Mittwoch, 23.04.2003


Unabhängige Zeitung von und für MigrantInnen und Nicht-MigrantInnen
für Kommunikation und offene Diskussion
Postfach 28, 5033 Salzburg
Konto: PSK 71-959-874 (BLZ 60.000)
seit beginn des kriegs gegen den irak haben wir eine enorme menge von
beiträgen hierzu bekommen, darunter auch sehr viele weiterleitungen von
anderswo, im druck oder im netz, erschienenen analysen und meinungen. um mit
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- offensichtliche propaganda beider seiten
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oder eher rassistisch geprägt
- reines meinungsblabla ohne fakten oder neue gedanken-anstösse
- verschwörungstheorien, besonders die vorstellung, das sei ein krieg, den
israel über eine "jüdische lobby" via usa führt
postitiv, bitte mehr davon:
- äusserungen von menschen aus dem gebiet, auch wenn sie vielleicht dem
einen oder anderen negativen kriterium entsprechen
- meldungen, die der kriegslogik querlaufen
- alles, was flüchtlinge unterstützt
ausserdem möchten wir euch bitten, uns eher nicht dinge zu schicken, die im
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österreichischen online-zeitungsausgaben o.ä. der mund soll nachrichten
verbreiten, die sonst keine oder nur eine sehr eingeschränkte öffentlichkeit
wichtig fänden wir es dagegen, zu hören, was eure erwartungen an den MUND in
kriegszeiten sind; da keine diskussionsbeiträge kommen, tappen wir
diesbezüglich ein wenig im dunkeln.
die red

01 Hinweis auf Radiosendung
von "Gegenargumente" <>
02 Fw: Bildung als Ware
von Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Tirol <>
03 Antisemitisches Mobbing beim "Augustin"?-Presseerklärung der LICRA
Die Jüdische <>
04 gipfelsoli] Update on Genova.g8
05 Fw: [WW] Spoils of war
von "WW" <>
06 Fw: [WW] Mumia on the 'in bed' press
von "WW" <>


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01 Hinweis auf Radiosendung
von "Gegenargumente" <>
Di 29.April 2003, 19:30 bis 20:00
Radiosendung "Gegenargumente" auf Radio Orange 94.0 MHz (Telekabel
92.7MHz, live im Internet)
Beginn: 19:30
"Nachbetrachtungen zum Irak-Krieg"
Homepage: <>

02 Fw: Bildung als Ware
von Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Tirol <>
Wieso sollte eigentlich gerade Bildung nicht zur Ware werden
Vortrag und Diskussion am 30.04.2003 um 20 Uhr in der Universität Innsbruck,
Hörsaal 5, 6020 Innsbruck
Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung der GBW Tirol und dem
UniversitätslehrerInnenverband Tirol
Prof. Dr. Erich Ribolits
beschäftigt in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von LehrerInnen berufsbildender
Schulen an berufspädagogischen Schulen, Gastprofessor an mehreren österr.
Universitäten, zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen und Buchautor
und ein co/Referat von
NR. Prof. Kurt Grünewald
Prof., Facharzt für Onkologie an der Univ. Klinik Ibk., Abg. z.
Nationalrat, Wissenschafts- und Gesundheitssprecher der Grünen im Parlament
Erich Ribolits:
Der Widerspruch von Bildung und Ausbildung, den der Bildungsbegriff seit
seiner Entstehung in sich trug, begann sich durch diesen ökonomisch
bedingten Druck in einer einseitigen Form aufzulösen: Brauchbar machende und
verwertbare Qualifikation trat im allgemeinen Bewusstsein an die Stelle
umfassender Bildung. Dementsprechend gilt es heute als kaum bestreitbare
Binsenweisheit, dass es die primäre Aufgabe des Bildungswesens sei, ein auf
den Qualifikationsbedarf der Wirtschaft möglichst abgestimmtes
"Humankapital" in entsprechender Mengenverteilung zu liefern. Und auch von
den Betroffenen wird der Besuch von Bildungseinrichtungen heute nahezu
ausschließlich unter dem Aspekt gesehen, wieweit sich die damit verbundene
Investition an Zeit und Geld für sie später in quantifizierbarer Form lohnt.
Ein solches Denken offenbart sich nicht nur wenn der höchste Beamte des
sogenannten Bildungsministeriums bei einer Veranstaltung erklärt, dass
"Bildung nichts anderes als ein Handelsgut" wäre. Es spiegelt sich auch im
systemlogischen Wunsch jedes Studierenden wider, in seinem Studium jenes
Wissen und jene Fähigkeiten vermittelt zu bekommen, mit denen er später am
Arbeitsmarkt optimal reüssieren kann. Die Vermarktwirtschaftlichung der
Bildung beginnt mit der Vorstellung von der gerechtfertigten Besserstellung
der sogenannten Tüchtigen und endet dort, wo Bildungseinrichtungen wie
Kaufhäuser organisiert sind, in denen Lehrende ihre Waren anbieten. Und wenn
seit einigen Jahren alle ganz versessen auf Evaluationen von
Lehrveranstaltungen und Rankings von Schulen und Universitäten sind, ist das
ebenfalls nur Beleg dafür, dass die Vorstellung, Bildung ließe sich wie jede
andere Ware nach Kriterien des Marktes messen, schon tief in den Köpfen des
Homo ökonomicus verankert ist.
Was das Neue an der Situation ist, die durch die Ablösung staatlich
überformter, durch unmittelbarere marktwirtschaftliche Steuerungsmechanismen
entsteht, ist die Tatsache, dass sich der über Bildung legitimierte
Konkurrenzkampf um attraktive gesellschaftliche Positionen neuerdings nicht
mehr so einfach als "gerecht" schönreden lässt. Der bisherige, vordergründig
kostenfreie Zugang zu Bildungseinrichtungen hatte suggeriert, dass die
Legitimierung gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit mittels Bildungstiteln
tatsächlich gerecht sei; es also billig sei, wenn jene, die sich den
Verwertungsbedingungen der Profitökonomie optimal anzupassen gelernt haben,
später auch die Belohnung in Form von hohen Einkünften lukrieren können.
Sobald aber von einem "Aufstieg durch Bildung" gesprochen und nicht
gleichzeitig thematisiert wird, dass ein "Gewinnen" im Konkurrenzsystem
immer nur um den Preis möglich ist, dass es Verlierer und
An-den-Rand-Gedrängte gibt, gerät Bildung in den Sog ökonomischer
Rationalität und mutiert zur systemstabilisierenden Größe. Wenn Bildung mehr
bedeuten soll als Zurichtung und Anpassung an die durch das
politisch-ökonomische System vorgegebenen Bedingungen, muss sie auch als
mehr gedacht werden als ein Vehikel des Aufstiegs. Steht die ökonomische
Rationalität Pate für Bildungsargumentationen, mündet das unweigerlich in
der "Qualifikationsfalle". Der Mensch wird funktionalisiert und zum
Produktionsfaktor eines wirtschaftlichen Geschehens reduziert, dessen
Prämissen seiner Einflussnahme genau dadurch entzogen sind. In Form ihres
Zerrbildes Qualifikation, wird Bildung selbst zentrale Legitimationsgröße
gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit und Basis individueller Aufstiegshoffnungen
im Rahmen von Konkurrenzsystem und bürgerlicher Leistungsideologie.
Prof. Dr. Erich RibolitsKurt Grünewald:
Der gesellschaftliche und sozial-demographische Hintergrund, vor dem Bildung
heute steht, ist geprägt durch die beschleunigten Veränderungen der
Lebensbedingungen, der Arbeitsmarktsituation und den
technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen in der Wissensgesellschaft.
In einer globalisierten Gesellschaft entstehen völlig neue Formen von
Arbeit, Kommunikation, Lebensweisen und Biographien. (Aus-) Bildung und
Wissen werden zu den zentralen Produktionsfaktoren und gesellschaftlichen
Differenzierungsinstrumenten der Wissensgesellschaft gezählt.
Diese Sichtweise ist nicht unproblematisch und stellt die Politik vor die
Herausforderung, einen Bildungsbegriff jenseits ökonomischer Verwertbarkeit
am Arbeitsmarkt zu definieren. Wie sieht ein Bildungsbegriff aus, der einer
fortgeschrittenen Industrie- und Wissensgesellschaft in Hinblick auf
Globalisierung, neue Beschäftigungsformen und Stellung der Arbeitszeit im
Lebenslauf angemessen, aber nicht notwendigerweise auf die ökonomische
Perspektive reduziert ist?
Bildung, Aus- und Weiterbildung gewinnen in der Wissensgesellschaft auch
deshalb an Bedeutung, weil sie über die soziale Stellung, die
Erwerbsmöglichkeiten, Integrationschancen und aktive demokratische Teilhabe
eines Menschen in der Gesellschaft entscheiden. Das wirft die zentrale Frage
auf, wie eine soziale Bildungs- bzw. Hochschulbildungspolitik in Opposition
zur Hegemonie einer neoliberalen Bildungspolitik - den gesellschaftlichen
Entwicklungen einerseits Rechnung tragen, andererseits aber steuernd und
verändernd in diese eingreifen kann.
NR Prof. Dr. Kurt Grünewald


03 Antisemitisches Mobbing beim "Augustin"? - Presseerklärung der LICRA
von Die Jüdische <>
Presseerklärung der Liga gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus LICRA
Der Fall des Augustin ruft eine Reaktion einer Initiative der
Zivilgesellschaft hervor
Mobbing beim "Augustin"?
Es begann mit einer Theaterkritik an der Inszenierung
des Tabori-Stückes "Mein Kampf" von Tina Leisch und
Hubsi Kramar im Männerwohnheim Meldemannstraße.
Eine Mitarbeiterin des Augustin, Hannah Fröhlich,
empfahl zwar das Stück als sehenswert, wies aber auf
Defizite in der Auseinandersetzung mit Antisemitismus
und Judentum hin. Dies stellte den Ausgangspunkt eines
Mobbing-Falles in der Redaktion des Augustin gegen
Hannah Fröhlich dar.
Nicht nur, dass Tina Leisch und
Hubsi Kramar in ihren im Augustin veröffentlichten
Antworten mit klassischen Abwehrreaktionen und
Vorwürfen (z.B. schwinge die jüdische Kritikerin eine
"verhetzende Antisemitismuskeule" (Augustin Nr.
106/2002)) reagierten; auch die Redaktion stellte sich,
obwohl die Kritik wie jeder im Augustin erscheinende
Beitrag mit dem Einverständnis des Chefredakteurs
Robert Sommer publiziert wurde, hinter Tina Leisch und
Hubsi Kramar.
Mehr als das: Die Parteinahme gegen Hannah Fröhlich war begleitet von
strukturell antisemitischen Angriffen und Mobbingverhalten.
Insbesondere das skandalöse Verhalten des
Chefredakteurs führte schließlich dazu, dass Hannah
Fröhlich nach mehr als viereinhalbjähriger Mitgliedschaft
aus der Redaktion des Augustin ausschied und das
Forum gegen Antisemitismus, das antisemitische Vorfälle
in Österreich sammelt, benachrichtigte.
Auf einen Brief des Forums gegen Antisemitismus an die Augustin-
Redaktion hat diese bisher (22. April 03) nicht
geantwortet. Der sinnvolle Einsatz für eine an den Rand dieser
Gesellschaft gedrängte Gruppierung wie den Wiener
Obdachlosen führt im Falle des Augustin offensichtlich zu
keiner größeren Sensibilität für andere von Diskriminierung bedrohten
LICRA ist eine in den 20-er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts
gegründete Organisation die sich der Bekämpfung von Rassismus und
Antisemitismus in all seinen Formen verschrieben hat.
Rückfrage-Alexander Schürman-Emanuely
E-mail: <>
oder Samuel Laster, DIE JÜDISCHE
Weitere Infos: <>
"die jüdische" 22.04.2003 11:09


04 gipfelsoli] Update on Genova.g8
Gipfelinfo - Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung
Update on Genova.g8 written by Laura Tartarini, lawyer of Genova Legal Forum
Almost two years after the events in Genoa and every day is still
important to add new evidence to the massive frame work made up by
material gathered and collected during investigations carried out by
the prosecution and amongst the other figures. That is evident to
those us who are sneaking and walking into the halls of this city's
Court, this is extremely important. The amount of data gathered,
once seeming endless, has nowadays started to give a clearer picture
and ,above all, it will allow us to be able to ask Formal Prosecution
requests of which each one will have to have an answer in Court .
This is an update to summarise investigations opened
There are many reports discussing the events in the streets of Genoa
During the G8 meeting. The lawyers (as "we" is referred to) of Genoa
Legal Forum have presented many collective prosecution requests
referring to the events of CS Gas usage (events of in Piazza Manin
and Corso Italia) justified by some as the last way re-establish
"public order" in a very difficult situation. For this reason we
have asked the Court to prosecute all figures who had key and
Decision Making roles as associates of the single Police Officers
already prosecuted. WE included the Ministry of Interiors, The
Police Area Manager Police officers, the Chief in Command of
Operation and the Officers responsible for security in each of the
above mentioned sights including all the officers under their
command. This prosecution request, as well as others and yet to be
viewed by the Court, will also be presented for the events happened
in Via Tolemaide. Prosecution requests will reach Officers who
participated to the Police raids on ordinary marchers which caused
extreme violence ending with the death of Carlo Giuliani. The work
to end this reports is massive not only because of the different
interpretations given on each video or photograph viewed, but also
because of the complexity of particular investigations that should
will be with no doubt carried out.
Progress has been made on the investigation regarding illegitimate
usage of CS gas about which prosecution requests handed in by
marchers and protesters who have suffered injuries (some of which
serious) are of enormous number. These requests have helped us to
gather data which led us to discover how during the Genoa events
Security used Chemical compounds prohibited by International Laws.
However with reference to what we refer to the gas events along with
support of different Associations, there is an emerging issue risen
by the Police Force Union which argues the usage of gas in particular
events as a self-defence "item". Rather than seeing massive
improvements within the investigation, WE acknowledged the fact that
for the events of the European Social Forum (11-09-02) in Florence
The Ministry of Interiors has declared that the Police Force would
not be in possession of such gas even though the toxic degree is far
from being discovered. About aggression and police raids on single
individuals: there has been little improvement on this subject even
for the clearest cases. Here is an example to give you a better
understanding. Some video images recorded in Corso Torino which show
a marcher brutally attacked and repetitively beaten by a group of
CARABINIERI (Military Police Force) with no face protection. This
has allowed us to identify the Police Officers involved, and led us
to hand in a request of prosecution, however the protester has yet to
come forward and the case will be closed as there is no will for the
victim to prosecute. The case will be closed in April 2003.
The images, recorded by a dozen of cameras, turned into the symbol of
what really happened in Genoa during those days and left few doubts
about the REAL EVENT and guilt of the Officers now under charge.
Videos show a DIGOS ( Special Police Force ) Officer in civil clothes
kicking a teenager marcher in the face while being held back by some
of his colleagues. This led to trigger two different kinds of
procedure. The first one, seeing the police officer under a request
of prosecution, is still in embryonic phase. It is important to
underline that this Officer has NOT been suspended from service, and
received a promotion to Director of logistics in Genoa Police
Headquarters too. The second one has seen the minor aged person
prosecuted and plied not guilty for not having committed the
following :abusive resistance to Public Officer. The result has been
positive considering that most of the DIGOS Officers went to testify
that the events where not the ones recorded by dozens of video
cameras but, according to the Officers, that the marcher would have
assaulted and insulted Police Force.
Investigation on the grotesque and astonishing events which took
place in Bolzaneto's Carabinieri's Headquarters, are at a final stage
and led Us to identify thirty (among Special Agents an Officers)
people of which We will request prosecution. The above persons will
be held responsible for physical and psychological assault exercised
upon marchers while being held. The charges will also reach at least
one of the doctors practising at the Headquarters during the events.
Procedures for starting Formal Identification of the above prosecuted
(and nowadays investigated) have been held in March 03. Other
characters such as the Ministry of Justice, the DAP (Department of
Penitentiary Administration) Director, Chief Magistrate of Genoa's
Court (nowadays interrogated by The Italian Supreme Council of
Magistrates) who are less "reachable" and of which it is more
difficult to understand what kind of and which degree of
responsibility their positions involved, could and will be called up
to prosecution. They will be held responsible for studying, designing
and making this events factual; who not only allowed the above
described events to degenerate but also ignored or allowed to ignore
some of the fundamental principals of the Prisoners Rights. First of
all the right of the clients to inform families and lawyers about the
events and the arrests. According to our opinion, these requests
will be vital to prosecute today so that it will not happen again in
the future.
There are two investigation reports on the events happened the night
between the 21st and the 22nd of July in Via Cesare Battisti and they
are strictly related with each others. The first one relates to the
investigation on the events happened inside the IT Lab in Giovanni
Pascoli College . The investigations regarding these events
highlight how the Police operation, to be perceived and acknowledged
as a side-operation of the main one, was carried out inside Pertini's
College. The irruption was carried out by some Officers also
employed by SCO ( a Software development Agency) who reported to have
"accidentally" entered the wrong side of the school and by later
realising the mistake, exit the primacies immediately. About the
Officers who signed the report that proved the entrance of the
officers, others have been identified by persons who were there at
the time of the facts. About the offences against the people in the
School the Police Officers are being investigated and will be
prosecuted for other offences such as theft and Public Property
damaging as, during the events, the removed and took away hard disks
and other material from the Lawyers Office. This investigation should
also close in a few months (therefore the sake of gathering even more
evidence that has not reach Prosecution desks nor Genoa Legal
Forum)The second report which hasn't been completed yet, of course,
the one related to the massacre inside Pertini's School. Prosecution
investigation was carried out with the help of Lawyers form the
various offended party and led to fundamental facts reconstruction.
Evidence previously attached to the report with the objective to
justify Police irruption and arrest of 93 protesters have been proved
to be false and irrelevant by patient work of the Prosecution. The
stone launch against the Police Officers which was said to have
trigger the decision to irrupt in the School, the resistance of the
protesters inside the School (with the story of the stubbing of
Police Officer Nucera) the weapons found and automatically stated as
weapons belonging to the protesters ( amongst which to petrol bombs)
all this have been proved not consistent proves. In these days
further investigation about the event of Officer Nucera who declared
to have been stubbed during Police irruption and of which the RIS
(Scientific Investigation Forces) placed in Parma have already
declared that the events told by Officer Nucera and the result of the
research carried out on the officer jacket is inconsistent.
Consequently we felt to request prosecution towards 20 officers who
were in some way related to the bild up of falsity as well as being
related to 93 arrests carried out in the school although knowing this
people were totally innocent. To the above charges We also requested
to prosecute the Officers who signed authorisations for the arrests,
all those Officers belonging to the Settimo Nucleo Antisommossa
(Seventh Anti-riot Squad) -as causing serious injuries to protesters-
and Doctor Canterini.
Regarding the above events two kinds of investigation are being
carried out and, paradoxically, files and information are not being
shared. On one side prosecution was requested towards three
protesters who charged a military van. They are prosecuted for
attentive murder. The three protesters have voluntarily turned
themselves in in order to tell how the events truly evolved. The
charges press towards them (attentive murder) have not withdrawn nor
changed even though there is no evidence what so ever of the three
people carrying anything but their bare cloths, stones ad a wooden
stick!! (keep in mind they were charging a bullet proof military
van)On the other side the files regarding the murder of Carlo
Giuliani. (Most of the information has been previously released).
The 17th of april the carabiniere's Placanica Legal Party will ask
the Court to drop the charges against their client, which will
automatically lead to a Formal Opposition Request to Procede
presented by the Giuliani's Party. The Court has already shown a kind
of hurry to close this trial which is unacceptable on our eyes. The
Court has appeared impatient to solve, not only because this case
would become another from the many "known and buried unsolved" events
in Italian History branding, once again negatively, the Italian
Justice and the Politics; but also because counter investigation
carried out within the movement have highlighted a lot of
inconsistencies within the defence evidence. Furthermore if on one
side we have the "clever stone theory" on the other there are
frightening facts they haven't been cleared by the investigation. In
the reports held by the Court, one can find hundreds of pages related
to the presence and Formal Police hearings of the protesters as well
as local people living in the area. However one can only find a few
lines about the presence of the Officers, about their precise tasks
to be carried out during the events, about their passive behaviour
when facing the assault of the military van (in Italian paradoxically
called "defender") and so on. It is therefore clear that a lot red
tape has been used on this matter in order to leave many of the true
events obscure. One frightening example would be the presence of
some Officers in Piazza Alimonda who were already involved somehow in
the events happened during the Military Somali Campaign in the early
ninety's (and some related to the rape and the murder of Ilaria Alpi)
which is far from being denied yet. However more disgusting are
suggestions of Genoa being a test for new "Peace keeping Squads" as
they call them which appeal to Us as a great willingness to revive a
dark way (which can be found in any Italian History book) of
restoring "order" and Urban war strategies amongst the Officers. All
the elements observed may have explained insufficiently the last
seconds of the tragic event in Piazza Alimonda, however it has neatly
clarified the event, the real overall scene and the reasons of the
outcome we all know. We are therefore awaiting the Court to
formulate a sentenc
During the month of July following the events more than 300 people
were arrested (including 93 protesters in Diaz School). Almost all
of them are still nowadays investigated. Only five have been heard
in Court one of which has been sentenced to 8 months in prison being
charge of "Aggravated Resistance to Police Officer". For some of the
above mentioned protesters We are already capable to provide evidence
(videotapes, eyewitnesses etc. ) which demonstrate the falsity of
such accusations. Again the work seemed to be endless and extremely
articulated as there is a need to match declarations and videotapes
to each single event. We would like to underline once again that ANY
video, ANY deposition Anything that could provide Us with an evidence
would be very much appreciated. More specifically, the first 120
arrests which have taken place in the 20th and the 21st of July were
carried out for aggravated resistance to Police Officers and
aggravated damaging, however the charges radically change for the
arrests carried out in Via Redipuglia Camping resort were 23 COBAS
(Basic comity syndicate) Trade Union members were arrested,
transferred to Bolzaneto Prison and jailed. Accusations pending on
the above mentioned are utterly heavy. The searching carried out by
the Police at the camping resort, the procedures adopted the execute
arrests, was the prelude of the events taken place at the Diaz School
afterwards. Again evidence was gathered in an informal, imprecise
way, the attitude taken by the Police was very much abusive and
threatening even when Legal Party of the above mentioned were on
sight. Despite this, it is only the Public Magistrate that authorised
release of all 23 of the above mentioned as there was no evidence
what so ever to link them to the evidence gathered. It is only from
this event onwards that Prosecution decided to change the charges
towards the protesters from aggravated damage and aggravated burglary
to "criminal organised association aiming to devastation and
criminality as being associated to the Black Block" Clause 416 and
419 of the Italian Penal Code group such charges to be punished with
8 to 15 years of detention . Legal Procedures on the matter are still
at a beginning stage, however not even the 93 protesters arrested at
the Diaz School have been seeing this charges dropped against them of
such an absurd accusation.
To the arrests executed during the events in Genoa others are to be
added. During a press conference following the arrests of the 4th of
December Genoa Chief Commander of DIGOS (Division of General
Investigations and Special Operations) spoke about 374 people
identified and investigated. We are confident this is not
consistence and evidence on the above declaration is never been
released. Different is though for those arrested the 4th of December.
During that night 9 people were taken to prison, one confined to
his/her domicile and for another 13 different measures are
adopted:From obligation to remain in their domicile overnight to
imposed daily signature check point at the Police Headquarters.
Several of them have seen a drastic drop of punishment measures
during the rebate Tribunal. Nowadays 1 people is still detained, one
has been released in the beginning of april 03, the others are all
undertaking several different obligations like confine to his/her
domicile or similars. For all the charges pressed are devastation and
burglary. Off course heavier charges have been dropped not only for
being inconsistent but also because the prosecutors do not like to
see the events in Genoa (specially after the events in Cosenza) in a
real way which we all know, but they prefer to assume that it as a
"big event in a square which went out of hands and because of some
"punks" every one was to participate at least spiritually to
devastation and all the protesters where legitimately charged by the
Force". To make it clear certainly not a terrorist association (so
difficult to prove) but surely everybody somehow and some way (even
with not prove what so ever) was pledge and involved. justifying
legitimate intervention of the Police Forces. It is exactly from this
interpretation that the hidden plot is now clear and even commented
by the Prime Minister. The Police Forces employed to maintain order
during the Genoa Social Forum in July 2001 have proved (ingenuity or
WILLINGNESS) unable to isolate some concerning figures within the
protesters (black Blok). The Genoa Rebate Tribunal sustains that the
head of the rally was organised to confront Police Force and joined
other groups to confront the Police in a violent way. The charges of
the Carabinieri in Via Tolemaide are perfectly justified if anything
they charged too softly and certainly too late. Who reacted to the
Police charges reacted with willingness to go against the law and not
led by fear, desperation nor panic. Therefore no softening of charges
are to be expected, in fact who threw a stone-this is the case of
some of the Trade Unionists mentioned earlier- is just as guilty as
everybody else of devastation and burglary of course . In other words
nobody had to be in Genoas Social Forum to protest during the G8
It is still impossible for Us to try and get a definite conclusion on
the events of the Social Forum in Genoa in July 2001. However lots
of blurred pictured are starting to become very clear and very neat
indeed is the effort We have to sustain. From one part we need to ask
formally complete clarity of Police Force Management in Genoa, We
need to ask the reasons, the objectives of such a striking charge of
the security and Foreign Intelligence (for the growing evidence of
military operations disguides as international police intervention
and of security related issues managed with military action)We will
persevere with asking any single role of any agent, even more we will
ask who was responsible for giving orders and direct each movement of
Police Force from the High ranks of The Arms of The Carabinieri to
the Chief in Command of the Police. On the other side lays the
concerning reconstructions of those who allow the provokers to become
victims (as any of us remember this practice used for rapist). The
most frightening thought We came across during all investigation is
that whoever protesters are automatically wrong, their witness
deposition isn't credible when declaring seeing with their eyes the
Police charging for no reason. Their words are worthless when they
talk about panicking not knowing what to do (that are the same
justifications the Carabiniere Placanica uses on his defence) are,
instead an evidence for Prosecution to highlight guilt. Furthermore
the fact that some protesters have not tried to stop violence within
the protest involve their guilt. This is happening while the High
Court in Cosenza sustain that any Protest held on International
events is automatically plotted to be against the government because
violent. It would be easy to say that all this depended on the
present governmental situation in Italy. Unfortunately it is not so.
Not only because embryonic signs of such events emerged before the
Right wing went to govern (see references of Protests in Naples and
Brescia) but also because of the International scene, but also
because of the increase of the use of articulated and misused forms
of repression on the Movement. By exploiting easy target such as the
necessity for security, the increase fear of internal terrorism these
figures are slowly amputating a series of guaranties of rights
globally recognised. Genoa Guantanamo, the new European
anti-terrorist Law (which as an effect see now the Italian law also
modified in a even tougher way the policies adopted about Minor Age
criminality most of all in France the introduction of Bossi-Fini
Bill,are the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that shows itself clearer and
clearer casting a dark image. The investigations on the events in
Genoa could be the chance to discover such a plot and defeat
systematic cancellation of individual rights. The is a great chance
to re-establish clarity on our history wherever some would want to be
sinister and obscure. Inside and outside the Courts.
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05 Fw: [WW] Spoils of war
von "WW" <>
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 24, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper
By Greg Butterfield
Beneath Iraq's surface lie the world's second-largest oil reserves. For
most of the 20th century these oil fields were dominated by companies
from the U.S., Britain and other Western capitalist powers.
But in 1972--as demoralized U.S. forces were on the verge of being
driven out of Indochina--Iraq's government nationalized the oil fields.
Big Oil was kicked out.
It was not socialism. There was still a significant Iraqi bourgeoisie in
control of the economy and the state. But instead of going mostly to
imperialist oil companies, a large part of the petroleum revenues was
used to build up Iraqi industry, agriculture, education, health care and
military power.
Today, with tens of thousands of U.S. troops occupying Iraq, the oil
companies and other corporations are salivating at the prospects of
again profiting mightily at the Iraqi people's expense.
The U.S. plans to run Iraq's oil industry for an indefinite period,
Reuters news agency reported April 11, until an "Iraqi interim authority
can formally take it over."
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other White House spokespeople
have said it will be between six months and two years before that
happens--assuming that Iraqi opposition to the occupation can be crushed
in short order.
Until Washington feels it can establish a stable, compliant government
in Baghdad, the country is to be ruled by Gen. Tommy Franks and retired
Gen. Jay Garner, the latter acting as a 19th-century-style colonial
Reuters reported, "The Defense Department is considering putting in
place an advisory board of former U.S. oil industry executives to help
run Iraq's oil industry, the head of which is likely to be Philip
Carroll, a former chief executive of Shell Oil Co., sources said."
As far back as Sept. 15, 2002, the Washington Post had reported that, "A
U.S.-led ouster of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could open a bonanza
for American oil companies long banished from Iraq, scuttling deals
between Baghdad and Russia, France and other countries, and reshuffling
world petroleum markets, according to industry officials and leaders of
the Iraqi opposition." This prospect "fanned concerns by non-American
oil companies that they will be excluded by the United States."
Former CIA head R. James Woolsey, the Post noted, had warned Russia,
France, Germany and other countries that they would be shut out of the
spoils of war unless they backed a U.S./British attack.
The U.S. House of Representatives formalized this imperial arrogance
early this month with a resolution demanding that companies from France,
Germany, Russia and Syria be excluded from bidding on lucrative U.S.-
controlled contracts for rebuilding Iraq.
And on April 14, U.S. and British forces announced that they controlled
all of Iraq's oil fields.
U.S. domination over Iraqi oil has global implications. It gives
Washington power to drive down world oil prices at the expense of other
petroleum-producing countries, especially rebellious ones like
Vice President Dick Cheney declared that Iraqi oil would pay for the
reconstruction of the country's infrastructure by U.S. firms, leading
OPEC countries to fear a flood of oil from Iraq that would undercut
their industries. (Arab News, April 11)
Cheney, President George W. Bush, and many of the administration's top
advisors are former oil company executives.
Millions around the globe have pro tested the U.S./UK slaughter in Iraq,
and powerful anti-war movements have grown up in countries like Germany
and France.
But these movements should not be confused with the opposition to the
war shown by the German and French imperialist governments and the
counter-revolutionary regime in Russia.
The German, French and Russian governments opposed the war not because
they stand for Iraqi self-determination, but because they had much to
lose from U.S. occupation and domination of Iraq.
In the late 1990s, when it seemed that global opposition would finally
wear down the U.S./UN sanctions on Iraq, these governments made
contracts with Baghdad for oil exploration, drilling and rebuilding of
infrastructure damaged by the 1991 Gulf War and further degraded by the
sanctions' prohibition on materials for upkeep and repair.
Iraq also has between $60 billion and $200 billion in foreign debt, by
the imperialists' reckoning.
Under other circumstances, a poor country in this position would be
ordered by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to use its oil
sales to pay off these debts at the expense of jobs and social programs
to benefit the people.
But Iraq is different. Washington is flexing its muscles and overruling
the standard procedure-but not to benefit Iraq's people.
No, the Bush administration wants its rivals to forgive Iraq's debts-so
the oil money can go straight into contracts for U.S. companies and
finance the occupation.
At a mid-April summit, the Group of 7 imperialist powers-including
France and Germany-gave their approval to the U.S. plan, CBS News
reported, in exchange for Washington's backing of a face-saving UN
Security Council resolution calling for a "global effort" to rebuild
The winners in this plan are U.S. companies like Halliburton, formerly
headed by Vice President Cheney. Its Kellogg, Brown and Root subsidiary
received a military contract worth up to $7 billion to fight oil-well
fires in Iraq.
Esso, an ExxonMobil subsidiary, secured a $48-million contract to
supply U.S. military vehicles during the occupation.
Don't forget the military industry, which views the battlefield "as a
showcase." (Washington Post, April 1) Wall Street analysts fingered
several big winners among weapons makers-notably Raytheon, manufacturer
of "Tomahawk" cruise missiles; Lockheed Martin, maker of the Patriot PAC-
3 missile; and M1 tank contractor General Dynamics. (Reuters, April 13)
Already on April 2, Raytheon and the U.S. Navy were planning to speed up
production of a new generation of cruise missiles "after two weeks of
war in Iraq depleted stocks of the existing model." This will cost up to
$2 billion. Raytheon said it would now lay off "only" 200 workers
instead of the planned 300. (Associated Press)
The losers are the people of Iraq--already victimized by 12 years of
sanctions, two horrible wars targeting civilians, and an indefinite
colonial occupation--as well as poor and working people here.
On April 12, Congress passed an $80-billion emergency war spending bill,
which Bush was eager to sign.
Some 108,000 U.S. workers lost their jobs in March as the war began.
Since the war buildup began in earnest last fall, Corporate America has
been shedding jobs at an ever-increasing rate.
The lack of jobs, social services and even food for millions is a real
national emergency. But instead of passing a real "homeland security"
bill to create jobs and ease the suffering, Congress and the White House
teamed up to give an extra $80 billion to the Pentagon and police
agencies, above and beyond the record-setting budgets passed earlier
this year.
Tacked onto the war bill is yet another $2.9-billion bailout for the
airline industry. Since October 2002 the airlines have also gotten $1
billion in corporate welfare to move troops and supplies for the U.S.
At the same time airlines like American and United are crying bankruptcy
and demanding wage and benefit concessions from their workers.
What's clear is that the attempted U.S. takeover of Iraq is not
benefiting poor and working people in either country. It's a war for
super-profits for the wealthy elite who are Bush's true constituency.
- END -
(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY,
NY 10011; via e-mail: Subscribe wwnews- Unsubscribe Support the
voice of resistance

06 Fw: [WW] Mumia on the 'in bed' press
von "WW" <>
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 24, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper
In times of war, or other great, emotional issues, the nature of the
press is always evident. One need only read, watch or listen to the
cadences and rhythms of speech, to learn what slant the media is placing
on a story (and there is always a slant!).
In this war, the slant is as obvious as old Jimmy Durante's nose. Every
reporter who wants to keep his job must bury all of her serious
misgivings or questions about the war, or risk what happened to Peter
Arnett, an award-winning veteran reporter of the first Gulf War.
Arnett, on assignment for the latest Gulf folly--er, I mean "War"--for
NBC, MSNBC and the Nat ional Geographic magazine, got fired for daring
to go on Iraqi TV and to speak his honest mind about what he saw, and
heard, and thought about the war he was covering.
Arnett, aired by fuzzy Iraq TV, offered the opinion that Americans
misjudged the stiff resistance they would receive in Iraq, and offered
the view that the bigwigs had to rethink how to wage the war.
His bosses promptly pulled the plug on his performance, and for a
moment, Arnett seemed contrite, telling one broad cast audience that he
"clearly [made] a misjudgment."
Before nightfall, however, the New Zealand-born naturalized U.S. citizen
had signed onboard London's Daily Mirror, a paper not known for
softening its positions to praise the Bush-Blair war aims. Credentialed
by the Mirror to work as Baghdad correspondent, Arnett's tone hardened:
"I report the truth of what is happening in Baghdad and will not
apologize for it." (USA Today, April 1)
While the Mirror is certainly to be commended for a great catch, the
real story is the ease and speed with which the Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist was dispatched from his former posts.
Clearly, Arnett had violated the "rules." What rules? Don't suppose for
a second that it is somehow anathema for a reporter to have, and
occasionally to express, one's opinions. Journalists do such things
every day. Does anyone seriously think that Arnett would've been canned
had he opined that the war was a glorious attempt to "liberate" the
oppressed Iraqis from the dastardly clutches of the evil tyrant Saddam?
Arnett wasn't fired for expressing an opinion; he was fired for
expressing an opinion that was critical of the U.S. Imperial Army; one
that did not accord with the wishes of the White House.
He broke an unwritten, yet still potent rule; and you'd better believe
that every journalist under 40 years old understood it with fear and
The rule? Know which way your bosses feel--and don't piss them off.
The sub-rule? Don't dare go against those in power, for your career may
be crippled. Luckily for Arnett, he is a rare commodity. He is a
Pulitzer Prize winner. Luckier still, the Mirror is editorially opposed
to the Iraqi adventure.
Even still, you can bet that Arnett had his moments of gripping fear,
and not from Iraqi Scuds or fedayeen suicide squads, but from the bosses
of the media outlets that he worked for.
Have you heard any protests from his "fellow journalists," who feel that
their colleague should be entitled to speak his mind, on occasion? Don't
hold your breath.
Witness the "embedded media"--reporters who travel, eat, live with and
dress like the soldiers. Under such condi tions, while they may get
pictures and stories, their very proximity insures that they will not be
able to truly be objective, for they will over-identify with their daily
associates, and their stories will be tainted by their associations.
The "embedded media" is a prize for the government; but for viewers,
readers and listeners of the media, it is but the latest form of
Pentagon-approved propaganda. News in form, but not in content. For the
very essence of news has historically been the critical questioner of
those in power.
Ask yourself, how much critical questioning have you seen since the
bombs began to fall? How much cheerleading? And that's the point.
Peter Arnett questioned the status quo, and because he voiced a position
contrary to government dictates he was shown the door. A chill rolls
through the press corps. They get the message. The tragedy is that the
American people won't.
News about Mumia's case is severly censored. Street rallies have been an
important venue for airing the video of Arnold Beverly, who confessed to
the killing Mumia was convicted of.For updates on his case, visit, and
- END -
(Copyright Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not
allowed. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY,
NY 10011; via e-mail: Subscribe wwnews- Unsubscribe Support the
voice of resistance

Redaktionsschluss: 22. April 2003, 23.00 Uhr
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