get no benefits
from it at all." Ragnhild Eide Skogseth, 18, a Norwegian student who
played Shell Oil, said the fund and the bank "always say they want to
help the poor, but the results are always the opposite." The Czech
police have been training for the meeting and have worked with the
American police and with the F.B.I., which has opened an office in
Prague, mostly to monitor organized crime. The F.B.I. trained 24 Czech
police officers in crowd control in the United States, said an Interior
Ministry spokesman, Stanislav Gross, and the police have paid particular
attention to the way the Washington, D.C., police handled the spring
meeting of the fund and the bank in April. Hundreds of protesters were
arrested there, but there was much less violence than in Seattle. Still,
for the designers of the Web site, the meeting "will be protected by a
Czech police operation run by the F.B.I." It says, "The challenge to the
workers' movement is to shut down that summit with the biggest
international demo Europe has ever seen." One problem for the police is
the location of the old Palace of Culture. The main access from the city
center, where most delegates will stay, is by a bridge over a valley
that could be blocked by protest. The two closest hotels, the Corinthia
Forum and the Panorama, are on the right side of the bridge, but because
they have Libyan ownership, an American embargo would bar Americans from
staying there

Horst Kvhler, the fund's executive director, says he has "full
confidence" in Prague's ability to handle the meeting. Emphasizing a
need for "internal reform," he said the fund was "open for discussions
and dialogue." "We're not hiding" from the protesters, he said. Mr.
Havel emphasizes the symbolism of Prague as the host of the
post-Communist world's first annual meeting of the fund and bank. He
said he would try to have discussions with the demonstrators as well as
the bankers

The media attention given to security issues "pains me," he said. "It
seems as if we are preparing for civil war. We should take this more

Police break up Nairobi riot


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

Police Break up Nairobi Riot
Date: 19-AUG-2000
Author: Staff Writers
Source: BBC
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Action Report

Keywords: Nairobi, Kenya

On Saturday August 19, 2000, more than 1,000 people were involved in
fighting. Police in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, used tear gas to break up
clashes between government and opposition supporters.

Seven people were seriously injured in a running battle between the two
sides, who threw stones at each other in the city's Kamukunji grounds,
police said.

The trouble began over a planned demonstration called by James Orengo, a
member of parliament who belongs to the opposition Ford-Kenya party.

Before the rally could begin, activists from the youth wings of the ruling
Kanu party and its ally, the National Development Party, began to break up
the platform where Mr Orengo was due to speak.

Clashes then erupted between the Kanu-NDP activists and Ford-Kenya party
supporters, at one
point involving more than 1,000 people. Police used tear gas in an attempt
to halt the fighting.

Mr Orengo called the rally to kick-start Kenya's stalled constitutional
review process and address a range of issues, including the country's
collapsing economy and government corruption.

Ten opposition MPs scheduled to speak at the rally were attacked by ruling
party youths, who smashed their cars as police stood by, Kenya's independent
Nation radio reported.

Similar fighting has erupted almost every time the opposition has tried to
stage a rally in Kenya.

"I believe Kenyans will one day be liberated from this diabolical regime,"
said Mwangi Wa Kibe, a
Ford-Kenya activist. "This act of stopping this meeting is cowardice and
barbaric... We are not free, we don't have security in this country."

Kanu activists brandishing stones prevented Mr Orengo and other opposition
leaders attending the rally.

The Kenyan President, Daniel arap Moi, agreed in December 1997 to a review
of Kenya's 1963
constitution, which favours the ruling Kenya National African Union party.

The constitution also contains clauses that enabled Kenya's former British
colonial government to stifle dissent.

The review process stalled in February 1999 because of a dispute between
political parties and interest groups over who should be represented on a
25-member commission designed to oversee the review.

The split between Kanu and other groups widened when the Kanu-controlled
National Assembly, or parliament, created a 27-member committee on 15
December to take charge of the review.

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Turkey Detains Greenpeace Protestors


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

Turkey Detains Greenpeace Protestors
Author: Staff Writer
Source: BBC
Forwarded by: Biodun Iginla, biginla@email.com http://biodun.homestead.com/biodun.html
Style: Action Report

The environmental group, Greenpeace says the Turkish coastguard has detained
nine of its activists who were protesting against a state-owned
petrochemical complex on the Aegean coast on Thursday August 17, 2000.

Greenpeace says the arrests were made when the Organisation's ship tried to
block other vessels from entering or leaving a harbour belonging to the
Petkim factory at Aliaga.

Greenpeace has led a three-year campaign against Petkim after a local trade
union asked it to investigate alleged health hazards faced by workers.
Fourteen Greenpeace activists were detained on Tuesday outside another
Petkim factory, in Izmit, in Turkey.

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L.A. Police Go on Rampage at Peaceful Rally


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

L.A. Police Go on Rampage at Peaceful Rally
Author: Jim Smith
Source: LA Labor News (http://www.lalabor.org)
Forwarded by: Biodun Iginla, biginla@email.com,
Style: First-person report

Shortly after an 8-year old boy sang the National Anthem to open the
Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, an 11-year boy was shot in
the back, nearby, with a rubber bullet by L.A. Police Officers.

Abraham Mejia was one of scores of innocent people who were hit as police
fired volleys of cork-like rubber bullets into the crowd that was attempting
to leave the official protest center across the street from the convention
site. The two locations are separated by a 13-foot high fence. Others who
were hit included an L.A. Times reporter; Carol Sobel, a lawyer with the
ACLU, Ted Hayes, a well-known homeless activist; and Karl Manheim, a Loyola
Law School professor. After firing the rubber bullets and using tear gas and
water cannons, the police - on foot, motorcycles and horseback - went on a
rampage chasing protesters for blocks through downtown Los Angeles.

I interviewed two young environmental activists who were shot while
attempting to exit the rally and concert site. They were completely
different in demeanor and dress (they wore white) from the black-clad
anarchists that police say provoked the incident. The man was hit twice.

A large, red bump protruded from his forehead, scarcely an inch above his
left eye. They said police opened fire without warning. The rifles the cops
used shot multiple rubber bullets with each volley, making it impossible to
target alleged troublemakers. The police did not wait until the rally could
be cleared of the overflow crowd, which had swelled to 15,000, before

A hastily assembled coalition is calling for an independent investigation of
the LAPD because of ³the indiscriminate use of force and subterfuge against
peaceful demonstraors, journalists, activists and conference participants.
Signers of the call include the D2KLA coalition, ACLU, Global Exchange, the
Ruckus Society, State Senator Tom Hayden, U.S. Senatorial Candidate Medea
Benjamin (Green Party), the Shadow Convention and the Independent Media

A few minutes before police attached, I had gone up to the fence between the
rally and the convention center. Police were lined up in military ranks,
each one clutching a rifle with both hands. As I observed, police were given
an order to move up from approximately 20 feet away from the
fence to barely 10 feet away. I saw hatred and contempt in the faces of the
police. Several were massaging the trigger area of their gun as if they were
about to open fire. Later, police said anarchists were attempting to climb
over the fence or tear it down. Both of these activities are very unlikely.
It is possible to climb a few feet up the chain link fence, but the last
several feet of the fence curve inward toward the demonstrators at a 45
degree angle. The fence runs for blocks around the convention center and is
extremely sturdy. It would probably take an armored vehicle to knock it

Most demonstrators I talked with believe the real reason for the timing of
the police assault was to clear the area before delegates left the hall.
Shortly before the convention recessed, police swept north on Figueroa
Avenue, chasing everyone in site. The proprietor of one of the few open
restaurants, which was already full of dining protesters, yelled to everyone
running from police to get inside. Police, looking disappointed that their
prey had gotten away, ran up to the door of the
restaurant, which was quickly locked. Down the street, others were not so
lucky and were hit repeatedly with batons.

A statement issued by the D2KLA coalition said, The protesters believe that
the LAPD provoked an attack in order to subordinate the political message of
the protesters and clear us out before the delegates streamed past the
protests. The theme of yesterday¹s protests was Human Need, Not Corporate
Greed, because the protesters feel that politicians serve corporate
interests and do not serve the interests of the vast majority of people.

The police violence capped what had been the biggest day of protests so far.
About 10,000 assembled at Pershing Square for the big march, which was the
third one of the day. As marchers arrived at the rally site, a number of
people noted that it looked like a trap. The rally site, that was won
through the legal efforts of the ACLU, is surrounded by the 13-foot high
fence on three sides. The only side open is on Olympic Blvd. on the north.
Hundred of police were already lined up on Olympic only a few feet away from
the route of the march. Organizers had to plead with marchers to continue
into the rally site.

Once there, however, most people forgot about the logistics as Rage Against
the Machine articulated the feelings, slogans and causes of the protesters.
The well-named band probably best articulates in music, the vigor and the
attitude of the new movement. Their latest album is entitled, The Battle of
Los Angeles.


About the same time, police were wailing on demonstrators, other officers
were demanding the evacuation of the Patriotic Hall, a few blocks away. A
packed audience at the Shadow Convention, which was being addressed by Al
Gore¹s cousin, Gore Vidal, streamed out into the street. Vidal continued
speaking to the crowd until hundreds of more police arrived, claiming they
had been informed that a riot was underway. Meanwhile, Amy Goodman and other
staff from Democracy Now, were locked in on an upper floor and not allowed
to leave. Conveners of the Independent Media Center, which is also housed in
the building and was shut down while broadcasting via satellite, were
dubious that police had received a legitimate bomb threat.

Democracy Now, which is broadcasting daily radio and TV shows about the
protests, is also wrestling with problems from another quarter. Shortly
before the convention began, their parent group, the Pacifica network,
pulled their convention credentials. Sources say Pacifica, which has been
the target of protests and demonstrations because of its numerous firings
and the perceived rightward drift of its programming, was apparently miffed
because Goodman had used her redentials to get Ralph Nader on the floor of
the Republican convention for an interview. Pacifica called it a prank.
Staffers were able yesterday to use donated passes from other alternative
media to enter the convention.


Already high tensions and paranoia have escalated following the police
violence. While visiting the Convergence Center headquarters of D2KLA and
the Direct Action Network late last night, we were twice locked down as
jittery security staff responded to what turned out to be false reports of a
police raid.

In spite of the problems with the LAPD, protest leaders are mostly pleased
with the large turnout in spite of the police and media campaign to scare
people off. The composition of the marches is much more multi-ethnic that
was the case in Seattle. This probably reflects the large turnout from the
city of Los Angeles of Latinos, African-Americans and Asians.

Protest critics claim they don¹t get the variety of issues at the
demonstrations. Bill Press of ³Crossfire² said yesterday, when we protested
the Vietnam War, we know what we were demonstrating against, but now many
people don¹t know why they¹re protesting. In fact, most protesters I¹ve
talked to seemed well informed on issues ranging from third-world debt to
the prison-industrial complex. What unites the protesters is a common source
of the problems - neoliberal globalism.

The result of the Los Angeles protests will probably be a widening social
chasm between those who believe with the protesters that our capitalist
society is hopelessly corrupt, and those who cling to the hope that reform
is possible through vehicles like the Democratic Party.

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Activists Protest Police in Los Angeles


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

Activists Protest Police in Los Angeles
Author: Staff Writers
Source: Associated Press
Forwarded by: Biodun Iginla, biginla@email.com
Style: Action Report

About 100 activists protested Wednesday August 16, 2000 in Los Angeles what
they called a pattern of abuse by the Los Angeles Police Department, which
is struggling with one of the biggest corruption scandals in its history.

Misconduct in the department's Rampart station has prompted judges to
dismiss nearly 100 criminal cases. Rogue officers there allegedly framed,
shot or roughed up those they arrested in a gritty neighborhood near
downtown, then lied to convict them. Other criminal convictions are being

Five officers now face prosecution, and more than 20 officers have left
active duty.

At the rally, which was to be followed by a march to the Rampart station, a
speaker urged the crowd to stay calm as the beating of an African drum
punctuated the air.

Among those scheduled to participate was state Sen. Tom Hayden, a member of
the Chicago 7, the group accused of conspiring to disrupt the 1968
Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Throughout the Democratic convention week here, police have maintained a
pervasive presence in downtown Los Angeles, and it was no different
Wednesday as protesters geared up for a third day of demonstrations around
the convention.

Arrests during the first two days of protests totaled 152, although violence
was limited to a clash after a free protest concert Monday night.

Tuesday's confrontations included an animal-rights demonstration in which
anti-fur activists banged on the windows of downtown businesses, leading to
about 45 arrests.

Another 50 were arrested a few hours later when more than 100 bicyclists
tied up rush-hour traffic across downtown as they demanded more bike lanes
and other facilities.

Also Tuesday, the first protester arrested this week, Daniel Katz Woutat,18,
of Long Beach, pleaded innocent to malicious vandalism for allegedly making
a hole in the security fence around the protest zone across from the Staples
Center, where the convention is being held.

Overall, Tuesday's protests were more peaceful than Monday's when police
swinging batons from horseback and firing rubber bullets broke up a crowd of
several hundred people who had thrown rocks, bottles and chunks of concrete
at them after a free concert in the protest zone.

The American Civil Liberties Union said it planned to file a lawsuit
Wednesday, accusing the Los Angeles Police Department of deliberating
targeting reporters during Monday night's confrontation.

``It was a really shocking and, I think, troubling display of excessive
force by police,'' ACLU spokesman Christopher Calhoun said.

Police didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Democratic Convention Protests Redefine Movement, End on a High Note


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

Democratic Convention Protests Redefine Movement, End on a High Note
Author: Jim Smith
Source: LA Labor News
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Analysis

Five days of massive, spirited marches and rallies in the streets of Los
Angeles were capped Thursday afternoon as several thousand Latinos,
African-Americans, Asians and whites marched against sweatshops and for
immigrant rights. At the same time, Democratic Party convention delegates
were grinning-and-bearing another speech by their anointed leader, Albert
Gore of Tennessee.

The march, began in the Garment District and made its way past downtown
sweatshops along Broadway and 8th streets where garment workers waved and
cheered as they poked their heads out of upper-story factory windows. At the
rally site - which is across the street from the convention center and
behind the "Berlin Wall," a blocks-long 13-foot-high concrete and chain link
fence - they were joined by another large march, against U.S. Navy bombing
on the island of Vieques in Puerto Rico. Both marches included substantial
numbers, perhaps a majority, of people of color.

The rally included a spirited and political performance by Michael Franti
and Spearhead. Gore delegate Tom Hayden skipped the acceptance speech to
attend the rally and concert. After the concert, several thousand rallied at
the Twin Towers jail to show their support for the prisoners, including the
nearly 200 protesters who had been arrested.

Building on the mass movement that exploded into the public consciousness
last November in Seattle, this week¹s contribution from Los Angeles was
significant and of lasting value. While the focus on corporate, or
neoliberal, globalism is still at the heart of the movement, its impact on
poor and working people - particularly those of color - was the major focus
of many activities. Marches and rallies during the week focused on the
prison-industial complex, abolishing the death penalty, justice for
political prisoners including Mumia Abu-Jamal, police abuse, mass
transit, sweatshops, immigration, women¹s rights, youth rights and against

Nearly all protest event planners that I spoke with considered the week¹s
activities an overwhelming success, with the exception of the ugly daily
police violence.


Continuous violence against protesters, and bystanders, by the black-clad
LAPD has written another chapter in the infamous history of one of the more
notorious police forces in the country. An LAPD division, Ramparts, is
already the scene of the largest police corruption scandals in U.S. history.
Latino and African-American activists say the police tactics used during the
protests are routine in their neighborhoods at all times.

Police fired rubber bullets at protesters on three of the five days of mass
marches and rallies. Demonstrators and journalists were hit with clubs with
little or no provocation. The ACLU has announced a suit against the LAPD
because of its violence and harassment toward journalists. Noted community
leaders were shot with rubber bullets and/or physically attached, including
legal observer and East L.A. activist Antonio Rodriguez and Miguel
Contreras, L.A. County Federation of Labor executive officer. Contreras, a
Gore delegate who did not participate in the protests, said that in spite of
identifying himself to police after leaving the convention hall, Monday
night, he was hit hard across the chest with a billy club. He reported
seeing an Asian couple, who were tourists, being roughed up by police at the
same time.

There have been 198 arrests so far, although that figure may go higher. "We
are getting dozens of reports of harassment of people trying to leave town,"
Adam Eidinger of the Midnight Special Law Collective told L.A. Labor News.
Of the 198 arrests, only 38 people had any expectation they
would be arrested, said Eidinger. Bails have been set as high at $10,000 to
$75,000 for minor charges including reckless driving (bike riders),
conspiracy to commit vandalism, and blocking an entrance. The mass arrests
are at odds with an LAPD report that property damage has been so minimal
they are not even keeping track of it.

Bicycle riders participating in a "Critical Mass" ride through downtown on
Tuesday, an effort to show an alternative form of transportation in
auto-clogged Los Angeles, were also victimized by police. After a pleasant
40-minute ride during which they were followed and escorted by LAPD officers
on bikes, the more than 200 cyclists were surrounded by cops from several
agencies. Most of the riders were able to escape but 70 were arrested,
handcuffed and booked on reckless driving charges, which normally merits
only a citation. Instead they were put in jail for 24 hours. The women were
subjected to repeated body cavity searches by jailers.

Many believe the repression could have been much worse without aggressive
legal pressure from the Midnight Special Law Collective and the National
Lawyers Guild, and political pressure from L.A. Council member Jackie
Goldberg, State Senator Tom Hayden, Assembly member Gilbert Cedillo and
others. The courts generally supported the protesters rights under the First
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The week of protests brought together activists from across the Los Angeles
basin. Of the more than 200 organizations that endorsed and participated in
the week¹s events, more than half were from L.A. Just as the WTO
demonstrations last winter put U.S. working people and students on the map
of world political struggle, the Democratic Convention protests will go a
long way to changing the perception and reality of activism in Southern
California. The Convention put the spotlight on Los Angeles, but the result
was not the one that Mayor Richard Riordan and his corporate sponsors had

After this week¹s success, our movement for democracy and against corporate
control of our lives is well positioned to move from the streets of L.A.
into campuses, communities and unions throughout the country.

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Unrestrained Stories: False Police Claims of Protestor Violence


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at

Unrestrained Stories: False Police Claims of Protestor Violence
Author: Tim Ream
Source: IndyMedia (http://la.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=543)
Forwarded by: Biodun Iginla, biginla@email.com,
Style: Analysis


A disturbing trend is developing regarding police pre-emptive response to
mass protest. In numerous situations since WTO protests in Seattle in late
1999, police have issued misinformation claiming unsubstantiated evidence of
violent plans by protestors gathering for mass actions. The false
information is then used as a pretext for unwarranted police actions. The
misinformation concerning protestor plans have ranged from chemical weapons
to bomb-making. None of the numerous claims of violent plans have been
substantiated. Nonetheless, many media outlets appear to have been
predisposed to repeat information provided by police without fact-checking
or seeking responses from the organizations accused. The damage to free
speech and the mass protest movement has been extensive.


Mass protest of government policies on this continent is at least as old as
the property destruction that characterized the Boston Tea Party, involving
hundreds of activists in 1773. Since the anti-war protest of the 1960's and
anti-nuclear protests of the 1970's, few instances of mass protest have
garnered national media attention. That situation changed radically on
November 30, 1999 when activists from around the globe shut down Seattle
meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This story garnered
widespread international attention; fueled further by the violent police
response to peaceful protestors, the declaration of a no-protest zone and
millions of dollars worth of property destruction to multinational corporate
buildings in the city center.

The Seattle Police Department reputation was damaged severely by officers'
lack of control and brutal response in the streets. In the protest's wake,
Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper quickly resigned. Police departments
charged with preventing similar disruptions in their cities since the
Seattle actions have scrambled to find ways to prevent mass protest.

A disturbing pattern of response has appeared over the last six months. It
is loosely characterized by three steps. First, police departments, often in
conjunction with city government, begin a multi-faceted media campaign
designed to make protest organizers appear to be involved in preparations
for violence. Police departments have assembled and distributed collections
of flyers claiming violence, released videos of protest from other cities,
held meetings with individual media organizations and created a mythic
notion of an organization dedicated to violence and central to the protest
usually identified as "anarchists" or "Eugene Anarchists."

Once the public is predisposed to expect violence from activists, the second
step in the process involves a specific claim of evidence suggesting an
imminent act of violence. These claims will later be retracted, corrected or
will simply remain unsubstantiated. They have included claims of stolen
bomb-making materials, a bus load of poisonous animals, a factory to produce
pepper spray, acid filled balloons, a cyanide poisoning or the simple fact
that known terrorists have evaded police surveillance and now may be
prepared to act without restraint.

The third step in this tactic follows the second closely or simultaneously.
It involves a police action publicly justified in the climate of imminent
terrorism. It has the effect however, of a prior restraint on free speech
and intimidation of those who would speak their mind against their
government. Examples have included seizing training and puppet making
facilities; seizing training, art and medical supplies; and seizing hard
drives and political literature. Potential protestors have been arrested,
beaten and had bail set at ridiculously high amounts to hold them past the
event around which the protest was scheduled.

Recent Examples

Philadelphia Republican National Convention - August 2000

The Philadelphia Police Department raided a warehouse where activists were
engaged in creating puppets to protest at the Republican National Convention
(RNC). Seventy activists were arrested, materials were seized and the
warehouse was shut down. The police claimed prior to the raid that they
believed that activists were storing C4 explosives. Also, activists were
allegedly preparing weapons in the form of acid-filled balloons presumably
to throw at the police. The warehouse was claimed to be a staging ground for
both producing weapons and preparing a riot. Police also claim to have
arrested people associated with a bus containing small animals, some of
which were poisonous. Police claim that these animals were to be used to
attack delegates of the RNC.

No C4 explosive was found. Nor were any other weapons or acid found. The bus
driver transporting the animals claims to be a pet shop owner.

At the time of this report's release many of those activists remain jailed.
Bail has been set at amounts that preclude easy release generally ranging
around $15,000. One activist was held on misdemeanor charges and $1,000,000
bail subsequently reduced to $100,000. This has effectively prevented
activists from speaking out against the RNC and the subsequent Democratic
National Convention (DNC) about to begin in Los Angeles.

Washington, DC IMF/World Bank Meetings - April 2000

The day before mass protest of World Bank and International Monetary Fund
meetings in Washington, DC police raided a training and art supply warehouse
popularly referred to as a "convergence" space. Police reports claimed that
they found materials for making Molotov cocktails, a laboratory for mass
production of pepper spray and bomb-making materials. This, in part,
justified arrests that ran to near 1200 people for the week.

In a later retraction, police admitted that the Molotov cocktail supplies
were plastic containers and rags that smelled of solvents. The pepper spray
factory was nothing more than a kitchen and bomb-making materials were
limited to simple plastic water pipe. All of these materials are consistent
with activities related to the convergence and art projects.

As a result of police action the infrastucture and political messages in the
form of signs and puppets were taken by police and did not appear on the
streets or in media coverage. Undoubtedly numerous people stayed home for
fear of associating with violent terrorists utilizing bomb-making factories.

Minneapolis International Society of Animal Geneticists - July 2000

Several days before the protest was to begin, police claimed that large
quantities of ammonium nitrate had been stolen from a nearby storage area
and that unidentifed protestors were suspected of involvement. On the day of
the major march, police claimed that a cyanide bomb had been detonated in a
MacDonalds restaurant. The FBI called this an act of terrorism and the local
anti-protest law enforcement action was placed under federal control. The
next day the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, including hooded officers
raided a house where some protest organizing had taken place. Residents were
beaten, arrested and taken to a hospital. Hard drives and political
literature were seized along with less than an ounce of marijuana and a
small amount of psychedelics. Police at the raid claimed that an undercover
agent had warned that residents at the house wore hunting knives to attack
police in the event of an arrest.

Charges on all but one resident have since been dropped. Police announced
that they now have no reason to believe that activists were involved in the
ammonium nitrate theft. A health department inspector said that there was no
cyanide threat, the poison being more concentrated in apple seeds than in
the smoke bomb that fogged the MacDonalds. Needless to say, the retractions
did not receive the level of press coverage of the original actions.
Discussion of the ethics of animal genetics received little discussion.

Tacoma Kaiser Aluminum Lock-out of Steelworkers - March 2000

In the wake of the successful alliance built between labor and
environmentalists in Seattle, action was planned in Tacoma to support the
locked-out United Steel Workers of America. The Direct Action Network,
Steelworkers and more than a dozen other groups allied to call for a weekend
of actions. As that weekend approached, police warned the press and
community leaders of the violence that was likely. They claimed that
"anarchists from Eugene were missing" and actions at the Kaiser plant could
start a chain reaction and "blow up the whole port of Tacoma."

In this case, initial scare tactics were sufficient. Steelworker leadership
backed out of the alliance one week before the actions and the protest fell
apart. No mass labor-environment action coalition has happened since.

Eugene, OR Eugene Active Existence - June 2000

A six week anarchist conference was the subject of numerous police press
releases concerning alleged threats of violence and the precautions the
Eugene Police Department employed to avert trouble. Police distributed to
the media a portfolio of dozens of flyers spanning five years that they
claimed revealed protestors' violent threats. They created a video
simulation of a dummy police officer burned by a police-constructed firebomb
that anarchists might use.

Two days before the final planned march, police arrested two young men for
allegedly burning a truck. They are currently being held on $900,000 bail
and face 15 to 86 years in prison if convicted.


Mass media and public perceptions are being systematically manipulated by
police departments and other government agencies faced with upcoming mass
protests in their cities. These manipulations are designed to squelch
protest and thereby the message of dissent. A common thread in the current
series of nation-wide protests is a sense that control of government is no
longer in the hands of common people. Governments are effectively squashing
the challenge inherent in this message.

Editorial pages and conversations on the street are full of critiques that
protestors are not clear about what they stand for and seem more interested
in violence than meaningful change. This is as clear a sign as any that
protestor voices have been effectively silenced and police positioning of
protestors is carrying the day.

In addition, activists are scared. Anyone who has been involved in the mass
protest movement through a major event of the last six months has friends
who have been brutalized at the hands of the system. Of the nearly 2500
protest arrests that have happened since November 30, 1999, more than
three-quarters have had all charges dropped and only a small percentage of
arrests have resulted in convictions.

These facts notwithstanding, there is little national debate on police
strongarm tactics. The reason seems clear. Despite the injustice activists
face for speaking their beliefs, the public allows these police tactics
because they have been made tofear activists. Unfortunately, the evidence
for their fear is the result of misinformation by these same police

The costs to police agencies since Seattle are minimal. No chief has been
pressured to resign, no officer has been charged with misbehavior and
requests for special approriations in the millions of dollars for gear and
overtime have been granted.

In Los Angeles we should expect these successful tactics to be repeated.
Step one has been completely implemented. The public knows of thousands of
National Guard soldiers standing ready, units to diffuse weapons of mass
destruction are on stand-by, the public has been asked to phone police
whenever they see someone wearing the political symbol associated with
anarchism: the circle A. The first protestor arrests resulted in felony
charges filed and $20,000 bail for a failed banner hang. Sometime around
August 12th or 13th we should expect some stunning news of impending
protestor violence. Sometime within a day or so thereafter we should expect
a large scale pre-emptive raid or arrest. By the end of the DNC it will be
clear that the stunning news claiming protestor violence earlier in the week
will remain unsubstantiated.

When the full range of political dialogue is no longer being tolerated by
the government, and the general public remain silent about this repression
it will not simply disappear. With debate stifled, energy for change will
instead transform and move underground. Evidence of a growing movement of
covert acts of sabotage indicate that the movement underground is picking up
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Burundi's Tutsis Protest Talks


From: Für eine Welt ohne Rassismus, fewor@no-racism.at


Burundi's Tutsis Protest Talks
Author: Staff Writers
Source: Associated Press
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Action Report

In Bujumbura, Burundi riot police on Saturday August 19, 2000, clubbed Tutsi
demonstrators trying to mobilize opposition to a Burundi peace agreement
that President Clinton is being asked to endorse on a trip to east Africa
next week.

The clash on the streets of the capital, Bujumbura, epitomized the
uncertainty over the accord with Hutu rebels.

President Pierre Buyoya, a retired Tutsi major, said Friday that he and
opposition leaders, including Hutu rebels involved in a seven-year civil
war, have asked former South African President Nelson Mandela to put off the
signing of a power-sharing agreement set for Aug. 28.

Mandela, who has been trying to cut a deal among Burundi's 19 political
parties and interest groups, has invited Clinton and other world leaders to
take part in the signing ceremony in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha.

The White House announced Wednesday that Clinton will visit Tanzania this
month to show U.S. support for the Burundi peace process, but did not
disclose any other details about the trip.

Organizers of Saturday's anti-government demonstration said life in this
central African nation, already beset by a poor economy and an upsurge in
rebel attacks, will get worse if the government agrees to share power with
Hutus who have been fighting the Tutsi-dominated government and army since

"You cannot negotiate with people who carried out a genocide. They should be
tried in court. The peace agreement will have no future," said Lothaire
Niyonkuru, a university lecturer whose group, Action Against Genocide,
organized the rally.

More than 200,000 people have been killed since Tutsi paratroopers
assassinated the first democratically elected president, a Hutu, in October
1993. Burundi's first experiment with democracy collapsed amid ethnic
violence when Hutu politicians and soldiers took up arms, accusing the
Tutsi-dominated army and government of robbing them of the 1993 vote.

At least 10 protesters were arrested and others dispersed by police wielding
clubs when they tried to gather at the downtown market, near the U.S.
Embassy. The embassy was not the target of the protest.

"This is a warning we want to give to Mandela, President Clinton and all the
others who will assist in the signing of the Arusha peace agreement so they
know that the Burundians are against it," said Diomede Rutamucero, leader of
PA-Amasekanya, one of the other groups involved in the protest.

Buyoya on Friday condemned the banned demonstration and accused the
organizers for trying to create "confusion."

"They are people who don't want peace,'' Buyoya told reporters on his return
>from South Africa, where he held talks with Mandela and both Hutu and Tutsi
opposition leaders.

Mandela's draft proposal centers on an ethnically balanced government,
parliament and army. But both the rebels and the government objected to the
proposal, and could not agree on when a cease-fire should take effect and
who should be in charge of a three-year transition period.

If Mandela insists on signing the agreement Aug. 28, "we can extract the
points on which there is consensus and sign and give time to other points
where there is no consensus," Buyoya said.

Hutu rebels, meanwhile, stepped up attacks all over the country, causing
tension in the lakeside capital where gunfire and artillery explosions
echoed from the surrounding mountains on Friday.

Four people, including one soldier, were killed Thursday in Gatumba, west of
Bujumbura, when three military positions came under rebel attack, Radio
Burundi reported. In a separate incident, one rebel was reported killed in
Kanyosha, south of the city.

On Saturday, Buyoya was scheduled to attend the funeral for Col. Balthazar
Nyezimana, the highest-ranking army officer to die in a rebel attack. The
killing has strained the army, which has been ordered not to respond at a
time when violence could easily spin out of control, officials said.

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RIGHTS-BRAZIL: High Correlation Between Skin Colour, Poverty


From: Federico Nier-Fischer, nier_fischer@netway.at

RIGHTS-BRAZIL: High Correlation Between Skin Colour, Poverty

By Mario Osava

RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 20 (IPS) - People with dark skin in Brazil
suffer a highly unequal level of development, a disproportionate
poverty rate and difficulties of social ascent, as reflected by
the fact that not a single member of the diplomatic corps is of
African descent, activists complain.

The fight against discrimination has picked up steam in Latin
America's giant in the runup to the United Nations World
Conference Against Racism, to be held next year in South Africa,
and as part of the debate on the inclusion of economic and social
rights in the government's National Programme on Human Rights.

A recent study found a close correlation between poverty and
dark skin colour in Brazil, pointing to a high level of racial

The United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Human
Development Index (HDI), which measures life expectancy, school
enrollment and per capita income, ranked Brazil 79th among 174
countries classified in 1999, with an HDI of 0.739.

But while Brazil, one of the world's 10 largest economies, has
a relatively low ranking, the HDI for people of African descent (a
category comprising all those who described themselves as
''black'' or ''brown'' in the last census) would stand at 0.671 --
even lower than that of the population of South Africa, which
freed itself of a racist political regime in 1994.

According to a study by the Federation of Entities of Social
Assistance and Education, Brazilians of African descent would thus
rank 108th, compared to a ranking of 49th for people who figure in
the census as ''white.''

Andrea Coutro, with the Centre for the Articulation of
Marginalised Populations (CEAP), said Brazil's latest census
estimated people of African descent at 45.2 percent of a total
population of 167 million, while 54 percent described themselves
as ''white'', and only 0.8 percent as ''yellow'' (including the
0.2 percent of the population counted as indigenous).

Such distinctions are complex in a country with such a highly
racially mixed population.

The gap between ''whites'' and people of African descent in
this country is twice as wide as the gap in the United States, a
country notorious for its racial tension, pointed out economist
Marcelo Paixao, the chief author of the study by the Federation of
Entities of Social Assistance and Education.

Depending on the source of the estimate, one-third to half of
the population in Brazil lives below the poverty line. A
presidential adviser, Vilmar Faria, says 13.9 percent of
Brazilians -- in other words, around 21 million people -- live in
extreme poverty. The campaign against hunger, meanwhile, refers to
32 million chronically malnourished people.

Faria also recognises that 69 percent of the poor in Brazil are
''black'' or ''brown''.

The fact that a disproportionate percentage of the poor in
Brazil are dark-skinned means the fight against racial
discrimination inevitably overlaps with the struggle for social
rights. The National Movement for Human Rights (MNDH) recognises
that in its attempt to get the government programme for human
rights to incorporate its proposals.

The international secretary of the MNDH, Pierre Roy, a Catholic
priest from Haiti who has been working in Brazil for eight years,
says the top priority is to bring the black population's access to
public services into line with that of whites, in order to
eventually improve conditions for everyone.

According to official statistics, only 26 and 49.7 percent of
Brazilians of African descent have adequate housing and basic
sanitation, respectively, compared to 54 and 73.6 percent of those
counted by the census as white.

The gap in living conditions is also reflected by the infant
mortality rate, which stands at 62 per 1,000 live births among
Afro-Brazilians and 37 per 1,000 among whites, according to the
latest figures, from 1996. A similar difference is seen in
education, with the illiteracy rate among blacks twice as high as
that of whites.

Affirmative action programmes, such as reserving 40 percent of
places in public universities or setting hiring quotas for people
of colour, figure among the proposals that organisations of civil
society are pushing to get included in the programme that the
government is preparing to study in 2001, which is to incorporate
economic, social and cultural rights.

An effective human rights and anti-poverty plan must be focused
on people of African descent, stressed Coutro, at the Centre for
the Articulation of Marginalised Populations (CEAP).

The executive secretary of CEAP, Ivanir dos Santos, said that
demanding that quotas be set, even small or unfeasible ones, was a
''means to trigger a debate and lay bare the existing

For example, it would be enough simply to demand that a five
percent quota be set for people of colour on Brazil's diplomatic
corps to highlight the existing discrimination, because there has
never yet been even a single black ambassador, he pointed out.

Similar discrimination exists in the navy and the air force,
which demand a high level of technical training, added Dos Santos.

Women were successful in getting a 30 percent quota reserved
for female candidates in elections ''because it favours the middle
class,'' said Dos Santos, who argued that a similar measure for
blacks in universities or certain professions ran up against heavy
opposition because it would in effect benefit the poor.

Besides affirmative action-style measures, non-governmental
organisations want the government's new National Programme on
Human Rights to go beyond mere lip service and good intentions.

The new plan must replace the current vague promises to
''support and stimulate'' equality with ''concrete targets and
timeframes'' for securing that objective, said Roy, who
inaugurated the MNDH office in Rio de Janeiro early this week.

Other demands by activists are that a ''living'' minimum
monthly salary be set, six times the current 151 reals (84
dollars); broader land reform with more credit available to
beneficiaries; and access by blacks to social security, of which
most are now deprived because they work in the informal sector of
the economy.

Human rights groups point out that although Brazil is a
signatory to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, the government has failed to deliver either of
the two reports due on its progress in adopting policies
advocating such rights.

Moreover, the government as well as organisations of civil
society have limited their focus so far on advocating political
and civil rights, something that ''has to change, because without
solutions for the grave social problems, like extreme poverty,
human rights cannot exist,'' said Roy.

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6 zu 5 für die Blauen/Fußball-Widerstand


From: Volkstanz-Pressedienst, volkstanz@t0.or.at

6 zu 5 für die Blauen

Was wie das Ergebnis eines Hegemonie-Wettkampfes innerhalb der
österreichischen Regierung aussehen mag ist tatsächlich der Ausgang des
Fußball-Ereignisses dieses Wochenendes: Die Mannschaft (tatsächlich nahmen
keine Frauen an dem Spiel teil) des 33-45 Stores in den blauen
Electronic-Resistance T-Shirts bezwang die Equipe des Blackmarkets in den
orangen Hemden mit 6:5. Das Freundschaftsspiel der Plattenläden, das im
Rahmen der Samstagsdemo von volkstanz.net am Wiener Heldenplatz stattfand
verlief "hart aber fair". Ob nunmehr damit auch Fußball bereits ein
unverwechselbares Symbol des Widerstandes gegen dieses Regierung ist, wie
das durch volkstanz.net mit elektronischer Musik in Wien der Fall ist,
bleibt abzuwarten. Ein erster Schritt zur Sportpolitisierung ist hiemit
---Rückfragen an volkstanz@t0.or.at mit "PD" am Beginn der Betreffzeile



From: KP-Bundesvorstand, kpoe.buvo@magnet.at

Baier (KPÖ): Van der Bellen übt sich im Konsens
EU-konforme Budgetsanierung eint alle Parlamentsparteien

Wien - (KPÖ-PD): Als "entspannte Sommerplauderei ohne besondere politische
Substanz könnte das ORF-Sommergespräch mit Alexander Van der Bellen gerade
noch durchgehen, wäre da nicht auch das fatale Signal einer
Koalitionsfähigkeit der Grünen mit der ÖVP", erklärt KPÖ Vorsitzender
Walter Baier zum gestrigen ORF-Sommergespräch.

Kein Wunder ist für Baier, "daß sich die konservativsten KommentatorInnen
vor Begeisterung über einen solchen Oppositionsführer geradezu
überschlagen und ständig steigende Sympathiewerte herbei schreiben. Die
prinzipielle Konsensbereitschaft Van der Bellens zeigt, worin das
tatsächliche Problem der österreichischen Politik besteht: Darin nämlich,
daß sich im Grunde alle vier Parlamentsparteien darüber einig sind, in den
nächsten Jahren eine EU-konforme Budgetsanierung auf Kosten der abhängig
Beschäftigten, der Frauen und der Arbeitslosen zu betreiben. Auf einer
solchen Grundlage lassen sich dann tatsächlich Koalitionen in jede nur
denkbare Richtung schmieden".

Notwendig wäre aber - so Baier - "eine Opposition, die grundsätzlich
Widerspruch und Widerstand gegen den neoliberalen Umbau des
österreichischen Kapitalismus anmeldet. Zu fragen wäre etwa, wer
hauptsächlich die Steuerlasten trägt und wem sie in den vergangen Jahren
im steigenden Ausmaß zugute gekommen sind. Auch im internationalen
Vergleich, der einem Ökonomen vom Fach ja wohl geläufig ist, ergibt sich,
daß etwa die Besteuerung von großen Vermögen und Erbschaften in Österreich
auf einem skandalös niedrigen Niveau liegt. Van der Bellens
schmeichelweiche Ansagen beweisen einmal mehr, daß die heutige Grüne
Prominenz sich in diesen Fragen nicht gegen den neoliberalen Zeitgeist
stellen wird".

Infos von und über die KPÖ unter "http://www.kpoe.at"

Steirischer KPÖ-Vorsitzender würdigt Leo Trotzki


From: Franz Parteder, kp.stmk@nextra.at

60 Jahre nach der Ermordung:
Steirischer KPÖ-Vorsitzender würdigt Leo Trotzki

Vor 60 Jahren, am 20. August 1940, wurde der russische Revolutionär Leo
Trotzki in Mexiko von einem Agenten der Geheimpolizei Stalins ermordet.
Dieser Gedenktag ist für den steirischen KPÖ-Vorsitzenden Franz Stephan
Parteder der gegebene Anlass, um festzuhalten, dass eine Geschichte der
Oktoberrevolution und der frühen Jahre der Sowjetunion nicht geschrieben
werden kann, ohne den Beitrag Trotzkis in all seiner Differenziertheit zu
Parteder: " In der Auseinandersetzung mit Stalin in Sowjetrussland und in
den Jahren des Exils hat Trotzki darüber hinaus versucht, sich über die
gesellschaftlichen Grundlagen und die Struktur des Stalinismus klar zu
werden. Er glaubte sie in der Herrschaft der Bürokratie gefunden haben. Von
diesem Ansatz leiten sich verschiedenste Erklärungsmodelle der
Gesellschaftsentwicklung her. Für Kommunisten muss es nach den Umbrüchen
der letzten Jahrzehnte selbstverständlich sein, die Frage nach dem
strukturellen Stalinismus zu stellen und dabei auch auf Erkenntnisse
zurückzugreifen, die Trotzki in der persönlichen Auseinandersetzung mit
seinen Widersachern in der sowjetischen Parteispitze gewonnen hatte."

Während stalinistische Losungen in unserer Bewegung keine Rolle mehr
spielen, werden die Mechanismen der bürokratischen Leitungstätigkeit in der
kommunistischen Bewegung, die auf Stalin zurückgehen, kaum hinterfragt.
Wichtigstes Gegenbeispiel dafür war in der KPÖ der Reformparteitag 1991, in
dem versucht wurde, dem zentralistischen, von der leidvollen Geschichte
geprägten Parteimodell ein föderalistisches und basisdemokratisches
entgegenzustellen, das nicht von einer allwissenden Führungsgruppe, sondern
davon ausgeht, dass jedes einzelne Mitglied Miteigentümer der Partei ist.
Leider wurden in den letzten Jahren diese Neuerungen in der KPÖ wieder
schrittweise zurückgenommen.

Parteder: "Ich frage mich oft, wie ein Mensch mit ähnlichen
Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen wie Stalin heute in unserer Bewegung agieren würde.
Ganz sicher würde er keine stalinistischen Phrasen verwenden, sondern sich
als Erneuerer und Antistalinist ausgeben. Entscheidend wäre für ihn aber die
Kontrolle über den Apparat und das Besetzen wichtiger Positionen mit
Vertrauensleuten, die von der Führungsperson auf die verschiedenste Weise
materiell bzw. moralisch abhängig gemacht werden.
Trotzki hat diese Seite des Handelns von Stalin sehr genau beschrieben. Auch
deshalb ist er sechzig Jahre nach seinem Tod für uns alle noch wichtig.

Aktionen anläßlich des mexikanischen Nationentages auf der Expo


From: Infogruppe Hamburg ifghh@mail.nadir.org

PRESSEERKLÄRUNG An die internationale Presse
An die internationale Öffentlichkeit

Betriff: Aktionen anläßlich des mexikanischen Nationentages auf der Expo

Hannover, 20. August 2000
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir haben heute, am Nationentag Mexikos auf der Weltausstellung "Expo" in
Hannover das offizielle Programm um wichtige Informationen bereichert, die
den Organisatoren unterschlagen werden sollten.
Heute ist auch der Tag der Gouverneurswahlen im mexikanischen Bundesstaat
Chiapas, welcher unter dem Eindruck des Krieges und der Unterdrückung gegen
oppositionelle indigene und bäuerliche Bevölkerung stattfindet.

Wir, mehrere Dutzend Aktive aus dem Solidaritäts- und Menschenrechtsbereich,
haben mit Transparenten, Flugblättern und Aktionen auf die fatalen Folgen
mexikanischen Regierungspolitik aufmerksam gemacht, der Jahr für Jahr
vor allem indigener Menschen zum Opfer fallen und die Tausende von
Unterprivilegierten ohne jede Legitimation
in mexikanischen Gefängnissen gefangenhält.

Verschiedene Gruppen haben gegen diese Mißstände protestiert und die
Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die rassistische und soziale Ausgrenzung und die
rücksichtslose neoliberale Politik der mexikanischen Elite angeklagt. Eine
Aktion fand um 10.30 Uhr auf der Expo-Plaza während der Rede des
Ministers, eine weitere gegen 19 Uhr
auf dem mexikanischen Pavillon statt. Mehrere Hundert Menschen konnten
erreicht werden. Der Sicherheitsdienst reagierte hektisch, es gab mehrere
Festnahmen, die Inhaftierten wurden aber nach ca. 1 Stunde wieder

Auf der Expo wird ein Mexiko des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs, der
Demokratisierung und des kulturellen Reichtums präsentiert.
In der Realität führen jedoch die Auswirkungen der Freihandelsabkommen
Mexiko, den USA und Kanada (seit dem 1.7.2000 auch zwischen Mexiko und der
sowie die repressive Innenpolitik zur Verelendung insbesondere der indigenen
Bevölkerung und zu folgenschweren Einschnitten in die Sozial- und

Werden diese Mißstände von engagierten gesellschaftlichen Gruppen, wie
Studierenden, Gewerkschaften, Frauenbewegung, Menschenrechtsgruppen oder
Indígena-Organisationen öffentlich gemacht und bekämpft, reagiert der
mexikanische Staat nachweislich mit Repression, Inhaftierung, Folter und

Mit unseren Aktionen am heutigen Nationentag manifestieren wir unsere
Solidarität mit der Zapatistischen Befreiungsarmee EZLN, den kämpfenden
Studierenden und allen weiteren progressiven und revolutionären Kräften
die sich für Demokratie, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit einsetzen.

Für eine Welt, in die viele Welten passen!
La lucha sigue! Der Kampf geht weiter!
Viva la revolucion social! Es lebe die soziale Revolution!

Ya-Basta-Netzwerk in Solidarität mit der Zapatistischen Bewegung

Altos mandos se mueven ya para reformar el Ejército


From: soli mexico

* Movimientos de generales en activo y retirados

Buscarían "restarle poder" al próximo titular de la Defensa

* Discuten sobre la integración de la jefatura de las tres armas

David Aponte y Jesús Aranda * Al interior del Ejército hay movimientos de
diversos sectores, de generales en activo y retirados de los tres grados
brigadier y división), encaminados a buscar la restructuración de esa
institución, con el propósito de "restar poder" al próximo titular de la
Secretaría de la Defensa
Nacional (Sedena), y abrir la posibilidad de que civiles participen en el
alto mando de las fuerzas armadas.

Los grupos interesados en la reforma militar discuten la necesidad de crear
una nueva secretaría que integre a los mandos del Ejército, Armada de
México y Fuerza
Aérea, en un Estado Mayor Conjunto. El proyecto llevaría a la desaparición
de la Secretaría de Marina y de la comandancia de la Fuerza Aérea.

El conflicto en Chiapas también es tema de debate entre los altos mandos,
algunos de los cuales quieren el retiro de las tropas acantonadas en la
región, como un
factor esencial para lograr una solución política en aquella entidad.

En forma inédita, generales en activo y retirados tratan de ventilar en la
opinión pública la necesidad de un cambio de la institución armada, de cara
al triunfo de la
oposición en los comicios presidenciales del 2 de julio. Por primera vez,
ofrecen puntos de vista con una frase que podría ser interpretada como un
disenso: "Ya no
aceptamos el dicho de 'cartucheras al cañón, quepan o no quepan'".

Sin embargo, y como es tradicional al interior del Ejército, mantienen la
disciplina, y piden que sus nombres no sean manejados, "porque no es poco
lo que está en
juego y hay muchos intereses económicos y políticos creados".

Como ejemplo, mencionan que el general secretario tiene actualmente un
férreo control en todos los ámbitos de las fuerzas armadas: administra e
imparte la justicia
militar; tiene a su cargo las prisiones de la institución; maneja los
bancos del Ejército, y controla las fábricas de armas y uniformes.

A pesar del enorme poder económico, político y armado, el titular de la
Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional no rinde cuentas a nadie. El general
secretario no
comparece ante el Congreso de la Unión ni da a conocer su declaración
patrimonial, no obstante que el marco jurídico castrense obliga a la
presentación de

Con la idea central de restar poderío al futuro titular de la Sedena y
abrir la puerta al mando civil en algunos renglones de la institución
armada, diversos sectores del
Ejército, principalmente generales, plantean al menos dos proyectos para
modificar el organigrama de las fuerzas armadas.

Actualmente, las mismas están estructuradas de la siguiente manera:

Comandante supremo (presidente de la República), secretario de la Defensa
Nacional y titular de la Secretaría de Marina.

La Sedena tiene una subsecretaría, la oficina del oficial mayor, el Estado
Mayor Presidencial (integrado por miembros del Ejército y de la Armada), la
de la Fuerza Aérea, la jefatura del Estado Mayor de la Defensa Nacional,
las coma ndancias de las 12 regiones militares del país y las direcciones
de Armas y

La jefatura del
Estado Mayor de la Defensa Nacional cuenta con dos subjefaturas, una
Operativa y otra
Administrativa, y cinco secciones: Personal, Inteligencia, Operaciones,
Logística y
Planeación. Los servicios del Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea están organizados por
las direcciones de
Ingenieros, Servicio Cartográfico, Trasmisiones, Materiales de Guerra,
Administración, Intendencia, Sanidad, Justicia, Veterinaria y Remonta, Control
de Vuelo y Material

La comandancia de
la Fuerza Aérea tiene bajo su mando a las comandancias regionales y al
Estado Mayor Aéreo. Las 12 comandancias regionales están por arriba de las
41 zonas militares.

Por otra parte, la Secretaría de Marina tiene otra estructura: la jefatura
del Estado Mayor Naval y las comandancias de Zona Naval. De la primera
dependen las subjefaturas Operativa y de Administración. De la segunda,

las comandancias de Sector Naval.

Un grupo de militares de alto rango propone la integración las tres fuerzas
armadas, el Ejército, la Armada de México y la Fuerza Aérea, bajo el mando
de un
Estado Mayor Conjunto, situación que llevaría a la desaparición de la
Secretaría de Marina.

La iniciativa castrense está planteada de la siguiente forma: Secretaría de
la Defensa, a cargo de un general de división en activo o retirado, sin
descartar la posibilidad de un mando civil.

El titular de la dependencia tendría bajo su mando una subsecretaría, ya
sin oficialía mayor ("que actualmente sólo administra a las bandas de
música", según algunos generales). Después de la subsecretaría estaría

la jefatura del Estado Mayor Conjunto.

Esa jefatura tendría tres secciones que aglutinarían las tres armas o
fuerzas militares: estados mayores del Ejército, de la Armada y de la
Fuerza Aérea. La jefatura
del Estado Mayor Conjunto sería "rotativa" por un periodo de dos años, para
que altos mandos de las tres armas estuvieran al frente; "esto para que no haya
predominio de un arma sobre las otras dos". Debajo de este nuevo
organigrama seguirían las direcciones de Armas y Servicios.

Obviamente, la restructuración de las fuerzas armadas requiere de
modificaciones a legislaciones de la administración pública, entre ellas,
la Ley Orgánica del
Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea mexicanos, el Código de Justicia Militar y
algunos reglamentos internos, de acuerdo con los militares que discuten la
modernización del sector.

En este punto proponen la redacción de una ley de cuadros militares que
delimite la cantidad de rangos y la estricta aplicación del escalafón ("a
veces utilizado para
favorecer a algunos miembros de la institución"). El marco legal permitiría
también la elaboración del presupuesto anual de las fuerzas armadas.

Los militares consideran que esta iniciativa podría ser discutida por un
comité de expertos de las fuerzas armadas y senadores y diputados, para su
presentación a la 58 Legislatura del Congreso de la Unión.

La segunda propuesta de restructuración de la Sedena sólo difiere en cuanto
a la creación de algunas áreas dentro de la institución y el nombre que
llevaría la sección
que aglutinaría a las tres fuerzas armadas.

Bajo esta visión de otro sector del Ejército, la dependencia estaría
integrada de la siguiente forma: un titular militar o civil ("para darle
representación a la sociedad en
un país democrático"), tres subsecretarías, una de Operaciones, una de
Administración y otra de Apoyo Social (estas instancias podrían estar en
manos de civiles, y
la última permitiría atender a la población de escasos recursos de manera
permanente y no sólo en casos de desastres naturales), una jefatura del
Estado Mayor
General con sus tres comandantes o jefes del Ejército, Armada y Fuerza Aérea.

Al igual que en el primer proyecto, la jefatura del Estado Mayor General
sería rotativa, aunque esta propuesta no define el tiempo de gestión del
militar al mando.

De acuerdo con la discusión de los grupos al interior del Ejército,
cualquiera de las dos opciones restaría capacidad de operación y poder
económico y político al

próximo secretario de la Defensa Nacional, quien ya no manejaría toda la
infraestructura de la institución, como los bancos y la fabricación de las

Independientemente del debate sobre la reforma de las fuerzas armadas de
cara al próximo gobierno surgido del PAN, algunos generales en activo y
discuten el tema de Chiapas, principalmente el retiro de las tropas.

Para uno de los sectores del Ejército, el nuevo gobierno tiene que aplicar
los acuerdos de San Andrés; reiniciar el diálogo con el Ejército Zapatista
de Liberación
Nacional; desarmar a los grupos paramilitares, y sacar a las tropas de la
zona de conflicto, para dar una salida política y negociada al problema.

La Sedena dejaría una "pequeña guarnición armada para conservar la paz en
Chiapas", según esta idea.

De esta forma, algunos mandos militares ya discuten frente a los medios de
comunicación las reformas que desde su punto de vista requieren las fuerzas
armadas del
país, asuntos que en el pasado fueron intocables en el terreno civil.

* El EMP inspeccionó la casa donde despacha Fox

Korrodi solicita a Hacienda 100 mdp para el periodo de transición

* Con voluntad, en un minuto habría solución en Chiapas: Elizondo

Juan Manuel Venegas * Unos minutos después de que el operador financiero de
Vicente Fox Quesada, Lino Korrodi, informara que solicitaron a la Secretaría de
Hacienda cien millones de pesos para sortear los gastos del periodo de
transición, a la residencia 607 de Paseo de la Reforma hizo su arribo el
general de brigada
José Armando Tamayo Casillas, para personalmente ''inspeccionar'' la casa
en la que despachará el futuro presidente hasta el próximo primero de

Y si en materia de seguridad y recursos materiales el equipo del
guanajuatense se esmera por tener todos los detalles, "hasta el más
mínimo", cubierto al cien por
ciento (Korrodi dixit), en cuestiones políticas se "arma de valor" y lanza,
en voz de Rodolfo Elizondo, un nuevo reto: "si hay voluntad política del
EZLN, no necesitamos ni 10 ni 15 minutos para solucionar el conflicto

en Chiapas... ¡en un minuto lo resolvemos!".

El virtual presidente electo, en tanto, suspendió no se informaron los
motivos la reunión que tenía programada con la secretaria de Relaciones
Exteriores, Rosario
Green Macías, y por la mañana sólo se entrevistó con los dirigentes del
Partido del Trabajo (PT), Alberto Anaya y José Narro, quienes definieron a
su organización
como representante de ''la nueva izquierda'' y aprovecharon para
deslindarse del PRD, instituto con el que formaron la Alianza por México
para contender en los pasados comicios del 2 de julio.

''Si los perredistas quieren seguir por el camino de la confrontación con
el próximo gobierno, ¡allá ellos!'', comentó Anaya.

Por otra parte, la oficina de prensa del candidato electo confirmó que
entre el 7 y el 10 de agosto, Fox viajará a Chile, Argentina y Brasil, para
entrevistarse con los mandatarios de las tres naciones.

Korrodi sigue en su chamba

Apenas nombrado por Fox Quesada coordinador de asuntos administrativos del
equipo para la transición, Lino Korrodi empezó a hacer la chamba que bien
le sale.

Korrodi se encargó de allegar los recursos que el entonces precandidato
panista necesitó para su promoción; una vez que se formalizó la candidatura
de Fox y
arrancó oficialmente el proceso electoral del año 2000, el empresario
tamaulipeco se dio el lujo de conseguir, por financiamiento externo, 200
millones de pesos,
casi la misma cantidad (215) que aportaron el PAN y el PVEM.

Ahora Korrodi sigue en el mismo trabajo, sólo que esta vez su contraparte
no serán los empresarios sino el gobierno federal, al que intenta convencer
de autorizarle una partida de cien millones de pesos para los gastos del

para la transición del poder.

La próxima semana, según informó, esperan la respuesta de la Secretaría de
Hacienda y manifestó su confianza de que alcanzarán la suma de su petición.

Reapareció el EMP

El general de brigada diplomado de Estado Mayor, José Armando Tamayo
Casillas, visitó por segunda ocasión en dos semanas al candidato triunfador.

Esta vez, además de seguir ''las pláticas'' con el equipo de transición
inspeccionó la residencia de las Lomas donde Fox despacha desde hace cuatro

Acompañado por Carlos Rojas, el militar llegó al número 607 de Paseo de la
Reforma pasado el mediodía. Revisó personalmente el inmueble, las puertas
de accesoy salida, altura de los muros, alambrado, área de estacionamiento y

tiempos de ascenso y descenso vehicular. Asimismo, conoció de las posiciones

que guardan los integrantes de la escolta privada que se encargan de la

personal del futuro mandatario.

Tamayo permaneció por espacio de dos horas en el inmueble y según lo que
trascendió, no se descarta que de un momento a otro el Estado Mayor
(EMP) y el equipo de Fox lleguen a un acuerdo para que el cuerpo de la
elite militar se haga cargo de la seguridad del guanajuatense.

El minuto de Elizondo

Salvo sus encuentros con el general Tamayo y los dirigentes petistas, Fox
dedicó ayer la mayor parte de su tiempo a sostener acuerdos con sus
colaboradores. Entre
ellos, Rodolfo Elizondo y Santiago Creel, de la coordinación política,
hablaron de Chiapas y de las negociaciones que entablarán con otras fuerzas
partidistas. Creel
incluso insistió en que ''en breve'' realizarán una visita a ''todos los
gobernadores'' de los estados de la República y destacó el interés del
futuro presidente por reunirse con la dirigencia nacional del PRI.

Con el senador Elizondo, ex integrante de la Cocopa, la conversación se
centró en el conflicto de Chiapas. Confirmó que él y Luis H. Alvarez son
los encargados
por Fox para intentar el contacto con el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación
Nacional (EZLN), y negó que hasta ahora hayan sostenido algún contacto con la
comandancia guerrillera.

Se está trabajando en una agenda, explicó, que en principio contempla
llamar a ''todos los actores importantes que han estado involucrados en las
negociaciones de
paz, para que aporten sus ideas y experiencias, antes de pretender un
encuentro entre Fox y el subcomandante Marcos''.

Consideró que un elemento que podría contribuir en ''buena medida'' para la
distensión en esa entidad, es lograr una absoluta limpieza y transparencia
en los comicios locales que se celebrarán el 20 de agosto.

Al pedírsele su opinión sobre la carta que el nóbel José Saramago envió la
semana pasada a Fox, advirtiéndole que si hay voluntad el conflicto en
Chiapas podría
resolverse en 10 minutos, Elizondo tomó la palabra: ''Estamos de acuerdo...
¡hasta en un minuto lo resolvemos!'', subrayó.

Denuncian estudiantes amenazas de muerte

Señora directora: Quienes suscribimos la presente, estudiantes
universitarios de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y de la
Universidad Ibero Americana, por este medio denunciamos que el día de
ayer, 18 de julio del 2000, recibimos vía correo electrónico una nueva
amenaza de muerte.

En el texto se nos emplaza como última advertencia, a que dejemos de
realizar nuestro trabajo relacionado con las comunidades indígenas de
Chiapas. Esto se refiere a que efectivamente, estamos preparando un
proyecto universitario de solidaridad con dichas comunidades.

Enrique Pineda (UAM-A), Alejandro Dionisio (UAM-A), Víctor
García Zapata (UAM-X), Citlali Fuentes (UAM-X), César Aguilera
(UAM-X), Rodrigo Madrigal (UIA)

Llaman a presentación de un video

Señora directora: Mucho agradeceremos la publicación de la siguiente
carta, en la que invitamos a la sociedad civil y a los universitarios a la
presentación nacional del video La guerra contra los pueblos indios, a
realizarse hoy a las 18 horas en la sala Lucio Mendieta de la Facultad de
Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM. Posterior a la presentación se
llevará a cabo el foro de discusión titulado "Condiciones del conflicto en
Chiapas". Además aprovechamos para invitarlos "A bailar por Chiapas" en
la casa Javier Barros Sierra (junto al Zócalo de Tlalpan) el viernes por la

Atentamente: coordinación de foros del concierto "A cumplir los
acuerdos de San Andrés". Daniel Barrón, Emiliano Monge, Marco
Velázquez, y ocho firmas más


Generales, por el retiro de tropas en Chiapas como vía de distensión

* Sólo entre 23 divisionarios se deciden los cargos

Abrir promociones, demanda de militares a Vicente Fox

* Proponen hacer públicos los expedientes de los aspirantes

Jesús Aranda y David Aponte * El nombramiento del secretario de la Defensa
Nacional (Sedena) en el
gabinete del próximo gobierno ha generado una lucha abierta por el poder entre
militares de diferentes
corrientes que aspiran al cargo, pero también, la demanda de sectores
tradicionalmente relegados para que el
próximo presidente de la República "abra" su abanico de posibilidades y no se
limite a elegir entre los 23
divisionarios que hay en activo 19 de los cuales ascendieron en el presente
sexenio, sino que también
considere a generales retirados "que tengan prestigio" y den paso a la
transformación a fondo que necesitan las
fuerzas armadas.

Si Fox habla de un cambio, debe empezar por el Ejército y por la forma en que
seleccionará a su secretario de
la Defensa, afirma por su parte el general retirado Luis Garfias, quien
emplaza al panista a que haga públicos los
expedientes de los aspirantes, con su hoja de servicio, los años en que
obtuvieron sus ascensos y su declaración
patrimonial, para que, efectivamente, se designe al mejor.

Sin embargo, a diferencia de la ebullición interna que hay en el Ejército por
la persona que sustituirá al general de división Enrique Cervantes Aguirre,
para el equipo
de transición nombrado por Vicente Fox no ha sido tomado en cuenta el tema de
las fuerzas armadas.

Cuando todavía se daba casi por descontado que triunfaría el PRI, había tres
candidatos "naturales" los generales de división Juan Heriberto Salinas Altés,
Reta Trigos y José Angel García Elizalde; pero después, cuando se perfiló la
posibilidad de que el PAN triunfara, se llevaron a cabo encuentros entre el aún
candidato con cinco generales opuestos a la "continuidad" en el mando del
Ejército Mexicano.

De acuerdo con fuentes castrenses, los generales que sostuvieron encuentros
con Fox desde el año pasado son: José Domingo Ramírez Garrido Abreu y Jesús
Alvarez Pérez (divisionarios en activo), así como José Alvarez Pérez, Isidoro
Alcaraz (generales de brigada en activo) y Alberto Quintanar López (retirado),
otros. Hasta la fecha, ninguno de ellos ha negado públicamente haberse reunido
con Fox.

A partir de estas pláticas y del triunfo de Fox el pasado 2 de julio, se
fortaleció una corriente en contra de la "continuidad" de generales cercanos en
su momento al
candidato priísta Francisco Labastida, o en el caso del jefe del Estado Mayor
de la Sedena, Juan Humberto Salinas Altés, a quien se considera en medios
que tiene el apoyo directo de Cervantes Aguirre.

Según fuentes militares, la situación se tornó favorable para tres generales
de división que tienen prestigio al interior de las fuerzas armadas, aunque
claro, con sus
diversos matices.

Así las cosas, a quien se ha nombrado más insistentemente es al general
Ramírez Garrido Abreu, quien conoció a Fox siendo jefe de la zona militar en
Según medios castrenses, el acercamiento de este general con el panista fue la
causa de que hace unas semanas Cervantes Aguirre lo destituyera de su cargo y lo
dejara un tiempo "a disposición", para ubicarlo finalmente en la dirección del
Instituto de Seguridad Social de las fuerzas armadas.

Pero también dio lugar a que militares que no comparten la forma en que se
manejó en la actual administración al Ejército su masiva presencia en Chiapas,
participación en el combate al narcotráfico y en tareas de seguridad pública,
así como la excesiva disciplina y sanciones disciplinarias, tomaran en cuenta a
como Mario Renán Castillo Fernández y Delfino Palmerín Cordero.

Renán Fernández fue comandante de la región militar con sede en Tuxtla
Gutiérrez relevó en el cargo al general que también en su momento fue
Miguel Angel Godínez Bravo, después pasó a la sede en Torreón, Coahuila, en
donde permanece. Mientras que Palmerín Cordero fue comandante de la zona
militar con sede en Ixtepec, Oaxaca, y actualmente es comandante general del
Cuerpo del Ejército.

Una característica común que tienen estos generales es que los tres tuvieron
en su momento diferencias con Cervantes Aguirre, que enfriaron su relación con
el titular
de la Sedena, además que son conocidos porque han tenido un roce más activo
con el medio civil. En este contexto, Garrido Abreu fue director de la policía
Distrito Federal en los ochenta, lo que es visto por otros miembros del
Ejército como un símbolo de desconfianza.

De acuerdo con información publicada, el general Godínez Bravo contaría con el
apoyo de 80 generales retirados para encabezar la Sedena en el gobierno de Fox;
pero según medios castrenses, en las actuales circunstancias los generales
retirados no tienen ningún peso específico para hacer este tipo de propuestas;
el desarr
ollo de su carrera militar por más de 20 años en el Estado Mayor Presidencial
tampoco le es favorable, e
incluso se afirma que su estado de salud no es el mejor.

Además, en medios castrenses se considera que un apoyo de este tipo requeriría
de una línea expresa del
general Cervantes, lo cual genera dudas sobre el objetivo de la propuesta.

En este contexto, señalan los informantes que entre los 19 generales de
división que ascendieron a este grado
bajo la actual administración destacan, entre otros, Roberto Badillo Martínez,
Rigoberto Castillejos Adriano,
Jesús Alvarez Pérez, Rigoberto Rivera Hernández, Abraham Campos López, Gerardo
Clemente Ricardo Vega
García, Luis Montiel López, Alfredo Hernández Pimentel, Mario Ayón Rodríguez,
Luis Humberto López
Portillo Leal y Fausto Manuel Zamorano.

Ante la falta de una posición clara del equipo de Vicente Fox sobre la forma
en que elegirá a su secretario de
Defensa, surgen opiniones como la del general de división retirado Luis
Garfias Magaña, quien plantea de entrada que, en virtud que no hay una ley de
cuadros en el
Ejército, y debido al favoritismo que ha prevalecido para el ascenso
vertiginoso de algunos militares tan sólo Cervantes Aguirre saltó de coronel a
general de
división en seis años, durante la administración de Félix Galván López, cuando
el tiempo normal para estas promociones es de doce años, se ha tergiversado la
trayectoria de gran parte de los divisionarios, al haberse "saltado" la
antigüedad de sus compañeros de generación. Además, demanda el general que el
proceso de
selección sea abierto, que los expedientes de todos los divisionarios se hagan

Incluso, Garfias rechazó la posibilidad de que Fox ascendiera a algún general
de brigada a divisionario el próximo 20 de noviembre, con el propósito de
cumplir con
el requisito que establece la ley del Ejército, en el sentido que debe ser un
general de división el titular de la Sedena. Eso sería inaudito, porque se
daría el absurdo
de que un militar le ordenara a quienes fueron sus superiores; en otros países
eso significaría el retiro inmediato de los generales de mayor antigüedad,
sobre todo
por cuestión de dignidad.

Por otra parte, Garfias comparte la opinión de otros miembros de las fuerzas
armadas, en el sentido de que en Fox tienen la opción de nombrar también a un
retirado, que dé paso a la "transición" y una restructuración a fondo de la

La idea de algunos militares es que Vicente Fox "no cometa el error" de
aceptar las propuestas que le "induzca" el secretario Cervantes Aguirre, sino
que tenga el
manejo completo de la situación y del nombramiento.

A pesar del compromiso de Vicente Fox de "conocer los expedientes" de los
divisionarios para nombrar al titular de la Sedena, el interés del virtual
presidente electo
en el tema de las fuerzas armadas quedó en entredicho, cuando no hizo alusión
alguna a este sector y cuando dio a conocer las comisiones para la transición
de su

Es más, señalaron fuentes castrenses, la lucha desatada por la titularidad de
la Sedena; el desbordamiento inédito de propuestas y autopropuestas que, por
vez, han salido a la luz pública, y la necesidad de restañar las heridas que
dejará como saldo la administración de Cervantes Aguirre por la excesiva
sanciones infundadas, participación creciente del Ejército en asuntos que no
son de su competencia, como el combate al narcotráfico y su participación
creciente en
labores policiacas; la desgastante presencia militar en Chiapas y el
descrédito continuo que ello significa para el instituto armado, demandan del
próximo presidente
una atención especial.

En este contexto, hay militares que plantean la necesidad de que Fox designe a
un general retirado o a un civil con capacidad suficiente, que se encargue
exclusivamente de encauzar el proceso de acercamiento con el Ejército y la
Armada, así como la designación de sus próximos titulares.

De acuerdo con fuentes cercanas al equipo de Vicente Fox, existe la idea de
nombrar a un general "que no haya egresado del Colegio Militar", lo cual, de
con especialistas consultados, carece de sentido y sólo demuestra la falta de
conocimiento del ámbito militar entre el equipo cercano de Vicente Fox.

Que el elegido sea un general de servicios es decir, ingeniero, médico, de
justicia militar, etcétera, fue calificado de "absurdo", en virtud que estos
militares de
servicio sólo pueden aspirar al grado de general de brigada, y no al de
general de división que es imprescindible para ser titular de la Sedena

A diferencia de la Armada, en donde "las aguas se mantienen tranquilas", en el
Ejército la derrota del PRI generó incertidumbre, pero al mismo tiempo abrió el
camino para que militares que se consideraban relegados, o sin oportunidad,
planteen de una u otra maneras sus opiniones sobre el futuro de más de 230 mil
hombres que forman parte de las fuerzas armadas.

Melel-s digest, Vol 1 #128 - 1 msg


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Today's Topics:

1. Melel Xojobal. Viernes 18 de agosto de 2000 (Melel Xojobal)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 14:22:23 -0500
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Melel Xojobal melel@laneta.apc.org Subject: [Melel-s] Melel Xojobal. Viernes 18 de agosto de 2000

Sintesis de prensa
Viernes 18 de Agosto de 2000
CONTRA. Observadores electorales, nacionales y extranjeros, que
participaran en la jornada del proximo domingo 20 de agosto denunciaron
grupos priistas realizan una campan~a de linchamiento en su contra.
Representantes de Alianza Civica y Ojos para la Democracia informaron
desde hace algunos dias se han difundido a traves de los medios de
comunicacion desplegados y entrevistas en donde lideres priistas acusan
los observadores de querer desestabilizar el estado. Agregaron que en
paginas principales de diarios y en noticieros radiofonicos el PRI ha
pedido a las autoridades estatales vigilar el proceso electoral, pues
que personas del CGH de la UNAM pretenden llevar a cabo acciones de
desestabilizacion. Segun el priismo chiapaneco, agitadores disfrazados
observadores se ubicaran en varias zonas conflictivas del estado, y
acusaron al candidato de la Alianza por Chiapas, Pablo Salazar, y a la
de gobierno del Distrito Federal, Rosario Robles, de organizar las
de los estudiantes de la UNAM.
organizaciones Mexicanos por la Democracia y Presencia Ciudadana
presentaron una lista de municipios y comunidades en donde podria haber
conflictos electorales por acciones de compra y coaccion del voto,
o denuncias de fraude. Entre dichas localidades destacan Ocosingo,
Palenque, Pichucalco, Motozintla, Chamula, Zinacantan, Chenalho y
Larrainzar. Por su parte, la dirigencia estatal del PAN denuncio que en
poblados Nueva Palestina y Santo Domingo, en Ocosingo, amenazaron a sus
simpatizantes, al igual que a los observadores electorales, con
si se presentan el dia de la eleccion. An~adieron que en diversas
comunidades se ha suspendido el servicio de telefonia rural, lo que se
considero parte de la estrategia para un fraude electoral.
visitador de la Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH), Leoncio
afirmo que ese organismo no ha detectado ningun foco rojo, pero no
que la situacion en Chiapas se agrave con motivo de las elecciones de
20 de agosto. Lara agrego que el dia de las elecciones, la CNDH
una guardia para prevenir o atender violaciones a los derechos
ante el Consejo Estatal Electoral, Mario Santos Solis, informo que
temor de enfrentamiento en el municipio de las Margaritas tras la
cancelacion de urnas ubicadas en el distrito 20. Solis dijo que las
presiones de la Alianza por Chiapas causaron la suspencion de algunas
casillas ubicadas en zonas donde el PRI obtuvo el triunfo en las pasadas
elecciones del 2 de julio. Confirmo que las comunidades en donde existen
problemas y no se instalaran casillas son San Lorenzo, Yasha, San Jose
Revancha, Lomantan, Nuevo Plan de Ayala, Carmen Villa Flores y
dentro de la zona de conflicto, todas del municipio de Las Margaritas.
El secretario general del PRD, Jesus Zambrano, informo que la Alianza
Chiapas cubrira con mas de 16 mil representantes la totalidad de las 4
casillas que seran instaladas para elegir gobernador el proximo domingo.
Ante informaciones de que los grupos paramilitares amenazaron con
contratar gente que este dispuesta a todo para el 20 de agosto, el
dirigente perredista hizo un llamado a los observadores nacionales e
internacionales para fortalecer la vigilancia del proceso electoral en
municipios de La Frailesca, San Juan Chamula, Comitan, Las Margaritas,
Pichucalco, Palenque y las comunidades ubicadas en la region norte de
Chiapas como Tila, Tumbala, Salto de Agua y Roberto Barrios, que son
sen~alados como conflictivos.
RESPONSABLEMENTE. El obispo de San Cristobal, Felipe Arizmendi, pidio a
chiapanecos participar libre y conscientemente en las elecciones del
proximo 20 de agosto. El obispo pidio tambien que nadie trate de
al candidato de su preferencia con votos falsos, que no haya quema ni
de urnas, que no se afirme que alguien gano mientras no se tengan
de ello, y que nadie se sienta obligado a votar por el partido que le
dado algun donativo o programa oficial. Hizo ademas un llamado para que
respeten los resultados electorales y se eviten amenazas o
que violenten la jornada, pues dijo que existen mecanismos legales para
denunciar las inconformidades o los delitos electorales. Por ultimo,
Arizmendi opino que el pronunciamiento que hizo el EZLN de no
en las elecciones del 2 de julio y de permitir a sus bases votar
podria ser valido tambien para las elecciones estatales, ya que no ha
habido otro comunicado que lo contradiga. Confio tambien en que las
del ejercito permanezcan acuarteladas para asi garantizar un clima de
Autoridades del penal 10 de Comitan informaron que los 4 reos que
continuaban en huelga de hambre para exigir la revision de sus
penales, desistieron de su ayuno ante la falta de respuesta a sus
Despues de un mes sin consumir alimentos, Margarito Velazquez Hernandez,
Angel Hernandez Santiz, Manuel Hernandez Santiz y Eugenio Vazquez
decidieron incorporarse a las actividades normales del penal sin recibir
ningun beneficio.
CAMBIOS FAVORABLES A LA ENTIDAD. El obispo de San Cristobal, Felipe
Arizmendi Esquivel, sen~alo que las propuestas del presidente electo
Vicente Fox Quesada para solucionar el conflicto de Chiapas suponen un
cambio en las estrategias usadas hasta ahora. Arizmendi confio en que el
futuro mandatario encontrara nuevos caminos para el dialogo y la
pacifica de los problema, pues dijo que ya nadie quiere guerra ni
enfrentamientos en la entidad, ni siquiera el EZLN.
La Jornada/ ONG'S SE REUNIERON CON VIECENTE FOX. Organismos de Derechos
Humanos y Ambientalistas se reunieron con el presidente electo Vicente
Quesada el pasado 17 de agosto. Despues de la reunion, la directora del
Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolome de las Casas, Marina Jimenez,
opino que en el equipo de Fox hay una estrategia que se ha reducido al
discurso y a dar continuidad a la actual politica del gobierno federal.
Jimenez dijo que el futuro mandatario no tiene clara la situacion que
Chiapas en este momento, y que tampoco ha explicado compromisos de su
parte en torno a acciones inmediatas. En cuanto a las elecciones del
proximo 20 de agosto, Jimenez opino que independientemente de los
resultados electorales es indispensable detener la creciente
y buscar la negociacion politica para evitar que la situacion en el
se siga agravando.
LA COMUNIDAD EL PAVO REAL. Representantes de las 27 familias que el
11 de agosto fueron presumiblemente expulsadas por simpatizantes
de la comunidad Pavo Real denunciaron que hasta el momento no han
el apoyo de ninguna autoridad. Los indigenas que simpatizan con el PRI
encuentran albergados en una bodega de la ARIC Union de Uniones,
que se den las condiciones para retornar a su lugar de origen. Por su
el dirigente de esta ARIC, Antonio Lorenzo Flores, sostuvo que el
del estado instalo una mesa de negociacion, pero los zapatistas se han
negado a acudir a dialogar.
GOBIERNO. El Ejercito Popular Revolucionario (ERPI) advirtio que no
abandonara las armas y que mantendra su lucha para conseguir una
transicion democratica en Mexico. Mediante su comunicado numero 21, el
grupo rebelde dijo que no observa importantes cambios en el nuevo
pues el presidente electo Vicente Fox Quesada solo representa la
alternancia en el poder. El ERPI puntualizo que el voto por el PAN
represento solo el castigo al PRI y el deseo de enterrar para siempre al
autoritario partido de Estado. Agrego que el gobierno de Fox solo
beneficiara a las grandes empresas y favorecera a los importantes

MELEL XOJOBAL. Servicio informativo al pueblo indigena.
María Adelina Flores 17-A, Centro
San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas
Tel/fax 01967-81958

Redaktionsschluß: Montag, 21. August 2000, 22.00